The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 63: start sailing


Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi waited at the door for about 10 minutes. The cars of the municipal party committee and the city government arrived at the door of the company. Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi hurried forward, while the senior city officials and the mayor got out of the car first and followed a few steps away. , shaking hands with Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi one by one.

The last time I met with senior city officials and the mayor was when Shenlong Automobile Company was first established. It needed to purchase a large area of land. Because the area was too large, the competent authorities below could not make up their minds, so they reported the matter to the city government. The government held a meeting with the municipal committee to discuss this matter. Zhao Yi met the two of them at a seminar, and never saw them again after that.

"Mr. Zhao is a rare visitor to Nanjing. It has been more than a year since we last saw each other." A senior city official said, holding Zhao Yi's hand.

"How can I nag you casually? I am a casual person, but you have many things to do every day. If it were not such a grand day, we would not dare to disturb you." Zhao Yi said.

"For people like Mr. Zhao, I still have time no matter how busy I am. Your Shenlong Automobile Company has been making a lot of noise this year. Mr. Sun is a regular customer of ours." The senior city official clapped his hands and said.

"Mr. Sun is nagging, please don't take offense to the secretary," Zhao Yi said.

"No way, it's too late for me to be happy. It's just that the cars coming off the assembly line in such a short period of time are really beyond the expectations of our municipal party committee and government. You have done an amazing thing." A senior city official said.

"That's great. This is what we should do, and we have to thank the municipal party committee and government for their strong support." Zhao Yi said modestly.

After chatting with senior city officials, he also chatted with the mayor. There was also a burst of encouragement and emotion, asking Shenlong Automobile Company to do a good job, and their city government would fully support it.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Zhao Yi prepared to guide them into the company. As a result, the city's senior officials and the mayor stopped. Seeing Zhao Yi's expressions, they explained: "The superior leader called me this morning and said that he is coming today too." Participate in the offline ceremony, we will wait here, we will arrive soon."

After hearing the words of the senior city officials, Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi stopped and waited at the door with the senior city officials and the mayor to welcome the arrival of the leaders.

Five minutes later, the provincial government car arrived at the gate of Shenlong Automobile Company. Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi followed the city officials and the mayor to greet them, and they exchanged pleasantries. After it was over, the group finally arrived at the company.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the off-line ceremony officially began. As a Mercedes-Benz and a Lingbu covered in colorful silk and satin slowly came down from the production line and exited the factory at the same time, firecrackers suddenly sounded outside, and the gongs and drums were noisy. Ming, it’s so lively.

Then there is the leadership speech. At this time, the leading cadres still have a practical style, but they do not have long speeches. They mainly affirm the achievements of Shenlong Automobile Company, show that our country's reform and opening up are effective, and put forward that the private economy is the key to our country's economy. An important part of.

The argument that "the private economy is an important part of our country's economy" was put forward at this time, but it was very bold. It seems that the leaders have their own views on the national economy. This speech is expected to cause a stir once it is published in the provincial newspaper. The situation was shaken.

After the leader gave his speech, the senior city officials came on stage, and the content of their speech was quite satisfactory. After the speech, the mayor also went up and spoke for about five minutes. The three of them had a tacit understanding, and they all lasted about five minutes.

Then Zhao Yi came to the stage. Zhao Yi said: "Looking at the world's major developed countries, none of them are industrial powers, and the automobile industry is the crown of the industrial era. It not only has a long industrial chain, but also involves many fields, such as Steel industry, petrochemical industry, mechanical design industry, electronics industry, textile and leather industry, etc.”

"As long as the automobile industry is developed, the degree of industrialization will inevitably deepen and the quality of industrial products will automatically improve. This is a locomotive industry. If there are more locomotive industries like this in our country, then the industrialization process will It will be greatly accelerated, workers’ income will also increase rapidly, and GDP will also increase.”

"I am very happy that Shenlong Automobile Company can build this locomotive. This is both our luck and our responsibility. I hope we can make greater contributions in the process of industrialization in our country. I also hope that we will live up to the country's expectations and transform the automobile industry." We will grow bigger and stronger, and we will not only be the leader in the country, but also the leader in the world's automobile industry."

After Sun Zhaoxi finished speaking, the offline ceremony was finally completed, and all employees in the company returned to work with smiles on their faces.

Zhao Yi and Sun Zhaoxi came to the company's conference room with their superiors, senior municipal officials, and the mayor. They mainly expressed the concern of the provincial government, municipal party committee and municipal government for Shenlong Automobile, and asked if Shenlong Automobile Company had any difficulties or needs. Help or something like that.

Zhao Yi was not polite, saying that his company was not well-known in the country, and the current demand from the private sector was insufficient. He hoped that the government could help. In fact, no matter how much help was given, these were beyond the control of the government. Senior city officials and the mayor immediately understood what Zhao Yi meant, and immediately stated that the provincial government would purchase 50 Mercedes-Benz cars for official use, while the municipal party committee purchased 20 cars and the city government purchased 25 cars.

Although it's not much, it's still a sign that future sales will need to be completed by the trading company.

Currently, there is only one production line for both vehicles, with an annual output of about 200,000 vehicles. Whether to add a new production line will be decided later based on the sales of the trading company.

On the second day of the offline ceremony, Zhao Yi held a closed-door meeting with Sun Zhaoxi and representatives of the trading company to learn more about the trading company's sales plan.

The main plan of the trading company is to focus on government departments in China and strive to make Mercedes-Benz cars the standard official vehicles for government departments. The domestic price of Mercedes-Benz cars starts at 300,000 yuan per car, which is not cheap. Lingbu, on the other hand, is more friendly to the people, with a starting price of 100,000 yuan per vehicle. In fact, this price is not affordable for ordinary people.

Trading companies simply do not expect to absorb all the production capacity domestically, but mainly focus on foreign markets. For this reason, starting after the Chinese New Year, trading companies are crazy about building 4S stores abroad. This is currently the most advanced sales concept, and it is hope. Open up the international market with advanced sales concepts and excellent automobile quality.

An automobile 4S store refers to a “four-in-one” automobile dealership that integrates the functions of sales (Sale), spare parts (Sparepart), after-sales service (Service), and information feedback (Survey).

Although the investment is huge, Zhao Yi doesn't care. Money is so willful, and this new distribution model will definitely not lose money. This is an effective method that has been proven in previous lives.

In fact, these trading companies had reported to Zhao Yi before, and it was Zhao Yi who told them the idea of the 4S store. There is currently no problem with the overall sales strategy.

At present, the trading company has built 4S points in major cities in countries with relatively good economies in Southeast Asia. In the future, more 4S stores will be added based on actual conditions.

Then, 4S stores have been set up in major industrial powers such as Europe, RB, and the United States. We don’t know how many they can sell, but the momentum cannot be weakened. It’s just that not many 4S stores have been set up in these countries. Whether it will increase depends on actual sales. It depends.

All possible preparations have been made, and we are just waiting for Shenlong Automobile Company to set sail. (End of chapter)