The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 38: Another meeting with the old man


The establishment of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway kicked off the large-scale construction of expressways in China, and Zhao Yi’s research found that the country is so lagging behind in asphalt materials, which will seriously delay the pace of domestic expressway construction. It is impossible to use imported materials. Asphalt bar.

So Zhao Yi sorted out a set of asphalt refining technologies, and then found China Petrochemical Corporation (the predecessor of Sinopec, later called Sinopec) and China National Petroleum Corporation (the predecessor of PetroChina, later called PetroChina), and licensed these technologies give them. As for CNOOC, it has not been established yet and will not be established until 1982.

There are three grades of road petroleum asphalt: A, B, and C. Among them, Class A asphalt is suitable for all grades of highways and any occasion and level. Class B asphalt is suitable for: 1. The layers below and below the asphalt on highways, first-class highways, and all layers of second-class highways and highways below; 2. Used as modified asphalt, emulsified asphalt, and modified emulsified asphalt. , diluted asphalt base asphalt. Class C asphalt is suitable for all levels of highways of Class III and below.

In addition to highway material technology, Zhao Yi also asked Zhou Ling to compile a set of highway survey, design, and construction technologies, and then handed them over to the joint venture company. He didn't want the previous process to take more than 10 years like the original time and space. This does nothing to solve the current problem.

With Zhao Yi's technology, the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway can start construction in about a year at the latest. The highway construction will adopt multiple sections of construction at the same time, which will not only increase the demand for labor but can be completed as soon as possible, making an early contribution to the circulation of domestic commodities and personnel exchanges.

After arranging matters related to the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, Zhao Yi suddenly thought of a question, why not lay the backbone fiber optic cable along with the highway backbone network? Expressways also connect cities to cities, and the backbone network also connects cities to cities. time, it can be constructed along the same route.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi changed the design plan for the joint venture highway management company and asked it to prepare for the subsequent installation of optical fiber. After the construction of the highway is completed, fiber optics and related equipment can be easily installed.

Then he went to the Precision Instrument Company and asked it to start the development of optical fiber manufacturing equipment immediately. The priority was raised, and if the manpower was insufficient, it would be poached.

After arranging the task at the Precision Instrument Company, he went to the Communications Company to start research on optical fibers, bridges, network switching equipment and high-end laser transmitters.

After arranging these things, Zhao Yi dragged his tired body back to Kyoto, and then planned to rest at home for a few days before going to the northwest to inspect the operation of the agricultural and animal husbandry company.

As a result, he was taken to the center the next day, in the same room as before, with the old man sitting opposite. Zhao Yi didn't know the reason for this meeting, and he was still a little uneasy.

"I wanted to meet you a while ago. You are a busy man and have been away from Kyoto." The old man said with a smile.

"No way, it's all nonsense. If you need anything, just call." Zhao Yi said quickly, a little flattered.

"I have read the minutes of the last meeting, and you made a very good point, 'Crossing the river by feeling the stones, the more you touch them, the river will always pass.' This provides new ideas for our reform and opening up. " said the old man.

"I don't understand this either, I just express my feelings." Zhao Yi said.

"This is the most authentic feeling, and the first instinct is often more reliable." The old man said with a smile.

"Maybe, I'm very happy to be able to contribute a little bit to the country." Zhao Yi said.

"Judging from the last meeting, some of your insights are very unique, so I invited you here this time to hear your views on national construction." The old man stopped talking in circles and directly explained the purpose of inviting Zhao Yi.

"I haven't done any research in this area, so let me share some of my humble opinions." Zhao Yi stopped talking in circles and said directly. Regardless of whether he will adopt it in the future, he will always provide the government with an idea.

"I still say what I said, a strong country needs both a strong material civilization and a strong spiritual civilization. They are mutually conditioned and dependent on each other."

"Material civilization provides material conditions and practical experience for spiritual civilization. Without the support of material civilization, it is impossible to develop a high degree of spiritual civilization. The old saying goes that people in the warehouse know etiquette based on reality. This is the truth. And spiritual civilization provides spiritual power and practical experience for material civilization. Intellectual support and ideological reassurance.”

"I think we only need to develop in these two directions, and it should not be difficult to build a prosperous and powerful country." Zhao Yi said.

The earliest explicit proposal to "build socialist spiritual civilization" was discussed at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1979, and was proposed by Ye Shuai in a speech to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Ye Shuai said in his speech that while building a high-level material civilization, we must improve the educational, scientific, cultural and health levels of the entire people, establish lofty revolutionary ideals and revolutionary morals, develop a noble and colorful cultural life, and build a high-level society. socialist spiritual civilization.

Zhao Yi, on the other hand, unified the construction of spiritual civilization and material civilization in advance and clarified their mutual relationship.

"What you said is very thoughtful. On the basis of Ye Shuai's construction of socialist spiritual civilization, you added an elaboration on building material civilization, and made the relationship between the two very clear. It's not like you can come up with it without research. "The old man highly agreed with Zhao Yi's views on the construction of two civilizations, and he did not forget to tease Zhao Yi.

"Tell me more specifically?" the old man asked again.

"In the construction of material civilization, I think it should be to build first-class infrastructure, improve industrial categories, improve the level of industrial science and technology, provide more jobs, increase the income level of the people, and increase the level of market-oriented allocation of resources."

“The construction of spiritual civilization, I think, is to realize nine-year compulsory education or even 12-year compulsory education, improve the level of technical schools and universities, meet the cultural needs of the masses, strengthen political and ideological education, provide a fair competitive environment, and increase the intensity of combating corruption. "

"What specific measures are there?" the old man continued to ask.

"This topic is too big, and I cannot explain it clearly on my own. This requires the state to conduct research on all aspects." Zhao Yi did not want to go into too much detail, so he could only decline.

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, the old man knew that he could no longer get any more work from him, so he stopped mentioning the matter.

"Is there anything else you need the government's help with?" the old man asked.

When Zhao heard this, he knew that this was a reward from the government for his contribution some time ago.

"We have some things that need to be communicated. The transformation of the Mu Us Desert we rented last time has been completed, and the agricultural and animal husbandry company has started raising beef cattle. Next, we want to rent the adjacent Tengger Desert for dairy farming and let it be given to domestic Provide high-quality milk products to the masses," Zhao Yi said.

"Are you addicted to being a 'landlord'?" the old man joked with a smile.

"This is also part of the construction of material civilization. To make the people eat well and eat well, we must provide high-quality agricultural products." Zhao Yi said with a smile.

"It's good to go from being full to eating well, but you just said that the Mu Us Desert has been transformed. I, a bad old man like me, must go there and see the results of your transformation." The old man said.

"No problem, let me know when you are free and I will go with you." Zhao Yi agreed. (End of chapter)