The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 110: Domestic cinema chain reform


After returning to Kyoto, Zhao Yi took a good rest at home for three days. It seems that this is his habit. After being busy for a while, he always wants to find time to take a good rest. Although he is now a very rich man, he does not have the attributes of an otaku in his previous life. Retreat, if it is not necessary for him to come forward, he can just ignore it.

Just like the matter of film distribution channels, it is difficult for Qing Ning Entertainment to handle it. First, they currently have no appeal in the domestic film field, which means they have no impressive results. No one listens to what they say. Second, they have no appeal in the domestic film field. Domestic theater chains have formed a system of their own. If you want to break this system, it will definitely damage the interests of some people, so it is normal to be rejected and opposed.

When Zhao Yi was preparing to set up a film distribution channel, he asked Qing Ning Entertainment Company to contact people from domestic film distribution channels. The feedback results were not ideal, especially from the theaters below, which were even more resistant. It's very big. Some people in the radio and television industry are opposed to it, but there are still some people who are supportive.

What is my country's film market like? It seems that in the 1980s, the box office of movies was very good. The box office of a movie "Shaolin Temple" exceeded 100 million, and it was achieved at a very low ticket price. But this does not explain Our country's movies were very prosperous in the 1980s, which just shows that there is a big problem in our country's movie market.

Let’s talk about the number of domestic films. From 1980 to 1982, the number of national films per year did not exceed 20. This fully shows that film production in our country was not active during this period. More than one billion people across the country pointed to this film. See, with so few options to choose from, it's no surprise that One Step movies are doing well at the box office.

Since the box office of movies is very high, why are there not more movies produced? This tells us about my country’s film system during this period. As mentioned in the above chapter, the “unified purchase” + “unified sales” model is a product of the planned economy. .

The film studio is only responsible for the production of the film, and China Film will buy it out according to the price of a copy. The money will certainly not be much, and the film box office and subsequent income have nothing to do with the film studio.

This model means that if a film studio shoots a blockbuster movie, they will not get much profit. If they shoot a movie that is not a hit, then there will naturally be fewer copies, and the profit will be less, or even a loss. .

Although film studios receive some funds allocated by the government every year, these funds do not allow film studios to form a virtuous cycle. Film studios that do not have self-supply capabilities will naturally reduce the number of films they shoot.

In the end, there was a result. Basically, they made movies based on how much money the government gave them. Throughout the 1980s, the number of movies produced was basically maintained at around 20 movies every year. It has been very stable. If there was no reform and opening up, This seemed to be able to be dealt with in the past, but now they are no longer playing solo.

Since our country has proposed reform and opening up to the outside world, international capital must have some demands. Film companies in developed countries, especially the United States, will try every means to get their movies into the domestic market, even if they don't make money.

The above is said from the perspective of foreign countries attacking the country, and there is also the situation of internal looking to the outside. This is also the inevitable result of opening the country. Some people have begun to contact the international community and know more information, which means that they are familiar with the old domestic That one is getting less and less cold.

Under the influence of all these parties, the original film production and distribution methods can no longer meet the growing cultural consumption needs of domestic people, nor can they resist the eagerness of foreign film capital to enter the country.

Now Zhao Yi is no longer looking for existing domestic distribution channels to cooperate with the distribution of his movies. He just hopes that they will not cause trouble for him.

First, it is impossible to participate by oneself. They have formed their own system, which is completely different from Zhao Yi's method. Although there are voices for internal reform, they have not yet reached such an urgent need. The entire system as a whole Still profitable.

Second, their distribution system is not the same as our own. There are differences in terms of photography and projection. For example, domestic theater projection uses film and curtains, while Zhao Yi plans to use IMAX screen + digital projection technology. They He will not change his status for Zhao Yilai, which means that he will not revolutionize himself unless he is forced to a certain point.

After analyzing the above issues, Zhao Yi's main purpose is to allow himself to build his own theater chain, forming two parallel routes with the original production and distribution system.

In the current situation where Qing Ning Entertainment Company has not achieved any impressive results, this kind of resistance is the smallest. In this way, the party that opposes the reform can find a way to step down and still be able to control the overall situation in its own kingdom.

On the other hand, those who support reform also have a breakthrough direction, hoping to create a hole in the entire original system. Although it is not yet known whether Qing Ning Entertainment can form an oppressive force on them, it is better than nothing. .

Following this idea, Zhao Yi first wrote a proposal for film market reform and handed it to ****. This proposal was to reform the existing production and screening system, because he knew how difficult it would be to pass this reform proposal. It's so big that it's almost impossible to pass, which is what Zhao Yi wants.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, once the reform proposal is put forward, the reformists at the top will seize this opportunity to hold a meeting to discuss. After all, our party is democratic centralism, and it is not a one-spoken party. It is not too much to ask for a meeting to discuss.

As the proposer of the reform plan, Zhao Yi will definitely participate in the discussion. When their confrontation is at its most intense, Zhao Yi will repeatedly come up with a plan with slight concessions, so that both sides of the tit-for-tat confrontation will be more acceptable. This is the plan that Zhao Yi really wants to pass.

Sure enough, as Zhao Yi expected, the reform plan was submitted on August 5, and on August 10, a notice was sent for him to participate in the meeting.

On August 10, Zhao Yi attended the meeting as scheduled. To be honest, as an otaku, he didn’t know most of the people sitting in the meeting room. He only knew a few famous actors and they also participated in the discussion. It seems that this meeting was held from the perspective of fully listening to the opinions of all parties.

As the proposer of this reform, after the opening remarks of the meeting, Zhao Yi was arranged to speak. Zhao Yi has not participated in such meetings once or twice, and has reached the point where he can pick them up easily.

I saw him saying: "In the past few years, the number of movies produced in our country every year has been around 20, which is no longer able to meet the country's growing needs for spiritual civilization construction. As for why this situation has occurred, I have already stated in my reform proposals. Well, I won’t go into details here. You all have a copy of the information and can read it for yourself.

You are all seniors in the industry. As a newcomer to this industry, I entered this industry with full confidence. It turns out that if I follow this system, I will lose all my money. This is very important for private participation in the field of film production. Extremely unfriendly.

The above is based on the difficulties in expanding the activity of the film production market. There is also the current situation of film production companies in the existing system. It must be mentioned that what is being done must come from the film producers and their interests. The source is entirely dependent on government funding, and self-hematopoietic capacity is seriously insufficient. This cannot be blamed on them. This is caused by the shortcomings of the current system. "

Some reformists nodded repeatedly when they heard Zhao Yi's words. It was because they were aware of this problem that they wanted to reform.

When the representatives of the film studio heard Zhao Yi's words, they couldn't agree more. They are the source of the film market, but they are unable to gain profits from this market. Because they have been here before, the country is still giving them blood. , and will not die from anemia.

However, with the deepening of reform and opening up, it is unclear whether the government will continue to provide blood transfusions in the future. As a far-sighted film producer, it is impossible not to be aware of this problem. (End of chapter)