The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 122: Umbrella Holdings Inc


Hearing Zhao Yi's words, Lin Hexia was a little hesitant, and at the same time she was secretly happy that she was so important in his heart. It is not wrong to say that Lin Hexia is Zhao Yi's most trusted person in Hong Kong. These three companies alone will be very large in the future, all of which are above tens of billions of dollars. If they develop well, they may even reach hundreds of billions of dollars.

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, Lin Hexia was secretly happy but also a little hesitant. What I was secretly happy about was that I had such an important position in his heart, but what I was hesitant about was whether I had the ability to do this position. Although this position did not manage specific affairs, it was a decision-making position. If it was due to my own decision-making, Mistakes caused losses, and even if Zhao Yi didn't mind, she wouldn't forgive herself.

It seems that there are only three companies now, but they are all oriented to the international market. When Optoelectronic Cinemas really established its own global film distribution channels, the company's total assets would be at least more than 50 billion US dollars, and the market value would be calculated at about 5 times, that is The market value is over US$250 billion.

The future market prospect of Hong Kong Telecom Company is even greater than that of Time Cinema Company. You must know that Hong Kong, a city with a population of more than 5 million, is expected to have an annual mobile telecommunications revenue of about 2 billion, while other countries have a few. With a population of tens of millions, especially in economically developed areas.

Because it is in the early stages of mobile telecommunications network construction, Hong Kong Telecom will definitely develop markets in these countries with sufficient funds provided by Zhao Yi, unless these countries explicitly do not allow Hong Kong Telecom to enter their country's market investment. But now that the wave of capital globalization set off by the United States is at its peak, it is impossible to allow this to happen.

If anti-globalization actions are made, the United States will probably be the first to refuse. The United States is so confident now that it can eat the biggest cake in the process of globalization. If there were no Zhao Yi, then the United States' self-confidence is indeed correct. Although the United States is still confronting the Soviet Union, it is stronger than the Soviet Union in every aspect, especially in the economy.

But with the existence of Zhao Yi, he is not necessarily sure. He still has reasons to stop Zhao Yi's inland company. After all, they are still relatively in different camps, even though China and the United States are currently in the honeymoon period. However, Hong Kong is under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom and is a standard capitalist system. It is a completely market-oriented economic system. If anyone raises questions, the first one to stand up will be the United Kingdom.

In the future, Zhao Yi will slowly bring companies involved in international market operations to Hong Kong and place them under umbrella holding companies. These companies have low or no technical content and use huge funds to occupy the other market. , such as Hong Kong Telecommunications Corporation, Time Cinema and ATV. These three companies do not have high technical content. They are mainly involved in operations.

However, the high-tech equipment and systems inside are all from Zhao Yi's mainland company. Because high technology naturally has monopoly attributes, even if you have money, you may not be able to keep up in a short time. Moreover, Zhao Yi still opens Damn it, we are absolutely sure of the advantages brought by these technology monopolies. When the time comes, no matter whether Western countries are willing or not, they will have to hold their noses and use it. There is no way, there is no better equipment and system than Zhao Yi's technology. Giving up the high-tech equipment and systems provided by Zhaoyi's mainland companies is equivalent to giving up productivity. Then these countries will slowly lose their competitiveness in the world. This is more terrifying than any "national security".

Moreover, the export of technical equipment and systems by mainland companies does not involve heavy assets in the international arena. If relations are tense, there is no need to worry about the assets of these companies being confiscated on unfounded charges, because if there is a situation of fire or water, In the case of incompatibility, heavy assets are the most vulnerable to confiscation.

Therefore, placing some companies involving heavy assets and low technical content in Hong Kong perfectly avoids all possible dangers. After all, Hong Kong is also a member of the "free" world, and the international expansion of these companies will also Adopting a localization strategy can provide many local jobs. Don't underestimate these local employees, they are talismans at critical moments.

Lin Hexia has not considered this far yet. She has only been in charge of ATV for about a year. She is not trustworthy in the workplace, but she is also not close to the elderly. She is afraid that she will not be able to handle various problems with ease, so she said: " I'm afraid that I can't do it well. Many of ATV's regulations and decisions were made by you. Now I basically implement them according to your intentions, so I don't make any big mistakes. If I am allowed to handle so many problems that the company may face alone, The problem is, I’m afraid I’m not capable enough.”

But Zhao Yi doesn’t think so. No one is born to become an elite in the workplace. They are also trained by opportunities one by one. If they are given few opportunities, it will take a long time to become an elite. If they are given more opportunities, then they will become an elite. The time is short. As long as there is no big problem with a person's IQ, this rule is true.

Although Lin Hexia is not yet considered a top elite, if this position is given to her, she will get good training and deal with more problems, and the thinking logic for dealing with problems will naturally form. The same problem will be solved easily.

"You don't have to worry too much. You may be a little uncomfortable in the early stage, but after you deal with the problem, you will master the methods of dealing with such problems, and you will become more comfortable in the later stage. If it is really difficult to make a decision in the early stage, you can You can call me." Zhao Yi said.

In fact, Zhao Yi still has the ultimate method, which is to give Lin Hexia intelligence potions like him. These formulas are still in the Zhouling Space. This is not a last resort. Zhao Yi is not going to take them out. After all, the potions are too buggy. Well, Zhao Yi actually likes the world to move at his own pace and doesn't want to interfere too much. Even if he intervenes, he will intervene slowly and within an acceptable range. If he adds up, he will eventually move towards his goal.

Zhao Yi didn’t know whether there would be unpredictable consequences if the medicine was too strong and the intervention was too strong. It was precisely because of this worry that Zhao Yi did not think about cheating like crazy immediately after obtaining the Zhouling Space. The tricks he played are still within the acceptable range, which can be regarded as advancing the earth's technology for a few years.

What Zhao Yi likes is to change the world unknowingly, quietly, and quietly, so if Lin Hexia can handle the affairs of the umbrella holding company with ease by then, then Zhao Yi is not prepared to use the intelligence he has taken Potion.

Let's see if we can come up with a weakened version then? It might work? When Zhao Yi thought of this, his consciousness returned to Zhou Ling's space and asked Zhou Ling. He received a positive answer, which made Zhao Yi even more relieved.

Hearing what Zhao Yi said, Lin Hexia finally nodded. After all, this opportunity was rare for Lin Hexia. If you reject this position this time, there will basically be few positions comparable to this position in the future.

According to Zhao Yi's approach, after selecting the person in charge, as long as the person in charge does not make mistakes, then the person in charge can basically secure his position, and there is no need to worry about Zhao Yi kicking him off for no reason. This is also done when the person in charge takes office. As mentioned before, the first is to reassure the leaders of each company. After all, a sense of security is a common psychological expectation of human beings. The second is to mislead the outside world and give the illusion that the actual owner of the company is the person in charge.

To use an analogy that everyone can easily understand, Dong Mingzhu and Sister Dong have been in charge of Gree. In the eyes of many Chinese people, Dong Mingzhu represents Gree. If Dong Mingzhu has been the number one when Gree was first founded, wouldn’t it mean that Some people think Gree belongs to Dong Mingzhu

And what Zhao Yi wants is this effect, because in the future his assets will be too huge, so huge that anyone will feel scared when they hear it. Even if Zhao Yi doesn't have a cholera heart, other people may still be carrying it. People who know the inside story well know that Zhao Yi must have reached some kind of tacit understanding with the top officials of the country. People who don't know the inside story and have only a little knowledge of the matter are the easiest to be incited and bring unnecessary trouble to Zhao Yi.

And Zhao Yi is a person who is most afraid of trouble. Some hidden dangers must be dealt with from the beginning. This can be regarded as one of Zhao Yi's methods.

Seeing that Lin Hexia agreed, Zhao Yi was very happy. This was the truth. Having been with Lin Hexia for so long, he knew her character and temperament clearly. He was very relieved to hand over the umbrella holding company to her hands. Although the early stage may not be smooth, but with him here, nothing will happen. situation.

The issue that worries him now is Lin Hexia's safety. Although Hong Kong's security is much better than it was in the 1970s, it is not very peaceful. Even the police dare not enter and manage many areas, such as the Kowloon Walled City, and Hong Kong Today's personnel are a mixed bag, with people from various countries, especially those from Vietnam. There are many gang members who are ruthless and unruly.

As Lin Hexia's status in Hong Kong becomes higher and higher, security issues will become more and more prominent, not only for Lin Hexia, but also for the heads of other companies. Rich people without protection are just like walking in the eyes of these gangsters. Cash machines make no difference.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi planned to talk to the government after returning to the mainland to see if it was possible to recruit a group of retired soldiers through the army, special forces would be better, and form a security company in Hong Kong to be responsible for the safety of his own employees. Provide security services to Hong Kong's richest people.

Although there are currently no major kidnapping cases involving rich people, Zhao Yi always likes to think ahead and make all the preparations. When similar problems arise, these rich people will become customers of his security company. (End of chapter)