The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 34: Cooperation with IBM


After returning to Kyoto, the human resources company told Zhao Yi that it had found five person-in-charge candidates for the trading company and asked Zhao Yi to conduct the final interview.

Now the human resources company has set up offices in major market countries in the world. When the international activities of Zhao Yi's companies increase, the offices will be upgraded to branch companies to provide Zhao Yi with global human resources support.

After an interview with Zhao Yi, and at Zhou Ling's suggestion, he finally chose Jia Siqi, a 35-year-old woman who is a senior trade industry practitioner from Hong Kong.

Then he asked Jia Siqi to go to the newly established Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to establish a trading company headquarters, and then sell the company's chips and operating systems to IBM, because Sunflower Investment Company is now IBM's major shareholder (5% of the shares) and has a director seat , so it should not be difficult to contact the head of IBM's newly established personal computer department through an introduction from an investment company.

In order to increase the success rate, Zhao Yi also compiled a document based on the mature personal computer architecture of later generations and gave it to Jia Siqi, asking him to be responsible for negotiations with IBM. Semiconductor companies can assist if needed.

Now Apple's computers are selling well in the market, which makes IBM very anxious. In order to speed up the launch of personal computers, it should not refuse the good intentions of semiconductor companies. By then, Zhao Yi's company would provide motherboards, CPUs, and operating systems, allowing IBM to easily assemble a computer.

In order to adapt to the new motherboard architecture, Zhao Yi also asked the semiconductor company to design and produce dynamic memory chips and static memory chips that meet the specifications, preparing to provide IBM with a full range of services, so that IBM only needs to make a shell and trademark. Make money comfortably.

When other companies see that IBM is so comfortable and can easily make money, they will definitely be tempted and rush into this industry without hesitation, but what should they do if the technology is not good? It doesn't matter, Zhao Yi can provide a full range of solutions.

At this point, some readers may have thought of hard drives. Of course, Zhao Yi has not forgotten the research and development and production of hard drives, but the chip factory has not been completed before, so there is no need to set up a hard drive company first. And today’s personal computers don’t have hard drives, so it’s not very urgent.

Now is also the time to prepare for the next generation of personal computers, so Zhao Yi asked a law firm to help with the procedures and set up a Byte Data company to develop and produce hard drives.

The head of the data company, Zhao Yi, followed Zhou Ling's suggestion and transferred a vice president from the precision instrument company named Qu Hengyang. The company's headquarters is still located in Shanghai.

While Zhao Yi was busy sorting out hard drive-related technical information and establishing a data company, Jia Siqi was indeed an elite in the industry. He had the trading company up and running in just half a month. With his connections, the company was recruiting people smoothly. Many Hong Kong employees are willing to come to work in the mainland, which is just across the border, for high wages.

After the company was established and operational, Jia Siqi personally led the team to negotiate with people from the IBM personal computer project team under the recommendation of the investment company. As Zhao Yi expected, IBM took the samples and architecture documents that Jia Siqi brought and conquered the company in no time. It is much more advanced than what they are currently studying.

At this time, although the competition between the United States and RB was fierce in the semiconductor field and they seemed to attach great importance to the semiconductor industry, in fact they were competing in the server market and memory chip market, because although personal computers had signs of sparks, they did not pay enough attention to this. This gave Zhao Yi an opportunity.

The negotiation went smoothly. The chip was priced at US$125 FOB, and the operating system was licensed to IBM for US$50,000. Because at this time, personal operating systems were not taken seriously and were generally used as computer bonuses. Arbitrage sales. As for the computer architecture, US$200,000 was also licensed to IBM, which greatly saved IBM time. It is estimated that the IBM personal computer will be released much earlier than in previous generations.

After handling the affairs of the data company, Zhao Yi came to the communications company to inspect the development progress of program-controlled switches.

"Mr. Zhao, we have completed the replacement of the chip. The current prototype is running well. It only needs to be tested for a while before it can be officially launched for commercial use." Hou Weigui sat in the conference room and reported to Zhao Yihui, looking excited.

"So how is the production process arranged?" Zhao Yi was not very excited and continued to ask about the progress of the production process.

"The factory building has been completed, and the production line has been installed in conjunction with the precision instrument company. It is expected that formal production will be available in one month." Hou Weigui said.

"After the program-controlled switch passes the test, we will contact the post and telecommunications department and ask them to come and take a look and promote our products." Zhao Yi arranged.

"Okay." Hou Weigui agreed.

The domestic telephone market is now in the hands of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and the digital switches produced by Zhao Yi can only be sold to them domestically.

"Also, contact Jia Siqi from the trading company and ask them to help you develop the international market. You must also arrange technical personnel to cooperate with their work." Zhao Yi added to Hou Weigui.

In Zhao Yi's idea, the trading company will be responsible for the international market development of products and the import of required international raw materials and parts, which is equivalent to RB's trading company.

This can streamline company personnel and allow each company to focus more on its own fields. It is also a means for Zhao Yi to control each company.

In order to prevent each company from being separated from the market and conducting research and development because of its distance from the market, a market research department was also established within the trading company. This department analyzes industry intelligence from all walks of life around the world, and then compiles it into a volume and sends it to Various other companies.

In addition, the trading company has also established a political research room to study and analyze the national policies of various countries around the world and to open up government relations in various countries.

This year's U.S. election is already in full swing, and Zhao Yi is planning to let people from the Political Research Office go out for activities. It's not that Zhao Yi has any other intentions, he just hopes that his products can be treated fairly in their country.

When a company wants to globalize, then the company is not just a production company, but a company that understands the politics of various countries and can avoid becoming cannon fodder in other countries' political activities.

After inspecting the communication company, Zhao Yi came to the software company again. Because office software has been developed, there are currently only two softwares, one is word and the other is excel. As for ppt, etc., they are not used at this time.

Due to limited computer storage space, office software needs to be written to an expansion card after completion, so selling office software means selling office expansion cards, which is similar to the Hanka that everyone knows.

Zhao Yi operated the office software and found that there were no problems. Except that the interface was a bit crude and the functions were not as rich as later generations, other aspects were met. Personal daily needs were definitely no problem.

Nowadays, there are not only three or two personal office software in the world, but also some simple software, which is far worse than Zhao Yi's office software.

Zhao Yi is very confident to promote his office software to the world.

This time it is not just to see what the office software has accomplished, but also to select a person in charge for the company.

In the end, Zhao Yi chose Liao Xingkai, who had outstanding performance in operating system and office software research and development, to take the post. I, the hands-off shopkeeper, can finally retreat behind the scenes.

After selecting the person in charge, Zhao Yi listened to their plans for the next generation operating system and office software, and he only made some suggestions.

These two teams can already take charge of their own affairs. Coupled with the advanced concepts he has instilled in them before, Zhao Yi feels comfortable leaving these two departments to them.

Then there is the industrial software department. Since most of the personnel are on loan, Zhao Yi still goes to work personally to plan the research and development of the next generation of products. At the same time, Liao Xingkai was asked to set up a new tool software department. This department is mainly responsible for the development of tool software. Image processing software, video processing software, program development software, etc. are all considered the work of this department. (End of chapter)