The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 61: Informatization one-stop service


In order to solve the problem of computer networking, according to Zhao Yi's opinion, this version supports computers to connect to the Internet, supports network card drivers, supports TCP/IP protocols and other Internet functions, and provides system-level command support for some common Internet applications, such as mailboxes. Command makes it convenient to send and receive emails on DOS.

Both desktop and notebook PCs of Polaris have network cards installed. The network cards are provided by communications companies and manufactured by semiconductor companies.

Communication companies not only provide network cards, but also provide digital network switches, network routers, optical fibers, optical modems, network cables and other products for local area networks.

The above products provide all the foundations for building a local area network. Together with various Internet applications of software companies, such as group email systems and various management systems, they provide a complete set of solutions for various business groups and create demand for them.

Zhao Yi first used these things within his various companies, even the agricultural and animal husbandry companies were no exception. For example, the agricultural and animal husbandry company connected all its bases in Mu Us Ranch through optical fibers, and then installed digital cameras and cameras at each base. Various networked sensors can collect real-time operating data from each location, and then allow company management to control the operating status of the entire ranch in real time and make reasonable decisions.

This is just a very simple Internet application case. Other companies also have their own needs. Software companies and communication companies will improve the types of communication equipment according to the different needs of each company to meet the diverse needs of customers. Software companies It is based on actual needs, reasonable additions and deletions of software functions. These management software functions are all modular in design, so the addition and deletion of functions can be processed very smoothly, so that a set of software can meet the needs of most similar companies and units.

Of course, you can also customize the requirements, but that will require increased procurement costs. After all, labor costs have increased.

After completing all the informatization transformation of his company, Zhao Yi asked them to start promoting and selling to the outside world, because after his company's informatization construction, basically all the problems that could be exposed were exposed, making the entire informatization The plan is more complete and we have more confidence externally.

The entire time Zhao Yi gave them was half a year, that is, by August at the latest, they needed to complete the information construction of all their companies, and then cooperate with the trading company to start external promotion. In order to seize the entire market as soon as possible, Zhao Yi does not plan to raise the price very high, and the overall net profit can be kept at around 40%.

You must know that under normal circumstances, if a high-tech product has a monopoly position in the market, it will definitely be huge profits. Net profits of more than 100% are very common.

It was impossible for Zhao Yi to keep an eye on this matter. After arranging this matter, he flew to ZW City, Ningxia. The environmental transformation company set up a temporary working base here, mainly responsible for the transformation of the Tengger Desert. Now Wei Donglai and other senior officials He is also based here, and the renovation work of Mu Us Ranch has been basically completed, leaving only some sporadic areas that could not be taken into account during the previous large-scale operations that still need to be managed independently.

The transformation of the Tengger Desert is obviously more difficult than that of the Mu Us Desert, and the rainfall here is much less than that of the Mu Us Desert. Fortunately, the transformation of the Mu Us Desert has been successful, and the rain line has been moved to the northwest, causing the rainfall here to be slightly higher than before. .

The good thing is that the terrain here is relatively flat, which is suitable for pasture. If the terrain is highly undulating, it is not suitable for pasture. In such a place, Zhao Yi will use it as a forest farm. Of course, if the terrain is flatter, it will be suitable for growing food.

Although the average annual rainfall in the Tengger Desert is only 102.9 mm, there are many lakes in it. There are as many as 422 large and small lake basins. Although most of them are grass lakes with no clear water, when the environmental management company takes over the entire After the desert environment is transformed, with the improvement of soil and water conservation and subsequent climate changes, rainfall will gradually increase, and these lake basins will eventually be occupied by clear fresh water.

Now the environmental transformation company has entered the end of the third stage of the transformation of the Tengger Desert, which is the withering period of the loam grass. When the loam grass wilts completely, the desert soil will turn into black soil, and then the grass will be spread. .

There was actually nothing wrong with coming here this time. It was just that Zhao Yi felt bored, so he came over to take a look. Also take a look at how the agricultural and animal husbandry company’s dairy cattle are being prepared.

At that time, Tengger Ranch will also set up a total of 40 bases in accordance with Mu Us's plan. Each base will be about 1,000 square kilometers, because the area is similar to Mu Us, but the number of cows in the ranch will reach 10 million.

Because it is a specially cultivated high-quality breed, each cow produces 25 tons of milk annually. If the pasture is fully formed, the annual milk production will be 250 million tons. At present, our country has a population of about 1 billion, and each person has an average of 0.25 tons of annual milk. Quota. This milk will be processed into various dairy products and provided to domestic people.

Because it is standardized and automated production, there will be no raw milk quality problems that only occur with scattered dairy farmers, providing strong support for the health of our people.

After reading the situation here, Zhao Yi stayed for half a month and it was time to return to Beijing.

Back in Kyoto, Zhao Yi continued his great work of compiling teaching materials, because the construction project of Tianwen University has been completed, and decoration work is now underway. After the decoration work is completed, experimental equipment will be purchased, so that he can catch up with the college entrance examination enrollment in July this year.

Since Tianwen University is a private university, it can enroll students independently and does not need to follow the enrollment rules stipulated by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, the enrollment work will be carried out before the college entrance examination, and the teachers in charge of enrollment will go to various high schools to recruit students from these schools in advance. Those who pass the exam can make an appointment in advance. After their college entrance examination, if they don’t want to go to other universities, they can come to Tianwen University.

In addition, students who are more partial to subjects are also tested for partial subjects. If they are indeed very talented in partial subjects, they will be admitted. Anyway, private universities have much more flexible admissions than public universities.

In addition, before the university starts, Zhao Yi needs to visit one by one the experts and professors who were previously interested in teaching here to determine whether they really want to come. If they really want to come, they need to give them letters of appointment. In China, except for the academician level, which requires Zhao Yi to personally invite, the rest are handled by Principal Jiang Ping.

Anyway, the preparation work is very complicated. Before that, Zhao Yi needs to complete all the undergraduate textbooks, otherwise there will be no time to deal with this problem later.

During this period, that is, in April, as the aircraft engine materials developed by the materials company were in place, the power company had produced the engine for the regional aircraft. After testing, it fully met the design requirements and provided the first regional aircraft to the Star Express Company. sender.

Star Express Company has provided materials related to laboratory preparation at the end of last year. The prototype has been produced and is waiting for the engine from the power company. Therefore, the engine was installed quickly after it was in place. It is still in the test run stage and is waiting for ground testing. Once passed, air testing will begin. (End of chapter)