The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 3: Intelligence potion


Following Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan, it took about 20 minutes to finally arrive at Zhou Zhigang's home. It was a large courtyard with four wing rooms and a kitchen, all of which were made of soil.

I saw Wang Huilan say: "Zhao Yi, you can live in this room now. Next to it is my son Zhou Jinjue's room. The room opposite is where my daughter Zhou Jinyu lives. Your Uncle Zhou and I live in the main room."

Although the current living conditions are far worse than those in the previous life, compared with the current situation in the world, Zhou Zhigang's family is already pretty good. Basically, one person can have one room, and the yard is also very large. Zhao Yi couldn't be more satisfied with this.

"Aunt Wang, thank you, I like it here very much." Zhao Yi said.

"That's good. After school, you can see Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu. I'll introduce them to you later. You go in first to familiarize yourself with your room, and Auntie will make some noodles for you." Aunt Wang said , with a smile on his face.

"Huilan, please help take care of Zhao Yi. I'm going back to school first. I have classes to attend later." Zhou Zhigang said to Wang Huilan when he saw that nothing happened.

"You have nothing to do here, so go quickly." Wang Huilan said to Zhou Zhigang.

"Okay, Zhao Yi, let your Aunt Wang eat the noodles and then rest and take good care of yourself." Zhou Zhigang agreed to Wang Huilan's words and said to Zhao Yi.

"Well, thank you Uncle Zhou for your concern." Zhao Yi was indeed moved and quickly agreed.

Then Zhou Zhigang rode his 28 big bar and left the yard to go to school.

As soon as Zhao entered the wing assigned to him, there was a bed, a desk, and an old-fashioned wardrobe.

Anyway, I have nothing to gain and nothing to deal with. Zhao Yi sat down at the desk and looked out the window quietly, a little dazed. This was his third day here, and it was time to think about his future plans. After all, he couldn't live in Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan's house for a long time. They were neither relatives nor friends. Yes, it's just that Wang Huilan and the others were kind-hearted and allowed her to stay overnight.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi came to Zhouling Space again with ease. Just like last time, the little cutie suddenly appeared in front of him, as if to greet Zhao Yi at any time.

"Little cutie, is there anything I can do to improve my intelligence?" Zhao Yi asked directly.

"Master, I have here a reagent information for increasing intelligence. You can make reagents based on this information."

"Okay, show it to me quickly and transform the relevant equipment according to the data."

"Okay, Master."

After the little cutie finished speaking, the scene suddenly changed, and Zhao Yi appeared in a chemical and biological laboratory.

"Little cutie, generate the corresponding robot. Let the robot do the experiment."

"Okay, Master."

In just a moment, 10 robots appeared in front of Zhao Yi. Then the little cutie asked the robot to do relevant experiments based on the reagent information.

The experiment cannot be completed in a short time, and there may be a probability of failure. The experiment needs to be adjusted according to the failure situation. Zhao Yi didn't wait and left the Zhouling space directly.

When Zhao returned to reality, he saw Wang Huilan coming in with a bowl of noodles in his hand.

"Zhao Yi, come on, eat quickly, I guess you're hungry too." Wang Huilan put the bowl on the desk to avoid burning Zhao Yi's hand.

"Thank you Aunt Wang, I'm really hungry." After saying that, Zhao Yi took the chopsticks from Wang Huilan's hand, picked up the noodles, and took a bite with three eggs wrapped in them. It was really delicious, another kind of food cooked by his mother in his previous life. smell.

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Zhao Yi said slightly exaggeratedly.

"That's good, let's eat quickly. Aunt Wang will go to work later. You must be bored at home alone. Are you literate?" Wang Huilan asked.

"Aunt Wang, I am literate and have read some books before." Zhao Yi said.

"That's good. I'll go to your Uncle Zhou's study to get some books for you to read." Wang Huilan didn't wait for Zhao Yi's reply and went straight out to the main room.

Zhao Yi thought while eating noodles: "It seems that we are going back to the student days again. In this era, only by studying and getting into a good university can we have a way out and a future. After all, in these days, hard work is hard." The effect is not obvious, not to mention that I don’t have the courage to fight for it.”

Before I knew it, I had eaten a bowl of noodles.

At this time Wang Huilan came back, holding a few books in her hand, a Journey to the West, and several fifth-grade Chinese and mathematics books. Seeing this, Zhao Yi understood what Wang Huilan was thinking. In fact, Aunt Wang still hoped that she could continue to go to school.

Zhao Yi took the book and quickly thanked Wang Huilan.

"Don't thank me. As long as you're not bored at home, I'll go to work."

Wang Huilan is an employee of the town supply and marketing cooperative. She took half a day off today to pick up Zhao Yi with Zhou Zhigang, and it is time to go to work now.

After Wang Huilan left, Zhao Yi picked up the book again, looked at the cover that was not from his time, and opened the mathematics book. The knowledge in it was actually very simple compared to Zhao Yi, who had a bachelor's degree, but Zhao Yi did not There is no sign of complacency, because after so many years, today's high school students will definitely fail the college entrance examination. After entering college, apart from their own professional knowledge, other knowledge is actually declining year by year.

It is now July 1977. It has only been a few months since the college entrance examination was resumed. You must rush to improve your knowledge reserves to the high school level before the college entrance examination, and you must also be a genius, otherwise the school will probably not let you take the college entrance examination. , after all, age shows here.

Opening the mathematics book, Zhao Yi read it with gusto. He could understand the knowledge inside, so he finished half of the book in just a long time.

Guessing that the intelligence reagent was almost ready, Zhao Yi quickly entered the space. Still in the chemical and biological laboratory, the robot saw Zhao Yi appear and quickly took a purple-green bottle and handed it to Zhao Yi.

"Master, this is the reagent produced based on the data. After the test, all indicators are consistent with the description of the data." said the robot that gave Zhao Yi the reagent.

Zhao Yi looked at the cutie next to him, hoping that the cutie would explain the situation. After all, this reagent was no better than ordinary, and he would die if he failed to do so.

"Master, all indicators are in line with expectations, and there should be no problems. Even if there is a problem, the little cutie can use the time back function in the space, and everything will be fine." The little cutie saw Zhao Yi looking at him and said quickly.

When Zhao heard that the little cutie could actually make space go back in time, he was immediately relieved. There was a bug, but he was still worried about it.

Zhao Yi said nothing, picked up the bottle, opened the cap, and poured it into his mouth.

Not to mention, it has a bit of a sour and sweet taste.

Zhao Ben wanted to continue to savor this taste, but suddenly a tremor came from the depths of his soul, and the heartbreaking pain suddenly swept through his mind, getting stronger and stronger, like waves crashing on the coast, one wave after another.

Zhao Yi couldn't bear it anymore and immediately fell to the floor and rolled around. Zhao Yi was in so much pain that he didn't even want to survive in this world.

It seems like a moment, and it seems like a lifetime.

Zhao Yi finally stopped rolling, lying on the ground like a dead pig, motionless. It could only be seen from the heaving chest that he was not dead yet.

Half an hour later, a numbing and refreshing feeling came over Zhao Yi, covering his mind and causing the pores in his body to relax, as if he had just ascended from hell to heaven. The contrast was too great to describe.

Zhao Yi silently felt this indescribable feeling of relief. About half an hour passed before he finally took control of his body again and stood up tremblingly.

"Little cutie, do you want to kill me?" Zhao Yi stood up and asked.

"Master, you didn't ask this question, so the little cutie forgot to mention it. From now on, you must tell the master in advance and don't be angry, okay? Huh!" The little cutie knew that he was in trouble, so he quickly acted cute and coquettishly said.

Zhao Yi couldn't tell whether the little cutie did it on purpose or if he really forgot. Anyway, all the suffering was over and he didn't blame the cutie anymore. (Zhao Yi doesn’t know yet that there will be trouble waiting for him later, but it doesn’t matter whether he says it or not, no one can resist the temptation of the “devil”)

"Little cutie, what is my brain development level now?" Zhao Yi asked, after all, suffering cannot be in vain, it must have practical results.

"Return to the master, I just scanned your brain area, and the development level is 20%, which has achieved the best effect of the reagent."

"That's good. He's smarter than Einstein, and he will be a top student in the future." Zhao Yi thought to himself.

"Well, Master, this is the first stage of intelligence potion. If you want to develop your brain to a higher level, you need a strong body. And Master's current body is already at the highest level at 20%. Any higher will be enough." There will be unpredictable consequences.”

"Is there any potion to develop the body?"

"Yes, but it is not recommended for Master to use it now, because a higher degree of development requires more energy support, and Master, you seem to be short of money at the moment and have no money left to buy more food." The little cutie suggested.

"It makes sense. Although Aunt Wang has taken me in, I can't become a loser and drag down Aunt Wang's family." Zhao Yi followed the little cutie's advice and stopped worrying about physical issues. After all, 20% of the brain development rate On Earth, it is definitely at the genius level, enough for use.

"Little cutie, do I have a bigger appetite now than before?" Zhao Yi suddenly thought of this question.

"As long as you don't use your brain too much, it's just a little bigger than ordinary people, and it's within a controllable range." The little cutie replied.

"That's good. I'll go back and read a book. Goodbye." Zhao Yi felt relieved after hearing this, said hello to the little cutie, and left the Zhouling space.

The math book is still in front of me. It seemed understandable before, but now it seems that ten lines at a glance are the basic operations. What is even more mysterious is photographic memory and inferences. The remaining half of the book can be read in just ten minutes or so. finish watching.

Bored, Zhao Yi read the first half of the textbook again, and then picked up the Chinese language book to read. In this way, in one afternoon, he not only read the two textbooks, but also the Journey to the West.

Close your eyes, the contents of the book are still vivid and magical. (End of chapter)