The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 67: Develop the textile and garment industry


Now that the problem of power shortage is about to be solved, it is time to start laying out the domestic textile industry. The textile industry is a labor-intensive industry and is very suitable for my country's current economic development.

In previous lives, the development of my country's textile and garment industry has roughly gone through three stages. First of all, the period from 1952 to 1983 was the initial stage of my country's textile and garment industry. Based on the reality of my country's weak industrial base and insufficient government financial resources at that time, the textile and garment industry, which has the advantages of low equipment coefficient, low investment, short construction period, high capital efficiency, and short investment recovery period, has become the leading type in the process of industrialization in my country. industry. By 1983, the total output value of the textile industry reached 110.9 billion yuan.

Secondly, the period from 1983 to 1990 was the rapid development stage of my country's textile and garment industry. The landmark event at this stage was the nationwide cancellation of cloth stamps in 1983, which meant that the problem of insufficient supply of basic household cloths in the country was solved. Since then, my country's garment industry has developed into an "export-oriented" industry. During this period, the total output value of the textile and garment industry has reached a total of 1,459.9 billion yuan, and exports accounted for an average of about 25% of the country's foreign exports.

Finally, after 1990, it was the structural adjustment stage of my country's textile and garment industry. The contradiction between overcapacity and unreasonable structure in my country's textile and garment industry has become increasingly prominent, and economic benefits have declined. In particular, a number of state-owned textile enterprises have fallen into serious difficulties. In addition, the lag in the development of textile fiber raw materials has led to an increase in raw material prices, which has aggravated the severity.

After joining the WTO, the textile industry entered a stage of upgrading the industrial structure and optimizing the development of the industry. Driven by domestic and foreign demand, although the proportion of the textile industry in the country's total industrial output value and the country's foreign exports has declined, the textile and garment industry The growth rate of total output value and exports remained at a high level.

The above is a brief review of the development of my country's textile and garment industry in the previous life. It can be seen from this that my country began to lack strength in textile raw materials, resulting in low levels of subsequent industrial chains, intensified competition, declining profit margins and even losses.

A healthy textile and apparel industry should be able to provide low, medium and high textile and apparel raw materials, so that the subsequent industrial chain can realize the production of low, medium and high products. The so-called unreasonable structure means that most companies are crowded into a low-level area to compete, because state-owned enterprises have a higher burden. It is heavy and has relatively poor flexibility, so the losses are the most serious.

Since Zhao Yi plans to enter this industry, he will definitely not simply process clothing. He really doesn't like the meager profits earned in that way. If he wants to participate in the development of downstream clothing manufacturing, he must also develop his own clothing brand. , because at this stage many domestic industries are just clothing processing industries, and there is basically no awareness of developing clothing brands. Maybe they have this awareness, but they don’t have the funds.

To develop your own clothing brand, you must first have your own design concept, then you must find your own product positioning, then image design, and finally sales channels and advertising design.

Zhao Yi possesses all these elements, and even if he doesn't possess them, money can be used to help him possess them.

The textile industry chain is divided into upstream, midstream and downstream. The upstream is the manufacturing of raw and auxiliary materials, such as cotton, linen, silk wool, and chemical fibers. The midstream is textile manufacturing, such as fiber processing, weaving, and post-printing and dyeing processing. After passing through the midstream industry, various cloth fabrics are produced. The downstream is garment manufacturing and brand marketing.

Zhao Yi will focus on participating in the upstream and midstream industrial chains, and as for the downstream, he will build his own brand to participate in international competition.

Nowadays, cotton is a product subject to unified purchasing and marketing, so Zhao Yi needs to apply for a cotton purchase license from the state, while wool is produced on his own ranch, while chemical fiber requires ethylene material as the basis for synthetic chemical fiber, and the largest source of ethylene is obtained by refining petroleum. To produce naphtha, we need to cooperate with Sinopec and PetroChina.

After summing up these, Zhao Yi asked the law firm to help with the enterprise application procedures, while he himself sorted out the chemical fiber synthesis process technology and synthetic equipment technology, as well as high-end spinning machines in textile manufacturing and printing and dyeing material production technology, and then These things were sent to Precision Instruments, Pusi Chemical and Machinery Company, and they were responsible for the production of corresponding equipment and raw materials.

After all this work, Huansha Textile Company and Hualong Clothing Company have completed the registration, and the only thing left is to select the persons in charge of these two companies.

Because I had told the human resources company before, when Zhao was free, he immediately recommended five candidates for each of the two companies. Zhao interviewed them one by one and selected one named Jinshajiang for Huansha Textile Company. The person in charge, and the person in charge of Hualong Clothing Company is named Zi Yanran.

Looking at the names of these two people at that time, I had a sense of familiarity with the characters in the TV series, but Zhou Ling liked these two people. Of course, Zhao Yi had no objection and kept them both.

Then there is the matter of asking them to go to Shenzhen to set up a company. Zhao Yi does not plan to go into battle personally, but of course there is still the support that should be there.

After finishing these tasks, Zhao Yi went to Tianwen University again to inquire about the enrollment situation. The college entrance examination was over. In the previous life, a total of 320,000 people were recruited this year. Now, due to the establishment of Tianwen University, there are 15,000 more people than before. In other words, Zhao Yi has changed the fate of 15,000 people. With Zhao Yi's influence Getting bigger and bigger, more people will change their destiny because of his actions in the future.

At first, Zhao Yi thought that he might not be able to recruit enough students, because at this time, people had a natural distrust of private companies, and it was only established this year and had no reputation.

In order to make up for these disadvantages, Jiang Ping asked the teacher in charge of admissions to print out a whole list of famous scholars at Tianwen University, introducing what achievements they had made in what fields. This was a naked display of the strength of the faculty, and not only was there no tuition fee, It also provides many scholarships, so that some ambitious students whose families are relatively poor can not only go to college on their own, but also receive scholarships to subsidize their families.

Not only that, the school also provides these students with round-trip tickets to the school every semester to solve all the worries of these students. Of course, the premise is that these students pass the Tianwen University exam or achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination.

Administrative teachers for various positions at Tianwen University are now in place. These positions are relatively easy to recruit, and some teaching teachers are already in place, preparing to prepare the course syllabus for the next semester during the summer vacation.

As a result, these experts and professors were told by Jiang Ping that the school had provided a set of high-level teaching materials, which were currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Education and could be printed once they were approved.

Some professors have raised questions, especially those who are famous and have high achievements. They think they are authoritative in this field. They heard that the university compiled a textbook by itself, but they did not participate in it. They are a little distrustful.

No way, Jiang Ping showed them a set of printed versions that had not been sent to the printing factory for printing. Although there was no particularly advanced knowledge or difficulty in it, there were no errors in the content, and because the knowledge points were reasonably set, they could Let students fully grasp the knowledge points and not feel boring.

When writing textbooks, Zhao Yi set a goal to explain knowledge points in as concise, clear, and easy-to-understand terms as possible. He modified the nouns of some existing scientific terms that pretended to be profound, but in Notes indicate what these are called elsewhere.

The dissemination of knowledge should try to maximize efficiency, not fennel, bean and fennel. There are four ways to write the word fennel. (End of chapter)