The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 10: College life


In the slightly old classroom, Zhao Yi sat in a corner by the window, quietly listening to the lectures of the old professor ** on the stage. Unlike other students who were busy writing while listening to the lectures, he occasionally had a sudden realization on his face. look.

Zhao Yi's heart was peaceful, because although the advanced mathematics courses taught by the professor were returned to the teacher in his previous life, it was not particularly difficult for him to understand now that his IQ was so high. Occasionally looking at the night outside the window, this kind of life is actually quite leisurely.

The only thing that made Zhao Yi complain was that the class time was too long. The classes basically ran from morning to night, and there was no extracurricular life. Even if he wanted to take a stroll, he would feel guilty when he saw the hurried footsteps next to him.

Seeing Zhao Yi standing out in the class, the old professor also looked at him frequently. If he hadn't been shocked by Zhao Yi's sexy tricks in the first lesson of school, he would have been called to the blackboard again to solve problems.

What a naughty operation? It is to write the analysis process of a mathematical problem backwards on the blackboard. This is not difficult for Zhao Yi, but it is quite shocking for those students who have just left their jobs and come here to study. Even the old professor who has taught for more than 40 years has never seen such a showy operation.

This resulted in today's situation. His classmates turned a blind eye to his incompatible behavior in class. The old professor no longer made things difficult for him on questions that all students could understand. He only shouted when many students still didn't understand after he finished speaking. Zhao Yi went up to give everyone answers, or to supplement the old professor's ideas, or to re-explain a more understandable idea.

Anyway, in just one week, our classmate Zhao Yi successfully advanced to the status of God of Learning. He is like a resident teacher in the classroom. Students often come to him for answers after class if they have something they don’t understand. There is even a saying going around, "You don't understand? It doesn't matter, just talk to Zhao Yi later."

Zhao Yi is not disgusted with classmates taking up his time, and is even very patient. Because Zhao Yi understands that no matter how talented he is, he is still a human being and cannot quickly promote social development. If he is too aloof, he may hit a wall everywhere and achieve nothing. And these diligent and studious students will definitely be the mainstay of this country in the future and will play a decisive role in various positions in the country.

Geniuses can lead the world, but the world is ultimately supported by millions of ordinary people.

"Okay, that's it for today. If you have any questions, you can come to the office and ask me or classmate Zhao Yi." The old professor wrote the last stroke on the blackboard, threw the chalk into the chalk box, clapped his hands, and said.

There was nothing unexpected about Zhao Yi. He would say this sentence every time after class, and he was immune to it. When he heard the professor say get out of class was over, Zhao Yi wanted to pack his things and go back quickly, but he still couldn't do so. Seeing that Zhao Yi wanted to pack up his things and leave, seven or eight classmates quickly stood up and surrounded Zhao Yi with their books in hand.

When Zhao saw this situation, he didn't pack his things anymore and sat back in his seat, ready to give some advice. Geniuses are so simple and unpretentious.

"It is known that df(1/x^2)/dx=1/x? Then what is the value of f(1/2) to solve this problem?" A male classmate was quite fast, and hurried He asked what he didn't know.

"This question is asking for a value of f, which means that the functional relationship between the two variables is f. Find the derivative of one variable to the other... So f(1/2)=-1/(2* 1/2)=-1." Zhao Yi immediately told this classmate the result.

"Oh, that's it, thank you." After the student got the solution he wanted, he returned to his seat to figure it out by himself.

By the time Zhao Yi finished answering all the students' questions, an hour had passed. By the time I packed my things and left the teaching building, it was already dark outside except for a few dim street lights. Zhao Yi tightened his clothes and headed towards his dormitory against the cold wind.

When Zhao Yi returned to the dormitory, several roommates had already returned. When they saw Zhao entering the door, they said hello and then immersed themselves in the questions. Zhao Yi also seemed not surprised. After Zhao Yi's observation for a week, they spent more than 80 hours on books this week. Apart from studying, there was basically no entertainment. As someone who basically never leaves his hand with his mobile phone, he has now adapted to this high-intensity learning atmosphere.

Zhao Yi did not disturb them and went to wash up on his own. Then I picked up a stack of manuscript paper and prepared to write my first book "Digital World". I hope that this book can make the country aware of the development trends in the next few decades. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, things have to be done anyway.

This book refers to the original "Digital Survival" book, and then adds Zhao Yi's own personal experience to make the content more detailed and specific.

When Zhao Yi raised his head from the desk, he found that several roommates had already gone to bed. Knowing that it was getting late, he put the finished manuscript in his desk drawer. I took off my clothes and socks and climbed into bed to sleep.

The next morning, Zhao Yi had no class, so he got up early to wash up, and then went to the library with his bag on his back. When Zhao Yi arrived at the library, some students had already arrived.

Zhao Yi went straight to the biochemistry area, selected 5 books that he wanted to read today, found a table, put the books on the table, and sat down to start today's study.

With Zhao Yi's IQ and Zhou Ling's assistance, there is actually no need to go to class to learn these things. Zhou Ling is the best teacher. If there is anything he doesn't understand, Zhao Yi will ask Zhou Ling.

In this way, Zhao Yi looked at it one by one, and occasionally paused. That was because he asked Zhou Ling if he didn't quite understand.

When Zhao Yi finished reading one book and was about to read another, he found that there was suddenly someone beside him. Turning his head, he found that it was a girl. At this time, the girl may have noticed that she was looking at her, and turned to look at Zhao Yi.

"Hello, excuse me." The girl said awkwardly when she saw Zhao Yi staring at her.

"You're welcome." Zhao Yi was actually just curious and had no idea about the girl.

When Zhao Yi was about to lower his head and read a book again. The girl quickly said: "My name is Lin Hexia, what is your name?"

Zhao Yi raised his head and replied: "Zhao Yi, Zhao of Yan Zhao, one, two, three, one."

"Your name is quite concise." The girl said with a smile.

"It's just a name. Maybe my dad only knows numbers." Zhao Yi replied simply.

"How could you ignore your parents like this?"

"Maybe, I didn't have the chance to ask them, so I can only guess."

"Excuse me."

"It's nothing, don't be sorry."

The conversation became awkward at this point, and both of them were immersed in their books. It was as if the scene just now had never happened, but the two of them were studying hard from the beginning and swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

Time passed by minute by second. When Zhao Yi finished reading all the books and raised his head, the girl was still beside him. Seeing that Zhao Yi had finished reading, he got ready.

"I see you read so quickly. Do you have any secrets?" the girl said.

"No, it's mainly not difficult." Zhao Yi said.

When the girl heard this, she stretched her head and looked at the title of the book. After looking at the thickness of the book, she rolled her eyes cutely at Zhao Yi.

"How old are you?" the girl asked.

"16 years old, how about you?"

"I'm 18 years old, I can't compare with you." The girl replied disappointedly.

Zhao Yi didn't know whether it was because of his age or other reasons, but he was depressed for some reason. As a straight man, Zhao Yi didn't know how to comfort girls.

Seeing that it was already lunch time, he quickly invited: "It's noon, why don't we go have dinner together."

"Okay." The girl replied happily. It seemed that the disappointment just now was gone.

When Zhao saw this, he no longer hesitated. After returning the book, he led the girl out of the library and towards the cafeteria. (End of chapter)