The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 33: black earth


At the end of July, Zhao Yi left Shanghai and flew to Yulin.

This time I came to Yulin to see how loam grass improves the soil. Fertilizer grass is a plant developed by the laboratory of an environmental management company with technology provided by Zhao Yi and capable of converting desertified land into fertile soil.

The growth cycle of loam grass is five months, and it can reach a height of 4 meters. It can absorb carbon, nitrogen and some other trace elements in the air. It can also accumulate fertility in the sand. It will die after one life cycle. It will rot in as little as a week, and loam grass will not regenerate once it rots. Land that is not particularly desertified will be transformed into fertile black land within the life cycle of the loam grass.

When Zhao Yi was taken to the environmental management company headquarters by Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo, an invitation letter from the mayor of YL City came, hoping that Zhao Yi could attend the municipal government's meeting tomorrow.

Of course Zhao Yi would not refuse. In the past, Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo communicated with the YL municipal government. He had not formally participated in a municipal government meeting. This time he just took the opportunity to get familiar with the heads of various departments of the municipal government.

After asking his secretary to reply to the city government, Zhao Benben's idea of taking a day off came to nothing. Tomorrow's meeting must be related to the matter of turning the desert into black soil, and if he did not conduct an on-site inspection, he would not be able to do anything at the meeting. Discuss relevant issues with them.

So after drinking a cup of hot tea, Zhao Yi, Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo took a car to a stronghold in the Mu Us Desert.

After getting off the car, Zhao Yi saw that the stronghold was in full swing. According to Zhao Yi's plan, each stronghold will manage a thousand square kilometers of grassland around it, and the entire grassland is divided into 40 strongholds.

Each stronghold is built according to the scale of a town. It contains not only factory facilities related to the agricultural and animal husbandry company industry, but also educational facilities such as kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools. It provides free housing for workers who will work in the stronghold in the future, and various commercial facilities. facilities, power generation facilities.

According to the plan, one base is responsible for raising about 125,000 cattle on average, which requires thousands of workers, and the workers are not one person, but a family, so each base is built to accommodate 20,000 people.

There are also widened two-lane asphalt roads connecting the strongholds to form a transportation network extending in all directions. If necessary in the future, wind turbines will be installed on the pasture. Currently, biogas is used for the electricity supply and heating supply of the pasture.

The architectural drawings of the entire stronghold were provided by Zhao Yi, because Zhao Yi felt that the current architectural style was a bit backward. In a few decades, it is estimated that not many people would be willing to live in such a building, so Zhao Yi followed the architectural style of later generations. , hand the designed drawings to the construction company and ask them to construct strictly according to the drawings.

After Zhao Yi inspected all the work at the stronghold and confirmed that it was proceeding according to the plan, he felt relieved, and then followed Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo to bring some agricultural experts to the pasture.

Standing on the grassland, looking up, it was all dark brown. These are the masterpieces of fertile soil and grass, turning the originally yellow desert into fertile land comparable to the black soil in the Northeast.

While Zhao Yi was looking around and wandering around bored, agricultural experts had randomly selected several places to drill holes in the grassland. One was to measure the depth of the soil, and the other was to sample the soil from various depths and go back to detect various elements of the soil. content.

According to Zhao Yi's visual inspection, the soil is about one meter deep. This is because the loam grass not only rots into fertilizer on the surface, but also the roots of the grass underground.

After the sampling was completed, the experts went back to analyze the soil. Zhao Yi, Wei Donglai, and Li Jianguo drove their cars and ran on the asphalt road. They looked at the continuous black land and felt happy. They walked around four or five times like this. The situation at the base is almost the same as the first base.

In the evening, Zhao Yicai rushed back to Yulin from his stronghold to rest and recharge for tomorrow's meeting.

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, Zhao Yi got up early to wash up, and then rushed to the municipal government office building with Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo at nine o'clock in the morning. Maybe he was afraid that Zhao Yi was not familiar with this place. There were people standing outside waiting for Zhao Yi. 's arrival

After a while of greetings, everyone finally sat in the conference room.

After obtaining the meeting materials, I found that the agenda of this meeting included the recruitment and placement of workers at Mu Us Ranch, the issue of cooperation with government management, and the recruitment of school teachers at the ranch.

First, the government affirmed the environmental management company's achievements in transforming the Mu Us Desert, and then started today's formal agenda.

The government's initial idea was to give ranch workers the same rights and treatment as state-owned farms, and required the establishment of government management units in each stronghold. The school's teacher funds were hoped to be fully borne by the agricultural and animal husbandry companies themselves.

Upon hearing this request, Zhao would not agree to it even to death.

"We are a private enterprise, not a state-owned enterprise, and it is impossible to provide tenure. Private enterprises pay attention to efficiency. We have the right to fire employees who have not contributed to the company. This is not negotiable." Zhao Yi said firmly.

After another argument with government officials, the government agreed that the agricultural and animal husbandry companies have the right to recruit employees independently, and the government is not allowed to interfere. The agricultural and animal husbandry companies also have the right to fire employees based on their daily labor performance. If the performance is poor, they must provide Corresponding evidence.

Of course, Zhao Yi also has an obligation, that is, no matter what the reason for dismissal, he needs to provide no less than three months of salary compensation so that employees will not be in trouble immediately, and he also needs to pay social insurance to employees on a monthly basis.

As for the second point, the government established government management units in each stronghold. The final negotiation was that each stronghold should be managed as a town-level unit, but it should not interfere with the normal business activities of the agricultural and animal husbandry company; if the town government excessively interferes with the company's operations, activities, the agricultural and animal husbandry company has the right to submit evidence and request the replacement of the town mayor.

The result of the discussion on Article 3 is that the agricultural and animal husbandry companies fully bear the educational expenses for the children of their employees, but the schools must also be run by the agricultural and animal husbandry companies, and the government cannot interfere without legitimate reasons. School teachers are also recruited by the school itself. The government has recommendation qualifications but has no decision-making power.

In the evening, Zhao Yi finally came out of the government building. The day's wrangling negotiations made Zhao Yi feel exhausted, and he felt more and more that he was not suitable for negotiation work.

After returning to my residence, I simply took a shower and went to bed early.

Zhao Yi was finally resurrected with full health, and he planned to hold a meeting with Wei Donglai and Li Jianguo today.

"Manager Wei, how many employees does the environmental management company currently have?" Zhao Yi asked.

"Mr. Zhao, our company currently has 5,000 employees, who are responsible for the production of the curing agent factory, the sowing of loam grass seeds, and the cultivation of loam grass and pasture," Wei Donglai said.

The reason why Zhao Yi wanted to know the situation of the employees of the environmental management company was because he wanted to contract the Tengger Desert, which is not far from Mu Us.

The Tengger Desert is located in the southwest of the ALSZQ NMG Autonomous Region and the central border of GS Province, between 37°30′ and 40° north latitude and 102°20′ and 106° east longitude. The Great Wall of South Vietnam reaches Helan Mountain in the east and Yabulai Mountain in the west. It is 240 kilometers long from north to south and 160 kilometers wide from east to west, with a total area of about 43,000 square kilometers. It is the fourth largest desert in China. It is the eastern part of Alxa Desert, at the bottom of Yin'e Basin.

The administrative division of the Tengger Desert mainly belongs to the ALSZQ, and the western and southeastern edges belong to Minqin, Wuwei, and ZW cities of Gansu and Ningxia respectively.

The Tengger Desert includes Nanjiling in the north and Tengger in the south, and is commonly referred to as the Tengger Desert. Inside, there are sand dunes, lake basins, grassy beaches, mountains, residual hills and plains distributed staggeredly. Sand dunes account for 71% of the area, and are mainly mobile sand dunes. Most of them are grid-shaped dune chains and crescent-shaped dune chains, with heights ranging from 10 to 20 meters (33 to 66 feet). There are a total of 422 lake basins, half of which have accumulated water and are residual lakes that have dried up or retreated.

After the desert is transformed, it will be used to raise dairy cows and provide high-quality and low-cost fresh milk and dairy products to the domestic people.

Zhao Yi was fed up with the domestic dairy industry in his previous life. There were either various harmful additives or the prices were extremely expensive, making it difficult for ordinary families to afford it. Milk is very important for children's physical and intellectual growth, so take this opportunity to solve this problem by yourself.

As for the Badain Jaran Desert farther west, we have to wait until the Tengger Desert is transformed. The environment in that desert is even worse.

"After the transformation of the Mu Us Desert is completed, I plan to contract the neighboring Tengger Desert as a dairy breeding base for the agriculture and animal husbandry company. The environment of the Tengger Desert is much harsher than that of Mu Us, so more employees may be needed. If The number of employees is not enough, and we will need to recruit more people when the time comes." Zhao Yi stated his plan.

"No problem, I will make a plan and ask you to take a look at it then." Wei Donglai readily agreed.

It seems that Mu Usu's desert transformation has doubled his confidence and also placed his trust in Zhao Yi's technical ability.

In addition to this problem, Zhao Yi and Wei Donglai then took a closer look at the operations of the environmental management company. In fact, Zhao Yi can learn all these from Zhou Ling, but he only understands his subordinates in this way to make his subordinates feel that they value the company they are responsible for.

After chatting with Wei Donglai, Zhao Yi and Li Jianguo carefully understood the operation of the agricultural and animal husbandry company, and asked Li Jianguo to also make a plan for the transformed ranch in the Tengger Desert. (End of chapter)