The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 119: The 19th Global Congress of Mathematicians


Although Zhao Yi has genetic-related information and is the actual owner of Qingnong Biological Laboratory, he still hopes to reach some kind of consensus with the person in charge.

This is not just in Qingnong Biological Laboratory, but also with the heads of other companies. Only by reaching a consensus can they implement their will well. After all, he does not often keep an eye on the company and the laboratory. If it is If you keep staring, you can just give the order directly, and you can control the progress by yourself.

After listening to Wang Ergou's words and understanding his concerns, Zhao Yi took out the gene-related technical information he had prepared. This was a USB flash drive developed by Byte Data Company. Because there was too much information, if it was replaced with Paper is very heavy and not easy to carry, and the confidentiality of paper is also poor.

This USB flash drive uses encryption technology. Only when it is inserted into the supercomputer of the Qingnong Biological Laboratory can the relevant information be decrypted. Then if you want to see the relevant information, you must connect to the supercomputer according to your own permissions and view the information within your own permissions.

In addition, in order to prevent shooting problems, intelligent passive light induction analysis interference technology is also used on the display. If you hold the camera to shoot, the picture will be blurry, and some interference information will appear, making the shooting The screen is unrecognizable.

After this USB flash drive is inserted into the external physical interface of the supercomputer of the Qingnong Biological Laboratory, and it is unplugged again, the data will be automatically formatted, completely erasing the data without leaving any residue.

Unlike the hard drive in a personal computer, which can be retrieved after deletion, this cannot be retrieved.

After handing the USB flash drive to Wang Ergou, he said to him: "I can't let you start experimental work without any foundation. This USB flash drive contains a complete set of genetic technology information. You can let the laboratory employees according to your authority. Study, with this set of information, I believe some of your concerns will be eliminated."

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, Wang Ergou was also surprised. He had never heard of Zhao Yi's research on genes, and he rarely even came to Qingnong Biological Laboratory. As for the authenticity of the information, he did not question it. , after all, before, Zhao Yi also provided a full set of technical methods to achieve targeted induced mutations in genes of specific species.

If it was said that Zhao Yi obtained it from abroad through some means, he would not believe it. Take the gene-specific induction mutation technology for example. There is no such technology in the world at all. He was a little skeptical at first, but it has been two years now. A lot of time has passed, but they still haven't heard any academic information about this in the academic field. This fully proves that these technologies were developed by Zhao Yi himself.

Recall that Zhao Yi is already a person with great academic achievements in the field of mathematics. Although he transferred to the biochemistry major and did not achieve world-class achievements when he graduated, as far as he knows, Zhao Yi has used it for one year as a graduate student in three years. I graduated on time, and I was still busy with my own affairs.

This fully proves that Zhao Yi is also a genius in the field of biochemistry, but he also has some guesses as to why he did not produce an academic paper with world influence when he graduated.

Again, it takes many years, or even hundreds of years, for achievements in mathematical theory to be transformed into productivity, but it is different in the field of biochemistry. As long as there is a little breakthrough in these fields, then There will be a huge productivity impact.

Let’s take the targeted gene induction technology of specific species as an example. Although this technology is only targeted at specific species, it still has some common theoretical foundations.

As long as these common theoretical foundations are compiled into a paper, then a Nobel Prize may be won, but Zhao Yi did not do this. For him, these honors are nothing, and he does not need to be recognized by others. He just wants to Do what you think is right.

When you are weak, you must learn to cherish yourself. When you are strong, you can have the world in mind. This is the same for individuals and countries.

Why do Western developed countries promote the idea that science has no borders? They hope that scientists all over the world can publish their discoveries to the public. It is obvious that scientific results can be shared by the whole world, but can backward countries really share them

If your country does not have enough scientists and an economic foundation, in fact, this kind of sharing method is equivalent to no one. Even if you are given technical information, you will not be able to turn it into reality.

This is a disguised plunder of intellectual resources, and there is no way to fight back and no possibility of defense.

Zhao Yi, Wang Ergou and other Qingnong Laboratory personnel reached a consensus. For scientific researchers, academic achievements are their lives, and academic prestige comes from publishing papers. Zhao Yi cannot prevent them from publishing papers. In this way, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recruit enough scientific researchers.

Therefore, there are some regulations. As long as the technical information and theories provided by Zhao Yi, as well as the technologies and theories derived from them, they are not allowed to write papers and publish them without authorization. They need to be reviewed by Zhao Yi to prevent any damage to the company or the company. The laboratory caused irreparable losses.

Because Zhao Yi possesses Zhou Ling, she can perceive the global information. Although she cannot personally influence it, as long as she knows this information, it is enough for Zhao Yi.

When other countries have almost achieved breakthroughs, let the company's R&D department or laboratory compile relevant technologies into technical papers and publish them, and also apply for technology patents in advance.

If science and technology workers around the world knew about this situation, they would probably say: "Is this what people should do?"

At the same time, he would raise his middle finger to Zhao Yi. There's no way, it's just so "shameless".

After giving the information to Wang Ergou, he originally planned to provide relevant training to the researchers in the Qingnong Biological Laboratory in order to speed up the progress. However, news came from the Chinese Academy of Sciences that Zhao Yi was expected to attend the Global Mathematicians Conference and invited The letter was also sent.

The Global Congress of Mathematicians is held every four years. At the end of this conference, the location of the next one is decided.

The last one, the 18th Global Congress of Mathematicians, was held in Helsinki, Finland, in 1978. It stands to reason that the 19th Congress should be held in 1982.

The reason is that in December 1981, the Polish Ruzelski government declared that Poland had entered a state of war and implemented military control.

According to Soviet materials afterwards, if the Polish authorities lost control of the situation at that time, the Soviet Union would not hesitate to use the Warsaw Pact bloc for military intervention.

The 19th Congress of Mathematicians was held in Warsaw, Poland. Due to the reasons mentioned above, it was postponed to 1983. Correspondingly, the 20th Congress of Mathematicians was held one year in advance, in 1986. This is still an average Held once every 4 years.

In the world of mathematicians, the established sequence of intervals cannot be changed even if an accident occurs. Perhaps this is not in line with mathematical aesthetics, Zhao Yi thinks so.

In addition to needing start-up funds, Zhao Yi’s original purpose of publishing Fermat’s Last Theorem was also for this purpose. In addition to allowing mathematicians from all over the world to sit together and discuss mathematical problems, the Global Mathematicians Conference also had the other purpose of awarding Fields. Award, for the Fields Medal, Zhao Yi is bound to win it.

Zhao Yi accepted the invitation, promised to attend, and then went back. As for the training work in the Qingnong Biological Laboratory, Wang Ergou and the others were asked to familiarize themselves with it first, and then they would have time to carry out it after returning from the Mathematicians Conference. training.

Even the fermentation bacteria that I originally wanted to develop by myself were not available, and had to be postponed until after the Mathematicians Conference.

At this mathematician conference, some domestic mathematicians who have made achievements in the field of mathematics were also sent to participate, and Zhao Yi was among them.

Although he has made great achievements in mathematics, most of the people participating in the conference are his teachers, so he can only stay low and do nothing and try not to provoke them. It is not because he is afraid, but it is unnecessary. In China, for teachers and students Seniority is still a bit important.

There were no words all the way, and we arrived in Warsaw, Poland smoothly. To be honest, Zhao Yi didn’t have any particular fondness for this European troll country. Just like India’s Asan, he always likes to make special moves to show off his It has a sense of existence, and its temperament has not changed since later generations joined the EU.

Since Zhao Yi was invited by the Mathematicians Conference, he can stay at the hotel booked by the organizer for free. Although Zhao Yi is already rich and does not care about this, this is actually a symbol of status. Being invited here means that All of them have made achievements in the field of mathematics, and they are all considered to be big bosses.

In addition to these invited scholars, there are also many students who come with these scholars to see the world, and they have to pay their own expenses.

In the mathematics community, Zhao Yi is also considered a weird person. This is because apart from receiving relevant mathematics awards, such as the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, he is basically unable to find others at other times. Many universities invite him to attend academic lectures. He rejected them all because of his busy schedule, and the only speeches he gave were after receiving the award.

Zhao Yi doesn't care about the opinions of the outside world. Even some invitations from the Chinese Academy of Sciences were rejected by him. In Zhao Yi's opinion, attending these lectures is a complete waste of time. You will understand what you can understand, and you won't necessarily understand what you don't understand. understand.

Besides, I am not short of money, and the speaking fee cannot impress him. It is actually quite good to just be this salted fish.

Just like this time, there were many academic speeches and reports at the Mathematicians Conference. Zhao only attended the opening ceremony, and did not attend the live lectures in between. He wandered around the city of Warsaw alone, or stayed in a hotel. Sleep in the room.

It was not until the closing time that Zhao Yi attended the Fields Awards because in addition to awarding the award, he also needed to give a 30-minute closing speech.

As he expected, the Fields Medal winner still had his own name in it. In addition to Zhao Yi, there was also a Chinese-American mathematician named Yau Shing-tung. Zhao Yi either knew him well or shook hands politely. .

Then he gave the closing speech of this mathematician conference. These are not difficult for him now. On the podium, he completed the entire speech with ease, and there was no problem in the subsequent question session.

His proof of Fermat's Last Theorem has been out for so long, and the research that needs to be done has been almost completed, so the people who asked questions are scholars with little academic achievement. It is very clear that they have not studied the reason for so long. Question, didn’t you see that other big guys didn’t ask questions? (End of chapter)