The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 41: Modern breeding farm


After inspecting the commercial center, the group came to the breeding farm area, which is located in the southeast of the town and is downwind.

According to the production process, first visit the green storage base. The entire farm will not allow cattle to graze directly on the pasture, but will be completed in the factory. Then the forage combine harvester will need to harvest and crush the forage and then load it directly onto the transport vehicle. The crushed green storage is then transported to the green storage base. Before being placed in the green storage base, the green storage needs to be disinfected to eliminate foreign bacteria and viruses. The internal temperature of the green storage base uses constant temperature moisturizing technology and a sterile environment, so that It can not only keep the green storage longer, but also prevent the green storage from being contaminated by bacteria and viruses.

The entire green storage base covers a large area. You must know that such a stronghold needs to breed about 130,000 cattle. The daily consumption is astronomical, and the green storage base needs to meet the storage capacity of 90 days, so the green storage base is built. Very big.

Based on the average consumption of 100 kilograms per cow per day, 130,000 cows need to consume 13,000 tons of green storage every day, which is 1.17 million tons in 90 days. In order to avoid possible unexpected losses, each storage unit can store 100,000 tons, 20 such storage units have been established in the entire Qingshu base, and the extra ones are prepared for raising sheep.

After seeing the green storage base, the group came to the breeding farm again. Each farm can raise 1,000 cows and covers an area of 10,000 square meters. It can realize unmanned operation and the entire space is also conducted in a constant temperature, moisturizing and sterile environment.

When everyone put on the protective clothing provided by the farm, they then came to the disinfection room. Only after disinfection could they enter the farm.

Entering the breeding farm, each cow has a space of approximately 6 square meters. At the same time, a purple-blue light is turned on above each cow. This light emits light of a special frequency, which can induce beef cows to sleep and reduce cow activity. quantity.

In addition, there is a movable tap water nozzle above each breeding room, which can automatically clean the cattle's body and feces. There are mechanical devices on both sides of the walls of each breeding room. When cleaning is needed, the cattle will be automatically pushed to the other side of the breeding room. Then the automatic cleaning nozzles above will clean the empty space and flush the feces to the bottom. Inside the duct, after cleaning, the ground will automatically close and there will be no gaps. Then push the cow to the side that has been cleaned and continue cleaning the space here.

There is also an automatic feeding system. Each breeding room has a trough. These materials are transported from the green storage base and then poured into the feeding inlet of the breeding base. At the feeding inlet, the green storage will be harmlessly treated. After disinfection, the silage feed is accurately delivered to each trough through the transport machinery above the farm.

Due to the existence of hypnotic lights, the rhythm of the entire farm is very orderly, which can not only ensure that the size of the cattle is basically the same, but also ensure that the beef will not have any diseases and harmful parasites.

After visiting the unmanned farm, everyone came to the feces fermentation tank. It was said to be a feces fermentation tank, but it was actually a relatively high closed fermentation device. The feces from the unmanned farm were automatically transported here through high-power water pumps for processing. Separation of feces and water.

The separated water will be further processed next to the fermentation tank. The treated water can reach the cleanliness of city tap water, and then the water is sealed and stored in the water storage facilities of each farm for next use. The very small amount of feces that is separated will still be sent to the fermentation tank.

The feces produced in each fermentation tank will be sent to the biogas storage base through pipelines. Since the fermentation period of the feces takes 30 days, there are 31 such large fermentation tanks. Depending on the date, the feces is transported to different fermentation tanks. .

The fermented manure will be automatically transported to the organic fertilizer processing plant through a conveyor. The fermented manure will be processed into granular organic fertilizer. This organic fertilizer will be spread by agricultural aircraft into the pastures that have been harvested. Continue Fertilize the land and improve soil quality.

A breeding base can produce more than 22 million cubic meters of biogas every month. The biogas is transported from the fermentation tank to the biogas base for liquefaction processing, and then sealed and stored in a storage base.

Part of the biogas will be transported to the homes of residents in the town for use, and part will be sent to power plants for power generation.

Finally, everyone came to the slaughterhouse. Because it was currently in the stalling period, no operations were carried out. Zhao Yi introduced them to the various functional facilities of the slaughterhouse.

After the cattle are transported here, they are first disinfected, stunned, and then slaughtered. The entire slaughter line is basically automated and requires only a few personnel to operate.

After slaughtering, the whole beef is sent to the freezing device for freezing, which takes a short time. Then the frozen beef is cut into steaks, brisket pieces, etc. If the parts cannot be cut into steaks, artificial steaks are used. synthesis. These will be divided into different grades and sold at different prices.

The cow blood is sent to the biochemical factory, and various biological proteins are extracted through special refining technology, such as thrombin, carbonic anhydrase, superoxide dismutase, bovine serum albumin, etc.

There is almost no wasted space.

Zhao Yi's modern breeding base allowed them to see what true modernization is, and everyone said it was an eye-opener. I also gained a new understanding of the technical strength of Zhaoyi Company.

"I'm sure this is the most advanced modern breeding farm in the world." Zhao Yi said proudly.

Everyone present, including leaders and experts, nodded in agreement.

"Why does the breeding process require such strict disinfection?" asked a leader accompanying the inspection.

“There are two reasons for this. One is to prevent beef cattle from being infected with fatal bacteria and causing losses; the other is to ensure a higher quality of our beef. Any part of the beef we produce here can be eaten raw without worrying about infection. Any bacteria, viruses and other germs that endanger human safety," Zhao Yi explained.

"How many breeding bases do you have?" the old man asked.

"There are 40 ranches in the entire Mu Us, each with an area of about a thousand square kilometers. Some may be larger because there are hills or lakes in them." Zhao Yi returned.

"What is your expected annual output value?" asked No. 1.

"Just taking cattle breeding as an example, we estimate that the entire farm will have 5 million cattle, with a 50% slaughter rate every year, which is 2.5 million cattle. Since our cattle are specially cultivated by us and have been specially bred to ensure The quality and taste of beef are top-notch, so when we put it all together, the price is 500 yuan per kilogram and the slaughter weight of each cow is 1,200 kilograms, which is an output value of 600,000 yuan, so the total output value is 1.5 trillion yuan a year." Zhao Yi said.

When all the leaders heard this, their eyes lit up, as if money was flying in the sky.

"In fact, so many cattle alone cannot digest our pasture. The follow-up plan is to breed cashmere goats, and the hills in the pasture will be planted with economic tree species, and the lakes will be used for aquaculture." Zhao Yi continued.

"Because our beef is relatively expensive, it is basically sold to Western developed countries, and the same is true for mutton." Zhao Yi added.

"I see that your farm does not prepare concentrated feed for cattle. Is there any reason?" asked an expert.

"This is because our forage is quite special. Not only does the protein content reach 60%, but the various trace elements are well balanced, so there is no need to feed additional concentrated feed." Zhao Yi replied.

"What kind of grass is this?" the expert continued to ask.

"This is independently cultivated by us based on the Colombian royal bamboo grass. If we need to give it a name, it is called Mu Us grass." Zhao Yi continued to answer.

When the group heard this, they all wanted to see such grass, so they all came to the pasture and saw everyone observing the grass carefully. Zhao Yi said: "Because our pasture has high protein content, the meat layer is relatively thick, and the taste is okay. With certain cooking methods, it can be eaten as a dish."

After everyone listened, some people had put the grass in their mouths and chewed it carefully. After tasting it, they all knew that what Zhao Yi said was true. (End of chapter)