The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 109: Secret R&D program


In order to see the first aircraft officially come off the assembly line, Zhao Yi decided to stay at Star Express Company for a few more days. During this period, Zhao Yi also inspected the R&D department of Star Express Company and found that there were twice as many scientific researchers as before. This is both the result of the company's efforts to recruit people and the increased reputation of Star Express after its first flight.

As a scientific researcher, I am generally reluctant to work for an unknown company. Although Star Express is not small in terms of scale, it did not show its scientific research strength to the outside world. It was not until the first flight of I100 that the outside world learned about it. There is such a private company in China, and the aircraft they developed and produced have already taken to the skies.

This is especially true when Y10 is in a difficult period. A large proportion of these new employees come from the Y10 project team. It seems that the Y10 project has a good future, but for some unknown reason, it failed in the end. Faced with doubts from insiders, McDonnell Douglas later took advantage of the situation and proposed a multi-billion dollar cooperation plan. As a result, the cooperation came to fruition, but the domestic aviation market was completely occupied.

In fact, the old man said at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on October 13, 1981: "We should consider manufacturing aircraft for domestic routes ourselves." On December 30, he also said: "In the future, all domestic civil aviation aircraft will use domestically produced aircraft." This is a response to the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The biggest support for Y10, but in the end it was still nothing.

According to this logic, Zhao Yi's Star Express Company is even less likely to get support. But who made Zhao Yi rich? There must be some people in the central government who sincerely support domestic aircraft. As long as some people support it, then the civil aviation reform is likely to succeed. As long as the civil aviation reform is successful, Zhao Yi can form an industrial closed loop on his own.

Just like this time, there has been no movement from domestic airlines, but Zhao Yi's airline has ordered a hundred aircraft at once, and the aircraft leasing company has also ordered a hundred aircraft. If in Zhao Yi's airline, these The planes are all operating well, so no matter who among them has their own thoughts, it is impossible to deny the facts.

Looking at these new employees, Zhao Yi also talked to them one by one, encouraged them, and told them that Star Express Company is heading for the top of the world's aviation industry. We are not used to following others. There is no way to surpass. Even if they are not the leader, it is not considered a success. I hope they can grow with the company and wait until the day when the company takes the throne.

Fortunately, Zhao Yi not only gave them chicken soup for their souls, but also gave them tangible benefits, that is, their wages were ten times higher than before they came here. Let them have both face and dignity. I believe that with their publicity, the company will become more and more attractive to aviation and aircraft research and development talents.

In the previous life, the R&D personnel of Y10 were scattered. In the end, it was impossible to gather them together. Many of them even changed careers. The research and development work in this area was also interrupted. It is also very difficult to pick up again. You must know that if a scientific researcher If personnel are not doing research and development on the front line for a long time, they will quickly fall behind, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of ideology.

After visiting all the R&D personnel, Zhao Yi and Su Miao came to his office. Like other companies, Zhao Yi would always leave an office for him regardless of whether he was there or not.

After the two parties sat down, the secretary poured a cup of tea for each of them. After the secretary went out, Zhao Yi said: "I just saw that the company's R&D department is full of talents. I am very happy. We are a high-tech company, and R&D must always be the first priority. ."

"Mr. Zhao was so complimentary. I also came from the aviation research and development department. Why don't I know the importance of this aspect? Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be able to find so many people. After all, our country doesn't have many talents in this area. Some of them are still in the national department, and most of these personnel are from the Y10 project team." Su Miao told him the situation honestly.

"Do you know the detailed reasons?" Zhao asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. Although I worked in aviation research and development before, it was in military equipment and I didn't have much interaction with them. Moreover, among the people who came here, there was no one who captured the general manager. The information they knew was limited." Su Miao replied.

In fact, Zhao Yi asked this question just to satisfy his curiosity, not to get to the bottom of it, there was no need. Moreover, our own Star Express Company can also be regarded as the beneficiary of this incident. As for the original McDonnell Douglas Company, let them get lost. They will have no place in the domestic aviation and aircraft market.

Originally, McDonnell Douglas was not doing well at this time. It had been losing money year after year, and its aircraft models and technology were also falling behind each other. Otherwise, it would not have sold itself to Boeing later.

"We still need to pay attention to the trends of international aviation manufacturing giants. We must guard our basic base. If there is any trouble, we will keep an eye on it and disrupt their actions and cooperation. Don't underestimate these international giants. Their The means are not always fair and aboveboard." Zhao Yi and Su Miao explained.

Now that the country has just opened, many people in the country are very curious about the outside world, especially some leading cadres. They have more information than ordinary people, and they hope to use their power to seek some personal gains for themselves.

The most typical thing is to arrange for them to go abroad for inspections. It seems ridiculous now, but it really happened at the time. They might not dare to accept cash for an overseas inspection trip, but some gifts can be given to the head office.

For those who have never seen the world, small favors are more likely to impress them, while huge benefits will make them frightened and timid.

After explaining some issues to pay attention to, Zhao Yi turned the topic to the research and development of military aircraft. He said: "You divide the people in the R&D department into a secret R&D department. It is best to have a separate department. Office area.”

"Does Mr. Zhao have any plans?" Su Miao felt that the matter was a bit big after hearing Zhao Yi's words and asked cautiously.

"Well, we all know that Boeing Company is mainly engaged in civil aviation, but they also have a military research and development department that is engaged in the research and development of military aircraft. I think our company should do the same. You came from a military aircraft research and development unit, so you should Understand some circumstances, according to the normal development path, it is estimated that it will take about 40 years for our country to reach the international advanced level in this regard." Zhao Yi expressed his thoughts and looked at Su Miao's reaction.

"Indeed, what Mr. Zhao said is very fair." When Su Miao heard what Zhao Yi said, she nodded in agreement and said.

"There should be no secrets between us. It can also be seen from the research and development of our company's civil aviation aircraft. I do have some information in my hand. This information can speed up the research and development progress of our country's military aircraft and allow our country to improve the research and development and manufacturing of military aircraft." Catch up from the top." Zhao Yi said confidently to Su Miao. After all, Su Miao is still in charge of the Star Express Company, and it is impossible to hide these things from him.

Su Miao also agreed with Zhao Yi's words. After all, Star Express Company went from nothing to having aircraft enter mass production in just two years. This is not only something that can be done with money, but also Zhao Yi. A large number of design drawings were provided. Although I don’t know where the information came from, at least there is no problem so far.

Su Miao didn't want to go into the specific details. After all, he was a smart man. It was better not to know what he knew he shouldn't know.

"I still believe Mr. Zhao's words, but our company has not obtained a military product production and research and development license." Su Miao said.

"We are only developing the aircraft part for the time being, and only the relevant interfaces are left for the weapons part for the time being. But from the perspective of developing aircraft, no license is required." Zhao Yi said.

If you are manufacturing harmful weapons and equipment, you need a license from the state before you can carry out research and development. However, military aircraft themselves are not dangerous, so you do not need a license. But once it is time to mount a bomb for testing, you will need a license. Just get a permit.

"The first target of the military aircraft we develop is the fourth-generation fighter jet, which is mainly to meet the needs of our country's national defense. Bombers are not that urgent yet." Zhao Yi said.

At present, the mainstream models in the world are fourth-generation fighter jets, the representative ones are F14\F15\F16\MiG-25, etc. They have strong maneuverability and can basically withstand 9G overload. The fourth-generation aircraft basically integrates the wing and body, which relaxes static stability. The engine is very powerful, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is close to 1 without afterburner. Pay attention to subsonic maneuverability. The mid-range air combat capability has been greatly enhanced, and it has strong actual combat capabilities.

It is not impossible for Zhao Yi to develop a fifth-generation stealth fighter, but it is not necessary at present. First, it is expensive and the military cannot afford to equip it. Second, the current international environment has not reached that point. The main thing is the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. Before our country has to bear the main pressure, the development of fifth-generation fighters may still point the United States' finger at China. At this time, it should develop in an honest and obscene manner.

The fourth-generation fighters are indeed just right, more than enough for homeland defense, and relatively cheap. The military has the conditions to equip a certain number of such fighters, which can form a certain combat effectiveness.

After communicating with Su Miao, Interstellar Express Company transferred some of its R&D personnel who they felt were reliable to the secret R&D department, while Zhao Yi gave them some technical information and asked them to learn and understand it first, and then start research and development.

In order to meet the needs of subsequent actual testing of hanging ammunition, many weapon interfaces and fire control systems adopt adjustable designs. At that time, some parameters can be adjusted according to different hanging ammunition.

After arranging matters for Star Express Company, Zhao Yi went to Star Power Company again and asked them to secretly develop a military engine for fourth-generation fighters, and left the prepared technical information for them to study on their own. .

Finally, I went to Cornerstone Materials Company, which required their cooperation in the development of materials for military aircraft and engines. I also left information for them to study on their own.

After finishing all this work, Zhao Yi patted his ass and left, finally returning to his home in Kyoto on July 30. He had been away for a month. (End of chapter)