The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 14: The world is boiling


Life is like a drama, with highs and lows, and even dullness occupies the majority of the entire drama.

Because Zhao Yi has already graduated as an undergraduate, and the postgraduate examination has been decided by the school and is scheduled to be held in early January. During this period of time, Zhao Yi was free and no longer needed to go to class. He basically spent all his time in the library. Occasionally he would go to Zhouling Space to do some magical things, and sometimes chat with Lin Hexia. Ideal or something, very comfortable.

More than a month passed by in a flash, and today was the day that Zhao Yi took part in the postgraduate examination held separately by the school. When Zhao Yi came to the examination room, two unknown teachers were already standing on the podium, chatting with each other.

The two teachers seemed to know Zhao Yi. When Zhao Yi came in, they asked him to sit down and then started handing out test papers. Zhao Yiben didn't talk much when he came. He got the test paper and started answering the questions.

The process of answering the questions was relaxed and enjoyable. It took less than forty minutes to complete the questions. Then I checked them again and handed them in if they felt there were no problems. Because I didn't want to delay for a long time, I took four exams in one day. Seeing that Zhao Yi finished one test paper in less than an hour, the teacher quickly sent another test paper to Zhao Yi, who also handed in the same paper in less than an hour.

In this way, he finished all the test papers in two days, and then waited patiently for the results. Zhao Yi was still very confident about this.

On the fifth day after Zhao Yi finished his exam, the old professor suddenly found Zhao Yi and gave Zhao Yi a sample of the "Mathematical Yearbook".

This shows that Zhao Yi's paper has been published. As for whether colleagues will find errors later, Zhao Yi is not worried.

Just when Zhao Yi continued to live a boring and boring life at three o'clock and one line. With the publication of an article in Germany's "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" titled "The problem that has troubled the world's mathematicians for more than 300 years ended today", it seemed to ignite the winter. Subsequently, the British Times, the American New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. Western media have quoted and published commentaries.

Domestic media saw foreign articles and discovered that the author was actually a Chinese (exporting to domestic sales?) and studying at Kyoto University. As a result, interview applications were sent one after another. Those with strong connections, such as the People's Daily, went directly to the school leaders.

Zhao Yi had no choice but to agree to interviews from relevant media. So this week, Zhao Yi became busy, accepting interviews from one or two media outlets every day. If it weren't for the fact that holding press conferences is not popular this year, Zhao Yi would probably want to hold a press conference. This kind of interview is too inefficient and takes up too much of your own time.

As the Chinese media reported on Zhao Yi, they especially mentioned that Zhao Yi was a freshman and had already graduated from the undergraduate program and passed the postgraduate examination. It also refreshed people's understanding of geniuses across the country, and then they began to think that such a genius could solve such a difficult mathematical problem. It seemed that there was nothing to make a fuss about, and they all thought it was basic skills.

We are proud that Chinese people can solve problems that others have not solved for three hundred years, so Zhao Yi has become someone else's child in the eyes of many parents. They all ask Zhao Yi to educate their children, hoping that they can also pass the exam like Zhao Yi. Go to a good university, be a useful person to society, and contribute to the country.

Domestic reports have also been quoted by foreign media, because it is not just about solving mathematical problems that have existed for more than 300 years, but what is even more newsy is that a 17-year-old boy, a student who graduated from college in one year, can solve the world's problems. . Only in this way can legendary stories be more newsworthy and inspire readers to buy their newspapers.

Zhao Yi became famous all over the world. Since Zhao Yi has no photos of his life, people all over the world can only see Zhao Yi's ID photo in newspapers. Judging from the photo, he is indeed a young boy.

Zhao Yi had objections to this, and expressed strongly in his heart that this photo did not reflect his handsomeness at all.

The classmates who were in the same class as Zhao Yi also came to Zhao Yi one after another. Some simply wanted to say congratulations, some asked Zhao Yi to give them an autograph, and some girls looked at Zhao Yi affectionately. Even Zhao Yi's roommates looked at Zhao Yi like a monster and asked Zhao Yi to treat him. In response, Zhao turned his pockets out and said, "The landlord's house doesn't have any food left." All the roommates said one after another. He said, "I owe you first. You can't avoid this meal."

Lin Hexia did not see Zhao Yi during this period. She may have thought that Zhao Yi must be very busy during this period, and also to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Just when Zhao Yi was getting a little impatient, he wanted to go home early for the New Year. An invitation letter from the Royal Scientific Society of Göttingen arrived in Zhao Yi's hands. It turned out that Zhao Yi was going to Germany to attend the award ceremony on January 12. This award was the Wolfskohl Prize, with a bonus of 100,000 marks. , about a little more than $50,000.

This made Zhao Yi, who was originally planning to go home for the New Year, have no choice but to cancel his plan to go home for the New Year and told Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu about it.

Now it is January 8th. Zhao Yi told the old professor about the matter, and the old professor reported the matter to the school. The school supported this, and the air ticket was reimbursed by the school. He was also accompanied by a teacher who had studied in Europe. Otherwise, if Zhao Yi goes to Europe alone and is unfamiliar with the place, what if he loses it or makes a joke

Zhao Yiyi had no objection to the school's arrangements. After all, he had never been to Europe before, so it would definitely be better to have a familiar companion.

When Zhao Yi finished applying for his passport, the time had already arrived on the 10th. Zhao Yi packed his luggage early in the morning and thought it was almost done. Then he thought about it and took out a pile of manuscripts from the suitcase and put it back in the drawer.

At this time, Teacher Li came to the dormitory.

"Zhao Yi, have you packed your luggage?" Teacher Li asked.

"Well, it's already packed."

"Then let's go to the airport now."

"Okay." As soon as Zhao heard this, he picked up his suitcase and followed Teacher Li to the airport.

This teacher Li is a teacher in the mathematics department and is very young. On the way to the airport, I kept discussing mathematical problems with Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi was not impatient at all, and the discussion with the teacher went back and forth.

Arrive at the airport and get on the plane. Except for the slight discomfort during the climb of the plane, Zhao Yi was very satisfied. After the plane stopped in Dubai for refueling, it flew to Europe again. After 13 hours of travel, it finally landed in Gentingen.

After getting off the plane, someone from the Royal Scientific Society of Göttingen picked them up. After settling in at the hotel, the people from the association went back, while Zhao Yi and Teacher Li were jet-lagged.

The next day, Zhao Yi followed Teacher Li around the city of Göttingen, and then went to the University of Göttingen. It was considered a trip.

On the third day, people from the Royal Scientific Society of Göttingen came to the hotel to pick up Zhao and others and went to the University of Göttingen to attend the award ceremony.

In addition to the bonus, Zhao Yi said that the ceremony was actually boring. Zhao Yi kept talking politely all the way and finally got over it. He got the bonus of 100,000 marks, which is about 50,000 US dollars. Then he gave a lecture at the University of Göttingen.

Maybe this theorem is really difficult, or maybe it’s because of curiosity about Zhao Yi. Anyway, there were a lot of people coming to this lecture, and there were not enough seats. Many people were standing in the aisle of the classroom.

This is the first time Zhao Yi has participated in a speech, and to be honest, he is a little nervous. He was stumbling at first, but then became more and more fluent. The speech lasted for about an hour, followed by time for answering questions. Faced with the questions raised by these scholars or students, Zhao Yi also answered them one by one. (End of chapter)