The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 42: food security


When everyone inspected the first stronghold, and then visited two nearby strongholds in succession, the situation was the same as the first stronghold. Everything was in order, no different from the first stronghold.

After the sky had closed, everyone returned to Yulin covered with stars and moon. The old man and No. 1 were a little tired after running around for a day, so everyone went back to rest after having dinner together.

A meeting was held at the YL Municipal Government the next day to commend Zhao Yi's agricultural and animal husbandry company for its contribution to the transformation of domestic deserts, which provided a good reference for the development of domestic agriculture and animal husbandry, and then for the vigorous efforts of the YL Municipal Government. Support is appreciated.

That afternoon, Zhao Yi accompanied the old man and the inspection team No. 1 on the train back to Beijing. It was the same train car, the same three people sitting at the table by the window. It’s just that I no longer have the expectations I had when I arrived, but there is an added sense of down-to-earth joy.

"You really gave me and the government a big surprise. When you proposed to rent this desert, we just asked you to try something. If you failed, there would be no loss. As a result, this inspection has allowed us to I'm impressed." The old man said to Zhao Yi with a smile, obviously in a good mood. Number 1 on the side also nodded repeatedly.

"This is our attempt to transform the desert. This attempt originated from my thinking about the current domestic people's food and clothing issues and concerns about domestic food security in the future." Zhao Yi told the two of his motivations for desert transformation.

"The fact that you can think about this question shows that you are a national scholar. I have lived for so many years and have met countless wealthy businessmen. Some people do have the country at heart, but they cannot be independent in that turbulent era. And most of them live a life of dissipation and extravagance, and the ten-mile foreign market in Shanghai is a good example of this." The old man said with emotion.

"Don't praise me. This is what a Chinese should consider. We have known since we were young that Mao will not be able to live without the skin. Without the strength of the country, it will be difficult for our people to have a place to live and settle down. Besides, More importantly, if the country is not strong, we as businessmen will have difficulty in the international arena." Zhao Yi said with a sincere expression.

"We all understand the principles, but how many people can do it?" Number 1 next to him answered.

"You just mentioned the domestic food security issue. Do you have any thoughts on this?" The old man brought the topic back and asked.

"When we came, we talked about an issue, that is, if we want to make the majority of farmers rich, they must be allowed to participate in the process of urban industrialization. The productivity of the currently implemented rural land contract responsibility system will be destroyed, and the small-scale peasant economy will naturally be in trouble in the face of industrialization. As long as it is weak, the abandonment of farmland will be inevitable by then, and it will become more and more serious with the intensification of industrialization and urbanization."

"If we want to solve the domestic food crisis in the future, we need to solve it from two aspects. One aspect is to increase the output per unit of land area, which requires cultivating excellent and high-yielding grain varieties. The other aspect is to reduce the labor cost per unit of grain. , that is to say, mechanized operations are required, and the small-scale peasant economy can only solve the problem of self-sufficiency. As the agricultural population flows into cities in large numbers, mechanized agricultural production has become an inevitable result."

"In the future, the development of agriculture will inevitably move in the direction of mechanization and industrialization. Only in this way can we make money. However, most of our country's agricultural land is hilly and mountainous, and it is difficult to implement large-scale industrial production. Only in our country's plains The land in the region may not be able to meet domestic demand for food by then."

"Our cities, especially big cities, are basically built on plains. With the acceleration of urbanization, the boundaries of cities will inevitably expand to the surrounding plains, and it is inevitable that they will occupy a large amount of high-quality farmland. The available farmland area Even lower, especially as there will be less and less farmland capable of large-scale industrial production."

"So I thought about this problem, interrupting the development of urbanization? This is definitely not possible. What we originally want is to become rich and powerful. The road to industrialization is a road that must be taken. Since it cannot be avoided, then we can only expand There was no agricultural space left, so I took the map and searched and searched, so I could only make use of these previously useless deserts.”

"This Mu Us Desert is not only a pilot project for the country, but also a pilot project for me. If it succeeds, I will be more confident in the subsequent desert transformation." Zhao Yi finally said.

"The situation you analyzed is not without purpose. This kind of scenario is very likely to happen. This is the direction of benefit and cannot be violated." The old man said.

"I very much agree with your point of view. This inspection of the Mu Us Desert makes us more confident in your follow-up plan." No. 1 also said.

"As the desert management plan continues to advance westward, the water shortage problem is becoming more and more serious. Although the continuous push of green vegetation westward after desert transformation will increase rainfall, it is a drop in the bucket for the westernmost deserts like the Taklimakan Desert. And if you’re growing food, you need more water.”

"So I studied the water distribution situation in our country and found that the Brahmaputra River in XC has a large amount of water, and most of it enters India, so I thought if I could divert some of the water there to XJ. According to this idea, we can We studied a feasible route map, which is the Hongqi River water diversion route map.”

"Oh, tell me." The old man was very interested in this topic and motioned to Zhao Yi to talk about it in detail.

"The specific direction is to start collecting water from near the big bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River (water level 2,558 meters), along the way to collect water from Yigong Zangbo and Parlung Zangbo, and then enter the Nu River (water level 2,380 meters) after flowing for 509 kilometers."

"Then, cross the Hengduan Mountains at the point where the three rivers flow together: borrow the Nujiang River channel for 60 kilometers and then enter the Canglan River through the tunnel (water level 2,230 meters); borrow the Canglan River channel for 43 kilometers and then enter the Jinsha River through the tunnel (water level 2,220 meters)."

"After borrowing 97 kilometers of the Jinsha River, we will use a combination of tunnels, open channels and reservoirs to bypass the Shaluli Mountains to reach the Yalong River (water level 2119 meters), bypass the Daxue Mountains to reach the Dadu River (water level 2022 meters), and bypass Qionglai The mountain reaches the Minjiang River (water level 1,945 meters), and bypasses the Minshan Mountain to reach the Bailong River (water level 1,880 meters) and Weihe River (water level 1,808 meters)."

"From the Liujiaxia Reservoir through the Yellow River (water level 1,735 meters), use the open channel as the main route around Wushaoling to enter the Hexi Corridor, along the plains on the east side of the Qilian Mountains through Wuwei, Jinchang, Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Jiayuguan to Yumen (water level 1,550 meters), and then along the The piedmont plains of the Saljin Mountains and Kunlun Mountains pass through the Kumtag Desert and the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert to Hotan and Kashgar (water level 1,300 meters).”

"The entire journey is 6,188 kilometers (including 200 kilometers of natural rivers), with a drop of 1,258 meters and an average gradient of 2.10/10,000. The total annual water transfer volume is expected to reach 60 billion cubic meters, accounting for only 21% of the total water intake points of major rivers. It will be used in my country's The arid area of northwest China has formed an oasis covering more than 200,000 square kilometers."

"When these places are covered with green vegetation, the climate environment will also change accordingly. Rainfall will gradually increase, and water evaporation will decrease accordingly. By then, the warm air from the ocean in the south and the cold air from the continent will The intersection point will move north. By then, the rainfall in the south will decrease, while the rainfall in the north of Henan will increase. By then, the runoff of the Yellow River will be much greater than at this time. By analogy, the arid areas in the west will have Rainfall will also increase accordingly.

By then, it is likely that a real blockage will be formed in the south of the Yangtze River. There will no longer be a need to transfer water on a large scale, and a beneficial internal circulation will be formed. "

When the two heard Zhao Yi's description, they were also fascinated and shocked by his big plan.

"Do you know how much money is needed? At present, the country simply cannot afford such a project." After coming back to their senses, the two people also realized that although the plan was good, it was currently unrealistic.

"I estimate that a total of 500 billion yuan will be needed, and more funds will be needed in the future. Of course, this is not urgent yet, and it will take 10 years at the earliest, but a survey project team can be established first to conduct relevant research, etc. It will be implemented later when funds are sufficient. As for technical issues, I think I can still provide some help." Zhao Yi said.

"Well, you are right. You can start the preliminary research work first, and then implement it when conditions permit." The two of them still agreed with Zhao Yi's words.

"Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country has been in a state of food shortage for a long time. The food foundation is weak and there is no room for maneuver. If there is a slight disaster, there is a risk of food shortage. However, with the implementation of the land contract responsibility system, farmers' enthusiasm for growing food has been unprecedentedly high, and food production has We will continue to achieve bumper harvests, shift from supply shortage to basic self-sufficiency, and have a slight surplus in good years, creating conditions for the establishment of a grain reserve system."

"We are now starting to build a national special grain reserve and explore the construction of a grain reserve system. This will allow us to implement centralized and effective national management, make up for deficits with abundance, adjust surplus and shortages, and establish a new system and system for my country's grain reserves in the new era."

"With the development of our country's economy and further participation in international trade in the future, there will be more and more foreign exchange reserves, which can be purchased and reserved when world food prices are low. The final reserve volume must at least meet the net food consumption of the people across the country for one year."

"Talk about grain reserves, which reminds me of the issue of oil reserves. Our country is a big country, and our oil reserves cannot fully meet our future economic needs. Although there seems to be spare capacity for exports, as the degree of industrialization deepens, our country It will become the world's largest oil importer, and we have to guard against this. Energy security is also an important issue." (End of chapter)