The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 72: Long arrows pierce the sky


After attending the opening ceremony of Tianwen University, Zhao Yi returned to Guangzhou without stopping, because the Future Space Technology Company's experimental rocket had been assembled and the launch mission was being organized.

This launch is just to send a simulated satellite into space. After all, all current technological achievements have not been verified in practice. They are all at the theoretical level. A real rocket must be launched. If it is a real satellite from the beginning, then what if it is launched? Failure will result in additional losses. After all, a satellite costs hundreds of millions of yuan, which is not cheap.

This experimental launch mission is mainly to verify whether there are flaws in rocket technology, rocket launch system, and integrated space and ground monitoring and control system.

When Zhao Yi arrived at the rocket base, although it was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, there were still many workers and engineers busy. They took the trouble to check whether there were problems with various parts of the rocket and assembly to ensure that there were no problems. A low-level mistake occurred.

The rocket model used this time is the Future-1A rocket. The design goal is to send satellites into geosynchronous orbit. Two of them were built together this time, one will be used for experimental launch tomorrow night, and the other It is a backup rocket. If the experimental results are successful, it will carry the real satellite for another launch mission three days later. If the experimental launch fails, then it is necessary to analyze the cause of the failure, then make improvements on the backup rocket, and conduct the experiment again one month later. emission.

When Zhao came to the rocket base, he actually couldn't help much. He just wanted to show that he attached great importance to the matter. It was impossible for him to personally go into battle to test whether the rocket was feasible.

After visiting the rocket manufacturing base, Zhao Yi went to the satellite monitoring and control center. This is the department that monitors the entire rocket launch process, as well as on-orbit operation and maintenance after launch.

There are also many people here at this time, and hundreds of computers are full of people. They are doing a simulation exercise for the upcoming launch mission tomorrow. Of course, this is not the first, but the last simulation exercise.

For this reason, Zhao Yi asked Polaris Company to develop a supercomputer a long time ago for use in space launches. Of course, supercomputers cannot only have this role. After hearing the report from Polaris Company, the National Meteorological Administration ordered one for weather forecasting. Forecast prediction use.

In fact, as long as the supercomputer solves the architectural design problem, it is not very difficult. Just as you think, it is just the stacking of CUP and other chips. However, this premise requires advanced architecture design, otherwise no matter how many computing units are piled up, they will not play a big role and will only increase energy consumption.

Architectural design couldn't be easier for Zhao Yi. Polaris was able to develop its own supercomputer in such a short period of time because of the architectural design he provided.

At present, it is mainly supplied to relevant domestic units and our own companies. There is currently no market for other civilian fields. As for foreign exports, exports are prohibited. After all, supercomputers, especially advanced supercomputers, are strategic products, and exports require a national export license.

The people in the Satellite Monitoring and Control Center are not only their own scientific researchers, but also some from the national aerospace agency. Future Space Technology Company "felt" that there was not enough manpower, so it borrowed some personnel from the national aerospace agency to participate in the launch mission.

Of course, the national aerospace agency will not refuse the Future Space Technology Company’s request to lend its manpower to help.

When Zhao Yi wanted to start a private aerospace company a year ago, people in the industry were generally not very optimistic. This industry is not just a matter of making a little money. It is a technology-intensive industry. The people who were recruited at the beginning were not from national units. Such important scientific researchers, coupled with graduates from some schools, were a typical motley crew at the time.

I just didn’t expect that one month before the end of the year, Future Space Technology Company has already completed the research and development of its own communication satellite. I heard that it also has independently developed navigation satellites and navigation satellite networking systems, as well as the experimental launch of this experiment. The Future Type-A rocket.

Judging from the parameters, it is much more advanced than that of national units. This type of rocket uses solid fuel engine technology. The country currently uses ** fuel engine technology. Both technologies have their own advantages. In addition, there are We have this monitoring and control system. Their people have been working here for a while and are full of praise for this system. It is easy to operate, accurate in calculation, and has a little intelligence to make decisions on its own.

If this launch is successful, the national aerospace agency will talk to Future Space Technology Company about this intelligent monitoring system to see if it can be introduced. Because this system can not only reduce the workload during satellite launch, but also reduce the number of monitoring personnel after the satellite is launched. Moreover, using this system can also improve the launch success rate, which has great economic benefits.

After visiting these places, Zhao Yi returned to the hotel rest area. Tomorrow is the beginning of the battle, and he must recharge his batteries.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yi went out to have an authentic Guangzhou morning tea, and then went to the satellite research and development base to learn about the development and testing of communication satellites and navigation and positioning satellites. The communication satellites had been assembled and tested. After the rocket test is successful, the launch can be arranged, and the satellite will be sent into a geosynchronous orbit over Asia. As for the navigation and positioning satellites, they are currently in the assembly stage. It is expected that it will take up to two months to complete the assembly and testing, and then the launch can be arranged.

After the inspection was completed, Zhao Yi left Guangzhou and went to the Wenchang Rocket Launch Base in Hainan, where the rocket launch test was conducted tonight.

After a year of construction, the launch base here is no longer as desolate as it once was. There is a platform for the public to watch five kilometers away from the rocket launch pad, allowing them to watch the rocket relatively close. What the launch is like, it's free, but there is a limit on places each time.

This launch mission also requires the support of the country’s observation stations and maritime observation ships across the country. Because there is no need to duplicate the construction of these things, we rented the country’s relevant facilities, which can not only reduce our own investment costs, but also provide benefits to the country. The aerospace unit will increase its income, which is a mutually beneficial thing.

Time passed quietly, and night finally enveloped the earth, and the rocket launch base was brightly lit. A huge rocket was already standing on the launch pad. In the launch control room, the staff were busy with serious faces, preparing for the launch of the rocket. Make final preparations.

Some students and local people also came to the viewing platform. They all sat in their seats and waited quietly for that moment to arrive. The unstoppable smiles on their faces reflected their current mood.

The time finally arrived at nine o'clock in the evening, the weather conditions were in line with expectations, and the launch mission could be carried out. After hearing the report, the commander shouted directly, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

Suddenly, a bright light instantly illuminated the night sky, and thick smoke billowed from the launch pad. The scene was very spectacular. The crowd watching from a distance suddenly became excited and stood up one after another, wanting to see the situation clearly.

As the rocket ignition begins, there is an orderly, busy and not chaotic scene in the command room. Personnel at monitoring points distributed around the world are constantly reporting monitoring results. Everything is normal at present, and the monitoring center in Guangzhou is synchronized. Carry out monitoring work. After the rocket enters orbit, the command will be taken over, and the Guangzhou Monitoring Center will be responsible for subsequent tasks.

Finally, news came that the launch was successful. Zhao Yi, who was at the Wenchang launch site, finally breathed a sigh of relief. All the scientific researchers involved in the launch mission also felt a big stone in their hearts, and then there were cheers from the audience, and each other Hugs and congratulations on this successful debut. (End of chapter)