The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 28: The situation of the investment company


Sunflower Investment Company is the first company established by Zhao Yi. It is currently headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. It has given Zhao Yi huge financial support over the past year or so, so that Zhao Yi’s development will not be trapped by funds. Therefore, Zhao Yi A pair of investment companies were extremely concerned, which is why he specially reserved an afternoon for the investment companies to listen to the reports.

"BOSS, our current investment stock market value is US$68.5 billion, and our current reserves are US$40 billion, with more than 1,000 employees." Peter reported to Zhao Yihui.

When Zhao heard Peter's words, he nodded with satisfaction. Although he had his own remote control, Peter's ability to develop a small company with three or two kittens into such a scale is already a reflection of his ability. As for why he didn't invest all his funds in the stock market, it was because Zhao Yi felt that his funds were too large and would be discovered or targeted by others in the stock market.

With the help of Zhou Ling, Zhao Yi was able to predict the changes of each stock more accurately, allowing Zhao Yi to always follow the banker to fish. At that time, the amount of funds was small, so it was okay to do so, but now it is no longer possible, and the banker also Not a fool.

The current stock market is about 2 trillion U.S. dollars, and if Zhao Yi invested all his funds, it would exceed 5%. Even though the number is small, it is actually quite scary. For the sake of safety, he will invest some funds Withdrawal, the funds in the stock market remain at around US$50 billion.

"In the past, we basically operated in the stock market, but now we can no longer accommodate so much funds, so what are your plans for the remaining funds?" Zhao Yi asked.

"BOSS, I have also considered this issue. Part of the funds will enter the futures market, and part of the funds will be invested in the basic resource market." Peter replied.

This coincides with Zhao Yi's idea. He did not enter the futures market before because he felt that the investment company was expanding too fast and needed to be stable. Now the stock market has encountered a bottleneck, so it is the right time to enter the futures market. Of course, futures at this time The market is not very big, and all the remaining funds cannot be invested in the futures market, so the remaining funds can only go into the basic resources field.

As for why not invest in high-tech companies and wait for appreciation? Zhao Yi said that these technology companies are simply scum compared to the technology companies he develops. Sooner or later they will be killed. If they can't be killed, they will be half dead. Why waste his own funds on them. The basic resources are different. Zhao Yi cannot conjure this out of thin air, not even if it is cheated.

"In this way, about 10 billion U.S. dollars of funds are invested in the futures market, and we will basically maintain this amount in the future. The remaining funds will be invested in ore mining companies and oil companies first. You also know that with the development of our country's economy, it will meet the needs of ten billions of dollars." The market with hundreds of millions of people has such a huge demand, but our country currently does not have much say in these two fields, and the prices of these will increase in the future." Zhao Yi said to Peter.

From what Zhao Yi said, it seemed that he was making money from the country, but you must know that if Zhao Yi didn't come in, the money would not be taken away by others, and it would be impossible to lose it anyway.

"Okay, shall we only invest in stocks?" Peter asked directly, not knowing Zhao Yi's plan.

"Look at whether there are opportunities to enter Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Vale. The best thing to do is to acquire. Don't use investment companies to carry out these operations. Set up new companies for acquisitions and register more companies in the Cayman Islands. Or funds, to complicate the equity of these companies, try not to let people know that there is a Chinese company behind it, otherwise the operation will be very troublesome, and you should know the reason." Zhao Yi ordered.

"Okay, boss, I think we should consider setting up a bank, otherwise the financial transactions will be easily monitored." Peter said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment. He actually forgot about it. How could he be called a financial boss without his own banking institution.

"Then you set up a wholly-owned commercial bank in Hong Kong, and then see if there is an opportunity for this bank to acquire banks in major countries. In the future, the investment company's capital transactions will be carried out through this commercial bank." Zhao Yi considered Will say.

The banking crisis in Hong Kong in the 1980s gave Zhao Yi a whiff of whether there would be room for maneuver in the future.

Not only was there a banking crisis, a war between Chinese and British capital also broke out in Hong Kong in the 1980s. Coupled with the approaching agenda of Hong Kong's return, British capital has withdrawn from Hong Kong, while Chinese capital has acquired British assets.

Zhao Yi seems to be able to do some operations here. In fact, except for a few patriotic businessmen in Hong Kong, everyone else is a pure businessman. Taking away the business of these businessmen makes Zhao Yi feel no burden at all.

It is better to keep the influence on Hong Kong in the hands of his own people. When the food, clothing, housing and transportation of Hong Kong people are all affected by him, Zhao Yi really doesn't believe that he can pull out any tricks.

"By the way, you also move the investment company's headquarters to Hong Kong, and other financial markets retain the branch level." Zhao Yi said.

Peter had no objections to these and agreed.

After the afternoon meeting, there was another party with the company's senior management. This time Lin Hexia, Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu also participated.

After a night of hustle and bustle, the managers of various companies bid farewell to Zhao Yi and left one after another the next day. They still had a heavy task and they had to go back and watch as soon as possible.

Zhou Jinjue and the other three slept until midnight, but Zhao Yi still escaped the disaster on the grounds that he was a minor.

When they got up, Zhao Yi asked the chef to quickly prepare some stomach-friendly food to warm their stomachs, but no big fish or meat was prepared for them.

Zhao Yi drank preserved egg and lean meat porridge with them, sandwiching a few slices of pickles, and ate it with great enjoyment.

"Jin Jue, Jin Yu, why don't you go home to celebrate the New Year this year? How about bringing your uncle and aunt over to celebrate the New Year?" Zhao Yi asked.

"I see Xuan, I can ask." Zhou Jinjue said.

"Just say it's to celebrate my housewarming." Zhao Yi suggested.

"This is a good idea. I'll try it." Zhou Jinjue said. Zhou Jinyu next to her didn't say anything. She quietly drank a bowl of porridge. It seemed that the porridge was really delicious. She was so attracted that she didn't even move her face. Open it.

Lin and Xia heard their conversation and looked envious, but they didn't have much to do with her, so they didn't say anything. They picked up a few pickles and drank the porridge.

"Jinjue, if you can let your uncle and aunt come here to celebrate the New Year, maybe I will give you a surprise." Zhao Yi said mysteriously.

"What's the surprise?" Zhou Jinjue asked eagerly, while Zhou Jinyu and Lin Hexia on the side stopped drinking porridge and listened.

"What a surprise it is for you now. You will know it when the time comes. The premise is that the task must be completed. If the task is not completed, there will be no surprise." Zhao Yi said without hesitation.

After hearing that nothing came out, the three of them finished the porridge quickly and hurried to school. It's the end of the semester now, and they are about to have their final exams, so time is still very tight.

And Zhao Yi is now free again. Except for the software company that he needs to worry about a little bit, he has nothing else to do. Zhao Yi, the manager of the software company, plans to select another one after the year to completely take over his responsibilities. (End of chapter)