The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 786: The role of Xuantian Technology Company


His words solved many people's doubts. It turns out that there is something that can increase IQ. This was unimaginable before, so everyone did not think about it.

In fact, this kind of drug that increases IQ is not actually a real improvement in IQ, but is an inductive drug that can stimulate human potential. This is why this kind of drug should be used frequently.

Moreover, this kind of inducing drug can only be used on humans. If taken by other animals, it will have no effect and will not cause much harm.

When he was doing research, he had already thought of this. If he could improve the IQ of other animals, then modern society would probably be in chaos, which he would never allow.

It's just that there is no need to explain these things too clearly. In fact, the government has already done a lot of experiments after getting this medicine. Obviously this medicine is a special medicine and has little effect when used in other fields.

"You just said that robots and artificial intelligence will be epoch-making scientific and technological achievements, and relevant replacement work is currently underway in China. When do you think this work will be fully completed?" the host asked.

"We cannot give a clear time point here as to when it will be completed. It has just started. Although the effect is good, there is no guarantee that there will be other problems that need to be solved in a larger scope.

However, we hope that if everything goes well, it will take about five years to complete this work, starting with positions with higher intensity of repetitive work.

Then it will cover the agricultural production field, then the service industry field, and finally the government service field. However, the specifics will depend on the preparation work of each industry. " Zhao Yi said.

After hearing what he said, the host thought for a moment and said, "Can the job of a host like me be replaced in the future?"

After listening to his words, Zhao Yi smiled and said: "In fact, artificial intelligence has been able to do it for a long time, but the robot technology was not mature enough before, so there was no need to promote it.

For example, most of the customer service business of Lingchen Technology Company is actually completed by artificial intelligence. Only a small proportion is completed by employees, and the proportion is negligible.

Last year, Lingheng Technology provided 50 billion customer service services around the world. From its opening to the present, not one of its service recipients discovered that this was a service provided by artificial intelligence.

So you are now starting to make plans for your off-the-job life. Just how long it will take depends on each unit's own consideration. Xuantian Technology Company does not make mandatory requirements. "

When the host heard what he said, a smile appeared on his face. It seemed that he still yearned for this kind of life. Even if it was a decent job like his, he might not necessarily want to do it from the bottom of his heart.

"Robots are much more efficient than humans. This means that for the same output value, the number of robots used is much smaller than that of humans. Will this cause employee unemployment to a certain extent?" the host asked.

"In fact, this issue has been something we have been thinking about. After all, the emergence of robots is to benefit mankind, not to harm everyone's interests for the benefit of individual people.

For example, what we are currently implementing is leasing robots. The rental price is calculated based on the product of per capita income and robot efficiency, and then part of this income is provided to off-duty workers.

It's just that this method is more suitable internally, because we can completely do it according to our own ideas, but whether it is suitable for external enterprises remains to be investigated and studied.

This is also the reason why our robots will be used internally first. As for when external companies will use them, we are not sure because there are too many things to consider.

There will even be forms of social production organization that are completely different from the current ones. If you have any good ideas, you can put them forward on Xuantian Technology Company's Chuangxiang platform, and we will open a special sub-column.

But here, I can say with certainty that we will provide a set of effective methods to ensure that everyone’s life will not be greatly affected, and your income will even be further improved. " Zhao Yi said.

"If robots are used on a large scale, will domestic prices be much cheaper? I think this should be a question that everyone is more concerned about." The host asked.

"I don't think so. If any economy wants to maintain stability, prices are not suitable for ups and downs. Now is the era of globalization, and prices are not just about domestic conditions.

Although robots are used, labor efficiency and time are much longer, but prices remain basically stable because they are consistent with international labor costs.

Regardless of whether prices rise or fall, in fact, for domestic people, there should not be much change in the future. If prices fall, companies will earn less profits, and the wages that can be allocated to employees will be low.

By the same token, if prices rise, and companies increase profits, they will increase salaries accordingly. Generally speaking, no one will feel the trouble caused by prices. " Zhao Yi said.

"You came to the conclusion under an ideal situation. In fact, it is difficult to provide relevant feedback on salary and corporate income in real time. How should this be solved?" the host asked.

"You asked a good question. There is a certain lag in corporate income being reflected in employee salaries. This is partly due to the delay in data statistics.

Because it is impossible to implement feedback on the company's operating data, it must take a period of time before relatively correct profit data can be obtained and further profit distribution plans can be formulated.

On the other hand, not all business owners are willing to distribute more benefits because of the increase in corporate profits. This is a practical problem that will be faced in the future.

The first reason is that there is nothing that can be done. The most we can do is speed up data statistics through technical means and reduce unreasonable areas in the operation process, so that the data can be fed back more quickly and correctly.

Although this reason will cause a certain delay, at least the benefits will be reasonably distributed to employees, and overall it will not cause big problems.

The key lies in the second issue. If there is no effective way to force business owners to distribute a fixed proportion of their income, this situation will always exist. " Zhao Yi said.

"Facing the second question, what do you think we should do to make the distribution of wealth more fair and balanced and avoid the gap between the rich and the poor from getting wider and leading to social instability?" the host asked.

“This issue should be considered by the government, but since you asked, I will also express my views, which only represent my own views.

The distribution of social interests is generally divided into two distributions. The first distribution is the direct payment of salary, which is the salary in our usual field, and it is the initial distribution of interests.

The initial distribution is the largest part of the benefit distribution and more truly reflects the labor value of employees. However, the coverage of the initial distribution is very small and can only cover corporate employees.

So we have a second distribution, which can also be said to be redistribution. This distribution is by taxing high-income people, using it for social public service facilities and providing help to low-income people.

Taxation is the most important means to avoid the widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor. However, in actual situations, high-income groups can avoid tax obligations through various reasonable tax avoidance means.

On the contrary, the majority of the middle class, because they have many but few assets and do not have many means to avoid taxes reasonably, have become the bulk of the tax burden. This will be a long-term problem in this regard.

Generally speaking, the more complex taxes are, the stronger the ability of the rich to avoid taxes reasonably. If you want to do a good job in this area, you must make the tax system as simple and clear as possible, and cannot take advantage of loopholes.

In addition to the second distribution, there may be a third distribution in the future, which is a forced distribution of corporate interests, requiring companies to use a certain proportion of revenue for redistribution.

The specific operation needs to be studied. Some companies have very high profits, and some companies have very low profits. With the same proportion of forced distribution of benefits, the income received by employees varies widely.

I think this is an area that is very worthy of research and is also the most important issue in the distribution of social benefits in the future. Everyone can conduct research and discussion on this. " Zhao Yi said.

"Specifically, what are you going to do about your companies? We all know that you have a lot of companies, and not all of them are high-income companies, and there are also companies that run ordinary businesses.

This will inevitably lead to income gaps between companies, which will lead to income gaps between employees in various companies. You should have a more comprehensive consideration, how to balance this relationship? "The host asked.

In fact, in addition to the obvious meaning of the host, there is also a potential problem, that is, how can he ensure that his companies are willing to share more benefits with their employees.

It's just that he is an academician of both houses of Congress, has huge wealth, and has made important contributions to the country. It's not a good idea to ask him blatantly, so he asked this question more implicitly.

Zhao Yi could have pretended that he didn't know, but obviously he didn't want to avoid this question, because it really needed to be thought about and he couldn't avoid it.

"Since you asked here, I don't plan to keep it secret, which is the follow-up arrangements I plan to make as mentioned earlier." Zhao Yi said.

"Oh, I would like to hear the details!" the host said.

“When most people hear that I own so many companies, they envy me for having such huge wealth. This is human nature and is understandable.

But for me, it doesn’t matter much whether I have this wealth or not. As I said before, I have never taken any money from these companies, and this wealth is only nominally related to me.

And I personally don’t need so much wealth. No matter how much wealth I have, I only need three meals a day. And through technology licensing, I can live comfortably, so there is no need for so much wealth.

Therefore, from the time when these companies were founded, I did not think that the wealth belonged to me personally and could be squandered at will. I positioned myself as a manager of social wealth.

In other words, although this wealth belongs to me in name, it is actually social wealth, and it is just managed through my corporate system.

Maybe you think what I said is a bit of a pretext for fame, because I can stand up and talk without hurting my back. If this is really the case, then I should donate this wealth.

To be honest, if this wealth can be ensured to be enjoyed by all the people, I would not mind donating it, but I know that this idea is too ideal.

Maybe in the early days, everyone seemed to have shared the wealth, and everyone seemed to have a share. In fact, capital can gradually concentrate the distributed personal wealth through various methods, but it still cannot change the situation.

This is just like the land distribution in ancient times. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a lot of land was allocated to the people. However, as time goes by, a large number of landlords will still be born, and the people will have fewer and fewer fields.

The reason for this is that individual individuals cannot compete with organized capital and the bureaucratic class. They have many ways to turn your wealth into their own wealth, but individuals are powerless to resist.

This is why I don't agree with the simple and crude distribution of my wealth, because that would be equivalent to the dispersion of power. Without power, there would be no ability to protect this wealth.

If you still don’t understand, you can take a look at how the wealth of Polar Bear’s state-owned enterprises is distributed to individuals, and how it gets into the hands of a few people through various methods. This is what is happening now. " Zhao Yi said.

"Since wealth cannot be simply distributed, are there other ways to deal with it?" the host asked.

"This is what I want to say next. I plan to merge all my mainland companies, except Xuantian Technology Company, into a non-profit fund.

The management members of this fund will be the presidents of fund member companies. In addition, the central bank and the Ministry of Finance will also be invited to serve as observers to supervise the implementation of the fund.

All the shares of these companies will be controlled by this non-profit fund. They will no longer be under my control from now on, and the members of the fund will not own shares and can only receive fixed salaries.

By doing this, it is equivalent to donating the shares of these companies. At the same time, it can ensure that the power is not dispersed, avoid being defeated individually, and ultimately benefit a few people.

Since it is non-profit, their pursuit of wealth retention is certainly not particularly strong, and they are more willing to distribute benefits.

The most important thing is that there is a non-profit fund on top of these enterprises to redistribute wealth, which can effectively avoid the operating income gap caused by the business gap of each enterprise below, resulting in obvious income gaps among employees. " Zhao Yi said.

"You seem to have solved the problem by doing this, but how do you ensure the vitality of these enterprises? After all, without profit driven, inertia will arise, and enterprises will lack motivation in competition?" the host asked.

"What we call fairness is not absolute average. Employees' income will consist of two parts. The first part is relatively fixed off-job compensation. This data is obtained by statistics on the company's operating conditions every year.

The other part is contribution salary, which means that the more employees contribute to the company, the more personal income they will receive. This will be the most important part of the personal income gap in the future.

We encourage employees to work hard to earn this part of their income, so the future distribution of benefits will not be absolutely egalitarian as everyone thinks, and there will still be a certain difference in income between employees.

Hard work and more pay will never go out of style in any era, so everyone should work harder to improve themselves to avoid being able to only receive a fixed salary without the ability to receive contribution salary. " Zhao Yi said.

When the host heard what he said, he showed an expression of sudden realization. In fact, everyone should be able to think of this distribution method, otherwise there will be big problems.

"Why should Xuantian Technology Company be excluded?" the host asked.

"To be honest, Xuantian Technology Company is a rather special enterprise. The purpose of its original establishment was to prevent other companies under my subsidiaries from suffering from big business problems, which would lead to failure in market competition.

While my subsidiaries are performing well, the main business of Xuantian Technology Company is innovative high-tech businesses, such as global satellite communication systems, holographic projections, smart glasses, driverless taxis, etc.

If I think there is some problem in the operation of one of my companies and I need to urge them to change, or even to guide them to change, I will enter their business field.

For example, the Innovation Workshop of Xuantian Technology Company was established for this purpose. Many of their businesses are existing businesses of their affiliated companies. They use market competition to force other companies to innovate and change, rather than just resting on their laurels. " Zhao Yi said.

"If you hadn't said so, we really wouldn't have known that Xuantian Technology Company had this role." The host said unexpectedly.

"Actually, it's not just that. Everyone should know the size of my other companies. If there is no other super giant to check and balance, even I don't know what the future results will be.

Xuantian Technology Company is a company that uses artificial intelligence and robots to run its operations entirely. There will not be any human managers, which ensures that this company will not have any selfish intentions or private interests.

Let such a company compete with other companies without worrying about complicity. This is a beneficial thing for society and the country.

And although I say I am retired, it does not mean that I will not do anything. If I have any research results in the future, I need a platform to turn the results into reality.

So no matter what, I must control a company of considerable size. Otherwise, I may not be able to be independent in the future. This is absolutely not allowed for me. " Zhao Yi said.

"Are you too cautious? You founded these companies, and you are still afraid that they will escape your control?" the host asked.

“There is no such problem now, and it’s hard to say what will happen in the future. Moreover, at the beginning, I did not regard these enterprises as entirely my own, so naturally they may not fully reflect my personal will.

As I said just now, all the shares of these companies will be put into a non-profit fund, so I have nothing to do with them, and their interests have nothing to do with my personal interests. " Zhao Yi said.

"When will this non-profit foundation be established? Will you take a position in it?" the host asked.

"This non-profit fund should be established this year, or next year at the latest, because there are many things involved. It depends on whether it is handled smoothly.

As for whether I will hold a position, I think I will hold a position in the early stage. I need to observe whether the fund is operating smoothly and avoid other problems caused by imperfect systems in the early stage.

When the operation of the fund is on track, I will step down from my position, and it will not have much to do with me from now on. How to develop in the future depends on their own abilities. " Zhao Yi said.

"Just letting go like this, do you feel a sense of reluctance? After all, you have paid so much for this, as if it were your own child." The supporter asked.

"There is nothing to be reluctant to give up. I have been mentally prepared for this for a long time. Now I feel relieved. I can finally take off the burden." Zhao Yi said.

"You just said that Xuantian Technology Company will all use artificial intelligence and robots for management. This means that Xuantian Technology Company's management costs will be infinitely reduced. Is this unfair competition

And how do you plan to distribute the income of Xuantian Technology Company? Because there are no employees, it means there is no need to pay wages, and there is not much meaning in keeping the money in hand. "The host asked.

"You asked a good question, but you didn't take into account that my other companies do not cover all the domestic labor force, which means that many labor forces will not be included in this system in the future.

But these people have to survive, so a considerable part of Xuantian Technology Company's income will flow into the hands of these people to avoid unemployment.

But what I hope is that the government can shoulder this responsibility and Xuantian Technology Company is willing to pay higher taxes, but what I hope is that the fairness of distribution can be guaranteed. " Zhao Yi said.

"You seem to be a little worried about the government distributing this part of the benefits?" the host asked.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are interests. Where there are interests, absolute fairness cannot be guaranteed. So it is not just the distribution of the government, it is the distribution of the non-profit funds mentioned above. I also Not very reassured.

Therefore, although I will not hold a position in this non-profit fund in the future, I will arrange for robots to serve as the prosecutorial department to inspect existing problems.

The main reason why robots are used to do this job is that if humans are used to handle it, absolute notarization cannot be guaranteed. Only robots can be impartial and selfless.

Any power without supervision will inevitably lead to corruption. Never try to challenge human nature. That will definitely let us down. It is very necessary to do a good job in supervision! " Zhao Yi said.

The host didn't know what to say about Zhao Yi being so cautious and pessimistic. After all, it was hard for him to comment on this matter, but it was undeniable that what he said was basically the truth.

When Zhao saw the host's silence, he didn't care and continued: "Actually, the reason why Xuantian Technology Company uses artificial intelligence and robots is that in addition to the above reasons, there are some other reasons.

That’s why I want to see who is more powerful in intellectual competition between artificial intelligence and humans. Moreover, such competition will also help promote the development of human beings. Otherwise, humans are likely to fall into self-depression and the development speed will be much slower. . "

He could have not stated this purpose, but after thinking about it, it was better to say it. Since he wanted artificial intelligence to compete intellectually with humans, he should let the other party know the whole story.

Otherwise, competition starts here, but the other side is kept in the dark. This will not be a fair competition. As for whether everyone takes it as the same thing, it is not his decision.

The host was even more shocked after hearing what he said. He originally thought that the existence of Xuantian Technology Company was just to provide him with resources, but he didn't expect that there were so many considerations behind it. (End of chapter)