The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 71: Opening ceremony


The time came on September 12. On this day, Zhao arrived at the school's freshman reception desk early, and the buses to pick up students at the train station and bus station had already set off.

Because this is the first class of college students, there is no student union to organize the work of welcoming new students. Everything requires the participation of school teachers. It is not suitable for older people to participate in this kind of work. After all, the southern sun in September is still very poisonous. Only Only teachers under 50 years old can participate in this activity.

Although Zhao Yi does not have to receive new students, as the founder of the school, it is impossible to do nothing. That would set a bad example for the school, so Zhao Yi will help the new students with the admission procedures these two days.

Around 10 o'clock in the morning, the bus that went to the train station to receive new students finally returned to the school. It seemed that there were quite a lot of students coming at this time. Two buses came at once. With the receptionist's sign hanging around his neck, Zhao Yi went to the bus parking area, helped some students with a lot of luggage get their things, and took them to go through the admission procedures.

Since Zhao Yi was very young, they thought he was a staff member hired by the school, so they did not pay special attention. They followed Zhao Yi through the admission process, and then took them to the assigned dormitory. After they got their luggage to the dormitory, Take them to the supply office to collect daily necessities and medical supplies.

After everything is done, take them to the cafeteria to find their way, and then teach them how to use the school's student card to check in for meals, etc.

After finishing a group of people, Zhao Yi returned to the reception desk and continued the work of the previous group. Anyway, although this work is boring, it is also very meaningful. This is to allow the freshmen to quickly adapt to university life and to allow the new students to quickly adapt to university life. They feel the school cares about them.

The two days of registration notified by the school have passed. After statistics, it was found that there are still some people who have not registered within these two days. In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that something happened on the road and the current train is not running. Being punctual is just as good as flying in the previous life, and the other is that they have no intention of coming to register at all. This situation is very complicated and requires teachers from the admissions office to verify it one by one.

In fact, in the past life, many universities did not care about this. They knew that you would automatically give up your enrollment if you did not come to register. Although it is not wrong to do so, as an educator, this is an irresponsible behavior. This kind of behavior is not allowed to happen at Tianwen University. It is necessary to understand the real reason why every student applying for his own school cannot register on time.

This is not only to help students solve practical difficulties, but also a good way to understand the real situation of students. Finally, the reasons will be statistically summarized. As part of the next year's enrollment work, the problems that existed in the previous year will be solved from the beginning, and These are also part of the data and will be archived in a report.

In one case, a single-parent student with excellent academic performance had to give up his studies because his father suddenly became seriously ill and had no one to take care of him. The teacher from the Tianwen University Admissions Office told Zhao Yi about this situation. Zhao Yi did not hesitate to ask the school to help this student solve this problem. In the end, the school gave an interest-free loan to the student to take his father to the hospital. The school comes here, rents a house outside the school, and takes care of his father while studying. The money can cover their accommodation expenses and his father's treatment expenses, and it can be paid back after he graduates and joins the workforce.

In Zhao Yi's heart, he hopes that Tianwen University will not only be a disseminator of knowledge, but also an inheritor and disseminator of traditional Chinese virtues, so that every student who comes here can feel the warmth. I hope that when they enter Society can pass this warmth on to others.

Nowadays, freshmen in universities do not need military training. In the previous life, it was not until 1985 that the "Notice on the Pilot Issues of Military Training in Colleges and Universities and Senior High Schools" was issued, which marked the beginning of the need for military training in universities. It was not until 1990. Military training is required for one year, which means that the undergraduate degree is 5 years, and it is not that long after that. It usually only lasts about a month, and each school is slightly different.

Although there are no national regulations, Tianwen University still contacted the military commander of the Jiangxi Military Region and requested to serve as the school's military training instructor within one month of the start of school. At first, Tianwen University planned to provide training subsidies to military training instructors, but the leaders of the military region did not ask for it, saying that there were no regulations in this regard. For this reason, Tianwen University cannot force it. After all, regulations are more important, otherwise it will be bad if good things turn out to be bad things.

By September 15th, teachers from the Admissions Office contacted the students who had not come to report. Finally, through various efforts, all the freshmen came to report.

Starting from September 16th, the school will hold a month-long military training. In addition to daily drills, there is also a week of actual target training. To be honest, it is much more rigorous than many universities in previous lives. The university that Zhao Yi studied in his previous life, The military training only lasted for half a month, and everyone went to the shooting range to prepare for shooting. As a result, one student's bullet missed and hit a window of a house. As a result, none of the students behind him touched the gun.

This was quite a pity for Zhao Yi, so he was going to have a good time when he was ready to go to target practice this time.

During this period of time, Zhao Yi was very leisurely. He stayed in his residence every day. Apart from sleeping, he just listened to the deafening shouts outside. Fortunately, the students at this time were not so pretentious, or they were naughty masters. , or he is the owner who has been herding cattle and working in the fields since he was a child. So far, no one has said that his health is not good.

When you feel bored, just slip into the Zhouling space, chat with your cute little classmate, tease her, or just participate in technical experiments. Anyway, it's not very boring.

The time soon came for target practice. Zhao Yi also put on camouflage uniforms and followed a group of freshmen, pretending to be one of them. Together they went cross-country for 5 kilometers and arrived at a shooting range. .

Although Zhao Yi has been pampered in recent years and has not done much physical work, his body is still very good. In the words of the little cutie, there is nothing wrong with him. Coupled with his youth, he can easily run 5 kilometers cross-country.

What surprised him was that none of the freshmen were left behind. It may not be surprising that boys can do this, but girls can also do this. Sure enough, women are not inferior to men, and they are better than those who couldn't even unscrew a bottle cap in their previous life. too much.

After enjoying the fun at the shooting range, the military training for freshmen at the university came to an end. On the last day of military training, a battlefield drill was held. The military commander, Zhao Yi, and Principal Jiang were all present to watch.

Some sharp-eyed freshmen in the queue on the playground have recognized that the young man sitting on the rostrum is the one who greeted them, but they are not sure why that person can sit on the rostrum.

After the battlefield drill, in the evening, they all went to the cafeteria to have dinner, and then a welcome party was held at eight o'clock in the evening. Zhao Yi also hurried back to have a meal. Because Zhao Yi also had to perform, and he was the first one to set an example for the teachers who would perform later.

After finishing their meal, the freshmen followed the original queue to the central square of the school, where the stage had been set up and the lights were ready. It would start after all the freshmen had arrived.

At eight o'clock sharp, the welcome party officially started. Two young teachers acted as hosts and said a set of welcome words on the stage. Then Zhao Yi came on stage to perform. Zhao Yi had no special preparations. He just held a guitar and played "My Deskmate", which is familiar to future generations, hopes that they can cherish the innocent time of childhood sweethearts among school classmates.

After singing the song, there was thunderous applause. Firstly, the lyrics were well written, and secondly, this was the first time such a campus-style song appeared. They thought it was pleasant and catchy.

Next came the performances prepared by the young teachers at the school. As soon as Zhao returned to the backstage, he washed off the makeup on his face and went out to watch the performance under the stage.

The show lasted for two hours. At ten o'clock, the fireworks show began. Suddenly, there were explosions all around, and bright fireworks shot into the night sky, and then suddenly bloomed, leaving beautiful patterns that covered the sky. , which made the freshmen who had never seen such fireworks stand up and hold their heads high, wanting to keep this beautiful moment in their hearts forever.

At eight o'clock the next day, the freshmen after breakfast had already changed out of their camouflage uniforms and put on their usual clothes to participate in the school's opening ceremony.

First of all, Principal Jiang took the stage to give a speech, hoping that students would study hard and live up to their time and the kindness of their parents in raising them, etc. Then Zhao Yi came on stage. The young and tender-faced man caused a sensation when he came on stage. It can be seen from the fact that he sat on the rostrum when he was able to practice on the battlefield, was the first to perform at the welcome party, and now he is delivering the entrance speech for freshmen. This person is not simple.

"As the founder of Tianwen University, I first want to congratulate you for being able to survive the disaster and cross this single-plank bridge, which at least means that you were excellent in the past.

I won’t go into words of encouragement here. Principal Jiang has already said a lot just now. If you listen to one or two sentences, it will be of great significance to the rest of your life.

What I want to talk about now is my original intention of founding this university. I graduated from Kyoto University, just in time for the resumption of the college entrance examination, and also caught up with the country’s good policies, which allowed me, an orphan, to enter the national university. Study at the best institution.

After a year of hard study, although I have made some achievements in the field of mathematics, every time I walk on the streets of Kyoto, I see Kyoto people coming and going. Although there are smiles on their faces, their material lives are not rich. Students, that is still the capital, and you can imagine the situation in other places.

At that time, I couldn't help but ask myself, can I help them improve their lives by learning mathematics? The answer is impossible, at least not in the short term, so I chose to graduate in my first year of college and then majored in biochemistry, a more practical major, hoping to use my professional knowledge to change this situation.

The results are still unsatisfactory, because if you want to apply these results to real life, you need a lot of funds to support it, and the country is not rich and there are many places to spend money. So one year later, I chose to graduate with a graduate degree in biochemistry and then joined the business world.

Maybe I do have some business talent. After several years of hard work, I have some financial resources. However, the more we participate in actual work and set up industries, the more we discover the lack of talents. Every time we look for talents, it is a painful thing. At this time, I understood one thing, that is, one person's efforts can only change yourself, but will not have a big effect on changing most people.

This is my original intention in establishing this university, which is to allow thousands of talented people with lofty ideals to participate in building the country and let them use their talents and talents to develop all walks of life in the country. As long as the number of talents increases, Then the life of the country and the people will naturally get better.

We are a university with all disciplines, the only one in the country. Why, we hope that you can enter all walks of life in the country to change and create, so that these industries can develop and the people engaged in this industry can Live a prosperous life.

Premier Zhou once said, "Study for the rise of China." I don't have such high expectations for you. Of course, if you have such high expectations, it will be the glory of our school. I just hope that you will participate in the construction of all walks of life in the country in the future, never forget the ardent expectations of me and the country for you, never forget the sincere teachings of Tianwen University, and be a person who is useful to society and the country.

President Jiang once asked me, what is the motto of Tianwen University? I said that Tianwen University does not need a school motto. Each of you will go on your own path and face your own problems in the future. A school motto cannot point you to your path. If I have to say one thing, then I think it would be enough to use Wang Yangming’s words of “the unity of knowledge and action”.

thank you all! "

Only then did these freshmen realize that this man about their own age was actually the founder of Tianwen University and a businessman with lofty ideals. It was also the first time that they had a new understanding of businessmen. Many years later, some of them were also engaged in business. However, they were affected by Zhao Yi's speech and were no longer businessmen who only pursued personal interests.

They have a name, "Confucian businessmen", a group of businessmen who have feelings about family and country. (End of chapter)