The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 112: Film and television projects


After talking about this matter, Zhao Yi said: "In addition to the film project of "The Legend of Pangu", what other projects does the company have now?"

"This year's main film project is "The Legend of Pangu". There are no other film projects planned, and there is only one TV series project. According to Mr. Zhao's ideas, our first TV series project is about the Qin Dynasty, titled "The Qin Empire" can be regarded as the beginning of our Dynasty series." Qian Zhiyuan replied.

Qing Ning Entertainment Company has just started to be established, and many things are in the stage of familiarization and adjustment. It is indeed not advisable to start too many projects. Although there are not many projects, as long as each project is built as a high-quality product, the final harvest should not be small.

Since the country is still in the early stage of reform and opening up, breaking the four olds, and the lingering remnants of feudalism are still there, it is estimated that the TV series "The Qin Empire" will not be shown on domestic TV stations after it is filmed. Zhao Yi originally proposed to use the Dynasty series as the mainstay of the TV series. series, Qian Zhiyuan mentioned this issue.

Zhao was not aware of this problem at first. After being reminded by Qian Zhiyuan, he thought about it and decided to start this series. Regardless of whether domestic TV stations would release it or not, ATV existed anyway, so this series would not fall into his hands.

Moreover, the Dynasty series can indeed reflect our country's ancient culture to the outside world, especially overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, as well as people in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Zhao Yi hopes to arouse their sense of national identity through these series.

The best link between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places is culture. As long as this Dynasty series is well photographed and made into a high-quality product, it can greatly strengthen the cultural connection between the two sides and the three places and arouse their cultural resonance. It is also important for the domestic unification of the three places. has a great effect.

Moreover, during the war in my country, especially during the Anti-Japanese War, many Chinese in Southeast Asia cared about the motherland and donated money and materials to the country. Some families even sent their children to personally participate in the domestic Anti-Japanese War. Many people were involved in this war. Sacrifice one's life.

Especially the Chinese in Malaysia have the strongest sense of blood identity, and they are also the Chinese who have preserved their own culture the most overseas. This is inseparable from their efforts to build Chinese schools.

Zhao Yi also hopes to strengthen the connection between domestic and overseas Chinese through the Dynasty series and the subsequent TV series on historical figures, especially now that we are in the period of reform and opening up. If they can be allowed to return to China to invest, it will make a huge contribution to the development of the domestic economy. Dedication.

There are so many benefits, even if it is a loss, Zhao Yi will continue to promote these projects. After all, these high-quality TV series may not necessarily lose money, and may even make a lot of money.

Zhao Yi asked again: "At what stage are these two projects now?"

"The entire crew of "The Legend of Pangu" is reading through the script, especially the screenwriting department and the directing team. They must understand the entire script before they can start subsequent filming.

In addition, the required film shooting equipment is not yet fully in place. The deadline given by Polaris Company for reply is before September 1st. We strive to prepare everything we can during this period, and we can start shooting directly after the equipment arrives. . Qian Zhiyuan replied.

After hearing what Qian Zhiyuan said, Zhao Yi also expressed his helplessness and understanding.

The script written by Zhao Yi is really unusual. They need to study it and discuss it with each other. After all, this script will serve as a template for other subsequent scripts. If the template is not thoroughly studied, the scripts of other movies will be copied. .

Another one is the special effects shooting equipment developed by Polaris Company, such as motion capture, movie-level cameras and other equipment. Although there is technical information provided by Zhao Yi, it is not easy to research and produce it in about half a year. It can be said that they are the same. After trying their best, we really can’t blame them for delaying the progress of the project.

"How is the construction of our filming base in Huairou going?" Zhao Yi asked.

"Currently, a studio has been built, and 25% of the total has been completed. We currently plan to use the completed studio for the filming of "The Legend of Pangu"," Qian Zhiyuan said.

In fact, all the major domestic studios have their own studios. Zhao Yi originally thought about whether he could borrow their studios, but after finding out more about it, he gave up the idea. Their studios can only be used by the venue. A lot of equipment was unavailable and might not be available for rent, so I simply gave up on renting it and built my own photography base.

As for Huairou, the terrain is flat and far away from the urban area. Even after 2000, it was considered a quiet place and it was very suitable for building an indoor shooting base, where indoor shooting and post-production would be carried out.

Fortunately, in less than half a year, we were finally able to build a studio before filming started, without delaying the filming progress.

"The Legend of Pangu" is a special effects blockbuster. Almost all shooting tasks will be carried out in indoor studios. Due to image design, the actors will not appear in the movie. They will only be asked to wear motion capture equipment to perform, and then pass Post-production special effects, the characters are made into the required characters according to the requirements of the special effects script.

One of the great advantages of doing this is that the film is decoupled from the actor's image. That is to say, apart from the actor's name being listed in the cast list, the audience cannot know what the actor looks like through the film.

If you're making a series of movies, it doesn't matter if actors leave.

Of course, this situation is limited to the series of movies about mythical characters. If it is a movie about real characters, then it is impossible to do this. If you insist on doing this, the actors are unlikely to agree.

As an actor, no one wants to become a household name. If the company does this, it is not impossible that they will be boycotted collectively.

As a promising young man who is committed to cultural export, Zhao Yi also wants to promote culture overseas through his company's film and television works, and this culture is not only the film's ability, but also the image of the actors in the film. You must know that future generations will chase stars. How scary the crowd is, you can know the role of cultural promotion brought by this kind of actor.

Now that he is aware of this role, Zhao Yi will certainly not kill it. He also hopes that more and more mainland stars will go out and become a symbol in the world of film and television. The more such examples, the more successful cultural promotion will be. .

After understanding the basic situation of the "Pangu Legend" project, Zhao Yi wanted to know how the "Qin Empire" project was going, so he asked: "What is the current status of the TV series "Qin Empire"?"

"The script of "The Qin Empire" has just been completed. Because it involves many historical issues, we have also invited several famous domestic professors to study the history of the Qin Dynasty. Not only the historical events, but also the clothing styles and architectural styles of the Qin Dynasty. Wait and try to restore the true scene at that time." Qian Zhiyuan replied.

"Then where are you going to shoot? Or build your own live film and television shooting base as I mentioned before?" Zhao Yi asked.

Zhao Yi and Qian Zhiyuan mentioned last time that if the scenes in movies and TV shows cannot be found in China, they will build them themselves, but I don’t know how he does it now.

"We have communicated with the SX Provincial Government and will cooperate with XY City to build a complete set of Qin Dynasty-style buildings at a one-to-one ratio, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan. We will prioritize the completion of a batch of buildings according to the needs of the script." Qian Zhiyuan said.

As expected by Zhao Yi, he will eventually need to invest in the construction of a film and television live-action base. It is estimated that there will be many such bases in the future, because the architectural styles of each dynasty in our country are very different, so different live-action shooting bases are needed.

"Then what method of cooperation do you adopt?" Zhao Yi asked.

It is impossible to leave a huge building complex like this alone after the filming is completed. If you do it this way, you will probably lose your money, and follow-up operations must be carried out.

"We have reached an agreement with the XY Municipal Government. We are responsible for the capital investment, and they are responsible for the land investment. We will set up a cultural tourism company to be responsible for the daily maintenance and tourism management of this base." Qian Zhiyuan replied.

This is also what it should be. Thinking about the Qin Dynasty building complex, the Epang Palace alone is a huge building complex. The domestic tourism industry is not yet developed, but such a majestic building complex will definitely attract many travel enthusiasts and history enthusiasts. The reader’s love. If you are willing to spend money, you can also experience a time-traveling experience there.

Such cooperation is also very beneficial to the local government, especially XY City. Even in later generations, its economy was not very good. If there is such a huge Qin Dynasty building complex, their tourism revenue will be very objective and still There are various personnel serving tourism, which can provide a considerable number of jobs.

It seems like a huge investment of 1 billion now, but in more than ten years, these investments will reap huge economic benefits. It just took a long time, but Zhao Yi didn't care. Now that he had a lot of money, it was a bit hot. If he didn't use it as soon as possible, it would be useless to keep it in his hands.

"When will the filming of "The Qin Empire" start?" Zhao Yi asked.

"The script has just been completed, and the costume design has been completed based on the suggestions of historians. Now it is going to be handed over to Hualong Clothing Company to help produce it. Some other props are also going to be handed over to some domestic manufacturers or workshops for production. There are currently no buildings in the filming base. Once completed, we don’t expect to start filming until October." Qian Zhiyuan replied.

When he said that the filming base was not completed, he meant that the urgently needed buildings were not completed. With such a large building complex, it is impossible to wait until everything is completed before starting filming. Part of the building must be completed first so that the crew can start filming.

According to this progress, the TV series "The Qin Empire" will not be fully filmed until the middle of next year.

The original intention of establishing Green Lemon Entertainment Company was to provide program resources to ATV, mainly TV movies. As for variety shows, ATV would have to complete them itself. In addition, ATV would also shoot some TV series and other film and television programs.

At present, the programs of Green Lemon Entertainment can only be used as a supplement to ATV. When everything is on track and the company is full of talents, it will explode. (End of chapter)