The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 65: High supercritical power generation technology


Originally, Zhao Yi planned to follow the teacher from the school's admissions office to take a walk downstairs to see how the enrollment was going. However, he received a call from his secretary, saying that the power grid reform had officially begun, and that the reform was almost entirely in accordance with Zhao Yiti's opinions, and required Zhao Yi can provide smart grid-related technical support and smart grid equipment support.

After hearing the news that the reform had been passed, Zhao Yi had no intention of running downstairs with the teachers in the admissions office. Instead, he took a plane back to Kyoto that day, and then went to Xinhui Energy Company non-stop to see their research progress. how.

When Zhao Yi arrived at Xinhui Energy Company, Liu Neng, who received the notice, rushed down to greet him. After so many company inspections, Zhao Yi no longer cares about the behaviors of his subordinates. As long as his subordinates can do things, Zhao Yi doesn't mind cooperating with these behaviors that make them feel at ease.

When they arrived at the office reserved for him by the company, after the two parties sat down, Zhao Yi told Liu Neng about the situation of power grid reform and smart grid construction. He made these things clear in a cup of tea.

Then there was the inspection of the R&D department of Xinhui Energy Company. Xinhui Energy Company mainly researches and develops new high-efficiency power station technology. It is currently focusing on the research of thermal power generation technology and smart grid equipment.

The Zhao Yijie thermal power station designed high-supercritical power generation technology, which is more advanced than the previous ultra-supercritical power generation technology, with an effective power generation rate of 51%. This is also due to the corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and high pressure resistance provided by Cornerstone Materials Company. The material allows the water vapor temperature to reach 800°C and the pressure to reach 50MPa, and uses secondary reheat technology, the residual temperature uses thermoelectric generator technology, and the coal feed uses 10 micron powder blowing technology. Only through these advanced technologies can comprehensive power generation efficiency be achieved. It exceeded 50%, which is the highest in the world. Even in the previous life of 2019, it was still the highest level.

In addition, in order to deal with waste gases generated by power generation, such as SO2, NOx, CO2, etc., Zhao Yi specifically asked Pusi Chemical to develop a special filter solvent that can effectively filter out these waste gases and basically achieve zero emissions. Moreover, the special filter solvent After being combined with these waste gases and separated, they can be used as chemical raw materials for recycling, thereby improving overall benefits.

And coal ash contains silicon, aluminum, iron, titanium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, germanium, gallium, uranium, vanadium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, arsenic, beryllium, lead, boron, cadmium, mercury, selenium Oxides and salts of elements such as chromium, chromium, etc. Some are toxic substances and some are radioactive substances. If piled up casually, they will cause serious environmental pollution.

Therefore, Zhao Yi also provided a set of technologies to separate these elements from coal ash. First, it improves the comprehensive utilization rate of resources, and second, it can reduce environmental pollution.

So the construction of a thermal power plant is not that simple.

At present, the power generation part that Xinhui Energy Company focuses on has been developed, while the comprehensive utilization of waste is still in the research and development stage.

"What are the results of the simulation using computer simulation software?" Zhao Yi asked.

"We have conducted computer simulations on the power generation part we developed, and the power generation efficiency has reached an unprecedented 51%. In addition, it has basically achieved zero emissions in waste gas treatment, and the overall economic benefits are higher. I think it is ready to enter the actual construction stage." Liu Neng said.

"What about smart grid-related equipment?" Zhao Yi asked.

"We have worked closely with software companies and precision instrument companies to develop most of the equipment. We are currently focusing on converter technology. The progress is relatively smooth. I believe it will be developed soon and can catch up with the construction of smart grids." Liu Neng replied.

After Zhao Yi heard this, he knew that everything was ready, and he just had to choose a location to build the factory. As for the coal ash treatment after power generation, we can postpone it for a while and temporarily store the coal ash in a safe place. It will not be too late to process it after the relevant treatment plants are built later.

"Then you first select sites in my country's main coal-producing areas, and then gradually build according to the national electricity demand." Zhao Yi said.

"Mr. Zhao, I will make corresponding plans when I get back and make sure nothing is delayed." Liu Neng responded.

Last year, the national power generation was 309.269 billion kWh, of which hydropower was 65.546 billion kWh and thermal power was 243.723 billion kWh. In fact, there is a serious shortage of power generation, which is far from enough to meet the country's electricity demand. Moreover, Zhao Yi's Pusi Chemical, Cornerstone Materials Company, and Semiconductor Company are all large consumers of electricity, which aggravates this shortage.

Therefore, Zhao Yi plans to increase the power generation capacity to twice that of 1981 by the beginning of next year, that is, to reach more than 600 billion kilowatt hours. Xinhui Energy Company's generating units have a maximum capacity of 1,000MW. Based on an average annual power generation time of 5,500 hours, the annual power generation is 5.5 billion kilowatt hours, and 55 generating units need to be installed. To complete such a large workload in such a short period of time, some energy companies have been very busy in the past six months.

He told Liu Neng his plan and asked him to complete the task as much as possible. If there are any difficulties that cannot be solved, you can tell him and he will deal with it.

After understanding the situation of the energy company, Zhao Yi returned to his residence to rest.

I wrote a power generation plan at home early the next morning. I wrote down clearly the technical parameters after completion, the planned generator sets and other information, as well as the explanation of why so much power generation was needed. I finally finished it after a long day of work, and then Printed the report into paper, and after having lunch, handed the report to the National Development Planning Commission.

Power plants are not ordinary enterprises that can be built anywhere they want and require central assessment and approval. Moreover, the electricity generated must be sold through the power grid, and this requires the cooperation of the power grid.

Taking advantage of his free time, Zhao Yi called Lin Hexia, who was already working at CCTV, Zhou Jinyu, who was a teacher at Kyoto Normal University, and Zhou Jinjue, who was a graduate student, to his home for a party.

"I've been too busy these days and haven't had a gathering together for a long time." Zhao Yi said while grilling skewers.

"Don't talk about you, I'm too busy. I thought being a teacher would be better. But I'm responsible for the daily affairs of the school and studying for graduate school at the same time. I feel busier than before." Zhou Jinyu sighed while eating.

"I'm okay, I'm much more relaxed than when I was at school." Lin Hexia said, also holding skewers in his hands.

"Only I am still the same as before." Zhou Jinjue said after finishing the food in her mouth.

"Can you please stop? I can't even bake it anymore." Zhao said quickly when he saw that he was baking desperately, but there was still no food left on the plate.

"Who told you to bake it so deliciously? And I haven't seen such good meat for a long time, so I have to make up for it quickly." The three people said one after another.

"Didn't you say you were going to Hong Kong to acquire a TV station last time? Why didn't you see any action? Did you forget?" Lin Hexia seemed to have remembered something and suddenly asked three times.

"Well, I really forgot. I haven't had much rest since the Chinese New Year, so I forgot about this matter. Since you mentioned it, I will complete this matter as soon as possible." Zhao Yi said quickly.

After the party, Zhao Yi immediately contacted Jia Siqi from the trading company and asked him to purchase Li's TV. In fact, Li's was already unsustainable last year. It sold 61% of its shares to an Australian consortium, but the result was still half-dead. If normal, Qiu Degen of Far East Group would have invested HK$100 million to purchase 50% of the company in July this year. of shares.

Zhao Yi's acquisition this time must be a wholly-owned acquisition. He doesn't like a company with many shareholders. It's not that he doesn't want to give up the benefits, he just doesn't like to argue. (End of chapter)