The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 107: Film industrialization


After allocating all the things, Zhao Yi is now back to a state of peace and quiet. The script of "The Legend of Pangu" which was not finished last time due to some things, finally has a lot of time to write this time. .

Since Zhao Yi has never written a script before, and it is still a 3D special effects movie, there are quite a lot of shots and notes that need to be written. Try to let the director who shoots this script understand how to shoot based on the script shots and notes.

Since it is an original work, if Zhao Yi completes the whole process by himself, the speed will be too slow. Fortunately, Zhou Ling is here. In the Zhou Ling space, Zhao Yi communicates with Zhou Ling from time to time, and then based on the results of the communication , write sub-shots, and simulate the shooting effects on-site based on the sub-shots. Of course, special effects are also added in real time.

This creative process is equivalent to allowing Zhao Yi to watch the movie in advance. If there is anything he is not satisfied with, he can modify it on the spot and generate a simulated film on the spot, which makes the whole process no longer boring and makes him enjoy it.

This is especially true for special effects films like "The Legend of Pangu". The description of Hongmeng Universe requires Zhao Yi to use his imagination. Zhou Ling will also give some reasonable suggestions based on the universe information she obtained. But the real universe must be It is different from the imaginary Hongmeng universe, and the records in the relevant books are also ambiguous, giving full play to the charm of Chinese language, but Zhao Yi suffered.

After revising his imagination over and over again, he generated countless imaginary images of the Hongmeng Universe, and finally found the image of the Hongmeng Universe that he was most satisfied with. Zhao Yi even asked Zhou Ling to generate a holographic environment, allowing himself to be in it, immersed in it, feeling the vastness of the Hongmeng universe, and realizing how small he is between heaven and earth.

After the scene is determined, Zeoling will automatically form the relevant script description and post-production special effects script description, because things in the Zeoling space cannot be brought to the real world, so we can only use this stupid method, just the description of Hongmeng Universe A text description of 100,000 words was generated, not including descriptions related to special effects production, totaling 200,000 words.

Fortunately, these words are described in the order of the shots. There is no need for the film shooting and special effects production staff to read them from beginning to end before using them on their own. They only need to follow the shot descriptions and shoot them one by one. The production staff Special effects can be produced according to the description of the special effects shots.

A scene like this is just the beginning. Later, there is the process of the Hongmeng Universe breaking up, which is also a special effect point. Then there is the birth of the Chaos Universe, which is another artificial creation based on imagination.

Fortunately, there are relatively many descriptions of the chaotic universe in related books, and there are more references. However, it cannot be copied, and the unique temperament of the chaotic universe must be shown.

There are many things in the image design of Chaos Qinglian and Pangu, and Pangu’s image design also involves cultural communication. It cannot copy the appearance of Chinese people. It needs to add more other features on the basis of the appearance and characteristics of Chinese people. The national characteristics make him seem more internationally acceptable.

This is easy to say, but a bit more difficult to do than describing the Hongmeng universe. Zhao Yi simulated it over and over again according to his own appearance, adding various elements of human characteristics, and experimented no less than tens of thousands of times, and finally got it. A point where all races look pleasing to the eye and can find their own national characteristics.

Only such an image can be widely disseminated. Otherwise, why would all countries accept the image of a mythical character they have never heard of? They also have their own beliefs. It is difficult for such other people's mythical characters to be incorporated into their own cultural genes. .

Merely relying on the amazing special effects will not help. It is no different from them watching a popcorn movie and then forgetting about the plot, and they just come to the conclusion that the special effects of this movie are awesome.

Zhao Yi is not satisfied with just such a result. Our country's economy is now at a disadvantage, and cultural acceptance is positively correlated with economic level. If snack machines are not used, the cultural output function of movies will be greatly reduced.

Zhao Yi started writing the shooting sequences and special effects shots on April 21st. It took Zhao Yi a full month. By May 20th, he finally completed writing all the shooting sequences and special effects shots.

This gave Zhao Yi the urge to vomit blood. He could clearly say that he had already produced the movie and had watched it countless times, but in the end he only got a 2 million-word description of the shooting scenes and special effects shots. Who could he ask to reason with? go.

In order to solve this dilemma, Zhao Yi thought of the telekinesis helmet in science fiction and asked Zhou Ling if he had used the telekinesis helmet to transfer the virtual picture in Zhou Ling space to the computer. The result was no, the virtual picture in Zhou Ling space It is not just the picture in his mind. If it is transmitted in this way, it will also destroy the balance of Yin and Yang in the universe, which will bring about unpredictable disasters.

As for why it is so difficult, Zhou Ling doesn't know. This is the warning in her subconscious mind.

This made Zhao Yi guess that it might be a warning left by the person, thing, or will that created the Zhou Ling space, not to let Zhou Ling do something.

Although he cannot use the mind helmet to transfer the images in the Zhouling space to the computer, he can transfer the images in his mind to the computer, which gives Zhao Yi finally some hope.

Ignoring this matter, Zhao Yi returned to the real world, constantly extracting the written records that had been formed from his mind, and then entered them into the computer. This input process took Zhao half a month. When the sheets of paper came out of the printer, he burst into tears.

What makes him slightly gratified is that this standard movie script can no longer be standard. It can set a good example for the newly established Qing Ning Entertainment Company, so that they can write movie scripts according to this script specification in the future and make the movie shooting process smooth. It's smoother, you only need to follow the steps to complete it, and you don't need to use your brain to change or add plots later.

Of course, it is impossible for the staff and actors involved in the filming to have the right to change the script, and they can only film according to the script honestly. Although this reduces the variables during the filming process, it also increases the workload of writing scripts. Therefore, the largest department of Qing Ning Entertainment Company in the future should be the screenwriting department.

The film shooting system will also change from the current director-centered system to a screenwriter-centered film production system.

Although such a change in the system may be seen as a lack of agility in the films produced, Zhao Yi always believes that the director is a person and only thinks about flashes of inspiration.

A movie has a large number of screenwriters, ranging from three to five to dozens, and their rational analysis and ideological collision are more reliable and stable. This ensures that the quality of the movie is stable, will not fluctuate up and down, and can be predicted later.

This is what Zhao Yi understands about film industrialization. Film shooting is not based on one person's will, but a group creation process, just like a screenwriting team, which includes writers who are responsible for pens, philosophers who are responsible for depth, and people who are responsible for depth. There are psychological analysts who are responsible for the psychological construction of the audience and movie characters, and there are also market analysts who are responsible for market research and forecasting.

These people from all walks of life formed a screenwriting team to conduct comprehensive analysis, inspection and research on a script. Zhao Yi really didn't believe that it could not compare to a director's self-judgment

These ideas were not mature when Qing Ning Entertainment was first established. They just felt that movies should be shot according to an industrialized approach. This would not only greatly increase the production of movies, but also professionalize all aspects of the movie industry.

Now after thinking about it, I feel that it is necessary to adjust the relevant systems of Qing Ning Entertainment Company. First, we should focus on building the screenwriting department and recruit big names from all walks of life to participate in the creation of scripts. Then, we should abolish the director-centered system and replace it with the director-centered system. The producer is solely responsible for coordination, and the script can be modified only after discussions with the screenwriters.

After the script of "The Legend of Pangu" was printed, Zhao Yi found Qian Zhiyuan of Qing Ning Company and shared his ideas with him. At first, Qian Zhiyuan felt that Zhao Yi's ideas were too idealistic and he felt that they would not be practical in practice. Various problems will arise during the process.

But when Zhao Yi handed him the script of "The Legend of Pangu", he spent a week reading it and found Zhao Yi. He thought that if it was all produced according to such a process, his idea seemed to be similar. It works.

Once the two most important people in the company reach a consensus, the system can be established and then improved during practice, but the overall idea will not change for the time being. (End of chapter)