The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 47: Smart grid and ultra-long-distance DC transmission


"First of all, I would like to explain what a smart grid is. A smart grid is to inject new technologies into the power grid, including advanced communication technology, computer technology, information technology, automatic control technology and power engineering technology, etc., thereby giving the power grid some kind of artificial intelligence to make it It has strong adaptability and becomes a fully automated power supply network.”

"Smart grid has the following characteristics: 1. Self-healing. It can automatically detect and analyze faults, achieve fault isolation and system self-recovery."

"2. Strong. It can effectively resist natural disasters or perceived external damage, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the power grid."

"3. Interaction. Users will adaptively interact with the power grid and become an integral part of the power system."

"Four. High quality. Provide the high-quality electric energy needed by the society, and the power quality of users will be effectively guaranteed."

"5. Economy. Realize the rational allocation of resources, improve energy utilization efficiency, reduce power loss, and reduce investment costs and operating costs."

"6. Compatibility. It can accommodate various types of power sources such as centralized power generation and distributed power generation to meet the diverse power needs of users."

"7. Coordination. Realize the standardization, standardization and refined management of the power system and further promote the marketization of power."

"Now I want to explain why we need to build a smart grid. I think there are two favorable conditions:"

"The first advantageous condition is that my country's old power grid routes currently do not have wide coverage, and there are many places that have not yet been covered by power grids. If smart grids are launched now, repeated construction can be avoided on a large scale, and the transformation of old power grid lines will be more difficult. Less, which can effectively save costs.”

“The second advantageous condition is that we already have the technical conditions for smart grids. My semiconductor company and precision instrument company can provide support for computer automation power equipment and power engineering technology equipment for smart grids, and my communications company can It can provide communication technology support for smart grids, and my software company can provide information technology support for smart grids."

"If you have any questions about my company's technology, I have a technical information on smart grid solutions and necessary technical equipment for your reference."

"What I want to talk about next is UHV DC long-distance transmission technology. Why should I mention this separately? It must have advantages compared to UHV AC long-distance transmission technology. The specific advantages are as follows:"

"1. The cost of DC transmission lines is low. For overhead lines, when the line construction costs are similar, the power of DC transmission is about 1.5 times that of AC transmission power. For cable lines, the power of DC transmission is greater than 1.5 times the AC transmission power."

"2. DC transmission and AC transmission lines, if the insulation level is the same and the same cross-section wire is used, can transmit roughly the same power. Since one wire is saved, the pole shape is relatively simple, which can reduce the line cost by about 30% to 40%. "

"3. When bipolar DC transmission is used, the power swap station can be constructed in phases. One pole should be built first and put into operation to reduce the initial investment of the project."

"Four. In a bipolar DC transmission system, if the equipment at one pole fails, the other pole can still use the earth as a backup loop and run with half load, but AC transmission cannot do this."

"5. There is no hysteresis loss in DC transmission, the line loss is small, and energy is saved."

"6. The AC power grids at both ends connected to the DC transmission line are not required to operate synchronously. DC transmission itself does not have stability problems, and the transmission power is not limited by the stability of the power grid."

"7. DC transmission causes less interference to telecommunications than alternating current. This creates a good external environment for the development of subsequent wireless communication technology."

"8. After the AC power grid is separated by DC, because the power grid is smaller, its short-circuit capacity also becomes smaller, which is beneficial to electrical equipment. The scope of impact of accidental power outages is also smaller, which improves the safety of power grid operations."

"9. Suitable for undersea power transmission. Under the same conditions of non-ferrous metals and insulating materials, the allowable operating voltage under DC is about three times higher than under AC. The power transmitted by a DC cable line with two core wires is higher than that of three core wires. The power transmitted by the AC cable line is much greater. In operation, there is no magnetic induction loss. When used for DC, there is basically only the resistance loss of the core wire, and the aging of the insulation is much slower, and the service life is correspondingly longer."

"The DC transmission technology you mentioned is certainly very good, but we have not conducted research on this aspect before and do not have relevant technologies. If we start from scratch, firstly, we will need to invest a lot of money in research, and secondly, it will delay the construction of the power grid." An expert said Put forward his own point of view.

"Regarding DC transmission technology, I have asked Precision Instrument Company to conduct research on related technical equipment. If nothing unexpected happens, we will definitely be able to come up with commercial-grade equipment and solutions within a year." Zhao Yi said confidently.

When everyone heard Zhao Yi's words, they felt disgusted. Does it mean that everything has been taken care of by your company? The equipment is yours and the technical solutions are yours, so how can we get benefits

Zhao took one look at everyone's reactions and knew what the problem was, so he continued: "Although all new technology equipment is provided by my company, I guarantee that the prices of all equipment are relatively reasonable and will contribute to the development of my country's power grid." Make your own contribution.”

“And our sights are not limited to the domestic market. The demand for smart grids from developed economies in foreign countries is definitely greater than ours. If we can get orders from foreign countries, firstly, we can support our country’s power system, and everyone can benefit; secondly, Export our standards. If our standards become the world's standards, are we afraid that we won't make any money?"

"We need to know that first-rate companies build standards, second-rate companies build brands and culture, third-rate companies build solutions, fourth-rate companies work on product differentiation, and fifth-rate companies work on homogeneity and price wars."

"As long as our smart grid is successfully constructed and promoted to the world, then we will be the main ones making money." Zhao Yikeng said forcefully.

A group of experts who originally had opinions are now a little fascinated by the future described by Zhao Yi. This is not just personal interests, it is the interests of the entire country, and personal interests are nothing.

The leaders were also shocked by the blueprint described by Zhao Yi, which far exceeded the reform opinions in the first half of the meeting. Not only has our country's backwardness in power construction been reversed, but our country's power construction technology has surpassed the most advanced international level in one fell swoop.

After the meeting, the leaders and experts all took back a piece of information about smart grid and DC transmission technology from Zhao Yi. They still need to study the feasibility of these technologies, which cannot be decided so quickly.

After returning, Zhao Yi immediately notified each of his companies about the technical research work on smart grid and DC transmission technology, asking them to prepare relevant personnel first.

Then Zhao started to inspect companies one by one and provide technical training to relevant employees. There is no other way, no one has done any research on these now, so he can only do it himself. (End of chapter)