The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 120: Passing through Hong Kong


After the Global Mathematicians Conference, Zhao Yi returned to China alone, where fellow scholars would still be active for some time.

They also persuaded Zhao Yi for his maverick approach. Now Zhao Yi can be regarded as a flag in the domestic mathematics community, but this flag seems to be incompetent. Not only is it difficult to find him internationally, but also in the domestic mathematics community. It's hard to find him.

He can be said to be an oddity in the academic world. Fortunately, he is from the mathematics world, and there are many people who are more weird than him. There are not many otakus in the mathematics world like Zhao Yi and him.

When he returns to China this time, Zhao Yi plans to stay in Hong Kong, mainly because he hasn't seen Lin Hexia for a long time. This girl is also quite strange. She hasn't called him for so long. If he doesn't call him, he probably has lost contact. .

The plane landed at Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. The landing process was also very exciting. It felt like traveling among high-rise buildings and mountains. It felt like the pilot would crash into the building next to him if he took a nap.

After getting off the plane, because there was no phone, I couldn't notify Lin Hexia. Fortunately, I had been here last time and knew where Lin Hexia lived now. I picked up my suitcase, got in a taxi and went straight to Lin Hexia's residence.

When we arrived at Lin Hexia's residence, it turned out that she hadn't come back yet. Zhao Yiyi could wait outside the door. He should have asked for the key last time, but how should he find the reason for asking for the key

After waiting for two hours, Zhao Yi's legs were a little sore. Fortunately, Lin Hexia didn't have the habit of hanging out outside. She came home on time after get off work and didn't have so much socializing.

ATV is now well-known in Hong Kong. It has lost its decline before the acquisition. Now its audience has spread all over the world. Three geostationary communication satellites cover ATV's TV signals around the world.

It is precisely because ATV is now strong in the Hong Kong media industry that even if Lin Hexia does not have to participate in any social interactions, many people are not dissatisfied. In the world of capital, those with money and status can make decisions, while the weaker party can only passively accept it. .

Not to mention the overseas market, there is the Hong Kong market. Now ATV is keeping pace with TVB. This is because most of ATV's TV programs are in Mandarin, while most of TVB's programs are in Cantonese.

In the field of news, ATV absolutely crushes TVB. For Hong Kong, which is highly internationalized, the fastest and latest news information is indispensable. Even people who don’t like Mandarin or can’t understand Mandarin will follow the news subtitles. Watch ATV news programs.

ATV now has more than 2,000 journalists around the world. These are regular employees of ATV, and there are also some contract reporters. The number is even larger than this, with more than 10,000 people. Their salaries are based on the value of the news and the timeliness of the news. computational.

In addition to the news provided by these reporters, we also cooperate with major news agencies in the world to basically achieve news sharing, allowing ATV users around the world to understand global news information in a timely manner.

In addition to establishing its absolute dominance in the field of news and information, ATV has also put great pressure on TVB in the field of TV dramas. For example, TVB likes to shoot Jin Yong’s martial arts dramas, and Hong Kong TV audiences also like to watch them. ATV has produced Gu Long and Liang Yusheng, etc. The rights to TV adaptations of the works of other martial arts masters were purchased.

Although the works of martial arts masters found by ATV are not as popular as the works of master Jin Yong, ATV has worked hard on the production, innovating both in terms of costumes, props and actor images, giving Hong Kong TV audiences a bright spot. a feeling of.

Even Hong Kong audiences no longer need to look at the TV series. They can tell which TV station the TV series is from as long as they see the actor's behavior.

This change of ATV has certainly attracted the attention of TVB. They also want to imitate ATV's shooting method, but this shooting method is very expensive. Their market is mainly Hong Kong, plus some Chinese in Southeast Asia, and ATV's audience group The global users, although mainly Chinese, are indeed much larger than TVB’s audience.

After TVB made a film according to ATV's shooting method, it found that it ended up losing money, so it stopped following ATV and returned to the original way. For TVB, which has always been stingy, losing money on a film is an unforgivable mistake.

ATV does not have this burden. The occasional loss of a few TV series will not have any impact on ATV. ATV cares more about audience satisfaction than losses.

Of course, this is also done because of ATV's deep pockets. When Zhao Yi first accepted ATV, he told Lin Hexia that as long as it could expand its influence, there would be no need to worry about temporary losses.

You must know that three geostationary communication satellites are a huge number. ATV has not yet earned back the money for the satellites.

As ATV's influence grows, more and more people in Hong Kong can speak Mandarin, especially young people, who are more affected by TV dramas.

Many of the actors in ATV's TV series are Hong Kong people. It is impossible to speak Mandarin in a standard and emotional manner, so they all use post-dubbing. The dubbing teachers are all dubbing teachers hired from domestic film and television academies. They not only He is only responsible for dubbing, and is also responsible for training new ATV artists.

There is no film and television academy in Hong Kong now, and Hong Kong was an era of film and television explosion in the 1980s. In order to cope with the shortage of film and television talents, TVB opened its own training class. Many famous Hong Kong actors in later generations came from TVB's training class. .

Now that TVB has taken a good path, all ATV needs to do is follow up and set up training courses in its own company. Most of the teachers are from mainland film and television academies, so ATV's TV series have a strong academic style.

On the surface, it is not the noisy, nonsensical and funny style of TVB's TV series, but more serious and realistic.

It’s not often that you find hit TV series. Fortunately, ATV has many channels. It has a dedicated nostalgic channel that shows some TV series and movies that have already been released. This allows Hong Kong viewers to spend much more time on ATV channels than TVB. This increases the number in disguise. advertising revenue.

This trick was actually learned by Zhao Yihe from ByteDance in his previous life, which is to snatch the audience's time. The more time someone takes up the audience's time, the less time the corresponding opponent will take up, and advertisers will naturally turn to their side. Flowed.

Lin Hexia got out of the elevator and saw Zhao Yi staring at her. Her face was filled with surprise. She quickly walked up and gave Zhao Yi a big hug.

Being hugged by Lin Hexia like this, Zhao Yi suddenly realized that he was much taller than Lin Hexia without knowing it. In fact, Lin Hexia was not short either, with a height of 1.7 meters, but compared with Zhao Yi's current height of 1.85 meters, he was still short. Most of the head.

It has to be said that Zhao Yi's thoughts at this time were indeed quite strange when faced with a beautiful woman throwing herself into his arms.

After hugging Lin Hexia for a while, Zhao Yi finally freed himself from her embrace, looked at her and said: "I've been waiting for you here for more than two hours, please open the door quickly and let me in to rest for a while, my legs are sore. "

When Lin Hexia heard this, she said, "You deserve it." Then she went to open the door obediently.

Entering the door, the situation in the room was not much different from the last time, except that there were more ornaments than before. Zhao Yi, who had numb legs, put the suitcase next to the cloakroom, found the sofa, sat down and lay on the backrest.

At this time, Lin Hexia also went back to the room and changed her clothes. She was dressed in home clothes. She suddenly changed from the domineering CEO just now to a housewife. Although people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, Zhao Yi still feels that women rely on clothes. There are many more changes than men.

After sitting down, Lin Hexia asked: "Why did you suddenly come to Hong Kong?"

"I can't help it. If I hadn't come over, I would have thought you were missing. I haven't received a call from you for more than half a year. If he was a pure subordinate, I would have to scold him to death." Zhao Yi said with a smile.

"Oh, if I have to call, you can't call me." When Lin Hexia heard this, she immediately turned her head angrily, indicating that she was ignoring this guy.

As friends, Lin Hexia seemed to be right, so he was wrong

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, okay, I'm sorry." Zhao Yi apologized decisively in the spirit of knowing his mistakes and being able to correct them.

"Whatever is your fault is your fault in the first place. I am a weak woman who works for you all alone. You actually blame me for not calling you. Do you have any conscience at all?" After saying that, he wiped it with his hands. Wipe the corners of your eyes.

Zhao Yi was very sure that he did not see tears in the corners of his eyes. Women are indeed born to perform. Zhao Yi waved his hand and said, "No, I'm afraid. Tell me how I can make up for my mistakes."

"That's pretty much it. Well, you can make dinner now. I'm hungry." Lin Hexia suddenly smiled when she heard Zhao Yi surrendered, and offered a small compensation.

Although Zhao Yigang had just gotten off the plane, he had already rested on the plane because he was traveling in first class, so he did not refuse Lin Hexia's request. He immediately stood up and opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients he could make.

Since there were not many ingredients, Zhao Yi used local materials and made scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stir-fried beans, pork ribs and winter melon soup, and stir-fried shrimps with cashew nuts, a total of three dishes and one soup.

Except for the pork ribs and winter melon soup, which took a while, the other three dishes were relatively simple and took half an hour in total. When the dishes were served, Lin Hexia was found to have fallen asleep on the sofa.

Looking at Lin Hexia's peaceful sleeping face, Zhao Yi didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. Anyway, it was very complicated, and he began to regret bringing Lin Hexia to Hong Kong. Maybe working in the mainland would not be so tiring.

In order to let Lin Hexia sleep more, Zhao Yi helped her put the bowls of rice before waking her up.

Lin Hexia saw that Zhao Yi had cooked a full table, and the fatigue just now disappeared immediately. She sat down at the table happily and said, "I haven't eaten the food you cooked for a long time, and I decided not to leave any leftovers this time. "

Seeing Lin Hexia's happy look, Zhao Yi suddenly felt that his guilt had reduced a lot, and it seemed that he would still come to Hong Kong to accompany her more often in the future. (End of chapter)