The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 36: Employment and social stability


When Zhao Yi sat in the office, he was still confused. Not knowing what he was attracted to, a car was suddenly sent to pick him up from Prince Gong's Mansion.

"Mr. Zhao, did you feel any difference on the way here?" he asked.

Zhao Yi was even more confused when he asked, what's the difference? I shouted in my heart: "I don't know."

"It seems to be a lot more lively than before." Zhao thought deeply and finally revealed his "discovery."

"Yes, it's a good thing to be lively, but it's not a good thing to have so many people hanging out on the street during working hours." He said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yi suddenly seemed to know something. So he asked: "Is it a matter of returning educated youth?"

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, he smiled happily and said, "Yes, due to the shortage of jobs, many educated youth who have returned to their hometowns have no jobs and are idle all day long. This has put great pressure on the stability of society."

Zhao Yi didn't know why he asked himself this question, so he could only echo: "Yes, this is indeed a difficult question."

"Mr. Zhao's glorious deeds are widely circulated among our colleagues in the government, so I want to ask you for advice." He said with a sincere expression.

"I have no glorious deeds, but I am just busy working in vain." Zhao Yi waved his hands and said.

"If everyone is busy like you, it will be a great blessing for the country. The research and development of your chips has completely changed the situation in which we have struggled to catch up in this field. The success of program-controlled switches has brought our country's communications industry to a new stage. And the desert transformation plan is of great benefit to the present generation. Although there is no exciting news from other companies, I heard that they are all in full swing." He praised Zhao Yi well.

This compliment did not make Zhao Yi happy. Instead, it made Zhao Yi know that the next thing would be difficult to handle.

"Looking at what you said, my achievements are not worth mentioning." Zhao Yi said modestly.

"I don't know what plan you want to ask? I'm still a little confused now." Zhao Yi said naively, pretending to be honest.

"I won't beat you in circles anymore. I just want to ask you what you think about solving the employment problem of these educated youths." Seeing Zhao Yi's look, he decided not to beat around the bush anymore and asked directly.

"This issue is not something that I, a humble citizen, can talk about. This is difficult for me." Zhao Yi didn't want to get involved in political issues for the time being, so he still thought about doing Tai Chi.

"You don't need to be nervous. Since I have invited you here, it means that the country trusts you. You can speak your mind boldly without any scruples. If you are still not at ease, then we will make a gentleman's agreement and have this conversation The content only comes from your mouth and into my ears." After hearing Zhao Yi's words, I also knew his concerns, so I said this.

After hearing this, I knew that I couldn't get out without taking out some useful things.

"How many educated youths do we have who have returned home?" Zhao Yi asked.

"We have statistics, there are nearly 20 million." said.

"There are so many people that state-owned enterprises can no longer absorb. I think there are two directions: one is to find a way out on one's own; the other is to expand the demand for personnel in the job market." Zhao Yi said.

"Then tell me more specifically." Hearing Zhao Yi's words, he nodded in confirmation and then said.

"Because individuals are constrained by insufficient capital, these educated youths are allowed to find their own way out by allowing them to operate as self-employed businesses. If necessary, they can even be provided with capital loans or other preferential policies."

"Although I can be considered a capitalist, I have never denied that capital is naturally greedy, so we need to improve laws and regulations to protect workers' wages and benefits."

"What suggestions do you have in this regard?" asked.

"The first is to improve employee job security laws, such as stipulating weekly working hours and maximum working time limits. If the weekly working hours are exceeded, wage compensation must be given. If the maximum working hours are exceeded, penalties will be imposed. Compensation for dismissed employees, etc. "

"The second is to formulate a minimum wage system to prevent wages from getting lower and lower due to fierce competition for jobs. If it becomes a common phenomenon, it will have a great impact on the domestic consumer market. In the end, there will be no business to do, and wages are only enough to maintain basic life."

"The third is to establish a nationally coordinated social security system, such as medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, pension insurance, etc."

"The fourth is to establish a high-quality vocational and technical training system so that educated youth who have been idle for more than ten years can learn skills and have the ability to gain a foothold in the city."

"For the time being, this is all we have in terms of finding a way out for ourselves. The deficiencies still need to be supplemented by personnel from relevant government departments." Zhao Yi said modestly.

"What you said is already very good. I have heard about some of your company's practices, which I think are very useful for reference." He said.

"So what specific ideas do you have for expanding the labor market?" he then asked.

“I think if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Infrastructure construction is the basis of economic activity. Even if we don’t build it now, we will have to make up for this shortcoming in the future. So I think infrastructure construction is the best way to expand labor demand. " Zhao Yi said.

"It's a good idea to build roads first if you want to get rich, but at present the country has no way to spend so much money, and there is not enough money for other places that need to spend money." He said helplessly.

When Zhao heard this, he was very confused. Everyone knew that the return on investment in infrastructure construction was slow and the profit cycle was long. If his own funds could make more money abroad, from a capital perspective, why would he bother to go there? This trip into murky waters. But I also know that what I said is true. During this period of time, I have indeed received a lot of care from the country. It would really be unjustifiable if I didn't express it.

"Our domestic enterprises are still in the investment stage, and they can't spend much money for the time being. If the country needs it, I will transfer foreign funds into the country to support the country's development." Zhao Yi said after weighing it.

Hearing Zhao Yi's words, I was also moved. I felt that the government's previous support for him was not in vain, and he was still able to stand up when the country was in difficulty.

Zhao Yi is changing from a pure capitalist to a red capitalist.

"We have received your opinion. We will have a meeting to study this issue." He said with a smile to Zhao Yi.

By this time, the conversation was coming to an end. But when leaving, Zhao Yi couldn't help but said: "Our country's economy needs to develop. The transition from a planned economy to a market economy is inevitable. This is irreversible. Market competition in non-monopoly industries will become increasingly fierce. State-owned enterprises will The subjective initiative is naturally weaker than that of private enterprises, which will lead to its market share becoming smaller and smaller, and eventually bankruptcy or layoffs will inevitably occur. Then many workers will be laid off. I hope the government will make plans early."

After listening to Zhao Yi's words, he fell into deep thought. When Zhao saw this, he stopped disturbing him and went out by himself to follow his secretary. (End of chapter)