The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 70: Meeting before school starts


Zhao Yi stayed in Hong Kong for two days before returning to Shenzhen across the street and went to Polaris Company to inspect the research status of the TV broadcast digital playback system. Because Polaris is a system integrator, many of its components and software require the cooperation of other companies. According to Zhang Ruimin, it will take half a year before it can be delivered for use. Zhao Yi has no objection to this. It is not that urgent yet.

After reading the situation here, Zhao Yi went to Guangzhou again to check the research status of communication satellites and navigation system satellites of Future Space Company. He found that the foundation of researchers from these national units was indeed very good. They just had no chance to contact the world before. Cutting-edge technology makes knowledge updates a little behind.

Now that Zhao Yi has provided them with technology that is a level higher than the world's advanced level, their solid foundation has shown their advantages. In just about 9 months, they have completely understood the technical information provided by Zhao Yi and The actual satellite is built, and if there are no problems in the test, it can be launched into space.

It is confirmed that there is no problem here. It is expected that the launch conditions will be reached in October. Now it is determined whether the rocket can keep up with the progress. I left the satellite research and development base and came to the rocket research and development base. The two places are still quite far apart. It takes two hours by car. The main reason is that the rocket research and development base needs a larger place, both of which are in remote suburbs.

When we come to the Rocket R&D Base, the scene here is much more lively than the Satellite R&D Base. Rocket engine technology research and development is undertaken by Star Power Company. The main focus here is the development of other rocket subsystems and the research of space technology, which means the research of rockets. The question of what to do after going to heaven.

Because the subsystems are complex, there are many R&D teams. There are currently about 2,000 employees at the rocket base, including many first-year college graduates who were "fooled" by Zhao Yi's "I have a dream." Although they did not learn the most cutting-edge technical knowledge, they had studied tirelessly over the past four years and had a solid foundation, especially the theoretical foundation. In other aspects, Zhao Yi's technology and the company's practical experience could supplement them.

After inspecting various technical groups in various departments of the rocket base, Zhao Yi talked cordially with them one by one to solve the difficulties in their technology research and development. He hoped that the rocket could be launched as soon as possible and fire the first shot of the future space technology company.

Originally, he was going to Starry Sky Power Company to inspect the research status of rocket engines. However, Tianwen University was about to start school. Zhao Yi needed to rush there to attend the first opening ceremony of Tianwen University, so he could only call Starry Sky Power Company. Learn about the progress of rocket engine development.

Because Cornerstone Materials Company provides qualified materials, precision instrument companies provide qualified mechanical devices, semiconductor companies provide aerospace-level chip support, and software companies provide satellite software control systems and rocket software control systems, future space technology can be All aspects of the company are making solid progress according to schedule.

According to Zhao Yi’s understanding of all aspects of the situation, it is expected that the first test launch will be carried out in October this year. It is still one month away from now and one month away from the one-year anniversary of the establishment of the future company. This efficiency It's also appropriate.

When Zhao Yi arrived at Tianwen University, it was already September, and there were still 10 days before the start of school. At this time, there were no students on campus except teachers.

Now all the school's staff are in place, and they have all moved into the housing prepared for them by the school. When Zhao Yi was building the school, he had already built a faculty and staff accommodation community behind each college.

These houses are designed based on the full population of these colleges, ensuring that all faculty and staff can be assigned a house. Of course, these houses are free for them to live in, but are not transferred to them, but as long as they are still teaching in the school, Then they can live there forever.

After they retire, they need to move to a community a little further away from here. The environment there is quieter than here and suitable for retirement. However, here is very close to the school, so priority is given to those who are still working in school. Faculty and staff live and work conveniently.

Of course, Zhao Yi came here early to have nothing to do. Firstly, he came to check whether the preparations for the start of school were completed. Secondly, he came to communicate with these new faculty and staff so that they could work, study and live here with peace of mind.

In fact, these tasks can be completely left to Principal Jiang to complete, but as the founder of the school, if he looks indifferent, problems may arise over time. After all, many professors were personally invited by him and are still there. Regardless of whether you ask or not, it will inevitably chill people's hearts.

Moreover, since the last Ministry of Education seminar, his reputation has been booming in the education world. He must make good use of this reputation to calm the hearts of the school staff.

After inspection, it was found that the school's hardware facilities are all in place, including all undergraduate experimental instruments in the laboratory, all positions in the administrative building are staffed, and the reception buses to welcome new students are all in place. There is not enough left. The perfect thing is that the school's information construction has not been completed and is still being implemented.

Many readers may be confused about how the accounts between Zhao Yi and these companies are done. Here is a unified explanation. The accounts between them are conducted according to normal business transactions between companies, and the prices given are market prices. Although If the cost price is given, there is no special relationship. Anyway, it is from left to right. However, from the beginning, Zhao Yi emphasized the need for clear accounts, and the accounting firm also watched the whole process.

The advantages of this are that the company's accounts are clear and easy for the tax department to trace, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. Second, we can understand the real situation of each company's own operations, so that employees of each company can get a satisfactory return for their hard work. The third is to show it to outsiders so that they can truly understand the project cost, so as to facilitate the company's external business.

For example, if the informatization construction of Tianwen University is effective in the future, will other schools also hope to start informatization construction? Then the construction cost can be estimated from the information construction of Tianwen University, which is convenient for communication companies, software companies and Polaris companies to quote.

After inspecting the various situations of Tianwen University, just before the arrival of the new students, he held a meeting with all the faculty and staff, emphasizing his purpose of establishing Tianwen University, "The reason why I want to establish this university at all costs is, first, Of course, we hope that more talented students will have access to higher educational opportunities. Second, it is to provide enough talents for the upcoming national modernization drive.

Therefore, the students who go out from our university must be talented people, and we implement a strict entry and exit system. Those who graduate normally in four years of undergraduate study can be exempted from all fees.

If they cannot graduate normally, we will give them the opportunity to continue their studies. During this period, for every additional semester, the fees they need to pay will increase. For example, in the first additional semester, their food and accommodation will not be free. In the second additional semester, they will not be free of charge. Punitive measures such as tuition fees not being free require them to work harder.

The above are just means. Our ultimate goal is to hope that each of them can do a good job in their profession when entering society.

For graduate students and doctoral students, we adopt another system, that is, if they cannot graduate normally with their supervisor, the school will review all the research and study work done by the student during this period. If they really fail, then According to the above punishment measures, if these daily performance are passed, then the school will randomly select expert professors to judge whether they can graduate. If they still cannot, they will change to another instructor and continue their studies until graduation. "

This is to prevent tutors from oppressing others, allowing their students to work as their own labor force for free, or tutors appropriating students' research results. This will have some adverse consequences: first, serious teacher-student conflicts, and second, it will damage the academic atmosphere. It has given Tianwen University a very bad start. This case cannot be repeated. At the same time, this measure also combats the existence of academic cliques, allowing every student to research freely. As long as they have strong academic ability, they can get ahead as soon as possible. day.

"The above are only relevant measures for students. Our school adopts the principle of professors running the school. The school's intelligent management system randomly selects a group of people from the school's talent pool based on assessment results to form a school management committee, with a term of three years. If you are judged to be unqualified by the system during this period, a review process will be initiated. If you are indeed unqualified, your position on the school management committee can be revoked, and other conveniences will not be affected.

As for whether this intelligent system is reliable, I can tell you here that this is an intelligent program written by me personally. Jedi is the most advanced in the world. If you have different opinions after using it, you can chat privately, but the core algorithm will not be involved. The problem.

The principal will automatically join the school management committee, and the principal's term is 5 years. The principal adopts an election system. After the election, I will personally review the actual situation of the elected person. If it is consistent with the facts, I will fully respect the election results. "

“The above are only issues related to student management and school management. The following are policies to support school students and teachers to transform their learning and research results into actual productivity. All research results of school students and teachers will be reviewed by the school management committee. If you pass, you can proceed to the industrialization stage. The school will calculate your shares based on the level of research results and actual investment in industrialization. Or you can sell your research results to school-run enterprises. After all, you may not make money after industrialization. , it depends on the wishes of the person or team.

If you have any questions about the distribution of school industrialization benefits, you can submit them to me or the principal for appeal, and we will give you a final reply within a month. If you still have objections to the final answer, I will let Yuheng Law Firm handle the case for you for free, even if the defendant is me.

Why do this? First, we hope that our school can eventually form a self-hematopoietic mechanism. Second, we hope that all R&D personnel can obtain appropriate benefits. Poverty is not the norm for R&D personnel. Third, we hope that the results of these R&D personnel will benefit society as much as possible. "

The interests of all parties above can be guaranteed, and this meeting is successful, united, and positive. (End of chapter)