The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 44: Private universities


After the Laba Festival, Zhao Yi didn't go anywhere at home. During this week, apart from sitting in the back garden fishing in his spare time, he spent the rest of the time writing a plan to apply for a private university.

Don’t be surprised. In 1980, my country’s first private university was born. Jiuyishan College is my country's first private university founded by Lok Tianyu, a Chinese agricultural and forestry biologist, educator, scientist, the discoverer of "Nanniwan", and the first president of Kyoto Agricultural University. The funds for the construction of the school came from the back wages after his rehabilitation. In 2005, it was converted from private to public.

In Zhao Yi's opinion, since he has the first one to eat crabs, it should be no problem for him to follow suit. Coupled with his financial advantage and academic achievements, he should be able to get by no matter what.

After writing the application plan, Zhao Yi found the Ministry of Education, submitted his school plan to them, and talked about his intention to open a university.

"Our country currently has a population of 1 billion, and we only recruit hundreds of thousands of college students every year, which is far from meeting domestic demand. Now is an era of rapid development, and there is an extreme shortage of talents in various industrial and scientific research fields, especially young and middle-aged people. There are even fewer talents, and there was a talent gap during the ten-year turmoil. This talent gap must be filled quickly so that the domestic modernization construction will not be hampered." Zhao Yi said sincerely in his application.

"Thinking of this, I couldn't sleep at night. I thought that I was so rich and would not take it with me until I died. Why can't I use some of it to contribute to the education industry in China? So the plan to build a university was born. ." Zhao Yi continued.

After hearing this, he nodded seriously. Zhao Yi's wealthy status has been spread among the top management. If Zhao Yi doesn't have money, let alone others. Some people even think that Zhao Yi is the reincarnation of the God of Wealth, otherwise why would he make money so easily and effortlessly? Those who know something about the situation think that Zhao Yi should be a Wenqu star. Look, not only has he made such great achievements in the field of mathematics, but also the various high-tech companies he founded have continued to achieve results, which completely goes against the principles of science and technology. Continuity to achieve leapfrog development.

I turned to the school funding page in the plan, and I was immediately shocked. 10 billion U.S. dollars, am I mistaken? It is more than the country’s total foreign exchange. How much money is needed to run a school

"Does it cost so much to open a private university now? How do you plan to use it?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, it has been written in the plan. Since you asked this, let me explain to you. The main uses of the funds are divided into four categories: First, the cost of purchasing land. As you know, I am from JX Province, and the entire Higher education resources in JX Province are extremely scarce, so I wanted to open the school in NC City, and the place I like is located in Qianhu, and I plan to buy all the land surrounding Qianhu, which is estimated to be about 30,000 acres."

Nanchang Qianhu is where Nanchang University and Nanchang Hangkong University later became located. It is now a barren land, far away from the city center, but the surrounding environment is very good and is very suitable for building a campus.

"Why do you want more than 30,000 acres of land? Do you need so much land?" he asked.

"As you know, I never like to play small, so the university I am planning to establish will offer 13 disciplines, 92 majors, and 506 majors. The entire campus is expected to accommodate more than 100,000 teachers and students. " Zhao Yi explained.

"Do you have so many teachers?" I couldn't help but ask.

"We plan to recruit teachers from both domestic and international sources. This involves the second place to spend money. How can we recruit enough teachers without enough funds, let alone excellent teachers. We expect The teacher-student ratio needs to be within 1:10," Zhao Yi said.

He nodded. With such a high teacher-student ratio, if it were full, the teachers alone would require more than 10,000 people. At this time, the tuition fees would definitely not be very high, given the domestic salary levels.

"Then you are prepared to lose money for a long time?" asked.

Hearing this, I admired Zhao Yi a little. Even if I don't continue to invest money in the future, the initial 10 billion US dollars will not be recovered in the future. Even if a non-profit university makes a profit in the future, it cannot be put into private pockets. You can only invest in school.

"The third expenditure item is school construction costs. You know that there are many buildings in an area of 30,000 acres, and the quality requirements are very high. These costs are not a small amount." Zhao Yi continued.

"The fourth expenditure is the purchase of laboratory equipment for the school, and it is the most advanced experimental equipment that can be purchased. I hope that students in the university will not only have solid theoretical knowledge, but also have strong practical ability and produce outstanding results." Once you get out of school and enter society, you can immediately get involved in work and become a backbone," said Zhao Yi.

When Zhao Yi finished speaking, he was also fascinated by Zhao Yi's description. If such a university were to be successfully established, what would it be like? The students from this school are all elites, and they would definitely contribute to the development of the motherland. immeasurable.

After finishing the conversation and receiving an approval that needed to be studied, Zhao Yi returned to Prince Gong's Mansion.

Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu have finished school and are preparing to go home. Zhou Zhigang and his wife do not plan to come here to celebrate the New Year this year, so Zhao Yi is also planning to go back with Zhou Jinjue and the others to celebrate the New Year.

Since Zhao Yi needed to hold the company's annual meeting, he asked Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu to temporarily stay at Prince Gong's Mansion, and they would go back together when Zhao Yi was done.

Since it was previously decided that the annual meeting would be scheduled for January 24th and 25th, Zhao Yi hung out with Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu in the past few days.

On the 23rd, all the heads of each company moved into Prince Gong's Mansion. Zhao Yi introduced them one by one to the heads of each company at the welcome banquet.

The two-day meeting was the same as last time. We listened to reports from each person in charge and then arranged tasks according to the progress.

The accounting firm has been in the process of international expansion in the past year. Although its annual turnover has reached more than 5 billion US dollars, it has been in a state of loss overall, with a total loss of 100 million US dollars. Most of the turnover is contributed by the international market, and almost all domestic companies are contributed by Zhao Yi's companies.

Although there is no profit or even a loss, the growth trend is obvious and the internationalization strategy is very successful. The reason for the loss is mainly due to the accelerated international expansion. They expect to turn losses into profits this year.

The development of law firms is not as smooth as that of accounting firms. Although the annual turnover has reached 2 billion US dollars, the loss has reached 500 million US dollars. The main reason is that they did not have good litigation results in the past, which resulted in the inability to receive large projects. The company's list, and in developed countries, law firms are already very mature, and the relationships are still intricate, making competition very difficult.

Zhao Yi's approach to this is to acquire, and let the law firm increase its acquisition efforts in a few years, but do not hold a controlling stake. He just needs to obtain their cooperation to get his international business on the right track and reduce resistance.

The annual turnover of the human resources company was US$200 million, with a profit of US$50 million. This is because the domestic human resources market is not very big to begin with, and foreign countries are still in the testing stage, so these turnovers are still acceptable.

Zhao Yi asked the human resources company to see if they could acquire the four major international headhunting giants. Although they were giants, their market value was not high. He wanted to see if they could acquire them all, which would save them the trouble and effort of developing them. It doesn’t cost much anyway.

Semiconductor companies are still in the process of investing. Although the chip business has cooperated with IBM, it has not yet been launched on the market, so the income is not much. Its main source of income is orders from communication companies to provide such chips for communication companies. The overall situation is still at a loss.

The situation of software companies and semiconductor companies is similar. They have not yet reached the outbreak, so they are in a state of loss.

Precision Instrument Company's business income mainly comes from its own brother companies, and it is in a state of slight loss. The person in charge suggested opening up the international market. Zhao Yi thought about it and asked them to ban the export of the most advanced equipment and develop some secondary technical equipment, as long as it was a little more advanced than similar international equipment. Other domestic companies would also do the same unless there were special circumstances. This is done.

Last year, the communications company did well. Due to the successful research and development of program-controlled switches, it received a large number of orders from the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. It had a turnover of 600 million yuan and a profit of 10 million yuan. It was considered self-sufficient. The funds were mainly invested in the research and development of new products.

The agricultural and animal husbandry company is still in the stocking period and has no output yet.

The main source of business of the environmental management company is agricultural and animal husbandry companies. Although the turnover is good, because it is in the early stage of establishment, it needs to invest a large amount of money to purchase a lot of equipment, and the profit is not high.

Others such as power companies, aircraft companies, automobile companies, chemical companies, data companies, Polaris companies, and trading companies are all in a state of loss. The main reason is that they are in the investment period.

The last one is a machinery company. Due to orders from agricultural and animal husbandry companies and environmental management companies, it has achieved profits, with a turnover of 200 million yuan and a profit of 50 million yuan. Later, due to the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, the turnover will be even higher.

If Zhao Yi hadn't been rich, who could have withstood the losses of so many companies. too difficult. . . (End of chapter)