The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 56: The competition for talent


When Zhao Yi left the Space Technology Company, it was New Year's Day, January 1, 1982. When he returned to Kyoto, he was ready to rest for a few days. However, when he was gathering with Lin Hexia, Zhou Jinjue, and Zhou Jinyu, he suddenly mentioned them They are about to graduate, and some have already been assigned employment units.

Zhao Yi patted his head and almost forgot such important information, or he didn't pay attention at all. It is time for the first batch of college students to graduate after the resumption of the college entrance examination. When your company is officially in short supply of talents, you must recruit some of these students into your own bowl.

Zhao Yi immediately called the heads of his companies and the human resources company and asked them to rush to various universities to recruit talents. The salary was five times that of the social average company in the first year, and after one year of work, it was raised to the social average. 10 times the salary.

When Zhao Yi called these people in charge, they all said that they had contacted various schools, but because they were private companies, many students were unwilling and could not compete with the public sector, and many students expressed dissatisfaction with their companies. Trust, think it's a scam company.

Helpless, Zhao Yiyi could go to the Ministry of Education and ask the Ministry of Education to issue a certification document. At first, the people in the Ministry of Education disagreed. How could any state unit issue such a certificate to a private company, and there was no precedent before. In the end, Zhao Yiyi The trump card was to donate US$100 million to the Ministry of Education to improve primary and secondary education so that more out-of-school children could go to school.

Maybe he was moved by Zhao Yi's "sincerity", and Zhao Yi's companies are indeed reliable, and he doesn't worry about not being able to operate at any time, so he issued a certificate to prove that these companies are indeed powerful and formal companies, and There is a lot of cooperation between state units.

After getting the "Sword of Shang Fang", Zhao Yi immediately mailed it to major companies, and sent it directly to the nearest ones, and then asked them to quickly recruit people, otherwise they would be distributed.

After finishing this matter, Zhao Yi also followed Fanxing Software Company to Kyoto University for recruitment, mainly to see the recruitment situation of the university at this time. After all, Zhao Yi had not seen how the university recruited at this time.

As a result, when Zhao went to the recruitment point of Fanxing Software Company at Kyoto University, he found that only his own company had set up a recruitment stand alone in the auditorium, and no other units came.

Later, I learned that state units transfer people through official letters. There is no need for people to move from university to university like Zhao Yi's company.

Through the flyers distributed by the company's recruiters, some students started to come in to watch the fun, but they found out that it was a private company, and they suddenly lost interest. Now many people still have the idea that working for a national unit is to contribute to the country, and to work for private individuals Unit work is the stage where capitalists squeeze out surplus value.

Even if there is a certificate from the Ministry of Education, it seems to be of little use, but it does provide a lot of convenience to the school management.

Seeing that this was not going to work, Zhao Yi approached the Employment Office of Kyoto University and asked them to allow him to conduct a campus-wide broadcast and hold a recruitment speech in the auditorium. After all, Zhao Yi is also a celebrity from Kyoto University, so he still has to give him some face.

"Dear students, please note that Mr. Zhao Yi, a famous Chinese entrepreneur and an outstanding alumnus of our school, is giving a recruitment speech in the auditorium of our school. Interested students can just go to the auditorium at 1 p.m. to attend."

The school loudspeaker played it 5 times.

At 12:30 noon, Zhao Yi came to the auditorium wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and the recruitment executives of various companies and people from the human resources company were also present.

Some people were already on stage checking the loudspeaker equipment to prevent any accidents later. After that, some classmates came in sporadically and found a place to sit by themselves.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, the auditorium was miraculously filled with people, and some students were standing in the corridors. Some leaders of the school were sitting in the front row. Zhao Yi specially invited the principal over.

After the speech began, the host, who was an employee of the human resources company, first invited the principal to give a speech. Because this was a recruitment speech, the principal did not talk about many other topics.

"Some students may know Zhao Yi, while others may be unfamiliar with him, because this student who graduated from our school only attended our school for one year as an undergraduate and then graduated after another year as a graduate student. Judging from his academic performance and academic achievements, I think he is the only genius currently seen in our school." The principal said with emotion.

"Perhaps the students below may think that I am bragging, so let me show you some data. According to our investigation, Zhao Yi did not take a day of formal classes before taking the college entrance examination at the age of 15. After learning about the announcement of the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, he It only took four months to review from elementary school courses to high school courses, and then I got the top score in JX Province. He is also the youngest college student admitted to my school."

When the students below heard this, they were also amazed and applauded one after another.

After the applause subsided, the principal continued: "What surprised me even more is that Zhao Yi got perfect scores in every exam during his freshman year, and his mathematics graduation thesis has won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, and he is expected to become the next A strong contender for the Fields Medal. Then he transferred to our school to study biochemistry as a graduate student. Although he did not publish a paper with world influence, he still scored perfect marks in all aspects of the graduation exam, and his graduation thesis was also quite weighty."

"Since 1979, Zhao Yi founded his first company through the Wolf Prize in Mathematics Prize, which is Fluclight Environmental Management Company. Maybe students have not heard of this company, but in terms of desert environmental management in my country, It is a well-deserved first place because they turned the Mu Us Desert into thousands of hectares of pasture in more than a year and made outstanding contributions to the control of desertification in our country."

"Zhao Yi later established many companies, many of which filled the gaps in our country or helped our country achieve the world's advanced level in some aspects. For example, Fanxing Software Company, their operating system has been sold overseas and has become a must-have for current personal computers. Operating system, its office software also occupies a dominant position in the world's personal computer market, and its simulation modeling software, some students in our school may have used it, it is a very good software. And they Our industrial software is also making due contributions to our country’s industrial field.”

"There are also his Tiangong Precision Instrument Company and Tianxing Semiconductor Company. The former has developed many world-leading semiconductor equipment and other precision instruments and equipment, which has provided huge help to our country's industrialization. The latter is the leader in my country's semiconductor field. Leader, the release of the first CPU not only leads my country's chip design and manufacturing level, but also leads the world's level in this field. It has already reached cooperation with the international giant IBM, and its chip has become the computer chip for IBM's personal computers. "

“His achievements are not only these, but also great achievements in chemistry, machinery, agriculture, animal husbandry, aviation, power, automobiles, aerospace, materials, energy, etc. Although his companies are all private companies, Their contributions to our country’s reform and opening up are nothing short of great.”

"If I were to express my opinion, I hope that the more enterprises like this in our country, the better. Only with more enterprises like this can our country's modernization and industrialization achieve greater achievements, and the results of reform and opening up be greater and better. .Thank you all." The principal introduced Zhao Yi's achievements in personal academic fields and economic and industrial fields with deep affection.

After hearing the principal's introduction, all the students below realized what Zhao Yi's companies were like, and they all applauded desperately. (End of chapter)