The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 54: Material field layout


Zhao Yi, who returned to Kyoto, did not take a break and immediately asked the law firm to help establish a cornerstone materials company, with its headquarters in Nanjing and focusing on the research, development and production of special materials.

Special materials include: advanced ceramic materials, nanomaterials, smart materials, electronic information materials, new energy materials, advanced composite materials, ecological environment materials, high-performance joint materials, new functional materials, etc.

These materials have a wide range of uses and are used in all aspects of national production. However, our country's research on these special materials is relatively lagging behind. In order to meet this gap, Zhao Yi set up a company to conduct comprehensive research on these types of materials. , laying the foundation for my country's industrial development.

Without materials that meet demand, there is no way to promote industrial development and innovation, which is the cornerstone of industry. Therefore, Zhao Yi named his materials company Cornerstone in the hope that his company can take on this important responsibility and live up to his trust.

After the company's application was approved, Zhao Yi hired the person in charge of the materials company through the human resources company, named Wen Sheng, who previously worked at a domestic materials research institute. Because it was mainly responsible for R&D management before and did not involve specific technical secrets. The research institute may have known Zhao Yi's name and knew that he wanted the person, so there was no embarrassment and the person was released smoothly.

After the person in charge arrives, he recruits people on a large scale, which is a painful process every time. There are already few talents, and there are even fewer people who want to find the right ones and can come. This makes Zhao Yi more and more concerned about his university. Get excited, talent! Talent! Talent!

At the same time, Zhao Yi also wrote an analysis report and research report on the issue of regulation and control of rare earth mining and export in my country. This is not only due to the disordered mining and low-price sale of rare earths, but also involves environmental pollution and the subsequent development of our country. issues needed for industrial development.

When it comes to the fine processing and refining of rare earths in my country, we have to mention Academician Xu Guangxian’s extraction technology and cascade extraction technology. Praseodymium in rare earths can be used to make goggles and is an important element in making aircraft engine alloys. A necessary component of guided missiles, solid-state lasers require a single rare earth element, neodymium.

These two rare earth elements have excellent properties, but they are also the most difficult pair to separate among many elements. Our country, which is in urgent need of a breakthrough in this field, found the French Rhodia factory, which has the world's most advanced technology, to purchase related technologies for rare earth separation. However, the arrogant French not only asked for a price that far exceeded our country's expectations, but also demanded production. The majority of the products produced must be sold to the other party.

Without industrial technology, our country can only swallow its words, dedicate research and development expenditures to France and bear environmental pollution, and its status is equivalent to that of a branch company without an independent voice.

The heavy responsibility of history fell on the shoulders of Xu Guangxian. At the age of 52, he adjusted his research direction for the third time and researched the separation and extraction technology of praseodymium and neodymium. After two years, extraction methods were used to reach a record purity of 99.99%.

Why should we mention Academician Xu Guangxian? It is just out of emotion, so that these people who have made great contributions can be remembered by more people.

Zhao Yi definitely has no shortage of technology, but he is afraid that he will be stuck in the basic minerals. Even if he can turn the world upside down, he will be unable to do anything. Therefore, Zhao Yi submitted this research and analysis report in the hope that the country has not completely liberalized in this regard. Under normal circumstances, manage it in a standardized manner.

After the report was submitted, Zhao Yi built rare earth finishing plants in various rare earth producing areas in the country, and then stored them himself. If he cannot use them now, he will follow him later. It will definitely come in handy as the industry expands and the country's industrial level improves, and rare earths at this time are particularly cheap, not as expensive as the potting soil sold on Tmall in the previous life.

After finishing all these things, Zhao Yi finally returned to his Prince Gong's Mansion. He could take a good rest and wait for Wen Sheng to recruit all the technical personnel before providing them with technical training. During this period of free time, Zhao Yi continued the unfinished work of compiling university textbooks.

Because it covers a wide range of subjects, including literature, history, science, and engineering, it is just the compilation (copying) of undergraduate materials that will cost you your life. If I hadn't used my own company's office software, my hands would probably be useless.

After a month of this, only a small part of it was completed. When Wen Sheng informed him that the technical staff had basically been recruited, Zhao Yi had to leave for Nanjing to start his training journey.

Because the materials are diverse and complex, it is not only necessary to explain the ready-made technical materials to these technicians, but also to analyze the technical principles, especially computational materials science, which has not yet formed a theory. All these require Zhao Yiyi and them. Once explained, I hope they can research new technologies without relying on themselves.

During this training period, the materials company also reached strategic cooperation with major domestic steel companies and petrochemical companies to provide them with some advanced technologies in the hope that they can provide qualified raw materials to the materials company. During this period, we went to a precision instrument company and a machinery company to ask them to develop the research and production equipment needed for the production of special materials.

Not only that, but the industrial software department of the software company is also asked to develop materials research simulation software, hoping to improve the research efficiency of the materials company through this software.

This also involved a lot of calculation work. Ordinary small machines could not bear this amount of calculations, so they rushed to Polaris Company in Shenzhen and asked them to be responsible for developing supercomputers to support the research work of the materials company.

This simply affects the whole body. The progress of one industry will drive the progress of other industries. Investment in one industry requires corresponding investment in other industries. Otherwise, it will be difficult to support alone.

In order to speed up the research and development progress, every time a company assigns a research and development task, it is necessary to provide technical information and training explanations to the researchers of these companies.

Zhao Yi still started late. It has been less than three years since the establishment of the first company. His own accumulation is still very shallow. He has to do many things himself. In the future, his company will have enough talents and enough talents. With the technical foundation, you only need to issue R&D and production tasks, and you can come up with a plan in a short time. At that time, you can be a hands-off shopkeeper.

But now Zhao Yi had to rush back and forth, waiting for everything to be settled. Two months passed, and October came quietly. At this time, it was no longer the time to promise to provide qualified materials to the power company and the aircraft company. too much.

The first batch of materials can only be produced in a small-scale laboratory, and large-scale industrial production will take several months. Moving out of the laboratory into industrial production is not a simple problem. Not only does it need to reduce material costs, but it also requires the use of equipment different from the laboratory, which all take time to develop.

After less than a week's rest after returning home from work, I went to Yulin again at the end of October to check the environmental management company's treatment of the Tengger Desert and the agriculture and animal husbandry company's cultivation of new grass and dairy cows. These two companies have After gaining experience in the Mu Us Desert, he is much more comfortable handling these things now, and Zhao Yi basically doesn't have to worry about it.

This visit is probably the last inspection this year. (End of chapter)