The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 60: Products from China


Zhao Yi came to Shenzhen this time and did not rush back. Instead, he walked around the whole Shenzhen to understand the current situation in Shenzhen. At present, the main foreign investment in Shenzhen comes from Hong Kong, which is across the street. Because the salary level in Hong Kong is higher than that in the mainland. There have been a lot of changes, so many Hong Kong businessmen have moved some low-profit, labor-intensive industries to Shenzhen, which is across the water. They are basically clothing companies and toy companies, and basically there are no enterprises with high technical content.

In fact, Hong Kong cannot develop high-tech enterprises. Firstly, due to population and land restrictions, there are not enough talents and markets. Secondly, the British do not want Hong Kong to develop in this direction, because in the British view, if Hong Kong returns to China, it will These things are cheaper in China.

So Hong Kong basically has three major sectors, one is the trade services industry, the second is the financial services industry, and the third is the real estate industry. The first two blocks will be calculated as the mainland's reform and opening up becomes deeper and deeper, trade is more open, and financial strength is stronger, then the trade service industry and the financial industry will be affected. The reason why these two blocks are currently developing in full swing is because the mainland needs Hong Kong serves as a window to connect with the world. When this role becomes weaker and weaker, it will inevitably be affected.

When these two areas are affected, if you still need to maintain the original level of development, you can only make plans for real estate. In addition, the United Kingdom deliberately adds fuel to the flames in this regard, and the rise in housing prices is inevitable. The United Kingdom has achieved its goal, and real estate businessmen have made a profit. Those who already have houses can reap the harvest with ease, and those who have no houses are the ones who suffer the most.

This is also the reason for the serious involution in Hong Kong, laying the foundation for Hong Kong's future stability. As long as there is a flame, it can be easily ignited.

Thinking of these situations, Zhao Yi unconsciously thought of the domestic situation in his previous life. Wanting to resolve this situation, Zhao Yi silently calculated in his mind. After a long while, he finally made a plan in his heart.

In addition to visiting Shenzhen, Zhao Yi also occasionally participated in the construction of the production lines of Polaris Company's three major products, helping them solve some difficulties and hoping to get them back on track as soon as possible.

With Zhao Yi's guidance, sure enough, on February 18, half a month after Zhao Yi came, the production lines for the three products were completed and trial production was carried out. Everything was perfect, and the next day In the large-scale production stage, in addition to this, it is necessary to increase production lines and increase product output.

The trading company is also very cooperative with Polaris Company. It has already brought the company's samples to people in major department stores, supermarkets and other sales channels to prove that there is no problem with the quality of the products. Since the trading company has shares in these channels, some even have absolute controlling shares. , so the next cooperation will be easily achieved.

After the cooperation agreement is signed, it is time to wait for Polaris Company to supply large-scale products. Television advertisements and newspaper miscellaneous advertisements in various countries are being intensively produced, and these costs are borne by trading companies.

Zhao Yi has repeatedly stated that he does not expect the trading company to make much profit for himself, but needs to promote and sell his company's products as much as possible, because in Zhao Yi's view, the money earned by the trading company does not come from himself. You can make money in your pocket, and now trading companies rarely represent the products of other domestic companies.

Of course, if there are domestic manufacturers whose products are excellent and have an international market, trading companies will also cooperate with them. This kind of money is not earned in vain, and it can also help domestic companies' products go global.

After a month of intense production, Polaris's three categories and four products have officially launched in major markets around the world. Many electronic and home appliance areas have set aside a special area to sell Polaris products, and branches of trading companies in various countries have sent personnel. We entered various department stores and supermarkets to hold promotional activities, and these channel vendors also actively cooperated.

Take the Johnson family for example. Johnson took his wife and children to Macy's today to buy a color TV because the old-fashioned TV at home no longer works. As a result, he went to the home appliance section and found a strange TV. That TV It can actually be hung on the wall, and the size reaches an astonishing 32 inches.

According to Johnson's understanding, the current CRT TV is only 29 inches at its maximum and is very thick and heavy. This made it impossible for Johnson to drag his son and wife away. Firstly, it felt magical, and secondly, for a home appliance with such a beautiful appearance, it is generally difficult for a man to refuse such an offer.

"Is this a TV?" Johnson asked the shopping guide.

"Yes, this is the latest TV with LCD screen. The TV can be made ultra-thin and can be hung on the wall of the living room without taking up space. Moreover, this technology is more protective for the eyes than TVs with CRT technology. Good, the colors are richer and brighter," the shopping guide introduced.

"Why haven't I seen this brand before?" Johnson asked confused.

"This is a high-tech company from China. It is already the world's number one in the field of LCD technology. Otherwise, you see, this is the only company that has launched a TV set with LCD technology." said the shopping guide.

"From China? Do Chinese companies have such advanced technology?" In Johnson's mind, the only thing related to China was the Korean War, and he didn't know anything else.

"Sir, seeing is believing, this is definitely the most high-tech TV, and we provide one-year replacement and three-year warranty services. If there is no human damage, if there is a quality problem within one year, we will directly replace it with a new one for you. , if it breaks down within three years, we provide free repair services." The shopping guide saw Johnson's concerns and directly stated the services provided.

You know, labor costs are very expensive in developed countries such as the United States. If an electrical appliance is broken and you can't repair it yourself, you might as well buy a new one, thinking that buying a new one doesn't cost much more than hiring someone to come to your home for service.

Since the manufacturer provided such good service, Johnson's worries were immediately gone, and he really liked this TV, so he asked, "How much does this 32-inch TV cost?"

"Sir, this 32-inch TV costs US$5,000," the shopping guide replied.

"It's so expensive, what about this 28-inch one?" Johnson asked.

"This 28-inch model costs US$4,000." The shopping guide replied.

Johnson compared it and felt that he could buy this 28-inch TV. As for the smaller 24-inch TV next to it, he did not consider it because his original TV was a 24-inch one. If he replaced it with the same one, there would be nothing new. feel.

"Then pack this 28-inch bag for me. My home address is XXX. You can just deliver it to my door." Johnson said.

"Okay, we have written down your information and we will deliver it to your door as soon as possible. In addition to this LCD TV, this company has also launched the most advanced personal desktop computers and personal laptops as well as double-door refrigerators. You Do you want to take a look?" How could the shopping guide just let him go and quickly introduce him to other Polaris products.

"Personal laptop? Can you show it to me?" Johnson was very familiar with personal computers, which are currently very popular in the United States, but he had never heard of a personal laptop, so he asked curiously.

"This is the world's first personal laptop computer." The shopping guide quickly took the product off the shelf and placed it on the counter for Johnson to see.

This is a laptop with a 14-inch screen. Looking at the slim body of this computer and the exciting LCD screen, in Johnson's opinion, this is simply the top visual enjoyment of industrial products.

Moreover, the convenient features of this computer were tailor-made for Johnson, a Wall Street practitioner. As soon as he saw this, he felt that this was a product designed for him.

"It's perfect. How much does it cost?" Johnson liked this product so much that he asked directly for the price.

"This costs 10,000 US dollars, because this kind of personal laptop uses too many new technologies, such as a 2.5-inch hard drive with a capacity of 5G, the latest LCD screen, the latest membrane keyboard technology, the latest Technical mobile storage media CD-ROM, etc." The shopping guide explained why the price is so expensive.

After hearing the introduction from the shopping guide, Johnson felt that it was a great value for money. You should know that some clumsy personal desktop computers cost 5,000 US dollars, but such a light and cute laptop is only a bit more expensive than that stupid, big and thick one. Times, not to mention the use of so many new technologies, so I bought it on the spot, and then followed the shopping guide to swipe my card.

As a result, Johnson came back by swiping his card and saw that his wife was obsessed with the double-door refrigerator and was clamoring to replace the broken refrigerator at home, because this refrigerator separates refrigeration and freezing. The refrigeration and freshness preservation effect is very good, and the freezing effect is even better. It's top-notch. According to what the shopping guide said, the freezer compartment of this refrigerator actually achieves the freezing effect without freezing.

As a housewife, she loved this product so much that Johnson had no choice but to swipe his credit card to buy it again.

I think this situation is happening all over the world, and orders are flying to Polaris Company like snowflakes. After receiving the order, Polaris Company was both painful and happy. The existing production line operates in three shifts 24 hours a day, and new production lines are also under construction. (End of chapter)