The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 785: The secret is revealed


"Okay, let's leave the biggest suspense at the end. Then let's go back to the original question, which is why did you choose this time to disclose this information?" the host asked.

“I believe everyone knows that the robot replacement plan is being implemented, and some companies are already promoting this plan. At present, the process is relatively stable.

You may think that the emergence of robots only replaces manual labor. In fact, this is not the case. The emergence of robots and artificial intelligence has changed far more than the scenes we imagine now.

In the future, our lives and work will be inseparable from artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is not only our work and life partner, but also our competitor.

The former is easy for everyone to understand, but the latter may be a little difficult for everyone to understand. The competitor I am talking about does not mean that artificial intelligence has to compete with humans for living space.

Everyone can rest assured here. Since artificial intelligence has been developed and used on a large scale, it must have been safely tested. It cannot be promoted on such a large scale without certain certainty.

The competitor I am talking about refers to the intellectual competition between humans and artificial intelligence. As computer capabilities become stronger and stronger, the performance of artificial intelligence will become stronger and stronger.

If humans do not improve their abilities, they will gradually be completely replaced by artificial intelligence. By then, humans will be equivalent to useless people waiting to die in front of artificial intelligence.

Although it is true that everyone can obtain good living conditions without working, these are all produced and created by robots, but I don’t think everyone wants to see this situation.

The significance of the emergence of human beings is not only to keep themselves alive, but also to have more lofty ideals. Without such lofty ideals, if things go on like this, human beings will inevitably be eliminated.

As for what will be eliminated at that time, it is currently impossible to know, but what we can be sure of is that the existence of any species has a certain significance.

Especially if intelligent life like humans occupies the largest resources, but just wait to die, humans will eventually be eliminated by the laws of nature.

In the face of the great changes that have occurred over the past ten thousand years, I hope that everyone will no longer live as haphazardly as before, just worrying about three meals a day.

With the emergence of robots, these will no longer be problems. I hope everyone can improve their abilities and contribute to society in other ways.

To put it bluntly, the reason why our country's science and technology has been able to advance by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time, beyond the conventional development speed and trajectory, is mostly provided by me.

This kind of reliance on one person's efforts may not be a big problem in the short term, but in the long run, it is not a good sign and may also bring greater disasters.

In addition, I have been working hard for so many years and am a little tired. I hope everyone can take over this responsibility so that I can live a peaceful life, just like ordinary people.

Therefore, we chose this time to disclose this information. The timing is naturally because robots and artificial intelligence have developed to a certain height and have produced revolutionary changes.

The reason for disclosing this information is, on the one hand, I hope that everyone can understand the process of the current achievements, and I hope that in the future, everyone will also uphold such publicity and responsibility and shoulder the burden.

Although one person's energy is limited, when more than one billion people across the country consciously take up the responsibility, the energy generated may far exceed my efforts alone.

On the other hand, it allows everyone to clearly understand the nature of the world. The world is not as beautiful as everyone imagines. The reason why it is beautiful is that there are people behind the scenes to share it with you.

So don’t be fooled by the prosperity in front of you, and don’t slack off because of the abundance of life. The richer and happier you are, the more hard work you need, because once everyone doesn’t work hard, all these will go away in an instant. " Zhao Yi said.

Zhao Yi's words seemed to be an answer to the host's question, but it seemed that he did not answer, but said a lot, which made people a little confused.

Sure enough, the host did not intend to let this topic go in a daze, but continued: "What you said may be too high-level, and the audience, including myself, may not understand the inevitable connection between this and the disclosure of information. "

After hearing the host's words, Zhao Yi was a little surprised. It seemed that after there was no restriction on asking questions, the host also completely let go. If he didn't understand, he would ask in person. He would not stop because careful investigation would embarrass the interviewer.

In fact, what he said was truly from the bottom of his heart. He was not rambling on to avoid asking questions. It's just that the format was a bit high and ordinary people couldn't understand it.

"Originally, I thought everyone understood it. Since you asked, let me make it clear that I plan to retire. I don't want to waste my energy and energy on this. Future development will need to rely on the efforts of the people across the country." Zhao Yi said.

He didn't say it was okay. When he said he planned to retire, the host was very surprised. After all, he was currently in his prime. Isn't it a bit early to start thinking about retirement now

"If I remember correctly, Academician Zhao is only 28 years old this year. Is it too early to consider retirement now?" the host asked.

This is not only the thought of the host, but also the thought of the audience in front of the TV. Although his wealth is indeed astonishing, it is undeniable that his talent in science is also outstanding.

If such a talented person retires early, it will be a huge loss to the country. This age is the age when most achievements should be made in life.

However, everyone thinks that the reason why he retired may be that he was a little tired of being busy for so many years, so he thought of retiring early and not caring about the world.

But Zhao Yi's answer was obviously not what they thought. He said: "I very much agree with the saying 'A saint will never die, a thief will never stop'. The country was lagging behind in development before. If I didn't stand up, the development process would be extremely difficult.

Now that the country's development has entered a new stage, although I can continue to play a role, it is not as big as before.

In the new era, the country should return to the new normal, which is to let everything return to ordinary. The direction of the country's development will be determined by millions of ordinary people.

Because no matter how powerful a person is, he is only a powerful person. Only when thousands of ordinary people promote the development of social civilization can real civilization progress be achieved.

This is also the meaning of what I said before. I hope that thousands of ordinary people will take up their own responsibilities, make contributions within the scope of their abilities, and continue to promote the development of society. "

His pattern is a bit big. Many people, especially accomplished people, feel that he is very important to the world, so important that without him, the world would not function.

Obviously he does not have such a problem. Although he did make great contributions before, he never felt that he was indispensable. As mentioned before, history may be different with him, but in the end The direction should not change.

Now that the country has the foundation for prosperity and strength, it no longer needs to carry out drastic reforms. The reform of scraping bones to heal wounds can only be applied in special periods and cannot be used regularly.

The pattern of his words is relatively high, but not everyone believes his rhetoric, because it goes against human nature and is not true enough.

Not only the TV audience feels this way, but the host also feels the same way. In fact, everyone does not understand him, and naturally they cannot understand his ideals and ambitions.

"Although I'm a bit of a villain, I still have to ask, you have accumulated such huge assets and wealth.

In the past, you did rely on your outstanding contributions to promote the development of society and contributed to society as a whole. Now if you just retire directly, it means that your contribution will quickly decrease.

This will bring you into a pure rentier stage, relying on your huge assets and near-monopoly business scale to exploit the surplus value of the people. "

The host's words are indeed very bold and profound, because this is the normal state of capital. When capital is accumulated, although serious exploitation occurs, it generally makes a positive contribution to society.

But when capital grows to a certain stage, it simply enters the rentier stage, relying solely on capital to form an advantage in exploitation. In fact, the contribution to society is much smaller, and may even be equal to nothing.

The host thinks based on this common sense. After all, with his wealth and size, if he wants to do this, he can do it with almost no difficulty.

This is also different from individual capital enterprises. If it is an individual capital enterprise, there are many competitors. If you are not careful, you may be directly killed by your competitors.

And with such a huge body, it would be difficult for him to fall down even if he wanted to. At least in a normal social environment, this is true. Many people will naturally wonder if he chose to retire because of this.

When Zhao heard the host's words, he was not angry, but smiled and said: "I'm actually very pleased that you can realize this, which shows that you still have a certain understanding of the nature of capital.

To be honest, I actually hate capital very much. The reason why I started my own business was to get rid of the control of capital and develop as I pleased.

This idea is what I saw from Tesla’s experience. If a genius needs to rely on other capital, then the genius’ life may also face ups and downs.

Obviously this is not what I want. Only by mastering capital can I control my own destiny and fully utilize my talents without worrying about too many constraints.

In fact, it proves that I am right to do this. The speed of domestic economic development over the years has proved all this, and the vigorous development of my enterprises has also proved all this.

"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." I hate capital myself, and naturally I don't want capital to dominate others. At least I can't be capitalist-only.

Capital is necessary no matter what era it is in, and this element will never disappear. However, different attitudes towards capital must be different in different periods, and it cannot be generalized.

As the age of robots is beginning now, the capabilities of capital should be effectively restricted so that ordinary people can realize their ideals without being restricted by capital.

Since I started my business, I have never received a single penny in salary from my affiliated companies, nor have I received a penny in dividends. Instead, I have to constantly contribute money to start the business.

As for how my own money comes from, it mainly comes from technology patents, and the patent fees I charge are much lower than the world average. From this perspective, I do not make profits from capital, but really support myself.

As for your conjecture, I don't take offense because it's a common phenomenon, but it obviously doesn't apply to me because for me, making money is really easy.

Not to mention that my own patented technology brings me huge benefits every year, but if these are gone, I can still rely on technology to obtain benefits. I still have this confidence.

This is why I have repeatedly emphasized that everyone must learn and improve their abilities. This is also the foundation for everyone to live in the future, and it is also the basic condition for standing out in the era of robots. "

"Is this why you attach so much importance to education?" The host asked casually when he heard that he emphasized learning and improving abilities.

"This is one aspect. At present, robots are only on trial basis and mainly replace manual labor. In fact, their capabilities are far more than that. They can also complete some mental labor very well.

So don’t think that you can sit back and relax now if you are not engaged in manual labor. In the future, low-skilled mental labor will also be replaced by robots.

Only in pioneering research fields can humans compete with artificial intelligence, but in this kind of competition, humans do not have an absolute advantage.

The computing power is not very high now. When computers with higher computing power are born, and with the support of sufficient computing power, the groundbreaking research on artificial intelligence will be no worse than that of humans.

Therefore, humans need to constantly improve themselves so that they can compete with artificial intelligence in the field of creative research, instead of standing still. Otherwise, humans may lose even their only advantage.

In addition to this reason, there is also the fact that the current domestic students are very talented, and their IQs are at the genius level. It would be a pity if they were wasted in vain.

It is difficult for an individual alone to compare with artificial intelligence in the creative field. Only by improving the quality and knowledge level of the people as a whole and using human sea tactics can we achieve overall victory. " Zhao Yi said.

When the host heard him say that the IQs of today's students are all genius-level, he seemed to remember something and said: "It seems that a foreign institution conducted an IQ test a few years ago, and it seems that the average IQ is more than 110. "

"Although the survey data is not accurate enough, the general direction is correct, especially for school students. According to statistics from China Education Company, the average IQ reaches about 125, far exceeding the world average." Zhao Yi said.

"Although I am very happy about this. After all, a strong young man will make a country strong, but this data appears a bit strange. Generally speaking, it improves slowly. The increase in average IQ seems a bit sudden." The supporter asked.

"The average IQ of a country is determined by many reasons. Generally speaking, countries with strong economies have higher average IQs because these countries can provide better educational resources.

IQ is not entirely innate, but also has a lot to do with nurture. my country's complete compulsory education system is of great help in improving students' IQ.

In addition, there is another very important reason that I didn’t plan to talk about originally, but now that the conversation has started, there is no need to hide it, so I might as well talk about it together. "

Before Zhao Yi could continue, the host's curiosity was aroused and he asked directly: "Oh, what's the reason?"

“From 1980 to 1985, our country’s economy continued to develop at a rapid pace, and technological breakthroughs emerged one after another. It seemed that everything was prosperous, but in fact it was not, because as the economy and science and technology continued to develop, talent became the main bottleneck.

I remember that at that stage, I was almost running around in various corporate laboratories. I didn't have as much personal time as I do now, because there were too few talents to rely on at that time.

It’s not just the lack of scientific research talents. In fact, during that time, there was a lack of talents in all aspects. As a result, I, a man of science and engineering, had to get involved in corporate management.

In order to solve the talent dilemma, I spent a lot of energy to develop a potion that improves IQ. However, the country was still weak at the time and could not make the potion public, so it could only be classified as top secret.

With potions that improve IQ, it is natural for the people to use them. The most important thing is to improve the IQ of school-age teenagers, because they are more malleable and can bring greater benefits.

So free compulsory education for all was put on the agenda. However, at that time, the national finances had just improved, and the government was a little worried about spending such a huge amount of money on free compulsory education.

After all, the country is so big that many places need funds, and economic development was the top priority at that time. Once free and compulsory education is launched, the cost will be huge.

Because at that time, our country had just passed the baby boom, and the country’s school-appropriate population was as high as 300 million. Even if the national financial funds increased, it still needed to be carefully considered.

However, I believe that providing free compulsory education will be an essential national welfare, and judging from the current situation, it cannot be delayed for too long. Time waits for no one.

So I signed a contracting agreement with the government, which is actually a gambling agreement, that is, the state will use 55% of its fiscal funds to pay for education, medical care, and pensions.

If there are insufficient financial funds, I will fill the gap. Although this tone is a bit loud, but based on my strength at the time, this promise still has a certain degree of credibility.

Later, everyone discovered that in 1985, China Education Corporation was building a large number of high-standard schools across the country, and China Medical Corporation was also promoting free medical care across the country.

Fortunately, the elderly population in our country was only about 80 million at that time, and with our country's traditional filial piety, there was no need to build a large number of nursing homes and other institutions, which gave me a breath of relief.

Intellectual potions can only be used silently through some media. Therefore, various schools promote free lunches, which include a bottle of milk. In fact, the milk is intelligence milk.

Long-term drinking of intelligence milk can not only significantly improve IQ, but also have great benefits for students' physical growth. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. " Zhao Yi said.

His words unlocked the secret of intelligence milk, which shocked all domestic viewers who watched the live interview. No wonder everyone felt that their children were much smarter than themselves.

"Does Intellectual Milk work for adults?" a supporter asked.

This should also be a concern for many adults. After all, everyone doesn't mind becoming smarter, but it was always innate before and it is difficult to change.

"Of course it is possible. It is suitable for almost all age groups. However, the effect of each age group may be different. The older you are, the worse the effect, but it is still effective to some extent." Zhao Yi said.

"If it is useful, wouldn't the effect be immediate if it is used by working adults?" the host asked.

"Actually, the food provided by my corporate cafeteria includes Intelligent Milk. I just want to promote it in a big way, but it is not convenient because I can't explain it clearly.

In fact, my subsidiary Tianji Dairy Company has been advertising this smart milk, and even lowered the price a lot in order to make it affordable for the common people. It is an unprofitable product.

It's just that some people listened, some didn't, and some even thought it was cheap but not good, so they bought more expensive products. In this case, I was helpless and could only do my best and accept fate. "

"Aren't other milks added with IQ-enhancing ingredients?" the host asked.

"No, potions that improve IQ are extremely precious. It is impossible to add them to all milk, and we will not do so in the future. If anyone wants to buy it, please buy milk with the same packaging as the school.

You only need to drink 250 ml of this milk every day. Drinking too much is useless. In order to avoid other problems, you need to provide proof of identity to purchase this milk.

Now that the matter has been discussed, there may be stricter control measures, such as on-site purchase and on-site drinking, because this is a strategic resource and cannot be supplied casually. " Zhao Yi said.

"Then why can it be made public now? Such a powerful strategic product will still be coveted by other countries, so the country will still be in a passive state." The host asked.

"Actually, I didn't plan to say it before I came here, but when I said it, I thought it would be better to make it public, so that everyone's opportunities would be fairer, and we would avoid a huge gap in competitive advantage due to a huge gap in intelligence.

And if IQ does not improve in the future, the gap between humans and artificial intelligence will become wider and wider, and humans will feel increasingly weak. If this gap continues to widen, it is likely to create new problems.

As the computing power of artificial intelligence continues to improve, human talent should also continue to improve, so that they can be evenly matched and avoid other unpredictable problems caused by excessive gaps.

In addition, our country now has enough ability to protect its own achievements. If other countries really want to do this at any cost, from my personal point of view, it is not necessarily a bad thing. " Zhao Yi said.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but he did not elaborate on it, but the host understood the meaning of his words from his tone and expression, but it was not easy to say it face to face.

This is why he added "from my personal point of view" in front of it, which means that this point of view is only a personal point of view, and no matter how outrageous the personal point of view is, it is still acceptable. (End of chapter)