The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 50: The rapid development of trading companies


Because there was no prior notice, when Zhao Yi came to the office of the trading company and passed the front desk, the front desk staff actually knew him. There was no bullshit in other novels. Maybe his photos had been shown to the company's employees. Bar.

Passing by the office area, I found that the company's employees were busy with the things they were doing, and there was no laxity. It was obvious that Jia Siqi still had a good way of managing the company, which made Zhao Yi very satisfied.

When he came to Jia Siqi's office, the secretary told Zhao Yi that Jia Siqi was not in the company and was currently in Hong Kong handling the acquisition of a global department store retail company. She had been there for a month.

Hearing this, Zhao Yi didn't want to go to Hong Kong for the time being, so he asked Jia Siqi's secretary to call Jia Siqi to see if he could make it back. The reply was that he would come back tonight. Zhao Yi had no objection to this. Tell him to come back to the company tomorrow.

Then he asked the secretary to take him around the trading company. Since there were no personal computers, the employees had to deal with paper. Although they all looked busy, Zhao Yi discovered carefully that the efficiency was actually relatively low. This makes Zhao Yi even more urgent about the construction of automated office systems.

I had a working lunch at the company at noon and found that all employees in the company had the same catering standards. There was no separate kitchen, but there were two separate dining rooms.

After the meal, Zhao Yi returned to the hotel. He didn't plan to go out this afternoon. As a homebody, wouldn't it be good to sleep well

Zhao Yi came to the trading company during working hours the next day, and Jia Siqi was already working in the office. Seeing Zhao come in, Jia Siqi quickly got up and poured him a cup of tea herself. After taking a few sips of tea, Jia Siqi reported to Zhao Yi the current situation of the trading company's acquisition of the department store retail company.

"We have currently acquired or invested in the top 32 department store retail companies in the United States, such as the long-established Macy's, as well as the newly emerging Costco and Wal-Mart. The highest shareholding ratio is 92%, and the lowest is 92%. Compared with 18%, the acquisition funds in the United States alone have reached nearly 50 billion US dollars. This is the list of acquisitions by the United States. Take a look." After Jia Siqi finished speaking, she handed a list to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi confidently looked through the list and found that, except for Macy's, the others were among the top 50 retail companies in terms of sales, such as Wal-Mart, Costco, Kroger, Walgreens, Home Depot, CVS, Target, Albertsons, etc. not only retail daily necessities, but also include pharmaceuticals, furniture, clothing, food, beverages, and luxury goods.

If these companies calculate nearly two trillion US dollars based on their previous 2018 turnover, they account for almost half of the annual retail market sales in the United States. This acquisition result satisfied him very much. Although it cost a lot of money, it was not worth mentioning compared with the profits these companies would bring to him in the future.

"The companies acquired on these lists are all high-quality companies. I am very satisfied with your acquisition work in North America. Tell me how you completed these acquisitions." Zhao Yi said.

“Our influence in North America is still limited. Many large companies’ share acquisitions are entrusted to large investment banks such as Goldman Sachs or Merrill Lynch in the United States for help. Fortunately, the registration places of the companies we use to acquire are all in Cayman. Islands, coupled with the support of Reagan’s successful campaign, we did not receive too many difficulties and obstructions,” Jia Siqi said.

After hearing Jia Siqi's words, Zhao Yi felt a little fond of American investment banks for the first time. As long as these companies make money, there is nothing they dare not do. He likes this more and more now. As for funding Reagan's campaign, it was just to prevent his business activities in the United States from being obstructed. The results are evident this time.

"How is the acquisition situation in Europe?" Zhao Yi asked.

"We have invested and acquired a total of 28 department store retail companies in Europe, mainly Tesco, Carrefour, LIDL, Metro, Aldi, Auchan, IKEA, etc., with a total cost of more than 30 billion yuan." Jia Siqi said.

After listening to Jia Siqi's introduction, Zhao Yi took out the list of European acquisitions and found that European companies accounted for very few absolute shares, with the highest accounting for 60% of the shares and the lowest accounting for 15%.

"You should work harder in Europe. Why do European companies hold so few shares?" Zhao Yi asked.

"European companies are basically family-run, and shareholders are not very dispersed. Moreover, major shareholders are relatively resistant to acquisitions, so progress is relatively slow." Jia Siqi explained.

"You continue to keep your eyes on that side, and don't miss it whenever you get an opportunity. Also, pay attention to new, fast-growing companies, and buy them when you find opportunities. This is a long-term strategy." Zhao Yiyi's current situation There is no good way, you can only take your time, there is always a chance.

"Tell me about RB." Zhao Yi said.

"RB's retail companies are more difficult to acquire than those in Europe. It acquired and invested in 10 companies at a cost of US$4 billion. The company with the highest shareholding is Aeon Group, which holds 60% of the shares; the one with the lowest shareholding is Seibu Department Store, with only 20%, and its president Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is relatively strong; because we acquired Southern Company, which owns the 7-11 brand, and then negotiated with Ito-Yokado, we bought a stake in Ito-Yokado, accounting for 40% of the shares," Jia Siqi said.

After reading RB's acquisition list, Zhao Yi said: "Go and ask someone to acquire RB's Muji Company. This company has just been established and is still a small company. I am more optimistic about its potential."

"Okay, I'll do it when I get back." Jia Siqi said.

"You should go back and acquire Taiwan's RT-Mart and Hong Kong's Watsons and Wellcome, and then let these retail companies expand into the Southeast Asian market." Zhao Yi said.


The reason why Zhao Yi pays attention to these department store retail companies is because he will need their channels in the future. In addition, he has more funds on hand and must find a place to invest. The retail industry will be an industry with relatively fast growth in the future. More importantly, It is impossible for this industry to disappear, and the market will continue to expand. As long as it occupies an absolute proportion in this market, the collapse of a single company will not affect the overall profitability.

This is why Zhao Yi doesn't just acquire and invest in one or two companies. Although this is an industry with fierce competition, when you acquire about 50% of the companies in which you invest, it will form a de facto monopoly for a single company. The market that remains will most likely be occupied by your own company.

As for the domestic market, we need to wait for one or two years. Firstly, we need to accumulate funds in our capital pool. Secondly, we need to improve the living standards of the people. Thirdly, we do not have any products that require domestic sales channels.

However, we need to start laying out the domestic department store retail industry as early as next year, and we will make detailed plans at that time.

After finishing his work in Shenzhen, Zhao Yi planned to go to Chengdu to see the situation of Star Power Company and Star Express Company. These two companies seemed to have less control themselves, so he had to go and see the situation. (End of chapter)