The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!

Chapter 92: The Landlord's Foolish Son 29-30


With food and grass, the two cities of Shuofeng quickly stabilized. Xu Yanze quickly integrated the surrendered army, those that should be incorporated, and those that should be disarmed.

The emperor originally wanted to sit on the sidelines and receive the results in the name of aid when both sides were exhausted. But he didn't expect that Xu Yanze had just captured the two cities and stabilized the situation as soon as his army set out.

The other feudal towns were also a little dumbfounded, seeing that the city was about to collapse, they also wanted to fish in troubled waters. But when he was about to start, he learned that Shuofeng had re-fortified, and there were still sharp soldiers and sharp weapons, and there was no shortage of food and grass.

Some people couldn't help muttering in their hearts, this Jinwu is not a rich place in the south of the Yangtze River, where can there be so much food

Xiang Han was also worried about this. After the two battles, there was indeed not much food left. Buying grain from Jiangnan is just a drop in the bucket, and the movement is slightly louder, and it is easy to be noticed. So after delivering the food, he discussed with Xu Yanze: "Let's take a good rest next time. Don't pay any attention to what the emperor says. And your soldiers, if they have nothing to do, they will be taken to reclaim wasteland. Jinwu and Shuofeng are sparsely populated. , there is no reason not to be self-sufficient.”

Xu Yanze lay on the bed with him in his arms, playing with his hair absent-mindedly, and echoed the words: "I also have this plan, but it's not enough to just cultivate wasteland. After all, there are few people, and the number of farm tools and cattle is limited. The labor force is low, and the food production is also low. .”

Xiang Han pretended not to understand, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"This has to be done slowly, such as setting up a department dedicated to research and guidance... Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow." Xu Yanze couldn't help but hug him tighter, and closed his eyes contentedly.

Xiang Han struggled to breathe from being strangled, and after struggling to find a comfortable position, he also closed his eyes. It seems that Xu Yanze is going to activate the aura of the traverser, so he just watches.

Xu Yanze did what he said, and the next day he established the Ministry of Agriculture, changed the Weapons Research and Development Department into the Military Industry Department, transferred Jin Da and other key personnel to Shuofeng, and ordered them to research new agricultural tools.

In ancient times, limited by objective conditions, it was actually very difficult to increase grain production. After all, these farmers have been serving crops for generations, and they are more experienced than you, a time traveler. As long as it is not a disaster year, the grain output is the highest level of productivity at that time.

But Jinwu and Shuofeng are different. The land here is dry and lacks water, many fields are relatively barren, and the grain production is far inferior to that in the south.

After handing several green manure production and alternate planting directions to the Ministry of Agriculture for them to study carefully, Xu Yanze led the army to survey the terrain and planned to open mountains to divert water.

After Xiang Han waited for him to leave, he mixed with the people from the Ministry of Agriculture, and occasionally pretended to reveal some techniques casually. In fact, he didn't know much about it. After all, when he went to the countryside to learn technology, the system was collecting data. But even these rambling ideas occasionally helped a lot.

While the emperor was still thinking about letting Xu Yanze continue to help him crusade against other feudal towns, Jinwu and Shuofeng were busy building roads, digging ditches, and carrying out agricultural, industrial and water conservancy projects.

Therefore, when the emperor's people arrived at Jinwu, they couldn't find anyone to take the order. When they rushed to Shuofeng non-stop, they heard that Xu Yanze had taken people to dig a hole in the mountain, but they didn't know where.

The father-in-law who delivered the decree had no choice but to go back to Jinwu. After reading the imperial decree to the Jin family, he immediately went back to Beijing to file a complaint.

"Drilling a mountain? Is he a mouse?"

At this moment, the emperor finally understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot. When Xue Qinglin occupied the two towns before, even though he had 200,000 soldiers in his hands, it was not impenetrable. Now that it was Xu Yanze, after several battles, the strength of the two towns continued unabated, and they looked down on him even more.

For the first time in his life, he began to regret that it would be better to let Xue Qinglin occupy these two towns than to let Xu Yanze occupy them, at least that guy would be easier to deal with.

But it's useless to regret, Xu Yanze didn't accept the order, so he simply sent someone to continue passing the message until he received it.

After half a year of post-war restoration, Shuo Feng has finally come back to life, at least on the surface it is thriving.

The emperor's patience was about to run out. Xin had won several battles recently and had just conquered the south. Now he was full of ambition and set his sights on the feudal town in the north.

Seeing that Xu Yanze was still at home leisurely, Xiang Han couldn't help feeling anxious for him.

"You really don't intend to accept the order?"

The vassals and towns are independent, and if they are defeated one by one, the emperor obviously has a good chance of winning. But I'm afraid that they will become one, that's why I want to win over Xu Yanze.

Xu Yanze sighed, and said, "Help him pacify other feudal towns, and I will be the next one to be unlucky."

Xiang Han hurriedly encouraged: "So we can pretend to agree, but actually take the opportunity to strengthen ourselves. Maybe after a few more games, we can go directly to the capital."

Xu Yanze turned to look at him, surprised: "You want to be a queen?"

"Hey, it's just an analogy. What I mean is that we should support war with war. Otherwise, even if we can stay out of the matter, when the emperor finishes taking care of other feudal towns, it will definitely come to us."

"You're right." Xu Yanze sighed, and suddenly wrapped his arms around Xiang Han, resting his chin on his shoulder, and said melancholy: "It's just that I don't want to fight, if only I could live in peace like this all the time?"

Xiang Han pushed his head away and said, "You are so young, why do you look like an old man?"

Xu Yanze stuck back again, and continued: "This is all the experience I have gained in my previous life. In life, one must enjoy oneself in time. No matter the power and wealth, it will be gone in the blink of an eye. It's better to hug your wife and sleep well."

Xiang Han had some dark lines, pretending not to believe it: "Do you still remember your previous life?"

Xu Yanze was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "It's really far away."

"Then do you remember how you died? How does it feel after death? Like sleeping?" Xiang Han pretended to be curious and asked.

Xu Yanze shook his head and said, "Of course I remember, but you won't believe me if I tell you."

Xiang Han curled his lips and said, "I know you made it up."

Xu Yanze smiled lightly, and after a long time, he sighed in a low voice: "That world is so boring, I'm glad I came here and met you."

When Xiang Han wanted to turn around and ask another question, Xu Yanze closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Half a month later, when the emperor sent people here for the sixth time, Xu Yanze finally accepted the imperial decree and began to mobilize his troops and fight in all directions.

Three years later, the war was over, and everything was waiting to be done. Xu Yanze was granted the title of Marquis of the North and concurrently served as the Jiedu Envoy of several towns.

A few days after he became a marquis, the emperor declared Xu Yanze to enter the court, and set up an assassination plot at the celebration banquet.

Xiang Han walked with him, and before departure, Xu Yanze warned: "This time is probably a Hongmen banquet, you find an excuse to leave halfway, and go back to Jinwu with Second Brother Jin first."

"What about you?" Xiang Han hurriedly asked.

Xu Yanze touched his head and smiled softly: "Don't worry, I will catch up with you soon."

"Oh." Xiang Han agreed on the surface, but secretly thought in his heart, if the emperor really did something at the banquet, then it would be better for him to stay. Although he might not be able to help much, the system's...combat power is still good.

Thinking of this, he became confident again.

But Big A, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly appeared and suggested: "The target's mental body has been fluctuating weakly. When the banquet is over, you can wait for the opportunity to abuse it."

Xiang Han's footsteps were slightly stagnant, and Xu Yanze was leading him towards the carriage, when he realized that his hands were tightening a little, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" Xiang Han shook his head, seeing that Xu Yanze was preoccupied, he added a few words of comfort, and then hesitantly asked Big A: " did you abuse him?"

Big A answered very cautiously: "This... After we discussed it, we always felt that if you get even a little bit injured, the general will definitely tear your heart apart."

Xiang Han: "..." Who is this abuse

"That... if you can accept it, you can let 009 take over your body after being injured. We just implanted a new program in its data, which can isolate you from the body's sense organs, that is... you can't feel pain."

System: "... yes." TAT

Xiang Han: "..."

"Let's see the specific situation. What if the emperor doesn't have the guts?"

The emperor was indeed still hesitating. On the one hand, he wished he could kill Xu Yanze immediately, but on the other hand, Xu Yanze held 800,000 troops and dominated the north. It is easy to kill him, but it is not easy to kill the forces behind him.

Seeing that the emperor did not act for a long time, the third prince couldn't help becoming anxious. In his opinion, it was because of the emperor's hesitation again and again that the scourge of Xu Yanze grew to such an extent. If you let the tiger go back to the mountain at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly turned around and whispered to the people around him. Not long after, all the dancers in the palace retreated, and another group was replaced.

Xiang Han had been staring at his surroundings vigilantly, so he was the first to notice something strange. But just as the dancer stabbed Xu Yanze with a short dagger, and he leaned forward to stop him, Big A suddenly stopped him: "The knife is poisonous, stop it!"

Xiang Han moved a little slower, but saw that Xu Yanze had already pulled him back, and he stretched out his hand to stop him. Xiang Han's mind went blank, he completely forgot what Big A said, before his consciousness was clear, his body reacted first and blocked the dagger.

Xu Yanze's eyes suddenly tightened. After kicking the dancer away, his hands suddenly began to tremble, and he didn't even dare to touch Xiang Han with force. After a while, he managed to say, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Xiang Han grinned, but a moment later, the wound on his right shoulder suddenly felt severe pain, his face turned pale, and he fell limply on Xu Yanze's body, holding back a sentence: "It hurts!"

Xu Yanze's eyes were instantly stained with blood, and he stared at the emperor with killing intent.

Although the emperor did not make this arrangement, but the matter has come to this point, he can only bite the bullet and continue. He stood up abruptly, and was about to throw his cup as a signal, when a guard suddenly broke into the palace, panting and reported: "Your Majesty, General Jin led people to surround the palace, saying it is..."

The emperor's expression changed suddenly, he took a hard look at Xu Yanze, and asked, "What did you say?"

The guard also took a look at Xu Yanze, and said hesitantly, "It's getting late, so I'm here to pick up Dingbeihou and Mr. Ji."

The emperor looked at Xu Yanze, gritted his teeth and said, "Dingbeihou is planning to rebel?"

Xu Yanze didn't want to be long-winded, he just wanted to find someone to look after Xiang Han's injury, so he snorted and left with him in his arms.

The hall was silent for a while, and the emperor's face changed again and again. When he walked to the door of the hall, he sat down slumped and said powerlessly: "Whether you believe it or not, what happened just now was not arranged by me."

Seeing Xu Yanze come out, Jin Er hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, everything is ready, leave Beijing quickly."

After speaking, seeing Xiang Han being hugged, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with the third brother?"

Takes over the body's systems: "…"

Xu Yanze said hoarsely, "Call the military doctor over."

Jin Er was startled, and asked: "Are you injured?" Then he was angry: "The old emperor actually dared to do something. Fortunately, I came here as soon as I received your news. When I entered the city, I fought with the imperial army. After returning to Jinwu, we must declare war..."

"Military doctor!" Xu Yanze gritted his teeth.

"Oh." Jin Er hurriedly turned around, took two steps and then turned back: "Anxin, brother-in-law, I only hurt my shoulder, so it's probably nothing serious."

After leaving the palace, the two quickly left Beijing under the escort of Jin Er.

Inside the carriage, the military doctor was carefully helping Xiang Han to draw his knife. Xiang Han's face was pale, dripping with cold sweat, and shaking from time to time in pain.

Xu Yanze wiped off his cold sweat with distress, and asked in a low voice, "Is it very painful? If it hurts, just bite me."

As he spoke, he gently moved his finger to his mouth.

Xiang Han subconsciously shook his head and said, "No need." The system doesn't feel pain, and if you don't control the force well, it can bite your finger off.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly realized that his body was completely controlled by the system, and Xu Yanze couldn't hear what he said.

"Xiao Jiu, please say something, he is very worried." Xiang Han was worried.

So, the system mechanically replied: "I don't feel pain."

Xu Yanze was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at the military doctor with burning eyes: "Doctor, there is something wrong with him."

The military doctor happened to panic and said: "Master Hou, young master... I'm afraid he was poisoned."

The air pressure in the carriage dropped instantly, Xu Yanze's expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and asked, "The solution?"

"This... Lord Hou, forgive me, I have never seen such poison before."

Xu Yanze's face became more gloomy, and after a while, he suddenly shouted: "Stop."

"What's the matter?" Jin Er quickly drove over.

"Little fool has been poisoned, take care of him." Xu Yanze quickly got out of the car, intending to take the horse back to Beijing.

Jin Er hurriedly stopped him, and said anxiously: "Isn't it going to die when I go back at this time? When I get back to Jinwu..."

"Can't wait!" Xu Yanze's eyes were murderous, thinking that Xiang Han's life might be in danger, he couldn't care less.

Seeing this, Jin Er hurriedly dragged him and said, "Brother-in-law, are you stupid? If you go back alone, even if you get the antidote, can you come back alive? Let's hurry up and send an order to let Jinwu send troops to persecute him, and at the same time Send other people to negotiate, you have to stay with the third brother... right, third brother

As he spoke, he yelled again towards the carriage.

Xiang Han was a little anxious, and hurriedly urged the system: "Hurry up, let me control it for a while."

After taking over the control, Xiang Han grinned in pain, but before he had time to think about it, he leaned out of the carriage and shouted weakly: "Yan Xiaoze, if you, if you dare to go, I will, I will die..."

The military doctor also tremblingly said at this time: "Master Hou, although I can't detoxify, I can seal the key points to prevent the poison from entering the lungs."

Xu Yanze froze, staring at Xiang Han in a daze.

Xiang Han endured the pain, softened his voice, and said pitifully, "My lady, I'm in pain, can you hug me? It won't hurt so much..."

Xu Yanze was suffocated in his heart, and finally said: "Okay."

Jin Er breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates: "Send the order to Jin Wu quickly, and send another envoy back to Beijing."

Seeing Xu Yanze go back to the carriage again, Xiang Han also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly retracted, letting the system control his body, while he asked Big A: "I was in the palace before, why didn't you pull me back?"

"Well, the volatility value has been going up, we want to wait a little longer, just..."

Xiang Han was speechless for a while.

After they left, the emperor also reprimanded the third prince: "Who told you to make your own decisions?"

The third prince only had secret hatred in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "Why did the emperor hesitate just now? So what if the man surnamed Jin brought someone in? The palace guards are not just for display, besides, the Gyeonggi guards will come soon."

"I'm afraid that before that, you and I will die in Huangquan." The emperor said angrily, and then ordered: "Immediately pass on my order and call back the Dragon Scale Guard and the Tiger Ben Guard, and Marquis Ding Yuan will definitely not let it go this time. "

The third prince laughed after hearing this: "The third young master of the Jin family must die this time, it's best to make Yan Xiaoze depressed, so that I don't waste my trouble."

"You still have the face to say it?" The emperor kicked him angrily, and said angrily: "Dingbei Hou has always won the hearts of the people in the north. When he returns this time, he will definitely say that I forced the killing of meritorious ministers to raise troops. Master famous."

After the third prince was kicked, he was not resentful, but instead said meaningfully: "Father, don't worry, the dancer is a Turkic, and the poison used also came from Turkic. This matter has nothing to do with us from the beginning to the end." .”

The emperor's anger suddenly subsided, and after a while he said slowly: "You can do this well."

At this moment, he felt that there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so let's just hit, anyway, Xu Yanze won't be able to stay sooner or later.

Before the fight, the emperor felt that he and Xu Yanze should have a 50-50 victory or defeat, and he might even be more. After all, he is the emperor, he is orthodox, the people support him, and everyone expects him.

But no matter what, he never thought that Xu Yanze would be like crazy, he would never stop dying, wishing he could break into the capital one day. Under his command, the northern army was as ferocious as a pack of wolves, and it was as powerful as a bamboo wherever it went.

Later, the imperial court lost so much that the soldiers lost even their confidence. Many people fled when they saw the word "North".

Xu Yanze's attack was disorderly, in order to force the emperor to hand over the detoxification method as soon as possible, in the end, he simply went deep alone and went straight to the capital.

Although most of the imperial army fought the Northern Army on the front line, the capital was not without heavy defense. But the emperor was also taken aback by Xu Yanze's overwhelming aura. Hearing that he was approaching the capital, he stood up in shock and said in a panic, "It's only been less than three months, how could it be so fast?"

Thinking that the imperial court still has hundreds of thousands of troops fighting outside, wouldn't it be a pity if he died in the capital first

He suddenly remembered that if the third prince hadn't made his own decisions, he wouldn't have confronted Xu Yanze so quickly. He could have spent it slowly, nibbling away at the opponent bit by bit. But now, he may become the king of subjugation.

Where is the third prince? He might be able to escape, integrate the old imperial court, and live in a safe corner in the south for several years, or even decades. Isn't that what happened in the past? Anyway, Xu Yanze's anger was all on him, and he might not be able to think of that villain for a while.

The more the emperor thought about it, the more gloomy his face became. After taking a few steps, he suddenly decided to move the capital, leaving Chang'an first, and then making plans. At the same time, he drugged the third prince and the dancer to Xu Yanze, and sent them to Xu Yanze to express his intention to seek peace. He said that the assassination was caused by the third prince's collusion with the Turks and made decisions without authorization. Both the poison and the dancer came from the Turks, and only the Turks could untie.

When the third prince woke up, he found himself tied to the torture rack, and he was stunned.

Xu Yanze said lightly: "Let's start."

After some torture and interrogation, the third prince quickly told the truth, thinking that it was entirely the emperor's fault that he fell into this fate, he couldn't help but said angrily: "You think he really doesn't know about this matter? Ha, don't be kidding, he wanted to kill you too. I don't know how many guards were ambushing outside the palace at that time, but he was timid and didn't dare to give orders, hahaha... "

"Master Hou, how should we deal with this person." The executioner asked cautiously.

"Kill it." A look of disgust flashed in Xu Yanze's eyes.

"Then... that dancer?"

"It's the same." Since I don't know the solution, there is no need to stay any longer.

Xu Yanze quickly left with several personal guards, but did not order the withdrawal.

After returning to Jinwu, he went to see Xiang Han first.

Xiang Han's wound has healed, but his body is very weak and he is afraid of the cold. Although it is in the north, it is a bit hot in summer, but he is wrapped in thick fur.

Xu Yanze felt a pain in his heart, walked over slowly, rubbed his cheek lightly, and said in a low voice, "Wait for me to come back."

As soon as he left, Xiang Han woke up, and asked Jin Cui with a feeling, "Did Yanze come back?"

Jin Cui didn't know that Xu Yanze had come back, so he hesitated: "No, Master Hou is still fighting."

The system hurriedly said, "I came back and left again."

Xiang Han sighed, and asked, "How long will the torture continue?"

"It's coming soon. The accumulation of quantity has caused a qualitative change. I have a feeling that the admiral is almost unable to hold on." Big A said excitedly.

Xiang Han: "..." His heart was so stuffy, although he went to bed after eating every day, he didn't feel uncomfortable except for being afraid of the cold. But thinking of Xu Yanze... Alas, why are you so frustrated

He was a little depressed, he didn't even want to look at the little yellow mosquito, and asked worriedly: "What if the poison can't be cured?"

If he died, how sad Xu Yanze would be...

Big A hesitated: " can change your body."

And this operation? The corner of Xiang Han's mouth twitched slightly.

Xu Yanze moved very quickly. In order to prevent the Turks from taking advantage of the situation, Jinwu originally left 100,000 garrisons. He led 50,000 of them to Turkic for antidote.

The Turkic king agreed very happily, saying: "You helped Ben Khan ascend the throne, and Ben Khan owes you a favor. I just have a small request. I heard that the emperor of the Central Plains is dead. I hope you can do business with Turkic after you ascend the throne. "

"Yes." Xu Yanze agreed directly.

After reaching an agreement, Xu Yanze quickly returned to Jinwu with a doctor who could detoxify.

Seeing Xiang Han again, his heart softened, he gently woke him up, and whispered, "Little fool, you are saved."

Xiang Han opened his eyes in confusion, and saw Xu Yanze supporting him intimately, his eyes were full of joy. A foreigner saluted him, said something he couldn't understand, and then knelt down to detoxify him.

Xiang Han didn't dare to look at Xu Yanze, and asked Big A hesitantly: "If it's solved like this, wouldn't the abuse be in vain before?"

Big A said: "It's okay, after the detoxification is over, we will pull you back to scare him.

"Oh." Xiang Han nodded, and then suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He lowered his head and found that a dagger had been stabbed into his chest, and when he looked up again, he saw the Turkic doctor with a ferocious smile on his face.