The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 6: I'm coming to Kyoto


February 14, 1978, Valentine's Day in the West, the eighth day of the first lunar month. Today is the day when Zhao Yi, Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu go on a long trip to Kyoto to go to school.

Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan specially asked for leave to accompany the three of them to Kyoto. First, it was their first time traveling far away, and they were worried that they would be uneasy because they were unfamiliar with the place. Second, Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan had never been to Kyoto before, so they took advantage of this opportunity to go. One trip fulfilled their long-cherished wish.

Zhao Ben originally wanted them not to give it away, but then he thought about it, Kyoto is still very attractive these days, with red songs singing about Kyoto. For many people, being able to go to Kyoto and go to the Imperial City Gate Just one trip can bring you bragging rights for a lifetime. Although Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan are intellectuals, that's not the case.

Zhao Yi was still wearing the old clothes given by Dr. Luo, and the two new clothes Wang Huilan had prepared for him were carefully folded and placed in his bag. Some personal toiletries were also placed inside, and the quilt cover was folded and pressed. Put it in another bag. Although tuition is free this year, you need to provide your own bed sheets, quilt covers, toiletries and other items.

After everything was packed up, Zhao Yi and his group walked out of the courtyard, carrying large and small bags and rushed to the bus station.

Take a bus from the town to the county, then take a bus from the county to JJ City, and then take a train from Jiujiang to Kyoto.

The back and forth along the way may not be something that three minors can handle.

The train is a green car with no air conditioning, and it is noisy with people smoking and playing cards. It felt cold at first, but then it became hot again. In addition, there was a difference in the air. I opened the window for ventilation. The cold winter air poured in, and goosebumps appeared all over my body. Zhao Yi, who was sitting in front of the window, got up and closed it again, tossing back and forth, feeling cold. The heat lingers, not to mention how sour and refreshing it is.

Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan were not surprised, but Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu were just like Zhao Yi. Sometimes they were hot, their faces were red, and sometimes they were cold, they wrapped their clothes tightly and stamped their feet.

After 20 hours, the train honked its whistle and staggered into Kyoto Railway Station at a speed of less than 100 kilometers per hour.

Zhao Yi climbed out from the window, and then Zhou Jinjue climbed out, and together they received the package handed over by Zhou Zhigang outside. One looked at it and the other received it. The division of labor was clear.

Kyoto is indeed a big city, and the train station is also full of people. If you are not careful, your things may not be yours.

After 20 minutes of back and forth, Zhou Zhigang's family and Zhao Yi finally got off the train.

As for how to get to school, Zhao Yi also said that he didn't know. He had never been there in his previous life. He could only go to the station exit first and find a kind person to ask.

A group of people followed the flow of people and squirmed towards the exit. Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around. Everything was so new. Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan also saw it as novel, but the stability of adults made them restrained.

After half an hour, the group finally arrived at the exit. Zhao was relieved when he saw a group of people holding signs with the names of various schools on the right side of the exit.

Well, finally there is no need to blindly try to figure out the elephant, there are school personnel to assist the students. Zhao Yi thought that school bus pick-ups would happen decades later, but he didn’t expect that it would become popular this year.

"Uncle Zhou, Aunt Wang, look to the right. There is someone holding a school sign. Let's go over and ask." Zhao Yi said to Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan who had just left the station.

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, Zhou Zhigang and the others also looked to the right, and suddenly felt happy, calling Zhou Jinjue and Zhou Jinyu to squeeze towards the team holding the placards.

There are students from many schools here holding signs. Someone may ask: "The college entrance examination has just been resumed. Why are there students here to receive them?"

These students were not students who took the college entrance examination, but were recommended by the masses, approved by leaders and reviewed by the school. Later, people called these students selected from workers, peasants and soldiers "college students of workers, peasants and soldiers."

Kyoto University and Huaqing University are next to each other, but they are far away from Normal University. In order to take care of Zhou Jinyu, they unanimously decided to send Zhou Jinyu to Normal University first, and then send Zhao Yi and Zhou Jinjue to Beijing University and Huaqing University after the arrangements were made.

After getting on the Normal University car, the car started to move soon. Looking at the changing scenery outside the window, there are no high-rise buildings or feasting, but rows of blue bricks and black tiles, and wisps of green smoke emerging from the middle of the black tiles. There are some match buildings between and among them, which are less modern, but There is more smell of human smoke.

The car drove directly into the campus, got out of the car, found the freshman reception desk, helped Zhou Jinyu go through the freshman admission procedures, took the dormitory key, and headed to the dormitory area in a hurry.

The building is an old-fashioned tube building with the walls exposed outside. Because it was noon, it was not very dark inside and there was no elevator. Zhao Yi and his group climbed to the third floor with their luggage and opened the dormitory door with the key. There are four beds, a square table, four stools and nothing else. There were no students' names written on the edge of the bed, so it was first come, first served. Zhou Jinyu chose a bed in the back corner.

Then Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan were busy for a while. Zhou Jinyu helped from time to time, making the bed and laying out the toiletries. During this period, Zhou Jinjue and Zhao Yi went out to buy an enamel basin and a hot water bottle.

After a while of busy work, I finally got it done.

"While it's still early, we have to send Jinjue and Zhao Yi to school quickly. Jinyu, do you want to go with us?" Zhou Zhigang said.

"Dad, I'll go too. I'll familiarize myself with the route, otherwise I'll have trouble finding them in the future." Zhou Jinyu said as she slid down from the bed.

So I packed my bags and went downstairs again. Fortunately, the school is not very big and the dormitory area is not far from the school gate. After leaving the school gate, he came to the bus stop not far from the campus. Zhao checked the bus license plate, confirmed the bus route and waited patiently. About 4 minutes later, the bus came and he got on. The people on the bus felt relieved when they saw their appearance, with a look of envy on their faces. They saw two adults and three young people. It was not difficult to guess the answer based on the bus route. Among the three children, at least one was from the Normal University, and the others were all from the Normal University. It's Beijing University or Huaqing University, how can we not envy others.

After stopping and stopping all the way, the bus finally arrived at the stop.

First I went to Beijing University to settle Zhao Yi, and then I went to Huaqing to settle Zhou Jinjue. Then Zhao Yisan accompanied Zhou Zhigang and Wang Huilan to find a guest house, and checked in smoothly with a letter of introduction.

There were no hiccups along the way and everything went smoothly.

Because they had agreed to go to Tiananmen Square tomorrow morning, Zhou Jinyu stayed with Wang Huilan. Originally, Zhao Yi wanted to watch the flag-raising ceremony, but after asking the guest house staff, he found that there was no flag-raising ceremony this year, so he had to give up. (End of chapter)