The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 101: Lime Entertainment Company


After Zhao Yi and Lin Hexia came out with the suitcase, the taxi driver quickly drove the car closer, and then helped Zhao Yi put the suitcase into the trunk. His attitude was very polite, since Zhao Yi had never seen him before.

It is said that taxi drivers are the most well-informed people in a city, especially Kyoto taxi drivers, not only Kanye, but also "Bao Dawen" and "Bai Xiaosheng".

Zhao Yi was amazed when he saw the driver's performance, but Lin Hexia didn't feel anything at all. She got into the back seat of the taxi and sat on her own. This shows that this kind of situation is normal for her. Zhao Yi guessed that it might be because of this. The location has a lot to do with it. What confused him was that the Prince Gong's Mansion where he lived was better than here, and the driver's service had never been so good.

After everyone got in the car, the taxi driver started the car and headed for the Capital Airport. Zhao Yi and Lin Hexia, who were sitting in the back seat, were all quiet, as if maintaining this silence at this moment was the best medicine to get rid of the embarrassment in the room just now.

The car was almost arriving at the airport, and Lin Hexia suddenly said: "Don't pay attention to what my mother said just now."

"It's okay, parents are like this." Zhao Yi responded.

"That's good. My mother is just so interested in you because she has never seen me bring a stranger home before." Lin Hexia explained.

"We have known each other for such a long time, but we have never been to your home or your parents, especially since you have to leave your hometown to work in Hong Kong. I should have visited the two elders earlier to reassure them." Zhao Yi said with a smile.

Although Lin Hexia knew the meaning of Zhao Yi's words, she still couldn't help but blush slightly.

When Zhao saw Lin Hexia's face turned a little red, he thought it was because of the stuffiness in the car, so he said, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? We'll be at the airport soon. Just hold on."

Lin Hexia, who was still a little daydreaming, suddenly became angry when she heard his words. She rolled her eyes fiercely, put her head close to the car window on the other side, and closed her eyes in reverie.

When the car arrived at the airport, the driver helped Zhao Yi take out the suitcase, and then Zhao Yi sent Lin Hexia into the airport. Time passed quickly. Not long after the two arrived, they were about to go through security check, otherwise they might not be able to catch up with the boarding time.

Zhao Yi handed the suitcase to Lin Hexia and said, "You have to take care of yourself when you are there. If you have any requests, just ask me. I will not refuse if I can do it."

"Well, I'm not a child anymore. Do you still want to give me these instructions?" Lin Hexia said.

"Uh, yes, you are two years older than me." Zhao Yi said.

"Zhao Yi, did you mean it?" Lin Hexia went crazy when she heard this.

"I was wrong. Isn't it okay?" When Zhao heard Lin Hexia's angry words, he quickly took two steps back and explained quickly.

In the end, Lin Hexia forgave Zhao Yi and passed the security check alone with her suitcase. She looked back at Zhao Yi and waved, marking the end of this farewell.

After seeing that Lin Hexia had gone in, Zhao Yi also came out, ready to go home, but the taxi he got was still the driver's. They were quite lucky today.

On the way back, the driver was obviously quite active, and he didn't hear anything he said all the way. When we were almost there, the driver said, "Which department are you a family member of?"

"I am not anyone's family member, this is my own home." Zhao Yi understood what the driver meant. In the past, Prince Gong's Mansion was a large courtyard occupied by family members from various departments.

"You're quite funny." The driver heard Zhao Yi say this and thought he was unwilling to tell the truth.

"I'm not lying to you, it's up to you to believe it or not." Zhao Yi couldn't see the driver's expression, but could feel his meaning from his words, so he said.

After returning home, Zhao Yi rested for two days. All companies will start work after the new year. Zhao Yi asked the law firm to help him apply for the establishment of a Qing Ning Entertainment Company, which is mainly engaged in the production and distribution of film and television music, as well as the management of artist management.

Although the domestic film and television and music production departments are all state-owned enterprises, the distribution department is also a state-owned enterprise, and there is no artist management business, but it is precisely because of this state of ignorance that industry rules can be formulated.

The establishment of Qing Ning Entertainment Company was already agreed upon when Lin Hexia and I met in Hong Kong last year. The first is to provide excellent film and television entertainment programs for ATV, and the second is to improve the domestic film and television entertainment level and improve the people's daily life and entertainment level, so as not to open up the entertainment industry. When I was in the country, I acted as if I had never seen the world.

The field of film and television entertainment is a carrier for exporting national consciousness, and it is also a subtle and more effective means. You must know that the movie "Beijingers in New York" made countless intellectuals rush to the United States one after another, thinking that people there are living the life on TV.

Then Zhao Yi asked people from the human resources company to find the person in charge of the entertainment company. This time, the recruitment did not require an old person from the entertainment industry. Instead, he chose a newcomer who had just graduated. The main purpose was to examine his personality, professional ability and learning ability. As for other things, is less important, what he needs is a new atmosphere.

Moreover, Lime Entertainment will adopt many new technologies, which requires a young person to be at the helm. An old man may not be able to master these things.

After finishing this matter, Zhao Yi was free again. He originally planned to write some movie scripts, and Qing Ning Entertainment was planning to use a series of movies about mythical characters as a stepping stone to open up the domestic and international film markets.

Therefore, he plans to write a film and television special effects production system by himself. With this system, the mythical high special effects will no longer be difficult, and it will also greatly reduce the cost of special effects production.

In order for semiconductor companies to develop a dedicated graphics chip and a dedicated intelligent learning chip, Zhao Yi flew to Shanghai and gave them the requirements and related dedicated chip architecture, and required that these chips not be sold out and the design architecture be implemented. It is classified as top secret, and their R&D and production costs are entirely borne by Lime Company.

After arranging the semiconductor matters, Zhao Yi flew to Shenzhen again and asked Polaris Company to develop a large-scale computer specifically for Qing Ning Entertainment Company specifically for film and television special effects rendering. This computer did not have strong other computing capabilities, but it was It has enhanced image parallel rendering and intelligent learning capabilities, and the relevant design architecture is also provided by Zhao Yi. This does not have a top-secret confidentiality level, but they are not prepared to let them sell it.

In addition, Polaris Company is required to develop a complete set of film-level shooting equipment. Previously, Polaris Company developed a set of broadcast-level and TV-level shooting equipment for ATV. Now it is necessary to upgrade these equipment to at least one level in all aspects. In addition to this, they also need to develop a set of motion capture equipment, which are necessary for shooting special effects movies.

There is also a more important 3D movie projection system. This is the real weapon for showing special effects movies. Without it, special effects movies will seem to have lost their souls, lack a flavor, and their appeal will be greatly reduced.

These devices can be sold to the outside world, which is also a large market. The winning point of his films is the film and television special effects production system he developed himself, and the rest is just some basic equipment.

If they were asked to study it slowly, they still didn't know how long it would take to study it, so they simply went into battle themselves so that they could come up with the finished product as soon as possible. As for the cost issue, Zhao Yi didn't care much. As long as this system is completed, the special effects savings will be enough to offset these costs.

Zhao Yi wrote a script for "The Legend of Pangu" and did not continue writing it. This was just a sample for the people of the soon-to-be-established Qing Ning Entertainment Company, telling them how to write special effects scripts and how to arouse the secretion of excitement hormones in the audience.

His main task is to write a film and television special effects production system. This system has an intelligent special effects rendering function. When various special effects materials are imported into it, the intelligent system can break up and reorganize these special effects materials based on thousands of parameters to generate a New special effects pictures or film and television clips where the characteristics of the original special effects cannot be seen at all.

With such an intelligent system, the special effects artist does not need to deduct frame by frame. He only needs to set relevant parameters in advance according to the script description. He can also set blur parameters in blurred areas to generate several special effects schemes, and then just choose more from them. The plan you like will be used as the keynote to generate subsequent plot special effects.

The special effects produced in this way can not only look fake but also free up the workload of special effects personnel and greatly reduce the cost and time of special effects production.

In the previous life, Hollywood used special effects movies to conquer the world. At this time, the popularity of "Star Wars" had already begun to take shape. What Zhao Yi had to do was to make special effects movies better than them, and at a lower cost, and completely They drag them to death.

While Zhao Yi was writing code at home, news came from the Civil Aviation Administration of China that Zhao Yi was expected to attend the civil aviation reform meeting. The specific time was March 10, so that he could prepare in advance and he might be needed to speak at the meeting. (End of chapter)