The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 31: Automobile industry


After returning to Kyoto, Zhao Yi compiled a piece of information on the domestic automobile industry by himself, and then with the help of Zhou Ling, he compiled the information on his upcoming automobile R&D and production plan.

Taking some information about the car, Zhao Yi went to the relevant leaders of the National Development Planning Commission (the predecessor of the National Development and Reform Commission) and the First Ministry of Machinery to express his willingness to establish an automobile R&D and production company, and handed the relevant plans and technical information summary to the relevant leaders.

Since there is no precedent in our country before, and the automobile industry is already a technology- and capital-intensive industry, the state has no idea about private entry into this industry. However, considering that Zhao Yi's funding should be no problem, and now that he has submitted technical information, the leaders did not refuse, and they all said that they would have to hold a meeting to study before they could give an answer.

Zhao Yi actually already knew that this would be the case. Fortunately, in 1980, my country discussed cooperation with Volkswagen of Germany, hoping to exchange the market for technology, and the technical information Zhao Yi provided was obviously much more advanced than Volkswagen's. This allowed some leaders to see the hope of developing the domestic automobile industry without giving up the market.

After finishing the car business, Zhao Yi brought a bunch of information to the Third Machinery Department and expressed his willingness to establish an aircraft manufacturing company and a power company. In the same operation, he handed some of his technical information to the Three Machinery Department. Leaders, let them know that they are not just a brainchild, but prepared.

Zhao Yi's action shocked the government, and small meetings were held non-stop. Some people are opposed to private individuals entering this industry and still hold to the planned economy. There are also reformists who hold the researcher's appraisal results of the materials given by Zhao Yi and insist that regardless of whether Zhao Yi can succeed or not, the country cannot Financial losses, if research shows that the country will also benefit, after all, the meat will still rot in the pot.

Just when all parties were arguing and there was no result, the issue was handed over to the old man and let him make a decision. As a reformist old man, after reading the information submitted by various departments, the old man supported Zhao Yi's plan.

From the old man's point of view, since there are no technical problems and the government does not need to provide funds, the old man is still very confident about Zhao Yi's financial situation. After all, the scene where Zhao Yi took out 5 billion US dollars in one go is still vivid in his mind. In addition, except for the trading company, all the companies that Zhao Yi has opened are doing well and are very dynamic.

As for the issue that there is no precedent before, in the old man's opinion, it means that no private enterprise has been able to take on big responsibilities before. Now that there are people who can take on big responsibilities, they need to support them.

Since Zhao Yi submitted application materials and technical information to various relevant departments, Zhao Yi has not paid attention to this matter. Instead, he has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the industrial software department of the software company and participated in the final attack on the software.

With the addition of Zhao Yi, it was indeed a smooth road. Zhao Yi put forward many new concepts and ideas, allowing the previous difficulties to be overcome one by one.

Just when the industrial software was completed and the company's people were busy with the remaining finishing work, Zhao Yi finally received a notice from above, allowing him to apply for the establishment of an automobile manufacturing company, an aircraft manufacturing company, and a power company.

With this permission, Zhao Yi asked people from the law firm to help register the wholly-owned Star Power Company, Star Express Company and Shenlong Motor Company.

Zhao Yi decided to place the headquarters of Star Power Company and Star Express Company in Chengdu, which also has a relatively complete basic industry and aviation industry foundation, while Shenlong Automobile Company was placed in Nanjing.

Then let the human resources company help find managers, and then let them cooperate with the human resources company to recruit technical personnel after the managers are in place.

The establishment of the car company this time reminded Zhao Yi of the fact that some good Chinese names were registered by foreign companies in later generations, so Zhao Yi asked people from the law firm to register the product trademarks of Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

The Mercedes-Benz brand is going to be used on business cars, BMW is going to be used on young high-end cars, the sports car is going to be named Lightning, and the ordinary civilian car is going to be called Lingbu.

Busy with these things, Zhao Yi felt more and more that he had no one to use, so he asked the human resources department to help find talents and prepare to set up a secretarial office.

Since the talents in the secretarial office only need to know business skills and understand foreign languages, it is relatively easy to recruit talents. Therefore, the heads of other companies have not yet been found, but the secretariat has all the staff, a total of four men and three women.

After everyone arrived, Zhao Yi took people to Chengdu and Nanjing to discuss investment matters with the local governments. At the same time, he needed to purchase a large area of land, so the matter was very cumbersome.

During this period, Zhao Yi also interviewed the talents recruited by these human resources companies one by one. Finally, at Zhou Ling's suggestion, Su Miao from Chengfei was appointed as the manager of Star Express Company, and He Hanlin from 606 Institute was appointed as the manager of Star Sky. The manager of the power company, Sun Zhaoxi from Jiangling Motors, serves as the manager of Shenlong Motors.

Then they were asked to cooperate with the human resources department to recruit people, while Zhao Yi was responsible for negotiating investment matters with various local governments. After these matters were negotiated, they were asked to take over.

Since we had obtained a license from the central government, we were a domestic enterprise, and we were not short of money, the negotiations went fairly smoothly. In May, we had basically finished talking about the investment, and then handed over the follow-up work to the managers of each company. principal.

Zhao Yi, on the other hand, hid directly and came to Shanghai because Precision Instrument Company had developed semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Zhao Yi came here to inspect these equipment and to help build a semiconductor manufacturing factory.

Zhao Yi inspected the condition of these equipment and found no problems, so he paid them the previously promised bonuses on the spot, which made the employees of Precision Instrument Company excited. Then Zhao Yi invited all the employees to a restaurant to have a good meal as a reward for their efforts during this time, and then planned the next step of the precision instrument company.

In addition to the continued research and development of chip manufacturing equipment, it is also necessary to develop motherboard manufacturing equipment, which is simpler. After the motherboard manufacturing equipment was completed, Zhao Yi asked the semiconductor company to set up a motherboard manufacturing department. After the motherboard is manufactured, Zhao Yi will consider producing a complete computer.

After inspecting the situation of the precision instrument company, Zhao Yi came to the semiconductor company again. First, he inspected the company's design department and found that the chip design was nearing completion. When the chip manufacturing line was completed, it could be taped out immediately.

The current task is to assemble the chip production line. The assembly of the chip production line is actually a highly technical job. It is not an ordinary assembly line. Otherwise, Western countries can purchase advanced equipment, and chip manufacturing companies are mainly TSMC and Samsung. Woolen cloth.

Therefore, we plan to participate in the entire assembly process of this chip production line and strive to complete it within a month.

With Zhao Yi's participation, the chip production line was completed smoothly. The chip production was successfully constructed one month later, and then Zhao Yi personally participated in the tape-out of the chip.

Thanks to the technical information provided by Zhao Yi, the chip was successfully taped out for the first time. When Zhao Yi held the chip in his hand, he was filled with excitement. A complete semiconductor industry was established in his hands. As someone who has experienced this, how could Zhao Yi not be excited

The chip in Zhao Yi's hand was named Pentium by Zhao Yi. According to Zhao Yi's words, it was to take the enemy's path and leave the enemy with no way to go.

The Pentium processor integrates 140,000 transistors, has a clock frequency of 20MHZ, an internal and external data bus of 16 bits, an address bus of 24, and a memory addressing size of 16M. It uses Zhao Yi's own Cangjie instruction set. It is stronger than Intel's current 8088 and the later developed 80286, and even slightly better than Motorola's 68000 chip. (End of chapter)