The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 114: The gate of the mansion


In other film studios, the director has great power. He can almost be said to be the local emperor of the entire crew. They have absolute rights to appoint actors and modify the plot.

But in Qing Ning Entertainment, the director is also the general commander of the shooting scene. He controls the shooting effect according to the script, but in the end the final decision needs to be made by the producer.

Because Lime Entertainment Company implements the producer responsibility system, the producer is responsible for the final effect of the film and television work. If the final effect of the film and television work is significantly different from the script, then the producer has an unshirkable responsibility. You will be punished accordingly by the company.

This system is somewhat similar to the Hollywood film system. Generally, the director does not have the final editing rights of the film. This right lies in the hands of the producer. Some directors shoot the film according to the script, but the final editing effect is not determined by the director. Not sure.

Only the producer knows the final editing effect, and even the director cannot see the final effect of the film he shot in the theater until after the film is released.

Of course, nothing is absolute. Some well-known directors in Hollywood have all the rights, such as Cameron and Spielberg in later generations. The same is true for Lime Entertainment, which also takes extra care of well-known directors.

Lime Entertainment is not that perverted, because in addition to the producer responsibility system, there is also a screenwriting team-centered system, which means that the story line of the film has been set and will not be easily changed midway.

The final effect is basically described in the special effects script, but the acting skills of each actor are different, and this is what the director has control over.

The role of the producer is to review the completed footage to see if the footage shot by the director meets expectations, and also to review whether the actors' acting skills meet the requirements of the script.

When there are no problems in all these processes, but the audience does not buy the final film and television work after it is released, then the writing staff will be punished. This shows that there are errors in the show from the source, either in the direction. Either the story was insufficient, or the writing staff failed to capture what the audience liked.

Of course, not all film and television works are shot to cater to the audience. Sometimes, some works with historical or cultural value are shot. The purpose of shooting these works is not to please the audience, but to improve social understanding through these works. to attract attention to a certain issue, or to spread some social construction views, etc.

The evaluation method for such film and television works is not according to the above, and the process is the same. However, after the screenwriting team has written the script, it will be submitted to Qian Zhiyuan, the person in charge of Qing Ning Entertainment Company, for review. If it passes After that, the shooting effect is also based on the script, so even if it is not satisfactory in the end, the screenwriter team does not have to take responsibility.

It can be seen from the operation mode of Lime Entertainment Company described above that the director is also a screw in a film and television production. He only has a relatively large degree of freedom on the shooting scene, but he does not have the decisive force. There will be more later A producer stares.

To formulate such a process, it is still the same sentence, the need for film industrialization. In the process of film industrialization, every part is a screw, and it will not have decisive power. As long as there is no problem with each screw, then there will be a steady stream of success. Continuously produce film and television works of stable quality.

Wen Yi Zaidao, this sentence is eternal, and the same is true for film and television works. Every screenwriter has the right to submit a script. This script can be a summary or a complete script.

But no matter what, as long as the submitted work is passed, the screenwriter can form a screenwriting team with this work as the center, and let colleagues in the screenwriting team work together to turn the story into a story according to the screenwriting template of Qing Ning Entertainment Company. Script, then the person who takes the lead in forming the screenwriting team has the right to grasp the core values in the script story.

In Zhao Yi's view, this should also be their right. Every film and television work should have its core values. Film and television works without core values are destined to have no soul. Even if it is a popcorn movie, there must be salvation. The world yearns for the values of freedom.

The purpose of the script story proposer to grasp the core values of the script is, firstly, to make a script have a complete core value, rather than because there are many people and everyone puts forward their own value points, in the end the script will be divided into four different parts. .

The second is to solve the problem of single values in scripts. Everyone has their own values, and these values may be reflected in film and television works. However, if there are many screenwriters and after discussion, the minority obeys the majority, the result may be that many film and television works The values are the same.

Because evidence shows that the values believed by most people in a group are often relatively straightforward and single, but ignore the differences that exist in a single individual.

Without further ado, when Zhao Yi entered the director's office, there were only about 10 people inside, and there were no famous directors that Zhao Yi knew.

The directors gathered together to discuss the issue saw Qian Zhiyuan leading a young man into the office, and they stopped discussing. An older director stood up and said to Qian Zhiyuan: "Mr. Qian, this is Where did you kidnap the director from? He looks quite young, a recent graduate?"

Judging from their conversation, Qian Zhiyuan and this director should be relatively familiar. They may have known each other before, or they may have gotten to know each other later. This Zhao Yi will not care.

Qian Zhiyuan smiled and said: "This is what I have always said, the boss of our company, Zhao Yi, Mr. Zhao."

After hearing Qian Zhiyuan's words, the others who were still sitting on their chairs all stood up. This was not necessarily flattery. It had not been a day or two since they entered Qing Ning Entertainment Company. For this private entertainment company I still have a clear understanding of my strength.

The Qin Dynasty building complex currently under construction in XY City alone has an investment of 1 billion yuan, which is an astronomical figure in this era.

For such a rich boss, they must show their respect no matter what. If they have a future, they will need the company's strong support. If they offend the real boss of the company because of their arrogance, this is an unforgivable mistake. .

Looking at these drama queens, Zhao Yi didn’t know what to say. As a person with high IQ, of course he would see things through without telling them. He shook hands with them one by one, and then Zhao Yi said: "Thank you for joining Qing Ning Entertainment Company, this company The company has just started and there is a shortage of many talents. With your joining, I believe that the company can do all its work more perfectly."

Although the company does not implement a director-centered system, the director can be said to be the person with the most complete control over all aspects of the entire filming crew. Otherwise, he would not be able to direct the entire crew to work in an orderly manner.

When these directors saw Zhao Yi being so polite, they immediately relaxed a lot. Zhao Yi saw that they relaxed and asked, "I just saw that you were having a heated discussion. Can I know something?"

Zhao Yi actually had no topic to talk about, so he thought of the situation just now, and then brought up such a topic.

Hearing Zhao's words, the director was the first to stand up. He pulled someone over and said, "This is an old friend of mine named Guo Baochang. He came to see me this time. We couldn't help but We talked about the autobiographical novel "The Mansion Gate" that he has been writing since he was a child. Not long after that, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Qian came in."

Hearing what the director said, Zhao Yi took a closer look at the man next to him, Guo Baochang. Zhao Yi had watched the TV series "Mansion Gate". Although he has forgotten almost all the plots in it, the sensation it caused back then was But it is real.

As a viewer, they only watch TV series and generally don’t care who the director is, so it’s normal for Zhao Yi not to know Guo Baochang. I just heard the director just said that the script of "The Mansion Gate" has actually been written a long time ago. Guo Baochang is in his forties, so why did he not start filming this TV series until 2000

Zhao Yi was obviously interested, so he asked: "Oh, so this drama has been written for more than 20 years. I really admire Director Guo's persistence."

When Guo Baochang heard Zhao Yi's words, he quickly said: "I don't dare, it's just that this novel has always been my obsession, and it is written based on my personal experience."

Through chatting with Guo Baochang, Zhao Yi learned that it turned out that this novel was started when Guo Baochang was 16 years old. His childhood experience was also very bumpy.

Guo Baochang, formerly known as Li Baochang, was born in a poor worker's family in Beijing in August 1940.

When he was two years old, his father froze to death on the street. His mother sold him to the Wu family of Shacheng Railway Station in Hebei Province for 80 yuan, and his surname was changed to Wu. Later, his third aunt borrowed money to redeem him and sold him to Tongrentang for 200 yuan.

Because his adoptive mother's surname was Guo, he changed his name to Guo Baochang. Guo Baochang was smart since he was a child. He could sing at the age of 5, write articles at the age of 8, and entered Beijing No. 5 Middle School at the age of 12. At the age of 16, he began to write the family-themed novel "The Mansion Gate".

Guo Baochang created an upright woman "Bai Wenshi" in "The Mansion Gate". The prototype of this woman is Guo Baochang's adoptive mother.

During her lifetime, Guo's mother firmly opposed Guo Baochang's writing of "The Great House Gate", and she once destroyed Guo Baochang's manuscript.

Guo Baochang said, "My mother was originally a maid and was later promoted to be the second mistress. I was also a bastard from a poor family and was adopted as a young master. Their origins as mother and son were highly discriminated against in that big family. .

But this strong mother held up a sky for me. I drank when I was 14 and smoked when I was 16. My mother taught me how to drink. She said, in this family, all the men smoke and drink. What can you do if you don’t

From then on, I would have a box of Great China on the table when I came back from school every day. By the time I was 18, I could drink 2 kilograms of Maotai. My mother said that when you grow up, there will be so many things to do at the dinner table. In order to survive, you have to stand still, and you can't stand without punches and kicks. "

What impressed Guo Baochang most deeply was this incident. When he was a boy, Guo Baochang was obsessed with Peking opera and movies, so he actually missed a year of classes and spent all day in the theater.

He failed the final exam and Guo Baochang repeated the grade. Guo Baochang knew how humiliating this incident was to his mother, but her mother actually didn't mention it for several days.

On this day, 16-year-old Guo Baochang was drunk. He was lying on his bed crying. His mother asked him: "Why are you crying? Are you sad because of repeating a grade?"

When his mother asked, Guo Baochang cried even more sadly. His mother said, "What's the point? It's just a year of squatting. I'll be fine after another year. It's worth crying."

After his mother finished speaking, he left. From then on, Guo Baochang vowed to uphold his mother's honor. Although he would still go to the movies and listen to plays in the future, he would get excellent grades in all his subjects.

In 1959, 19-year-old Guo Baochang was admitted to the Directing Department of Beijing Film Academy on the recommendation of Tian Feng, director of the Directing Department of Beijing Film Academy. With the support of his teacher, he started writing the literary script of "The Mansion Gate".

Speaking of this mentor, Guo Baochang couldn't help but shed tears. He said: "Teacher Tian Feng was the director of the directing department of the Beijing Film Academy at the time. In that era of componentism, only children of workers and peasants could enter the film industry. Academy.

If it hadn't been for the strong recommendation of Teacher Tian Feng, whom I had never met before, I would never have entered the film school as a young capitalist.

Teacher Tian Feng found me after the first round of exams. In order to recruit me, he used his party spirit to guarantee to the college: This must be a good candidate!

After I was labeled as a counterrevolutionary, Teacher Tian Feng committed suicide. "

This incident has always made Guo Baochang feel guilty towards Tian Feng, and he is even more determined to write and film "The Mansion Gate" well. This drama not only expresses his feelings for his adoptive mother, but also hopes to create the best "Mansion Gate" 》Come to repay Teacher Tian Feng who is the spirit in heaven. Now this show has become his obsession.

Now Guo Baochang is the art director of Guangxi Film Studio, and it stands to reason that he already has the right to start filming this TV series. However, the current situation is still unclear, so he has not yet thought about preparing to make it into a TV series. He has just been polishing the script.

Hearing this, Zhao Yi asked: "It stands to reason that this script has been written for such a long time, so it should be completed by now."

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, Guo Baochang said: "Although he wrote the work "The Mansion Gate" when he was 16 years old, during the Cultural Revolution, the work was confiscated and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

At that time, I thought about committing suicide, but fortunately, I was cleared in the end. It was also a fateful one. When my ex-wife and I filed for divorce, I didn’t expect that 2/3 of the mansion I wrote on would be burned down by my ex-wife.

Now I'm rewriting the play, and it's not completely finished yet. "

After understanding the whole ins and outs, Zhao Yi felt that this experience was already wonderful enough to write a special script. So he became even more curious about the script of "The Mansion Gate" and asked: "Do you have the script with you? Can you give it to me?" Take a look?"

After hearing what he said, Guo Baochang took out a manuscript from his arms, handed it to Zhao Yi, and said: "It's all here. Take a look if you want. I want to write it out just to hope that this will be published." Tell the story to the world.”

"The Mansion Gate" is based on Tongrentang. Zhao Yi knew about it in his previous life. He took the script and read it carefully. Due to his strong brain, he could read ten lines at a glance and read all the content in less than half an hour.

Guo Baochang was also amazed when he saw it. At first he thought it was Zhao Yi who was perfunctory, but then they discussed the content of the script. Zhao Yi knew all the details of the script well and could even speak the original words in the script.

"If political factors are not considered, are you willing to make this story into a TV series now?" Zhao Yi asked.

After hearing what Zhao Yi said, Guo Baochang immediately expressed his willingness. Zhao Yi said that Qing Ning Entertainment Company was willing to make this story into a TV series. As for whether it will be broadcast in China, we have to discuss with major TV stations, but it will definitely be broadcast on ATV.

When Guo Baochang heard that ATV was also his industry, he became more confident in filming this story into a TV series. There would be no platform for broadcasting the story after it was filmed due to political factors.

Seeing that Guo Baochang agreed, Zhao Yi said to Guo Baochang: "Since the script has not been completely completed yet, in order to speed up the progress, you can select people from the screenwriting department of Qing Ning Entertainment Company to form a screenwriting team. The main content is based on your This can greatly speed up the writing of the script."

When Guo Baochang heard Zhao Yi's words, he immediately agreed and expressed his willingness to resign as the art director of Guangxi Film Studio and join Qing Ning Entertainment Company. Zhao Yi expressed his welcome to join the company at the time.

After returning home, Zhao Yi and Qian Zhiyuan had a discussion about the matter, and then asked Qian Zhiyuan to cooperate with the work and strive to enter the shooting stage of the project within the year.

Starting a new project requires a lot of preliminary preparation work. It is still in the script creation period. At this time, it is necessary to choose a shooting location. If there is no ready-made suitable location, you need to create a new shooting scene yourself, which requires a lot of The preparation work is done.

In addition to the scenes, it is also necessary to prepare costume designs and staff the entire crew. This is also a complicated task for Qing Ning Entertainment, which does not have sufficient personnel. It must also recruit people from state-owned enterprises. Who knows that almost all talents in this field are now in state-owned enterprises.

This drama will basically not use special effects, so the writing team does not need to write a special effects script. This can greatly save the time to complete the script, and then the time for preliminary preparations will be much less.

Now that a new project has been added, Qian Zhiyuan's work will be even busier in the future.

After explaining all the issues to Qian Zhiyuan, Zhao Yi left Qing Ning Entertainment Company. The subsequent operational ideas were also clearly explained to Qian Zhiyuan, and he did not need to pay constant attention to the situation here in the future.

After returning to Prince Gong's Mansion, Zhao Yi rested for a day or two, waiting for the government's reform notice to be announced so that he could start building his own theater chain. However, some preliminary work can be started now instead of waiting for notification to start, which would be a waste of time. (End of chapter)