The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 48: Tianwen Private University


After returning, Zhao Yi did not continue to write teaching materials. Instead, he established a Xinhui Energy Company. This company's main business is the construction and operation of power stations and the research of power generation technology. Its main research projects include high-efficiency thermal power generating units. Research, wind turbine research, photovoltaic power generation research, hydroelectric power generation research, nuclear power generation research work and modern power station design and construction research.

Setting up a company is a very cumbersome matter. Even with the help of a human resources company and your own secretarial office, you can prepare various procedures and recruit talents. After everything is met, a month will pass. As usual, Zhao Yi trained the company's technical staff and then left a pile of technical information for them to study on their own.

The head of the energy company was Liu Neng, who was recruited from a state-owned power plant. At that time, he couldn't help but think of that magical dance and almost laughed to death.

When I finished all this work, it was March 9, 1981. This was not a special day. It was purely marked by the author because he was afraid of forgetting the timeline.

As expected of an old otaku, he never goes out when he returns home. In addition to continuing to write textbooks, he fishes and bask in the sun. The entire house is his world. It must be a big house, otherwise a normal person would be a nerd.

On March 21st, Zhao Yi’s application for running a school was finally received. It was a bit unexpected. Zhao Yi originally thought that it would take at least half a year to study, but it was approved in only about two months. Could it be because of so many dollars? ? Or are the efforts of the JX provincial government effective? Or is the country really in urgent need of high-end talents

Perhaps it is a combination of these reasons. As for whether it will be a junior college or undergraduate degree or whether it will be awarded a graduate or doctoral degree, it depends on the faculty after the school is established. If the teachers invited by Zhao Yi are all crooked, then there will definitely be no The qualification is to issue a high academic certificate. If you are applying for an academician, a world-renowned scholar or a Nobel scholar, then it is appropriate to apply for a doctoral student qualification. The strength of the school is the most important thing.

After obtaining the qualification to run a school, Zhao Yi immediately rushed to NC City, JX Province, and signed a land purchase agreement with the NC municipal government at a price of 3,000 yuan per mu, a total area of 30,000 acres, and a cost of 90 million yuan. Since Zhao Yiyi's school has relatively high architectural requirements and the construction scale is large, he needs to find one or several construction companies with higher construction qualifications.

After returning to Kyoto, Zhao Yi first stayed in the house to carry out the architectural design work of the school, completely ignoring the people from various construction companies outside who thought they were qualified. They were looking for him everywhere. It was not like they didn't know that Zhao Yi was in the house. Inside, but Zhao Yi pretended not to be there, and they had no choice. They couldn't break into other people's houses. If you did, you would definitely lose your qualifications.

It took a week to complete the overall design drawings, various functional architectural drawings and detailed drawings. Then it was necessary to start bidding and let the people in the secretary's office issue a bidding announcement to the outside world.

Companies interested in bidding asked for a design drawing from the secretary's office to see if they were really capable of bidding. If you are sure that you are capable of completing these designs, you also need to calculate your own quotation.

A week later, the bidding meeting officially started. As a result, all the companies that came were construction companies with the prefix "国国", and other junk fish did not dare to join in the fun. After some competition, the Fourth Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Railways (now the Fourth Engineering Bureau of China Railway) ) and the First Engineering Bureau of the State Administration of Construction (now China Construction Engineering Bureau), with a total cost of 2 billion yuan (not including test equipment), and a total construction period of one year.

In order to speed up the construction period, Zhao later promoted various types of mechanical equipment developed by his machinery company to two construction companies. They all said that they could consider it. After all, it was recommended by the sponsor, so they had to flatter them. If it was not easy to use, they would buy less. Just use it once. If it works well, buy more. Zhao Yi knew what they were thinking, but he was very confident in his company's products and invited them to inspect his machinery company's products. After the meeting, I called the machinery company and asked them to do the reception work.

A week later, the machinery company called and said that the two construction companies were very satisfied with the machinery company's construction equipment and placed orders one after another. The total transaction volume was 200 million yuan. Zhao Yi was very happy to hear the news because he had so much equipment for his own use. In terms of university construction, the construction period should be guaranteed.

Half a month later, the groundbreaking ceremony was held, and Zhao Yi also passed by. The rest of the work was left to the construction company, while Zhao Yi needed to find a principal for the school, which was more troublesome. Apart from having some interactions with Kyoto University's own teachers and principals, he had no interaction with other people in the education sector. .

Zhao Yi, who had no choice but to find the president of Kyoto University, asked him to help find out who was suitable to be the president of his university. Since he was asking for help, he couldn't leave empty-handed, so Zhao Yi decided to donate 100 million yuan to Kyoto University. As for how they spend it, I don't care, and I don't want to.

Seeing that Zhao Yi sincerely asked for advice, the principal provided a list of recommendations. Zhao Yi took a look at the list and found that there was no one from Kyoto University. He immediately understood what the principal meant, but he had no dissatisfaction, as long as No one wants their talents to go to other people's homes. Taking this list, Zhao Yi and Zhou Lingyi decided to contact Zhu Jiusi from Huazhong Institute of Technology (now Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Zhang Kaiyuan from Central China Normal University, and China Jiang Ping from the University of Political Science and Law and Liu Daoyu from Wuhan University.

After identifying the candidates he needed, Zhao Yi personally visited them one by one. Since he was not well-known in academia, the visit was not difficult. After contacting four professors, the last person to accept his invitation was Jiang Ping from the University of Political Science and Law.

Once the candidate for the principal is determined, the principal needs to participate in the preparatory work of the new school, such as inviting talents, recruiting administrative staff, ordering laboratory equipment, formulating enrollment plans, etc.

Zhao Yi, who has never traveled abroad, frequently participated in international academic exchanges and applied for admission to other prestigious schools in order to find talents internationally. He was a Wolf Prize winner in mathematics and a strong contender for the Fields Medal. While giving lectures, he keeps bringing his own private goods, promoting his own educational ideas, introducing the situation of the university he is preparing, with special emphasis on the capital investment of this university, etc.

There is no way, now Tianwen University has no advantages except money, so I can only say this.

I traveled around the world and negotiated with some interested experts and professors. After the school is completed, I hope they will come to the school to inspect and ensure that they are satisfied.

It was already June when we returned to China. In the previous life, the IBM personal computer was not released until August 12th. Thanks to Zhao Yi’s participation, they provided them with a full set of technical architecture and hardware equipment, allowing them to finally release it on June 12th. Today's IBM personal computer. (End of chapter)