The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 24: Continuous rotation


As soon as Zhao finished working on the Environmental Management Company, he came to the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company, which he had not managed much. The headquarters of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company is also in Yulin, but the research work is in Kyoto, so there are not many people here yet. Large-scale recruitment of personnel needs to wait until pasture is sown.

In the office, general manager Li Jianguo reported to Zhao Yi in detail the operation of the agricultural and animal husbandry company.

"We are currently conducting genetic improvement research on Luxi cattle based on Mr. Zhao's technical information," Li Jianguo said.

"Did you encounter any difficulties in the experiment?" Zhao Yi asked. According to Zhao Yi's estimation, this step should have almost been successful. From what Li Jianguo said, he should have encountered some difficulties, so it was so slow.

The technical method Zhao Yi gave them was to obtain the somatic cells of Luxi cattle, irradiate them with ultraviolet rays of a specific frequency and intensity to cause the somatic cells to mutate, then screen out the mutant cells that meet the conditions, and then use special technology to mutate the mutant cells. It is reversed into fertilized eggs, and then the fertilized eggs are injected into the uterus of the cow, allowing the cow to give birth on her behalf.

"The difficulty now lies in the process of converting qualified somatic cells into fertilized eggs. According to the information given by Mr. Zhao, it is still impossible to obtain qualified fertilized eggs." Li Jianguo told Zhao Yiting the difficulty here. .

After hearing Li Jianguo's words, Zhao Yi knew what the problem was. This problem was deliberately caused by Zhao Yi, because the technology of reversing somatic cells into fertilized eggs has ethical and moral issues. If this technology is used on humans, it will cause ethical and moral risks. For this key technology, Zhao Yi has never Testing the limits of the human heart, it is better to hide it by yourself honestly.

"Then I know. I'll go to the research room to take a look when I have time. What about other preparations?" Zhao changed the subject as soon as he finished speaking.

"As for the breeding process, I have asked the company's employees to travel to major cattle-producing areas and sign surrogacy agreements with local farmers. We will wait for the work in the laboratory to be completed to start." Li Jianguo replied.

"How much compensation will be given to farmers?" Zhao Yi asked.

"The current selling price of an adult cow is about more than 300 yuan. We will compensate farmers 200 yuan for a calf." Li Jianguo replied.

"The gestation period of a cow is about 280 days. In addition to the problem of fostering the calf, we will increase the compensation to 300 yuan. But don't talk to the farmers for now. After the calf is born, we will increase it to 100 yuan, which will be considered as the foster care fee. , and then transport it over after the construction of the farm is completed and the equipment is in place." Zhao Yi said.

"Okay, I will do it according to Mr. Zhao's wishes." Li Jianguo promised.

When Zhao heard Li Jianguo's answer, he nodded, and then asked: "How many cows have we signed for surrogacy?"

"There are one million heads, signed for three years." Li Jianguo replied.

Because it is an artificial breeding technology that can determine gender, it is currently in the pen period, so all the cows Zhao Yi lets give birth to are cows. After the penning period is over, the cows will give birth to all bulls, because the quality of male meat is better than that of female cows. In the end, it will basically remain at around 2.5 million bulls and 2.5 million cows.

A cow needs to be more than 1.5 years old before it can be bred, so Zhao Yi's first 1 million cows cannot be expanded for the time being. According to Zhao Yi's plan, the entire ranch needs to maintain an inventory of 5 million cows. In order to accelerate To form a large scale, we can only continue to find adult cows as surrogates.

Three years of signing is just right, three million cows in three years, plus the cows already in stock, it’s almost five million.

This is currently the method that can allow the ranch to reach 5 million as soon as possible. The livestock industry is not like industrial product production. As long as the funds are in place, production can be expanded indefinitely.

When the scale reaches 5 million, and calculated based on the slaughter rate of 50%, there will be 2.5 million cattle slaughtered every year in the future. Because the cattle in Zhao Yi's pasture are of a special breed, they can be slaughtered in one year. Each cow weighs 1,200 kilograms. The meat content reaches 50%, and because the meat quality is top-notch, the economic value is immeasurable.

You must know that in the previous life, RB’s top quality Wagyu beef cost tens of thousands of yuan per 100 grams, so one kilogram would cost 100,000 yuan. As for Zhao Yi, a breed of cattle selected through genetic mutation, coupled with special breeding, each cow is comparable to top-grade Wagyu beef, with more beautiful texture, delicious meat, and can be eaten raw.

Of course, the top market capacity is definitely not that big, but the mid-to-high-end market is huge. Zhao Yi Even if the average price of each cow is 500 yuan per kilogram, then the value of one cow is 600,000 yuan, and it will be able to create 1.5 trillion yuan per year. income.

According to the 35% tax that a sole proprietorship needs to pay, in the hands of Zhao alone, it is more than 975 billion yuan. Even if the costs are removed, the capital can be recovered within one year.

Of course, this is an ideal calculation method. It is possible that foreign countries cannot digest these top-quality beef, and the rest will either be reduced in slaughter volume or sold at low prices domestically.

I just don’t know if RB’s Wagyu beef will still be sold so expensively. Anyway, Zhao Yi’s beef is definitely better than top-grade Wagyu beef. In order to expand sales, the price will definitely not be set so high, and the parts are slightly inferior. Beef may be priced in the mid-range, but top-tier beef will be much more expensive.

The Mu Us Desert covers an area of 42,200 square kilometers, which is equivalent to an area of 63.3 million acres after conversion. However, due to the presence of hills, some naturally formed lakes, and artificially excavated lakes in the future, the actual usable pasture area is not that large.

The available pasture area is about 30 million acres. Since the pasture is also specially cultivated, an average of three acres of pasture is enough for a cow to grow to slaughter. All beef cattle can only digest 15 million acres of pasture.

The remaining pasture will be used to raise cashmere goats, and there are also some mountains and lakes that require comprehensive planning. These are all tasks that need to be done later.

"We also need a large number of saplings. We need to plant saplings on mountainous areas, especially those with certain economic value. We also need to plant saplings along the roads in each area to serve as windbreak isolation belts. This requires you to contact a domestic tree breeding company and do it yourself Calculate how many tree species are needed, and the planning of the water area can be done later," Zhao Yi said.

The pasture grass is developed using the bamboo grass. It has higher protein content, balanced nutrients, fewer pests and diseases, well-developed longitudinal root system, and can adapt to a wide range of temperatures. It can grow up to 5 meters high. If the wind is too strong, it may be blown by the wind, which is not conducive to Mechanized lawn mowing operations.

"Okay, I will negotiate with the seed company as soon as possible." Li Jianguo replied.

Zhao looked at the time and saw that the conversation was almost finished, so he and Li Jianguo went out for a meal. Then we went back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, Zhao Yi took a civil airliner and flew back to Kyoto. He returned to the software company to check the progress of each software. After completion, he went to the research laboratory of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company in Kyoto to inquire about the specific situation.

Then he dived into his personal laboratory to prepare the reagents and environment needed for somatic cells to be reversed into fertilized cells. After he was ready, he asked the staff in the research laboratory to give him the mutant cells that met the requirements. Zhao Yi planned to do this process himself. Ten days later, Zhao Yi opened the equipment, checked the somatic cell reversal status, and found that almost all of them met the requirements. Then he stored these fertilized eggs in a special low-temperature equipment for preservation.

After finishing these tasks, Zhao Yi asked the personnel at the agricultural and animal husbandry company headquarters to carry out the breeding plan. Then the researchers were given some information on the transformation of pasture seeds. The same information was explained to them on the spot. Plant seeds transformation was relatively simpler than that of animals, and there was previous experience in cultivating fertile soil grasses, so if everything goes well, If so, there would be no need for Zhao Yi to play in person.

After finishing his work with the agricultural and animal husbandry company, Zhao Yi rushed to Shenyang without stopping to check the research progress of the machinery company's agricultural aircraft.

The current task of the machinery company is to research and produce agricultural aircraft. Later, it will also need to research agricultural helicopters, large-scale combined lawn mowers, farm automation equipment, sewage treatment equipment, biogas reactors, organic feed production equipment, etc.

Later, Zhao Yi plans to group the equipment related to environmental management into the environmental management company in the future, so that each company can focus more on it. Now it is just a stop-gap measure.

Let’s talk about agricultural aircraft again. Since agricultural aircraft have low technical requirements, many parts do not need to be researched and made by machinery companies themselves. They can place orders with relevant domestic manufacturers. In this regard, Shenyang is strong and has a developed aviation industry.

Because of the planned economy, some manufacturers are not very motivated to find business on their own. They basically wait for their superiors to issue tasks and then complete the tasks. Another reason is that Zhao Yi's machinery company is a private enterprise. In this era, state-owned enterprises look down on private enterprises. It's a common phenomenon.

This resulted in the machinery company's business staff begging their grandfather and grandma to no avail. Although they had Zhao Yi's design drawings, they had not yet produced a prototype.

Zhao Yi came here this time to solve these problems. Before coming, Zhao Yi went to the Third Aircraft Department to explain his situation and reached a condition that was reasonable for both parties. Then he flew to Shenyang with the personnel of the Third Aircraft Department. According to The list given by the company was negotiated one by one. With the US dollars to clear the way, and the personnel from the Three Machinery Department accompanying the project, these links were cleared one by one.

Since many parts are ready-made, it is not difficult to customize occasionally, so Zhao Yi did not go back immediately, but stayed at the machinery company. The personnel from the Third Machinery Department who came with him did not seem to want to go back. I also visit Zhao Yi's machinery company from time to time.

Zhao Yi didn't care about this. They could do whatever they liked. He and the company's employees assembled the first prototype. It took him half a month to complete the assembly of the prototype, and then it was a test flight. The test pilot It was also the help of the Third Machinery Department that I asked him to find.

The first test flight was successful. Although the test pilot reported some problems, the first step was still completed. With the help of Zhao Yi, the first complete agricultural aircraft was born.

Then there is the issue of the equipment line. Zhao Yi was not involved in this issue, leaving the design drawings and running away. (End of chapter)