The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 1: Beggar


The sky is overcast and the sun is dim.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and thunder rumbled from far to near.

First bit by bit, then big beads and small beads fell, and finally smoke filled the fields and poured down.

All the pedestrians and stall owners on the street were cleared away by the heavy rain. Occasionally, one or two belated observers would dance and jump through the stagnant water.

The sound of rain drowned out the noise and washed away the world.

Under the eaves at the corner of the street, an unkempt, skinny beggar did not attract the attention of others. He fell asleep quietly, letting the raindrops hit his body below his chest, as if the hustle and bustle of the world and himself were no longer integrated. One body, two independent individuals, not interfering with each other.

The heavy rain lasted for more than two hours, then suddenly stopped, the sun showed its smiling face, and the streets became bustling again. The sounds of children playing, adults scolding, and shouts from shops all gathered together lively. in the land and in the air.

Zhou Zhigang, who was returning home from school, was riding a 28-meter pole and hurriedly turned from the busy street into an alley. Suddenly he was blocked by a stretched-out human leg. He braked suddenly and got out of the car with a nervous expression. He saw a little beggar. The child was lying quietly under the eaves in the corner.

"Young man, are you okay?" Zhou Zhigang cautiously stepped forward and pushed, but unfortunately there was no response.

Pulling back Beggar's messy hair, he saw a childish face, flushed with redness, and his lips were a little white. Zhou Zhigang stepped forward and touched his forehead with his hand. Burning heat came through. It was obvious that this person had a high fever.

When Zhou Zhigang saw this situation, he couldn't just walk away. Fortunately, there was a clinic run by a barefoot doctor not far from here. Zhou Zhigang didn't think so, picked up the beggar and put him on the back seat of the Erba Dagon. Carefully, he put the beggar's hands around his waist, let his upper body lie on his back, then stepped on his feet and rode towards the clinic.

When Zhou Zhigang arrived at the clinic, he carefully got out of the car, held the beggar in his arms, and shouted: "Lao Luo, there is a child here with a high fever, please take a look." After saying that, he put the person in his arms into a It's empty, put a bamboo bed with a quilt on it, and rest your head on it.

At this time, the doctor known as Lao Luo put down the book in his hand, picked up the thermometer and came over. He touched the beggar's forehead to confirm that he might have a fever. He shook the mercury thermometer in his hand and put it on the beggar's armpit. Then he turned to Zhou Zhigang and said, "This is a high fever. I have never seen this child before. Where did you pick him up from?"

Zhou Zhigang said: "Hasn't school just ended? On the way home, I saw this child lying under the eaves, his lower body soaked. I guessed that he might be sick, so I went up and touched his forehead and found that he had a high fever. So I quickly brought him to you."

The two chatted for a while. Doctor Luo felt that the time was almost up, so he took out the thermometer from the beggar's armpit, looked at the red line on it against the light, and said: "The fever has reached 40 degrees. It is a serious fever. .”

"Lao Zhou, you take off all his clothes first. I'll go home to get my son's clothes and put them on him first." After saying that, Zhou Zhigang went straight out the door without waiting for a reply.

After Zhou Zhigang carefully took off the child's clothes and covered him with a quilt, Dr. Luo also came in from the outside, holding several pieces of clothes in his hand.

"Old Zhou, put it on for him." Dr. Luo handed some old clothes to Zhou Zhigang.

After another period of fussing, I finally changed the clothes for the beggar.

"Lao Zhou, go get a basin of water, wet a towel and apply it on his forehead." Dr. Luo said to Zhou Zhigang again. Then he went to the medicine preparation area, prepared antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs for the beggar, and got a bottle of glucose.

Zhou Zhigang didn't dare to delay, turned around and picked up the washbasin, first put warm water in, scrubbed Zhao Yi's whole body, then changed to cold water, cooled the towel and put it on his forehead.

At the same time, Dr. Luo also gave the beggar a mixture of antipyretics mixed with cold water, and then gave the beggar an injection of anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent high fever from causing pneumonia.

After finishing all this work, the sky was already hazy.

Doctor Luo said: "Old Zhou, you go back first and see if the child's fever can be reduced tomorrow. I will give him a bottle of glucose later."

"Okay, I'll come over and take a look tomorrow morning." Zhou Zhigang also knew that he couldn't help much here, so he agreed, left the clinic, rode on the 28-meter pole and ran towards his home.

Doctor Luo turned around and took another look at the beggar's condition. There was no other abnormality. There were no other patients at this time, so he simply went home to have dinner.

Zhao Yi felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he had had a particularly uncomfortable dream. He knew it was a dream, but he couldn't wake up. There were many people in the dream, and the scenes were very fragmented and blurry. It seemed like some scenes of fleeing from famine, but Not sure yet.

Early the next morning, Zhou Zhigang arrived at the clinic on the 28th outline. When he opened the door, he saw Dr. Luo taking the beggar's temperature. Then he stepped forward and said, "Lao Luo, how are you? Is your fever gone?"

"Come here, I just took his temperature, and the fever has started to go down. It's 38 degrees. I think he will be fine tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Dr. Luo said with a smile.

"That's good, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll come and take a look when I get back from school." Zhou Zhigang said.

"Okay, go ahead and do your work. I'll take care of you here, so there won't be any problems." Dr. Luo said to Zhou Zhigang.

Zhou Zhigang then went out and rode his bicycle towards school without saying anything else.

When Zhao Yi finally stopped dreaming and felt that his heavy body and head were finally feeling better, when he was trying to open his eyes, he suddenly felt that there was something more in his mind, and pains like needle pricks came from his mind. There is a bit of numbness in the pain.

It lasted for less than three minutes, and suddenly another emotionless voice sounded, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Zhou Spirit." Then nothing happened. It's like the sound just now doesn't exist, but Zhao Yi is sure that the sound just now must exist, because the sound seems to come from the soul, leaving you fresh in your memory and nowhere to be found.

When Zhao Yi tried to recall, the scene suddenly changed and he found himself in a magnificent palace. The dome and surrounding walls were covered with unknown sculptures, while the rest were empty. Zhao Yi stood alone in the middle of the hall, at a loss.

"Is there anyone there?" Zhao Yi called out timidly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a luminous object fell from the dome. When he got closer, he found that it was an elf similar to the LOL fairy witch. He also had a magic wand like mine in his hand, and it was circling around Zhao Yi, very naughty. look like.

"Little cutie, where is this place?" Zhao Yi asked bravely. After all, such a fantasy operation is simply unbelievable to Zhao Yi, who believes in technology, and is a bit confused.

"Little cutie? I like it. From now on I will be the master's cutie, hee hee." The elf was very happy when she heard Zhao Yi call her cutie, and sped up the speed of circling around Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi said The dizziness got worse.

"Okay, I'll call you little cutie from now on. Little cutie, can you answer my question first? And how do you call me master?" Zhao Yi said it didn't matter how he called her, but the question must be asked clearly. Yes, after all, a normal person would go crazy if he was kept here forever.

"Master, this is the Zhouling Space, and I am the Zhouling, that is, the spirit of the Zhouling Space. The Zhouling Space has been bound to the master, so you are also my master." The little cutie explained.

As a modern person, Zhao Yi has never read the novel about Golden Finger, so he is not unacceptable for the incredible things that happened in front of him, and he is also very happy in his heart. After all, walking in the world, how can there be no Golden Finger in the fierce battle? Society stands out.

Just when Zhao Yi wanted to continue asking questions, he heard someone talking next to him outside, and his attention was immediately attracted. Suddenly, his vision went dark and he returned to the previous state. (End of chapter)

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