The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 111: Build your own cinema line


Zhao Yi saw that all parties had expressed their opinions and that it was impossible to reach a consensus. Zhao Yi stood up again and said: "Since all parties have various concerns, I just synthesized the opinions of all parties and came up with a new reform. The measure can also be regarded as a pilot. Didn’t the old man say that reform is to cross the river by feeling for the stones? Since I am afraid that problems will arise in the reform all at once, then my plan can be regarded as a compromise plan and an attempt. I hope it will contribute to the future. Reform provides more valuable experience.”

Hearing what Zhao Yi said, other people attending the meeting turned their attention to him, wanting to see what compromise plan he could come up with. When the host of the meeting heard what he said, he also said: "Just say it. The spirit of our meeting this time is to speak freely. There is no scruple. If you have ideas, just speak out."

As soon as Zhao heard this, he said: "Since reforming the existing system may cause problems and have a huge impact, then as a private company, I will build a distribution channel on my own in accordance with the laws of market economy and adopt a market-oriented management method. , theaters, producers, and distributors share the revenue in proportion to the box office.

This does not require the state to invest funds, and at the same time, it can obtain another distribution and screening system that is different from the current one. After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, and then carrying out relevant reforms, this will be more convincing.

At that time, based on the operating results, if reforms are carried out, they will be more targeted. The exposed problems can be made up for in a timely manner without causing a big impact. All parties can also see it from this model. the benefits of.

According to international practice, I think the producer and distributor can get 65% of the box office share in the first week, 55% of the box office share in the second week, and return to the normal 45% share in the third week. After three months, the theater chain will get 65% of the box office share. 100%.

We all know that the main time window for a movie's box office is within three months after the movie is released. During this time, the movie producer and distributor participate in the box office sharing, and they can get most of the benefits.

But after three months, the movie box office will decrease sharply. If they still participate in box office sharing, then the theater chain will not earn enough to cover the electricity bill.

The above is my opinion. The country can observe the operation of our theaters, gain market-oriented experience, and lay a solid foundation for future reform of the film market. "

Zhao Yi's plan is the most beneficial for the producers. For the distributors, the current results are mixed, and the results are still unclear. For the theaters, it will slightly lose their own interests, but they can't Any further objections.

Because I asked them to do this just now, but they refused to do it, saying that they would suffer losses. Now that Zhao is here to do it, if you still object, you will be slapping yourself in the face.

One leader asked, “Do you have any more specific plans?”

"There is no more detailed plan for the time being. This idea was something I came up with on the spot. After all, it seems that all parties involved in the reform meeting have opinions on several reform plans discussed at this reform meeting, so I proposed this plan. It is a kind of A compromise solution.

Although I don’t have a very detailed plan, I still have a rough plan. Our self-built theaters will use a different film screen projection system than the current film screen projection system, but will use a digital projection system like the Hong Kong Time Cinema. Think this will be the future trend.

We plan to build about 500 theaters in the first batch of theaters across the country, with about 2,000 screens, forming a chain of theaters that will serve not only our own film and television companies, but also other film studios. "

Of course, Zhao Yi would not admit that this plan had been considered long ago, and it seemed as if he was plotting against them.

According to Zhao Yi's narration, many people at the scene changed their expressions, especially the theaters. They did not expect that Zhao Yi's first batch of plans planned to add so many new screens. If completed, it would create a lot of trouble with them. fierce competition.

However, most of the resistance to this reform came from the theaters. The purpose of the meeting was to target them. They did not agree with the reform plan before, so this time Zhao Yi took advantage of them.

Although this plan was not adopted on the spot at the meeting, judging from the opinions collected at the meeting, the situation is optimistic and most of them are supportive.

After the meeting, Zhao Yi did not go home immediately. Instead, he went to Qing Ning Entertainment Company and walked into the company's office building. There were already people coming and going inside.

After five months, Qian Zhiyuan followed Zhao Yi's plan and now various departments have been established, especially the screenwriting department, which now has more than 100 people. This phenomenon is unique in the country.

Nowadays, many domestic film studios do not have dedicated screenwriting departments. In many cases, directors get a novel and then invite a few writers to change it into a script themselves. This creative method is now the mainstream of the domestic production industry.

Qing Ning Entertainment had also planned to follow this approach earlier. Later, when Zhao Yi was writing the script of "The Legend of Pangu", he suddenly had an inspiration. After communicating with Qian Zhiyuan, he decided that the company would adopt the producer-responsible system + screenwriter-centered system. The purpose of this is to completely industrialize film.

After Zhao Yi came to Qing Ning Entertainment Company, he took a casual look, and then went to Qian Zhiyuan's office. After entering the office, Qian Zhiyuan did not look surprised. He went to attend the reform meeting today and Qian Zhiyuan Yuan said that he must have finished attending the meeting this time and had something to explain to himself.

After the two parties sat down again, Zhao Yi said: "I am quite optimistic about this meeting. Maybe it won't take long for our self-built theater to be approved, and you will also start taking action."

"Okay, I will arrange personnel here to take charge of this matter. It's just about the management of this theater chain. What form are you going to follow?" Qian Zhiyuan asked.

After hearing Qian Zhiyuan's words, Zhao Yi also thought about it. Originally, he could simply list this theater chain under Qing Ning Entertainment Company. However, this theater line does not only play Qing Ning Entertainment Company's films. Domestic Films from other studios can also be screened in this theater.

If we don't separate, will it give the outside world a bad feeling? Especially if we reject some films with poor quality, will we be targeted? It is said that Qing Ning Entertainment Company did this on purpose. This is a Notable issues.

"In that case, I will set up a separate theater company for the theater chain, so as to avoid the possibility of your company becoming the target of public criticism." After thinking about it, Zhao Yi decided to separate the theater chain and Qing Ning Entertainment Company, which would be beneficial to both parties. Online companies can gain greater autonomy, and Qing Ning Entertainment avoids bloated personnel and avoids becoming a target of attacks.

Qian Zhiyuan has obviously thought about this issue, otherwise he would not have asked this question. When Zhao Yi said this, he said: "This is good. Our Qing Ning Entertainment Company can focus more on the field of film and television production."

From this point of view, Qian Zhiyuan is not a particularly power-hungry person. You must know that establishing a theater chain covering the whole country requires a huge amount of investment and personnel. Zhao Yi plans to sink this theater chain to County level.

There are 34 provincial-level administrative regions, 334 prefecture-level administrative regions, and 2,876 county-level administrative regions in the country (according to the current plan, historical data is difficult to verify). The scale that the theater chain may eventually reach will be very large, and the entire plan may eventually form a chain. A theater chain with more than 4,000 theaters is expected to have more than 10,000 screens.

Of course, this is the final plan, and so much may not be needed now, but Zhao Yi still hopes to complete this plan before 1990. The early plan is to build theater chains in economically developed cities. (End of chapter)