The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 39: Notes on some issues


Qianlong does not use instructions on some issues

I first wanted to write a book because of the book shortage. Some of the books I liked to read in the past were finished or "entered the palace", so the author began to think about writing a book that he wanted to write.

It may be due to writing problems, or it may be that I just had a passion at the time and only had a general framework in my mind, but no details. Therefore, some of the previous chapters seemed to readers to be straightforward and lacked excitement and baggage.

However, the author has already written 140 chapters, with a word count of nearly 400,000. There is no way to go back to the past, so it is no longer necessary to revise the previous chapters. It may also cause the risk of plot misalignment. At the same time, such a large amount of revision is also Not enough. Fortunately, there are all the necessary foreshadowings, laying the foundation for the development of the subsequent story.

When I first started coding, I had great ideas in my mind, but my hands couldn't keep up with the thinking in my head, so I struggled to write. I just wanted to be able to express some things clearly and lay a good foundation for the subsequent plot development. There are other higher requirements. After all, the author is just a newcomer. This is also the first book the author has written. If you have too high requirements for yourself, you will hesitate to move forward, which will damage your self-confidence and lack confidence in writing. Therefore, you can only move forward and don’t If you look back, you may lose, and if you get tired, you will eventually give up.

After the next 100 chapters, my ideas gradually became clearer and my ability to express myself became better than before, so the current situation is better than ever, which is already a huge success for me, a new author. It’s very different from when I first started writing, when I felt like there was nothing to write about.

As for the problem of slow updates reported by some readers, the author himself feels fine. The works have not yet been signed, and newcomers and new works still need a process of accumulation. If the updates are too fast and there is a lack of accumulation of popularity, some problems will arise later.

Now there are two updates every day. The approximate number of words without updates is 2,000 to 2.5,000, which means more than 4,000 words per day, which is not too small. Of course, for readers who complain about the lack of updates, the author is actually quite happy, which shows that I Some of the stories written with his immature writing skills can be recognized by you. This is the greatest comfort to the author at present.

Later, due to the improvement of the author's writing power and the storyline becoming more and more full, the chapters after Chapter 110 are all 3,000 words per chapter, so the daily update volume will be much higher than now. Please be patient readers. Do stay.

In fact, the author used to be a perceptual person and liked to write and write. However, the job he later joined was in program development, which required him to think about problems logically and rationally. Over time, he developed a problem of talking less and speaking less. He is no longer so sweet-talking, and he is straightforward when he speaks. Readers should have felt this in the previous chapters of this book.

Now that I have started writing novels, I need to change myself. From a taciturn person in the past, I slowly transformed into the ability to bring my characters to life. I think this cannot be done by rational thinking alone. It requires There is some perceptual thinking, and this requires a process. Fortunately, we have seen the signs of this now.

Regarding the story of this book, the author still follows the original idea and is prepared to take every step step by step, so that the protagonist of this work can realize his ideals step by step and develop his country step by step.

Regarding the fact that there are basically no conflicts in the early part of the book, which makes some readers feel boring, what I want to say is that there will be very few unnecessary personal conflicts in this book, and there will be very few in the future. After all, there is nothing to provoke other people's madness. Not much. Forcibly adding these plots is inconsistent with the overall idea of the book and will not have any effect. After all, the occurrence of conflict events must be able to promote the direction of the story line. If some unrelated plots are inserted in the middle, it feels like superfluous.

The subsequent conflicts will only be designed to involve business conflicts and national conflicts. These are the conflicts that should appear in this book.

Moreover, the essence of this book is to write that the protagonist, through his own "plug-ins" and "prophet", can make the country's development take fewer detours, enter the fast lane of development as soon as possible, have fewer setbacks, and gain more success. generally desired.

At the same time, as a commoner, the author still has his own personal wishes. These wishes may also be the wishes of thousands of ordinary people. Since the reality cannot be changed, he hopes to write these great, humble or mediocre wishes into this book through his works. The book allows the author and readers of this book to have a little more thoughts and nostalgia in ordinary life, and also have a little more courage to face life head-on.

It can also be seen from the above that the book is a serious work as a whole, so it is basically impossible to have a funny style. If there is a funny style, it is probably limited to teasing between the protagonist's relatives and friends, and it is definitely not the book. The main idea of the book.

As for the interruption of updates that readers may be worried about, I think it will not happen. Although no readers have raised this concern yet, the author is actually quite disappointed at this point. If he does not worry about this problem, it means that he does not care about this work. Nothing could make the author sadder than this. Although no readers have raised this question, since I have written this chapter, it is necessary to explain that there will be less opportunities to write these separately in the future, so I will write them together.

Finally, I hope that readers who see this work will not hesitate to give it to their collection. If they have a recommendation vote or something, I hope they can vote for this work. This is the author's biggest source of motivation at present.

As for when this work will be signed and when it will be put on the shelves, these are still too far away for the author. After all, the work has almost been updated with 100,000 words and has not yet received a site letter from the editor signing the contract. It is probably considered by the editor to be a failed work. Bar. But no matter what, this work will still be written, you can rest assured of this. (End of chapter)