The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 104: Lay out film distribution channels


Although the civil aviation reform meeting fully listened to the opinions of all parties, it still did not give a clear statement. Zhao Yi did not dwell on this issue. After returning home, he continued to write the film and television special effects production system, mainly writing the underlying algorithms and External Interface.

This workload is not very large, but it is the most technical. In order to enhance confidentiality, Zhao Yi encrypted these modules after writing them and only provided related services to the outside world. As for the material library and operation client, they are separated from these core modules and provide related services in a distributed manner.

After writing these functions, Zhao Yi came to Fanxing Software Company and asked Liao Xingkai to specially arrange an empty place and independent server, and then select some programmers in the company who did not have urgent tasks to participate in the subsequent development.

After the venue and server were in place, Zhao Yi first installed an independent bottom-level functional module written by himself on the server. Then, after the programmers were in place, he directly gave them the bottom-level API call documents and the design documents for the client and special effects material library.

With these things, Zhao Yi no longer needs to keep an eye on subsequent development, these veteran programmers can handle it for him themselves.

On March 20, the registration application of Qing Ning Entertainment was finally approved. At the same time, someone from the human resources company called to say that they had selected a few students who had just graduated from the drama school and asked him to arrange an interview.

Now that the company has been successfully registered, Zhao Yi does not want to delay and asks people from the human resources company to take people to the office of Qing Ning Entertainment Company for interviews tomorrow.

The next day, Zhao Yi went to Qing Ning Entertainment Company. There were only two people who came to interview this time, one from the Beijing Film Academy's acting department and the other from the Chinese Theater Director department. The name Zhao Yi has never been heard of. Zhao Yi basically doesn't recognize the characters of this era unless they have become famous in later generations.

Zhao Yi asked them what they thought about special effects movies, about the output of film cultural values, and about the study of common values in human society.

As a result, he was a little disappointed in the answer. They had not opened up their minds and had no in-depth thinking about the cultural industry. This makes Zhao Yi worry a little about whether he can achieve his goals by handing Qing Ning Entertainment Company into their hands.

Although he originally wanted to select good talents from the newly graduated people to take charge of Qing Ning Company, he did not expect to have too deep insights, but Zhao Yi did not see from them that they had the temperament to take charge of their own affairs.

Helpless, Zhao Yi communicated his views with Zhou Ling, and Zhou Ling's opinions were similar to his.

Now that everyone is here, and they also graduated from the film and television major, I asked them if they would like to stay as employees of the company. Of course they were not willing at first. They came to apply for the person in charge. As for the employees, they were not interested. At this time, the university Graduates, no matter what their major, don’t have to worry about finding a job.

Some people were even booked by employers before they graduated. It was a bold attempt for them to apply for a job this time.

Zhao was not angry when he saw their attitude, as none of them were at a high-spirited age. Zhao Yiyi just told them the relevant systems and treatment of Qing Ning Entertainment Company.

Qing Ning Entertainment still adheres to the consistent practice of Zhao Yi's companies, which is to provide high salaries. In other words, when a person first comes to the company, the salary they receive is ten times the average salary of newcomers in other state-owned film studios, providing them with Free accommodation.

It is necessary to provide free accommodation at this time, because the rental market is not yet popular in this era. If this treatment is not provided, then it is very likely that they will not be able to find a house to live in.

In addition to the fixed salary, if they are filming, there will be additional performance pay. That is to say, if the company does not arrange for them to film, then the company still needs to provide them with a fixed salary, which is enough for their daily life. As for getting more income, you need to participate in the company's program production.

In order to ensure their physical and mental health, they are allowed to apply for up to 3 months of paid leave in a year. During the paid holiday, the company provides them with a fixed salary. If there is no urgent task, they have the right to refuse the company's work request during the holiday. .

Of course, obligations and rights are equal, which means that while they are in the company, they cannot privately participate in activities outside the company. In other words, their personal working time is bought with a fixed salary.

This system seems to limit the development of individual practitioners, but in fact it guarantees the basic interests of the entire film and television industry. Although you can't be rich, you can live a carefree life. You don't need to participate in intrigues, and you don't have to worry about being hidden and losing any income.

After all, there are only a few people who are popular, and most of them are employees at the bottom. They are the cornerstone of the development of the film industry. Their stability represents the stability of the development of the film industry. It solves their worries and can prevent the domestic film and television industry from doing so in the past. Impetuousness prevails in the industry.

And with the company's permission, they can still get most of the benefits by borrowing work outside the company, after the company deducts a part of the share.

In fact, the domestic film studios at this time were similar to this, except that the fixed salary offered by Lime Entertainment was much higher. In order to dispel the concerns of talents who want to join the company, Lime Company also introduced that as long as employees perform well during the contract period, they have the right to renew the contract with the company, and the company cannot shirk it without reason.

This qualified performance means completing the tasks assigned by the company within the company's rules and regulations. Of course, these tasks are within the normal scope, and deliberately making things difficult does not count.

When Zhao Yi showed them the terms of the contract, they were really moved after reading it. Although it is a private company, some adventurous people, especially young people, are still willing to come in.

Finally, Zhao Yi answered some of their doubts, and they happily joined Qing Ning Entertainment Company.

However, the person in charge of the company still had no whereabouts, so he asked the people in the human resources company to continue to increase their efforts and no longer stick to the top students who graduated from the film and television academy.

Not to mention, on March 30, in just five days, the human resources company brought in another group of people. After Zhao Yi’s interview, it turned out that Qian Zhiyuan, a rural film projectionist who graduated from high school, got the job. this position.

To be honest, Zhao Yi himself was a little surprised.

With the person in charge, Zhao Yi gave him Qing Ning Entertainment Company's planning information and asked him to arrange the company's tasks according to the plan, and at the same time asked the human resources company to cooperate with him in recruiting company employees.

Qing Ning Entertainment is initially on the right track now that it has a person in charge. What Zhao Yi now has to consider is the film distribution channel.

The current domestic film market adopts a distribution model of unified purchase and sales + hierarchical distribution, which is also a vertical distribution model.

Movies produced by large and small studios are all bought out by the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Input-Output Company (referred to as China Film Company) at a fixed price, and then distributed by China Film Company according to the administrative levels of provinces, cities, and counties. The company distributes to various movie theaters.

After a film is produced, censored, and the distribution rights are bought out by China Film Company at one time, all economic ties with the film producer are severed, and the economic benefits generated by the film are distributed between the producer and the distributor (exhibitor). An upside-down phenomenon was formed.

If this model is followed, no matter how good the film produced by Qing Ning Company, it will not generate much profit, and there is a high probability that it will suffer a large loss. You must know that what it plans to produce are special effects blockbusters. Although it has an intelligent film and television special effects production system, Much more expensive than ordinary film production.

Thinking of this, we can only build our own distribution channels, but the possibility of directly cooperating with the theaters below is very low. Using a share model will reduce their interests, and they have a direct relationship, which is not conducive to Zhao Yi and them. The negotiations are expected to end in vain, because these theater chains can wait, but Lime Entertainment cannot afford to delay.

After much deliberation, he could only establish his own theater chain. Doing so would not only involve a large investment, but also would be a matter of whether the government and the Ministry of Culture would allow him to do so.

This is a problem with domestic distribution, and there is also a problem with international distribution channels. This aspect is actually easy to solve. For Zhao Yi, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

He plans to establish a cinema chain of Time Cinema in Hong Kong, and then use this name to acquire cinema chains in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other international countries. It does not necessarily have to be acquired. If acquisition is not possible, cooperation will be used.

There are currently three main types of film distribution methods in the world. The first is a tight vertical channel system, which is an integrated production and distribution structure. The second is a contracted vertical channel, which is through a middle-end sales structure. The third is a hybrid type channel structure.

Zhao Yi's method is similar to the third type of hybrid channel. Although the first goal is to acquire influential theater chains, he will also cooperate with non-own theater chains. (End of chapter)