The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 55: Future Space Technology Corporation


At the beginning of November, Zhao Yi returned to Kyoto from Yulin. He originally stayed at home for a full month and never went out again. He wrote (copied) undergraduate textbooks at home and went fishing in the back garden during his free time.

The result did not go as he wished. After staying at home for half a month, people from the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Company notified Zhao Yi that the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway was about to begin, and he needed to attend the groundbreaking ceremony. As the main funder and collaborator, This cannot be turned down, and the helpless Zhao Yi can only end his otaku life.

The Beijing-Shanghai Expressway groundbreaking ceremony was held in Beijing and Shanghai, and Zhao Yi had to go to two places for two consecutive days to attend the groundbreaking ceremony. According to Zhao Yi's idea, just build one in one place, but as a new official The publicity work of the model must have a high focus, commonly known as momentum building. His arms couldn't twist his thighs, so Zhao Yi could only run to two places in succession.

The start of the construction site was very grand.

To be honest, although Zhao Yi has invested in many industries in Kyoto, he does not have close contacts with people in the official circles of Kyoto. Many of them are meeting for the first time, so they all put on a fake smile to let Zhao Yi She was very uncomfortable with it. If she had followed the character of a loser in her previous life, she would never have done it, so she would have just dumped her ass and left.

Again, you have to do something in your position, and you have already reached this position. Many things cannot be so casual. After all, there are too many people following you to eat, and you cannot let them be affected due to your own personal reasons. This is what people often say that you can’t help yourself.

First, the leaders came to the stage to speak in order, and finally it was Zhao Yi's turn to speak. Zhao Yi went up to talk about the significance of this cooperation and the significance of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway to my country's economic development, and then stepped down. The whole process took less than five minutes. .

Then, under the witness of reporters' cameras, the soil was shoveled together with the main leaders, and the groundbreaking ceremony was over.

After finishing in Kyoto, Zhao Yi immediately rushed to Shanghai, following the same process, but with slightly different leadership. After finishing this work, I'm finally done.

Because he was too young and did not want to be in front of the public, he told the media after the meeting not to publish his photos, so Zhao Yi also prepared some small gifts for the media. At this time, the media workers were still very personal and were not "bought" by Zhao Yi's small gift. They all said that they could not accept the gift, and they had to ask the leadership whether they could follow Zhao Yi's wishes. They could only do A messenger.

The next day, Zhao Yi came to check the reports of major media and found that his photo did not appear. This was because his name was mentioned in the written report, which made Zhao Yi very satisfied.

As a result, when I was flipping through the newspaper, I found an editorial article about the launch of three scientific experiment satellites by our country on September 20 this year using a Storm-1 carrier rocket.

This made Zhao Yi suddenly turn his attention to my country's aerospace industry. my country's aerospace industry began in 1956 when the famous scientist Qian Xuesen proposed the "Opinions on Establishing China's Defense Aviation Industry" to the Party Central Committee. It has now gone through 25 years. Years of ups and downs have achieved a breakthrough in my country's aviation industry from scratch, and also promoted the development of my country's missile research, but there is still a big gap between it and the world's advanced level.

Thinking about the GPS system currently in progress in the United States, Zhao Yi felt a sense of urgency. Since he has money and technology, why not develop my country's aviation industry.

Just go ahead and do it. Zhao Yi immediately drafted a proposal for establishing a private space technology company and submitted it to the State Council along with the application office.

In fact, our country has never said that private participation is prohibited in the aviation field. It is just because the technical threshold in this field is high, the economic benefits are low, and the investment cycle is long. As a businessman, no one is willing to participate in it. Having this money to invest elsewhere is not a waste of money. Faster

Zhao Yiyi's own application was quite informative. Without waiting for the application to be approved, he began to look for candidates for the person in charge of the company, the location of the company headquarters and the location of the rocket launch site.

On the first day that Zhao Yi's application was submitted, the State Council and the central government continued to hold various expert seminars to discuss policy issues and feasibility issues.

The reason for discussing policy issues is that in the past, the country never thought that private companies would participate in this industry, so there were no relevant legal provisions.

The reason for discussing the feasibility is that there are very few aerospace talents in our country. If private parties participate, some of them will definitely be diverted due to issues such as wages and benefits, resulting in the dispersion of talents. If the success rate is not high, it will cause a huge waste of intellectual resources.

During the seminar above, they also heard from intelligence personnel a series of actions taken by Zhao Yi after applying, and found that he was serious about this matter, and they heard that he had already prepared 1 billion US dollars for the preliminary construction of this company. cost. Coupled with Zhao Yi's consistent success rate, these big guys and experts are willing to believe that Zhao Yi can succeed.

Shortly after reaching this conclusion, the application was approved, and Zhao Yi's company could be established, becoming the first private aerospace company in my country's aerospace history.

A week after the application was approved, a company called Future Space Technology was quietly established. Its headquarters was placed in Guangzhou, Guangdong, and the launch site was built in Wenchang, Hainan.

As a private company, economic factors are more important and safety factors come second. The reason why the country built rocket launch sites in Jiuquan and Xichang is because it is afraid of interference or destruction by the United States and other Western hostile forces. Security factors are greater than economic factors.

The main business of Future Space Technology Company is the research and development of space technology, the research and development of satellite technology and the research and development and launch of rocket technology.

The company's current tasks mainly include two points. One is rocket technology that can send satellites into synchronous orbit. The second is the research and development of positioning satellites and the technology to establish global positioning systems, communication satellite technology, remote sensing satellite technology, etc. The third is rocket launch. Technology research and development.

In order to save time, Zhao Yi spent 200 million US dollars to purchase rocket launch technology information and part of related rocket technology from national units.

In fact, Zhao Yi does not need these technologies. This has two purposes: one is to provide financial support to the national team. At this time, the national aerospace department is not doing well. How bad is it? In order to increase funding sources, They actually sold titanium alloy urns. It was in such a difficult environment that they finally persisted and laid a solid foundation for the glory of our country's aerospace industry.

Second, we need to establish a cooperative relationship with national units so that we can recruit some people from there. You must know that talents in the aerospace field cannot be found outside. Every one of them is in national units.

When Zhao Yi recruited a group of people who were not considered core in the national unit, after inspection, Liu Xing, who was good at both technology and management, was put in charge of the daily management of Future Space Technology Company.

Then it was time to conduct Zhao's training for these technical personnel. During the break in training, Zhao Yi also took the time to compile a set of space science and technology textbooks. The world's leading technology parts were prepared for the company's technical personnel to use as internal materials for reference. The technologies that are similar to the world level are put into undergraduate teaching materials in one's own university.

In fact, Zhao Yi's other companies also do this with their technology. They write teaching materials while training, which can be regarded as a kind of accumulation of knowledge. (End of chapter)