The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 32: The upper level vibrates


Just when all the employees of the semiconductor company were excited and jubilant, Lin Aiguo's secretary suddenly sent news that a senior city official was coming to inspect the company.

Zhao Yi was not surprised as to why the senior city officials knew the news so quickly. Maybe Kyoto already knew the news at this time. As a company formed by packaging almost all the domestic semiconductor industries, the upper management may indeed have been short of funds and technology at the time. More importantly, they hoped to let Zhao Yi do a pilot to see if this could be done, and Can produce more advanced chips than foreign countries.

Zhao Yi did not disappoint the government. Within a year or so, except for the semiconductor talents who were packaged at that time, all semiconductor equipment was developed by himself. After the successful development of these equipment, they were reported to the Fourth Ministry of Machinery. They also sent experts at that time. See what's actually happening.

At that time, these experts came to the Precision Instrument Company and saw each piece of advanced equipment. The old experts inside were in tears. They were excited and proud that their country could develop more advanced semiconductor equipment than foreign countries in their lifetime. They were also very fond of Zhao Yi for being able to lead a precision instrument company to achieve such a technical level in such a short period of time, so after they returned, they kept praising Zhao Yi, making Zhao Yi even more famous and important. .

I originally thought that I had underestimated Zhao Yi's ability, but I still didn't expect that just one month later, a commercial chip that far exceeded the international level was successfully taped out. When they got this parameter and consulted some experts, Many experts who don't understand the situation call it impossible. You must know that except for Zhao Yi's semiconductor company, they only successfully copied Intel's 8080 chip last year, which was already the most advanced level in the country at that time.

According to the logic of normal people, it is impossible to create a chip with a qualitative leap in performance in one year. Moreover, it is completely independently developed and uses its own instruction set. This is completely inconsistent with the laws of scientific development.

Regardless of whether the experts believe it or not, leaders learned from these experts what a great achievement this was. This prompted the inspection by senior city officials.

When senior city officials saw Zhao Yi and Lin Aiguo greeting them outside the company gate, they immediately got out of the car, walked a few steps, and shook hands with Zhao Yi and Lin Aiguo one by one.

"You have given us another big surprise." The senior city official said loudly with emotion.

"Secretary, you are so polite. This is just the beginning. We will continue to work hard, not only to surpass the international level now, but also to let them follow us and eat dust in the future." Zhao Yihao said ambitiously.

When the senior city officials heard this, they were also stunned, and then laughed loudly and said: "What a good way for them to follow and eat ashes. We can rest assured that you have such ambitions."

Then Zhao Yi wanted to take the secretary to the office area, but he insisted on going to the manufacturing factory first.

You are the one who has the final say. Zhao Yi can only accompany the leader to the chip manufacturing factory to have a look.

"The wafers we produce are 200 mm in size, which is one generation ahead of the current 150 mm wafers in the world." Zhao Yixiang introduced to the secretary.

When the secretary heard Zhao Yi's words, he nodded with a smile on his face, and then gave another burst of encouragement.

After inspecting the wafer manufacturing production line, Zhao Yi and the secretary came to the chip manufacturing production line.

"We have broken through 1.5 micron technology in chip manufacturing, which is one generation ahead of the rest of the world. The most advanced chip manufacturing process in the world is 3 micron." Zhao Yi said while accompanying the secretary to visit the chip manufacturing production line.

"What's the yield rate?" the secretary asked.

As soon as Zhao heard this, he knew that the secretary must have learned about this before coming, and most people would not ask this question.

"Because it is in the trial production stage, the current yield rate is about 80%. After a period of debugging, it can eventually reach more than 98%." Zhao Yi said.

After viewing the manufacturing factory, Zhao Yi and the secretary came to the conference room again.

"The results you have achieved so far are very good. I have already communicated with the superiors. In addition to seeing the production of chips with my own eyes, I want to ask you about the difficulties you are currently facing." The secretary said.

"The difficulty we are currently facing is the lack of professional talents. We have just made a start. We have many plans later, such as microcontrollers, DSPs, ASICs, GPUs, sensor chips and motherboards, etc. It is because of the lack of talents that many The projects have not been started yet," Zhao Yi said truthfully.

The first batch of college students in the country have not graduated yet, and even if they graduate, the talents may not come to us. Therefore, in the short term, we still need the support of talents from national units. In the long term, it is still necessary to increase the recruitment of domestic microelectronics majors to allow more talents to enter this industry.

Senior city officials heard the ambitions of Tianxing Semiconductor Company from Zhao Yi's words. As for the difficulties Zhao Yi mentioned, it is indeed the current dilemma of the domestic semiconductor industry. Not only Zhao Yi, but also national units are short of talents in this area.

"We will hold a meeting to discuss this issue. Let me ask a digression, can your company undertake the design and production of military chips?" a senior city official asked.

As soon as Zhao heard the words of the senior city officials, he was actually prepared. The current domestic civilian market is actually not big, and the people are generally relatively poor. The main markets are still the industrial and military fields. Facing the advanced technology of Zhao Yi's semiconductor company, the country cannot remain indifferent.

"We have no technical problems." Zhao Yi said confidently.

"Okay, we will have a meeting to discuss it before we can give you an answer." The senior city official said noncommittally.

After this meeting, the senior city officials left without giving Zhao Yi a chance to treat him.

Now that the chip has come out, Zhao Yi asked his secretary to call the software company and ask it to adapt his chip. Allow the operating system to run on its own chip.

Your own chips and your own operating system are the best combination. Otherwise, the famous Wintel Alliance in later generations would not have wiped out all its competitors. If it were not for the fear of antitrust investigations, even AMD would probably Probably no longer exists.

After arranging matters for the software company, Zhao Yi conducted training for the design department of the semiconductor company, mainly on the research and development of DSP and ASIC. These chips will be used in digital program-controlled switches, and he also left relevant information on GPU and military chips. , as a technical reserve.

While Zhao Yi was busy with the semiconductor company, domestic high-level meetings continued, and military research institutions sometimes participated.

Sure enough, just half a month after the meeting of senior city officials, representatives from the Fourth Machinery Department and the military came to the semiconductor company. After Zhao Yi accompanied them to inspect the Zhengguo factory, the group sat in the conference room.

As for what was discussed in the conference room, this is not something outsiders can know. I only know that after this, more than a thousand talents of various types came to the semiconductor company, and at the same time, part of the company's design department was also divided. As for what research work these people are engaged in, no outsider can know.

The talent problem was temporarily solved, chip design capabilities were greatly enhanced, and many tasks could be launched. Several production lines in the manufacturing factory were also added, and the previous production lines also entered the stage of mass production.

After finishing these tasks, Zhao Yi asked the human resources company to find suitable trading talents. Zhao Yi planned to operate the trading company. In the future, the responsibility of the trading company will be to sell the products of the company under his name to the world, and also to the world. Purchase raw materials needed by the company.

Then he went to Precision Instrument Company and asked them to start researching and producing multi-axis CNC machining centers. Because aircraft manufacturing companies, power companies, automobile companies, and machinery companies can all use it.

(Also...) (End of chapter)