The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 26: Communications industry


As my country's reform and opening up continues, communication demand will become increasingly strong. Although there are many communication electronic equipment manufacturers in our country, their technology is generally backward and unable to meet domestic demand. Without Zhao Yi's intervention, my country's communications equipment market would have been dominated by foreign capital in the mid-to-late 1980s, and the familiar "seven countries and eight systems" would have appeared.

The so-called "seven countries and eight systems" means that there are a total of eight models in the communication equipment market, each from seven countries. They are RB's NEC and Fujitsu, the United States' Lucent, Canada's Nortel, Sweden's Ericsson, Germany's Siemens, Belgium's BTM and France's Alcatel.

What a status it was to be able to install a telephone at home in the 1980s, because the initial installation cost of just a landline was as high as several thousand yuan. It was unimaginable in those years when the monthly salary was only a few dozen yuan. The reason was that at that time All communication equipment is imported, and with high installation costs and communication tariffs, having a home fixed phone is such a luxury.

Historically, my country's communication equipment gradually began to have a number of self-developed large and medium-sized digital program-controlled office switches with internationally advanced levels after the 1990s. Typical examples include Huawei's C&C08 series and Datang's SP30 series, ZTE's ZXJ series, etc.

Now that Zhao Yi exists, this situation will definitely not happen again. In addition, it is a domestic product and does not require the use of foreign exchange, which can reduce the pressure on countries that are currently strapped for foreign exchange. Zhao Yi is also confident in reducing equipment costs and allowing People can install telephones in every home, making telephones no longer a luxury item.

In addition to personal feelings, our country's communication demand market is really huge. Take fixed-line telephones as an example. In 1978, the total number of fixed-line telephone users in my country was only 1.9254 million. By the end of 2017, the number of users reached 1.611 billion, ranking first in the world. At the same time, the mobile phone penetration rate increased from 0.3 phones per 100 people in 1995 to 102.5 phones per 100 people in 2017.

In addition to telephone communications, there is also a huge market for online communications. According to statistics, the number of Internet users surged from 620,000 in 1997 to 772 million in 2017, and the Internet penetration rate reached 55.8%, exceeding the global average by 4.1 percentage points. , exceeding the Asian average by 9.1 percentage points.

Zhao Yi's communications company will be invincible as long as it is deeply rooted in the domestic market. Coupled with its technical advantages, except for state intervention, it will have no rivals in foreign markets. Zhao Yi will never let go of such a trillion-dollar market.

Just when Hou Weigui was recruiting troops, Zhao Yi assigned the semiconductor company the task of developing communication chips, and personally went to Shanghai to explain the communication chip design technology to the researchers, hoping to start production immediately after the construction of the manufacturing plant was completed. When digital program-controlled switches come out, we hope they will be 100% domestically produced and have complete technical autonomy.

Pay patent fees? What it is

As the semiconductor company's tasks became heavier again, Zhao Yi had to start a new round of poaching operations.

Since the last talent robbery, various domestic semiconductor research units have seen Zhao Yi as if they had seen the god of plague. But there is no way, the power of money has always been leveraged, and there are always some "unfirm" elements who bow down to Zhao Yi's money.

In addition to assigning new tasks to semiconductor companies, new tasks have also been assigned to precision instrument companies, which are the development of optical fiber-related equipment, with the highest priority.

It was very busy here. Zhao Yi finally returned to Kyoto from Shanghai half a month later. Hou Weigui recruited about 50 people for the company. As soon as Zhao Yi arrived in Kyoto, he entered the company's training room to provide technical training to these new employees.

The communications company's first R&D product is a Wanmen digital program-controlled switch. Since Zhao Yi plans to use optical cables to communicate between offices, photoelectric converters, laser transmitters and other components will also need to be developed later.

Optical fiber cables are used between offices instead of cables because of the advantages of optical fiber, such as light weight, low loss, strong anti-interference, high fidelity, and reliable performance.

As for why not use optical fiber at the user end, isn't this just one step? In Zhao Yi's view, firstly, personal computers have not yet appeared in our country, and the demand for data transmission is not that big, so there is no market demand for the time being; secondly, the current cost of optical fiber is still a bit high, and neither users nor the country are currently very wealthy, so they can only It is not yet possible to implement large-scale comprehensive deployment in key parts, so it is difficult to have market demand.

While Zhao Yi was conducting technical training, Hou Weigui also took a piece of land in Changping to build an equipment manufacturing factory. When the factory is completed, the semiconductor side will basically be able to supply chips and other semiconductor components.

As the first snow fell in Kyoto, Zhao Yi finally took a break from work. When I returned to school, I felt inexplicably friendly looking at these roommates who were gathering together and staying away from each other.

At the end of the year, Zhao Yi's life finally returned to peace. He would accompany Lin Hexia to visit Weiming Lake or Paopao Library, insult his roommates in the dormitory, and hang out with brothers Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu whenever he was bored.

As for Zhao Yi's application for early graduation as a graduate student, the school also agreed. On January 16, 1980, Zhao Yi passed the postgraduate examination directly, and all that was left was to submit a graduation thesis. This was not difficult for Zhao Yi, and he was not doing anything stupid this time. He was just going to write an ordinary graduate thesis, so Zhao Yi spent a week procrastinating, writing the thesis and submitting it. Gave it to Professor Gu.

After passing Professor Gu’s preliminary review, the subsequent defense also passed smoothly. By January 26, Zhao Yizhen truly became a free man.

After graduation, Zhao Yi could no longer live in the school dormitory, and he was finally forced to move into Prince Gong's Mansion.

On the first Sunday after Zhao Yi left school, he called Lin Hexia, Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu to come to Prince Gong's Mansion for a gathering.

Since the weather was already very cold, the group of people stayed indoors. Zhao Yi and Zhou Jinjue were playing chess, while Lin Hexia and Zhou Jinyu were dancing shuttlecock.

WTF? Zhao Yiyi was speechless that two such big people were still playing childish games. Of course, Zhao Yi would not go up and talk to them, and he was not full of food. Zhao Yi had always refused to interfere in anything that was not beneficial.

The morning passed in their own entertainment activities. At noon, everyone was busy with lunch. The ladies went to prepare the dishes for the barbecue, while the men moved the barbecue grill and set up the charcoal fire.

Due to the large number of people and the great strength, within a short time, a group of four people sat next to the barbecue grill. Some were responsible for eating, some were responsible for passing the food, and some were working hard on the barbecue. Unfortunately, Zhao Yi is the one who does the hard work.

"We usually can't catch you, but this time we will defeat the capitalists and become the masters." The other three said confidently.

Hearing the cries of the crowd, Zhao was frightened for a moment. He obediently held the mutton in his left hand and a brush in his right hand, and started roasting it with a "forced smile".

Seeing Zhao Yi's expression, suddenly there was a trace of cheerful laughter in the air. (End of chapter)