The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 49: Semiconductor companies strike out


After returning to China, Zhao Yi did not go to Shanghai immediately. Instead, he rested at home for a few days, and then went to the software company to inspect the subsequent development of the operating system. He found that everything went smoothly. These technical concepts that originally came to the company were all gone. After being adjusted by Zhao Yi, very old programmers actually participated in product development and are now able to stand alone.

As long as we have the foundation, there is not much difference in people's intelligence, and it is impossible to be weaker than others. The reason why we could not catch up with foreign technology in the past was because our foundation was too poor and we could not learn their advanced technology. Zhao Yi made up for these disadvantages. Came over and now on the right path.

Now that you have come to a software company, why don't you go to the industrial software department? The number of people in the industrial software department now exceeds 500. The people who were originally seconded don't seem to have any intention of going back. Some of them have even joined the software company. Others who have not joined may still be reluctant to organize it. As long as they are still in the company, as society becomes more and more indifferent to establishment, they will join their own company sooner or later.

After inspecting the industrial software department, Zhao Yi then went to the tool software department and found that the picture editing software, video playback software, video editing software, compression software and subsequent versions of the office software that were later incorporated were all progressing smoothly.

After the inspection, Zhao Yi asked Liao Xingkai to prepare to set up an enterprise business software department to develop databases and enterprise management software. After your own software company becomes more famous with the popularity of IBM computers, you can launch these software on the market.

After understanding the situation of the software company, Zhao Yi flew to Shanghai to inspect the industries in Shanghai. He first came to the semiconductor company, mainly concerned about the production capacity of personal computer chips, as well as the next generation of personal computer chips and other types of chips. R&D work.

In the previous life, the sales volume of the first-generation IBM personal computer was only 50,000 units. This sales volume certainly did not satisfy Zhao Yi. In this life, he gave IBM a relatively mature computer architecture, which was better than the original IBM personal computer in all aspects. Many, I believe the sales volume must be more than this. Of course, in the end, it still depends on the actual sales of IBM personal computers, but it must have at least 200,000 annual sales. This number is derived from the original 250,000 IBM personal computers in 1982.

According to Zhao Yi's plan, as long as the IBM personal computer becomes a big success, he will take advantage of the trend to open up the personal computer architecture, formulate unified standards, and allow other interested parties to participate. As a basic hardware and software provider, he will quietly profit from behind. That’s it.

I let the computers produced by Polaris Technology Company be sold in China now to meet the domestic market demand. When the foreign heroes are vying for the throne, I will go in, so that I will not attract the attention of others, will not hunt me, and will reduce unnecessary trouble.

After inspecting the semiconductor company, Zhao Yi came to Byte Digital Company to learn about the development progress of the hard drive. He found that the first generation product had been developed and production was being arranged. The hard drive was ready for installation and use in Polaris Computers.

Then I went to the Precision Instrument Company for inspection. Now the Precision Instrument Company is huge. It not only undertakes the R&D and production of semiconductor equipment and hard disk manufacturing equipment, but also undertakes the R&D and production of smart grid equipment and the R&D and manufacturing of precision instruments needed by other companies. Later If Zhao Yi's private university cannot purchase the most advanced experimental equipment from abroad, it will have to undertake the research, development and manufacturing of relevant experimental instruments. It can be said that Precision Instrument Company is the core company of Zhaoyi Industry. Without this company, other companies would not be able to do many things.

Precision instrument companies now have a scale of 10,000 people, 60% of whom are researchers, 10% are administrative staff, and the remaining 30% are production personnel. Although the products currently manufactured by precision instruments have high technical content, the market demand is limited. It’s normal to have fewer production staff. When the smart grid is officially implemented, the demand for grid equipment will increase significantly, and the proportion of production personnel will increase.

In fact, in the future, Zhao Yi also wants to hand over the R&D and manufacturing of high-end medical equipment to precision instrument companies, but it is currently operating at full capacity, and the demand is not very strong yet. When the research and development of smart grid equipment is completed, these projects will be launched. Although domestic The demand is not big at the moment, but there is indeed a lot of international demand.

After inspecting the precision instrument company, Zhao Yi finally went to a chemical company that he rarely visited. This company currently mainly conducts research and production of chemical reagents for semiconductor companies, so its presence is a bit low.

To be honest, the domestic demand for chemicals is not very big. There are already many giants abroad, which makes the current position of chemical companies very embarrassing.

But this does not mean that chemical companies are not important. If they are not important, Zhao Yi will not set up a company alone. The demand for chemicals in the domestic industrial field will definitely be strong in the future, and the prospects are definitely not bad. It is just a bit embarrassing at the moment. And if Zhao Yi is engaged in The research and production of medicines also use products from chemical companies. Today's chemical companies can only be said to be in a dormant period, perfecting their product categories and improving the quality of their products. After ten years of hard work, they will explode later.

Duan Jianhong of Pusi Chemical was almost in tears when he saw Zhao Yi finally coming to inspect his company. Seeing his demeanor, Zhao Yi re-explained the importance of chemical companies to the country and his own companies at the company meeting. , but it is currently in the dormant period, so I told them not to be discouraged and gave them a good boost.

Let them continue to accumulate the company's technology and prepare for the subsequent outbreak. If there are any research projects that are not included in the company's plan, if they pass the feasibility study, they can also start research work. If the research and development is successful, they can be given certain rewards. .

After finishing his trip to Shanghai, Zhao Yi went to Shenzhen again. This time he mainly checked on Polaris Company to see how various research and development progress was.

"Our personal computer has been finalized. Since the hard disk production is not high for the time being, it will take some time, so it is still in the inventory accumulation stage. It is expected to be released domestically in one month. The international sale is temporarily postponed according to Mr. Zhao's opinion." Zhang Ruimin said .

"What about other products?" Zhao Yi asked.

"The research and development of the refrigerator went very smoothly. It uses a compressor developed by Precision Instrument Company. The quality meets Mr. Zhao's requirements. Now we are building a production line." Zhang Ruimin replied.

"As for TV research and development, Mr. Zhao, you want to skip CRT and launch LCD directly. Since the technology is too advanced, it is still in the research stage. The person in charge of the LCD research department said that mass production of LCD will not be possible until the end of the year. television."

Hearing this, Zhao Yi said: "That personal computer has been delayed in China. I can't stand the big CRT monitor. After the LCD is produced, we can launch it together with the LCD monitor. Anyway, the sales volume will not be too high. It is better to pursue perfect products, which may actually increase the sales of personal computers.”

"In addition, you need to carry out research and development work on notebook computers. With LCD, personal notebook computers should also be put on the agenda." Zhao Yi continued.

When some viewers see this, they will say that LCD is so expensive, how can people in China afford it? In fact, these high-tech products are expensive because of the high research and development costs, not because the production costs are also very expensive. The technology of his company is provided by him, which saves a lot of R&D funds in this regard. In addition, he can provide a full set of product configurations, which is not much more expensive than a CRT in the hands of users.

"How is the development of our CD-ROM standard? I hope to launch our CD player as soon as possible to knock Sony's Walkmen into the dust, and our personal computers will all use CDs for storage. The current floppy disk capacity is too small. Yes, and it’s expensive.” Zhao Yi continued.

"After the CD-ROM comes out, our home game consoles and handheld game consoles should also come out. These can also be used for preliminary research. The use of minicd in handheld game consoles will greatly save the cost of game cartridges." Zhao Yi said.

"We also need to conduct research on portable batteries, which will be used in our consumer electronics products in the future. After the meeting, you quickly allocate some people to conduct research in this area. If there are not enough people, recruit people. While I am now When we were in Shenzhen, we trained them." Zhao Yi suddenly thought that almost all consumer electronic products require batteries, but he had forgotten this. This made Zhao Yi deeply feel for the first time that a wise man must have a solution after all his considerations. Lost truth.

"Mr. Zhao, I'll go back and make arrangements right away." Zhang Ruimin said immediately after hearing Zhao Yi's instructions.

Since you have come to Shenzhen, of course you have to go to a trading company. Otherwise, if you know you are in Shenzhen and don’t go to a trading company, it will be difficult to explain later. (End of chapter)