The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 117: Wang Ergou


After hearing Zhao Yi's words, Zou Qimin had a deeper understanding of his strength.

You must know that the investment in building a large-scale comprehensive shopping mall is not a small amount, and my boss will build 500 of them in the first batch, which means the first batch of investment will be about 5 billion yuan.

Moreover, I have never heard of any of the theater equipment I just mentioned, and these high-end equipment are also developed and produced by his company. It can be seen that this company's R&D strength is also at the top in the world.

Thinking of this, Zou Qimin felt lucky for his original decision, even though working as a projectionist in a county cinema was a job that guaranteed income despite droughts and floods.

But he was still very young and didn't want to stay in one place all the time. He always wanted to venture outside. At this time, Qian Zhiyuan, who was in Kyoto, contacted him and told him that his boss was planning to set up a national chain of cinemas.

To be honest, private enterprises in this era sound unreliable. Not only in this era, but also after the 21st century, some regions and provinces with relatively strong traditional concepts still have this concept.

For example, most people in Shandong believe that working in private enterprises is not serious work, not to mention that in this era, Zou Qimin originally planned to refuse. If he worked for a private person, he might as well be self-employed.

But after hearing Qian Zhiyuan talk about his salary and various benefits, Zou Qimin hesitated. In this era, the monthly salary reached more than 5,000 yuan, which means that a household worth 10,000 yuan in two months.

This is an irresistible advantage in this era, and in addition to the fixed salary, there are also dividends, which can be higher than the salary.

To be honest, Zou Qimin was moved. You must know that Qian Zhiyuan and he both graduated from high school. Although they had a good relationship, they didn't think they were any different.

Since Qian Zhiyuan can create something new, he can do the same. After thinking about this, Zou Qimin immediately agreed, and immediately asked for leave from the company, bought a train ticket, and rushed to Kyoto overnight.

Qian Zhiyuan knew that as long as he diligently took care of the affairs of Qing Ning Entertainment Company, he would not have to worry about being fired, and he would be considered successful, and he would not have to worry too much in the future.

This time the Time Cinema Company needed a person in charge, and he immediately thought of his good friend Zou Qimin. He still knew what Zou Qimin's human character was, otherwise if he recommended him, if something went wrong, he would be implicated.

Moreover, Zou Qimin, like himself, came from a theater background and was knowledgeable about theater matters, so he recommended his friend to Zhao Yi.

Zou Qimin, who was thinking about it, heard Zhao Yi's words and quickly replied: "Mr. Zhao, I will communicate well with the personnel of the trading company and Mr. Zhang of Polaris Company, and the construction schedule will never be delayed."

As soon as Zhao heard Zou Qimin agreed, he handed him some theater design drawings that had been prepared. Inside were some modern decoration renderings, as well as some schematic diagrams of the cinema's sound effects equipment and projection equipment, so that Zou Qimin could see them as much as possible. Gotta understand.

People today don't have the concept of future generations, and they are afraid that their ideas will deviate from their own, so they simply explain all these things clearly.

After making sure that Zou Qimin understood what he meant, Zhao Yi asked Zou Qimin to go back to find the company's office location and recruit employees, etc., and told him that if there was anything unclear, he could ask Qian Zhiyuan.

Since Qian Zhiyuan recommended Zou Qimin, he was obliged to help him. Zhao Yi was too lazy to do such trivial matters anyway. As long as Zou Qimin chooses the office location, he can tell himself.

Fortunately, as the headquarters of a theater chain, there are actually not many employees. Most of the employees still work in various theaters, so the office area of the headquarters does not need to be large. It only needs to meet the daily operations of the company. It is estimated that the number of employees in the headquarters will be less than 100. .

For Zhao Yi, the affairs of Shijiang Cinema Company have come to an end, and all the links have been arranged. The next step is to look at each company below. If it is not handled well, it is the responsibility of each company.

After dealing with the issues with Time Cinema, Zhao Yi set his sights on brewing his own fruit wine.

Fruits from Maowusu Ranch were also delivered, but there are not many varieties of fruits. They are all common fruits in Shaanxi, such as Luochuan apples, Lintong pomegranates, Pucheng Suli, Lintong Huojing persimmons, Dali winter dates, Zhouzhi kiwis, etc. .

At first, Zhao asked Mu Us Ranch to use some mountainous areas and land that could not be mechanized to plant economic tree species. As a result, they found some fruit trees from all over Shaanxi to plant.

The fruits grown now cannot be said to be better than those grown in the place of origin, and may even be inferior to them. This involves climate differences. For the same fruit variety, there will be differences in appearance and taste of the fruits grown in different climate environments. .

No matter what Zhao Yi has in mind, these are the only fruits he has now, and he can only use these materials to make wine.

These fruits were placed in the cold storage by Zhao Yi because the brewing equipment built for Zhao Yi by the machinery company had not yet arrived. It's early September now, and the weather is very hot. If we don't keep it refrigerated, the equipment will probably be broken by the time it arrives.

On September 15th, the brewing equipment Zhao Yi needed was finally brought over from the machinery company. The equipment was not very big. After all, self-brewing is not a factory and does not require such large equipment. During this period, Zhao Yi ordered some wine storage The barrels arrived as well as the glass bottles and wine racks.

Everything is ready, all we need is Dongfeng. Each fruit has a different fruit wine formula. These formulas were made by Zhou Ling according to Zhao Yi's requirements. After preparing the special wine-making equipment, Zhao Yi made the wine according to the type of fruit. They are brewed one by one and then stored in sterilized empty wooden barrels. After a month, they are taken out and the various fruit wines are blended according to special proportions.

When blending, a special biological edible fungus needs to be added. This fungus can not only produce various organic nutrients, but can also mix the flavors of various fruit wines so that people can still distinguish the various flavors in their mouths. The taste of fruit, the aroma of passion fruit in a sip of wine, is what I'm talking about.

It is not difficult to brew fruit wine alone. It took Zhao Yi 10 days to brew everything and store them one by one.

After finishing these, Zhao Yi went to the Qingnong Biochemical Laboratory, which was formed by merging the laboratories of the original Environmental Management Company and the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company.

The person in charge of the laboratory is Wang Ergou. When he first heard the name, Zhao Yi thought it was funny, but later after hearing Wang Ergou's own description, he only admired Wang Ergou.

Wang Ergou's hometown is in AH, and his family was poor since he was a child. Although poverty was common in that era, his family was even worse. In order to allow him to survive, his father gave him a nickname.

Because it is popular in the local area to make a living with a cheap name, before Wang Ergou, he already had a brother and a sister who died in infancy. Under such circumstances, it is understandable that his father gave him such a name.

Fortunately, Wang Ergou has been fine and healthy since he was born, but he basically doesn't have anything delicious to eat, and he often doesn't have enough to eat.

Although he was in the production team at that time, he was usually in a state of not having enough to eat and starving to death, but because his older brother and sister who died young spent all the family savings, and also owed a lot of debt.

In order to pay off the debt as soon as possible, his father worked day and night, just to earn more money and more work points. However, the good times did not last long. Due to long-term fatigue, his father became bedridden and finally left the two of them alone. .

In rural areas, women's physical strength is incomparable to that of men, and they earn fewer work points than men, so they cannot support their wives at all.

In the end, there was no other way, so his mother took him to remarry to a loyal bachelor's family in a neighboring village. His stepfather was still quite strong, and his family gradually improved.

But his father's death was a big blow to him. He still didn't understand why his father couldn't support him even though he tried his best, and finally fell because of it.

Until he was 10 years old, he led the cows in the production team to the mountains to graze. Sitting on a stone, he saw the farmers bending down and inserting the seedlings into the paddy fields with bows and arrows. In the whole afternoon, they completed one acre of fields. , he realized that this kind of farming was so inefficient, and he thought he had found the reason.

So with the dream of improving production efficiency, he studied hard, hoping that one day he could go to university to learn knowledge and achieve his goals.

As a result, around the time of the college entrance examination, 10 years of turmoil entered. Since there was no connection, he had no chance to even be recommended to enter the university. After 10 years of wasting, at the age of nearly 30, he finally got through the resumption of the college entrance examination, and his opportunity finally came. .

The result was indeed the case. He was admitted to China Agricultural University and became a student majoring in mechanics.

When he first applied for the exam, the staff asked him if he wanted to change his name. In the end, Wang Ergou was stunned and didn't change his name. He just wanted his name to remind him of his goal, which seemed to be a bit of a ambition-destroying thing.

As a result, after entering, I may have grown up, and I didn’t think about things on the surface. I realized that machinery may not be able to change this situation, because there is only so much arable land in our country, and the population is already 1 billion. No matter how powerful the machinery is, it will not be able to change it. feed so many people.

It was with this consideration in mind that he asked the school to change departments. It is not so easy to change departments in this era. For this reason, he had a big quarrel with the school. Fortunately, he not only had excellent grades, but also performed well in daily life, and won his The unanimous approval of the teachers prevented him from being punished.

He was not allowed to transfer departments, so he took classes in the biology major and went to the library to learn biological agriculture knowledge. However, his grades in the mechanical major plummeted. After four years of college, he ended up dropping out.

It is obvious that the students who dropped out of school were assigned by the state. Fortunately, they were recruited by the agricultural and animal husbandry company into the laboratory. Otherwise, we would not know what the result would be.

When he came to the laboratory, his efforts in agricultural biology finally paid off, and he gradually came to prominence. This time the laboratories were merged to form the Qingnong Biological Laboratory, and his being elected as the person in charge fully explained the problem. (End of chapter)