The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 115: Comprehensive shopping mall


Since the relevant reform notice of **** has not yet been issued, it is estimated that it will be difficult to register a company now.

But the preliminary preparation work had to start again, so Zhao Yi asked the trading company to be responsible for this work, because what Zhao Yi was building was not just a cinema, but a comprehensive shopping mall.

It involves department stores, games, Internet cafes, restaurants, clothing, electronic products, etc. There is nothing wrong with letting a trading company be responsible for the construction of a comprehensive shopping mall, and the final property rights and properties are also planned to be under the name of the trading company.

This means that Zhao Yi is officially preparing to let the trading company deploy in the domestic retail department store industry. In the past, he had deployed overseas retail department stores. This is because the main ones in China are state-owned supply and marketing cooperatives, and it is difficult for him to steal other people's jobs.

At that time, the situation was not urgent. Although the services of the supply and marketing cooperatives were indeed not very good, they had not yet reached the point of conflict, and there was little willingness to reform.

Now we really have to do this. If we just build a cinema, it will be difficult to guarantee the passenger flow. Only this kind of comprehensive shopping mall can attract enough passenger flow. As a service complex, only the masses can enter the comprehensive shopping mall, then they can Solve almost all shopping, leisure and entertainment problems.

It can also be seen from the 1982 annual meeting that the trading company's financial situation has improved now. Although it is still losing money overall, the capital is paid by Zhao Yi and does not need to be repaid.

All the funds that trading companies can use now are huge, so there is no problem in terms of funds for trading companies to build new comprehensive shopping malls.

After having this idea, Zhao Yi called Jia Siqi and told him the specific situation, asking the trading company to expand the number of domestic employees. With so many comprehensive shopping malls under construction, although he did not have to build it himself, he could supervise the construction progress. And construction quality supervision and inspection still require manpower, which means that people need to keep an eye on it.

After the construction of the shopping mall is completed, manpower will still be needed to manage the property. If they cannot find enough merchants to open stores here, they will also need self-operated stores, such as department stores and supermarkets.

This itself is the business of a trading company, so it must be built by itself, as well as clothing stores, etc. This is for Hualong Clothing Company, as well as game arcades and Internet cafes. It would be best if we can recruit merchants. If we really can't recruit merchants, We can only let the shopping mall management company start it by itself. Such a small business is not worth setting up a new company.

There is also the catering industry, which is more troublesome. Not only does it involve a wide range of types, but also the demand for employees is huge, and the tastes vary greatly. Moreover, Zhao Yi does not have a catering company now, so it will be very embarrassing to find a merchant.

Nowadays, private investors entering the catering industry are all self-employed. It is still unknown whether they are still willing to set up shop in shopping malls due to rent issues or health management issues.

Because the rent of ordinary houses is not high now, but the rent of shopping malls is definitely much higher than that of ordinary houses. This is a contradiction.

Moreover, shopping mall catering attaches great importance to the environment. The decoration must be at the same level as the entire shopping mall environment, otherwise it will damage the market image of the shopping mall. This requires a large amount of decoration costs, which is unbearable for self-employed people who are just starting out.

The current solution to this problem is to go into battle personally and set up a company specializing in catering to open a chain of restaurants.

And it’s not a series. You have to know that catering covers a huge range, including barbecue, hot pot, Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Yunnan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, etc. If these are all managed by a team, there will definitely be big problems. .

On the one hand, there is bloated staff; on the other hand, competition is not fierce. In the end, the service quality is no different from that of supply and marketing cooperatives.

Therefore, if you go into battle in person, you need to create different catering chain companies for different catering categories, which is more troublesome.

Zhao Yi already has enough companies, and he really doesn't want to set up a company that doesn't have high technical content and can't become the industry leader.

Another way is to set up an investment company and invest in individuals who have experience in the catering industry and have unique catering recipes. This method is as long as you have money, find the right person and support him.

Finally, Zhao Yi plans to use the second method, investing in companies to solve their financial problems. They also have their own interests in it. The interests of various participating companies are not consistent, and effective competition can be formed.

Zhao Yi's company does not need to personally manage so many employees, thus avoiding bloated personnel.

As for the retail of electronic and home appliances, it is left to Polaris Company to prepare and establish itself. They currently have a lot of capital reserves, and their electronic products and home appliances are relatively complete.

So first let them build their own specialty stores, and then let the trading company build a home appliance retail brand to sell products of other electronics companies and home appliance companies as agents. If domestic 2G construction begins, communication companies can also set up their own mobile communication equipment stores. .

Based on this analysis, it seems that there is no need to worry about not having enough merchants to settle in, as our own companies can support a large part of it.

After Zhao Yi finished his analysis, he called each of his companies and asked him to contact the trading company to build their own domestic channels.

After finishing these instructions, the law firm was asked to help register a Haoweier catering company. This company will not operate the catering industry itself, but currently only invests in the catering industry.

After arranging this, Zhao Yi received a call from Fang Huanian, the person in charge of the airline he was flying, telling him that the airline he was flying had passed the preparation period and could officially open for business.

According to the production speed of Star Express Company, about 30 aircraft can be rolled off the production line in a month. Two months have passed, which means that the flying airline has received 60 aircraft, and it will reach the plan in more than one month. aircraft ownership in .

Now Zhao Yi had nothing to do, so he happened to go over to see the actual situation. After agreeing with Fang Huanian that he would personally attend the company's ribbon-cutting ceremony, he took a plane to Wuhan.

When Zhao Yi got off the plane at Wuhan Nanhu Airport, Fang Huanian drove over to pick him up.

Currently, only Nanhu Airport in Wuhan is allowed for civilian use, while Tianhe Airport, a cooperation between Qingyang Airport Company and WH Municipal Government, has not yet been completed.

Tianhe Airport is the earliest airport established by Qingyang Airport Company in China. The important reason is that the headquarters of Airline, Qingyang Airport Company, and Chenghui Aircraft Leasing Company are all in Wuhan.

Many airlines use Tianhe Airport as their base airport, and the main airport where Chenghui Aircraft Leasing Company's aircraft park is also at Tianhe Airport.

From this we can see how important Tianhe Airport will be, so it is not surprising that Tianhe Airport will be built first. Moreover, this airport is very large, three times the size of the current Beijing Capital Airport. Once completed, it will be the largest airport in China. The most advanced and largest airport.

In the previous life, Wuhan Tianhe Airport only had an area of more than 650,000 square meters, or just over 0.65 square kilometers. However, this time the Tianhe International Airport built by Qingyang Airport Company finally covered an area of 10 square kilometers.

The first phase construction target is 2 square kilometers to meet the current needs of the three companies and other airlines. In the later period, as the passenger flow increases, subsequent development will be carried out.

The reason why Tianhe International Airport needs to be built so big is because Zhao Yi plans to park the aircraft produced by Star Express Company here in the future. Star Express Company’s own parking spaces are not very large, so they must find a place. It is not surprising that Wuhan, as the main base of Zhao Yi's aviation industry, is placed at Tianhe International Airport.

After the Tianhe International Airport is finally completed, it will have four runways. Based on the normal number of passengers, the two runways will actually be enough for decades.

But because Star Express aircraft will be parked here, two more runways will be added, and there will also be a large number of parking spaces. In addition to the normal 200 airline aircraft parking spaces, there will also be 500 additional parking spaces. Spaces, these extra parking spaces are not only used by aircraft leasing companies, but also by Star Express companies.

After getting off the plane, Zhao Yi went directly to the headquarters of the airline he was flying to. This headquarters was built not far from Tianhe International Airport, mainly to facilitate management.

The company now has 400 flight technicians. According to the configuration of two flight technicians per aircraft, they are mainly retired pilots recruited from the army, and some are from other airlines. There are not many domestic pilots at present, and it is possible to recruit such a number. Many people have tried their best. In addition to giving high salaries, they may have offended many colleagues.

Compared with flight technicians, the recruitment of flight attendants is much smoother. Aircraft such as the I100 are single-aisle aircraft and only need to be equipped with three flight attendants. Therefore, the company currently has more than 600 flight attendants according to needs.

To be honest, the 200 aircraft of the current flying company cannot operate at full capacity. One is the number of passengers and the other is the number of airports, so these flight attendants do not need to work at full capacity. Now recruiting so many is just to do one Talent reserve, planning for the future.

Since the ground staff are provided by the airport, there is no need to worry about this aspect. The total number of personnel in other departments is only about 300, so the entire company currently has about 1,300 employees.

Such a small number of people is mainly because there are currently relatively few domestic airports, and there are not too many ground staff who need to be dispatched to other airports. In the future, as more and more airports cooperate with Qingyang Airport Company and local governments, the number of personnel in this area will also increase. Come more and more. (End of chapter)