The technological flood of rebirth

Chapter 787: The interview is over


"I think even if you hand over the burden, you can't completely rest and live a purely retired life. Can you reveal your future research direction?" the host asked.

“To be honest, I am quite pessimistic about the future. With the current economic development model, I think it is unsustainable and the human living environment has suffered great damage.

However, in order to pursue economic growth, countries have basically adopted a destructive development model. In order to obtain more benefits, capital continues to arouse people's material desires.

It’s just that the earth’s carrying capacity is difficult to increase indefinitely, and the resources provided are limited, so the current economic development model and scientific and technological development direction are unsustainable.

To break this situation, we can only start from two aspects. The first is to ask for resources from space, so research in the space field will be a key project in the future.

This is why we must advance the development of the space field at a faster pace, strive to find more habitats for mankind, and at the same time develop space mining business to provide more resources for the development of mankind.

However, among these tasks, the development of space mining business is relatively easy to achieve. As for finding a habitat, it is very difficult. The universe is so big that it is very difficult to cross the universe.

Therefore, while developing related technologies, the focus in the future should be planet transformation technology, which is easier to achieve than finding a planet suitable for human survival.

The second is the direction of biological research. As long as biology is used in the right way, the development potential and the benefits it brings to mankind are much stronger and greener than the current mechanical industry.

However, biology is too difficult, and we are only just getting started. Coupled with the uncertainty of biology and the unpredictable dangers, the research process is destined to be bumpy.

If you want to do research in the future, I think more work will be done in these two aspects. If you want to make some achievements, you can consider working in these two aspects.

Of course, the direction of my research is actually not fixed. A certain research project may be born on a whim, so the specific research direction in the future is not certain, because I myself don’t know what the future will be like.

In fact, based on the development level of Earth's science and technology, the level should still be relatively low, and there are still many directions that need to be worked on. In the future, there is no need to worry about using what you learn.

Regardless of the fact that our country is currently investing hugely in the field of higher education, with the proportion of people studying in higher education reaching over 90%, it seems that there will be many researchers in the future.

In fact, this is not the case. In my opinion, even if all the people on the earth are scientists, they may not be able to use it. This is why I strive to promote the relative popularization of higher education. " Zhao Yi said.

After hearing what he said, the host asked: "Although this ideal is very good, the cost of cultivating talents in higher education is definitely much higher than in compulsory education.

If it is popularized, will there be insufficient resources? Instead, due to the spread of the pie model, the quality of the talents trained will not be high, but not as good as the small and fine model? "

"Your concern is very necessary, but I am still relatively optimistic about it. As long as wealth is relatively balanced and the use of wealth is reasonably distributed, the universalization of higher education can still be achieved.

The reason why we were unable to realize this vision before was mainly due to several factors. The first was the relative insufficiency of resources, relatively slow educational output, and low enthusiasm for investment.

With the continuous development of science and technology, when people have no worries about food and clothing, more resources can be invested in the fields of education and scientific research.

The second is that a small number of elites, in order to control more voice, especially to continue the interests of their families, intentionally control the path for ordinary people to climb up through education, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying more resources in the long term.

This situation actually exists in every country, but it is relatively more serious in capitalist countries, because they can keep many people out of the door through private education with very high thresholds.

The universalization of compulsory education does not mean that resources can be distributed fairly. The most reasonable thing is to directly ban the emergence of private education and let everyone invest resources in the field of public education.

Our country is currently doing very well in this regard. Chinese education companies have done a lot of work in order to provide universal education, and the results are remarkable. I hope they can do better in the future.

The third is a conceptual issue. Currently, many people define wealth only in terms of material concepts. In fact, compared to material wealth, invisible wealth such as knowledge wealth has been ignored for a long time.

When people are still in the stage of solving food and clothing problems, it is understandable that the importance of material wealth is highlighted. After all, even eating enough is a problem, so naturally there is no energy to think about more profound issues.

But when there is no problem with food and clothing, and the living situation is relatively worry-free, but the person is still pursuing material wealth, the level is low.

Material wealth is actually a low-level desire, an animal desire. The reason why humans are human must be different from other animals, and the most important of them should be the desire for knowledge and more thinking about the future.

This is why I want to promote the robot project so early, because I want to let the people say goodbye to the low-level material desire stage in advance and be able to achieve material satisfaction more easily.

Then use your energy to learn knowledge and explore scientific research, hoping to achieve faster scientific development with more scientific researchers.

At present, my country's higher education has begun to develop in the direction of universalization. Although it is unable to make ends meet every year, it can still be maintained on the whole.

I hope that everyone will maintain sufficient enthusiasm for education in the future, rather than looking at short-term benefits. Moreover, if there are so many students with high IQs and they are not allowed to pursue higher education, it will actually be a waste of resources. " Zhao Yi said.

"So when do you think space immigration will be possible?" the host asked.

"It's hard to say, it depends on everyone's efforts, but I hope to achieve this goal within a hundred years, because judging from the current situation, the earth will become disaster-ridden in 100 years!" Zhao Yi replied.

"Are you too pessimistic?" the host asked.

"Maybe, but if we don't do something to improve the environment, the earth will become increasingly uninhabitable for humans. This is for sure." Zhao Yi said.

"Is there any good way to reduce human damage to the environment?" the host asked.

“There are still ways, such as reducing deforestation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing human demands on nature, reducing damage caused by man-made pollution, etc.

It's just easier said than done, because the interests of each person or country are different, and it is difficult to reach an agreement in this regard.

After all, it is understandable that people in every country want to live a good life. The efforts of a few countries alone will actually be a drop in the bucket.

In order to reduce carbon emissions, our country not only carries out large-scale afforestation and greening work, but also shifts energy use to the use of clean energy.

Although I know that such actions may not necessarily have a fundamental effect, it can still delay the arrival of the disaster and buy us more time. " Zhao Yi said.

"Are greenhouse gas emissions really that serious?" the host asked.

“Greenhouse gas emissions will cause global temperatures to rise, which will cause the Arctic and Antarctic glaciers to begin to melt, and sea levels will rise accordingly. By then, it is expected that a large number of cities along the coast will become underwater cities.

This is not the most serious thing. The rise in temperature will lead to global climate disorder and the climate will become unpredictable, which is very unfavorable to agricultural production. By then, humans will face large-scale famine.

In addition, ancient viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms covered by glaciers will reappear in the world as the glaciers melt. No one knows whether it will be a blessing or a curse.

Regardless of the fact that humans are the spirit of all things, humans are actually quite fragile. The reason why humans are developing very rapidly at the current stage is mainly because for thousands of years, the earth's climate has been relatively mild, giving humans a chance to breathe.

But in the long course of history, human beings may just be passers-by on the earth. If there is unscrupulous destruction, this time is likely to come earlier. " Zhao Yi said.

"In addition to greenhouse gases, what challenges will humanity face?" the host asked.

“It’s hard to say this. As the level of science and technology in human society improves, the quality of life seems to have improved a lot. However, with the improvement of science and technology, other risks will also increase.

I am not denying the significance of the existence of technology, but that technology needs to be used in the right way. If technology is used incorrectly, the danger will be greater. No one should deny this. " Zhao Yi said.

"This seems difficult to do!" the host said.

"Yes, human beings are all contradictions, some are good and some are evil, some are constructive and some are destructive, all of which originate from desire.

Desire can promote human progress, and desire can also promote human self-destruction. Whether the two sides of the matter are good or bad depends on human beings' ability to balance. " Zhao Yi said.

"I see that many scientists begin to study theology in their later years. What do you think of this?" the host asked.

“I don’t have any opinion on this. It’s okay to study what belongs to personal freedom, as long as it doesn’t harm humanity, but I think that their studying theology does not mean they agree with theology.

It's just the self-confusion of a group of smart people. In fact, in my opinion, their research is far from reaching the level of 'theology'. It's just that their talents cannot see through some things.

In my opinion, this is putting the cart before the horse without asking the common people and ghosts and gods. Any scientific research must focus on reality. If you can't understand it, it's because the system is not perfect enough. " Zhao Yi said.

"You don't seem to be very interested in theology?" the host asked.

"It can be said that theology is just a means used to rule human society. Now everyone is more aware of this, especially the Western religious system, which basically serves this purpose.

Although religion in our country also has such a role, it is not that persistent. Now it is basically just a way to comfort the heart. However, I think this kind of self-anaesthesia is not advisable. " Zhao Yi said.

"Your words may not be liked by religious people!" the host said.

"If you don't like it, just don't like it. It's impossible for everyone to like anyone. You live forever, but with a clear conscience, that's what I think. Of course, that's what I say. Of course, it's just speaking on behalf of my family." Zhao Yi said .

"At the end of the show, do you have anything to say to young people?" the host said.

"Actually, I don't have anything to say. If I had to say something, what I would say is that you are living in the best of times and the worst of times at the same time.

The best era is when you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future, live a life that your fathers have to make great sacrifices and efforts to achieve, and fully experience the joy of being a human being, instead of worrying about survival like ordinary animals.

The worst era is when you, as ordinary people, will have no sense of existence, because now people as a labor force will become insignificant, so you need to constantly break through yourself, improve yourself, and achieve yourself.

I hope that young people can find their life goals as soon as possible and work hard to turn their dreams into reality. Only in this way will life be more meaningful.

On the way of growing up, you may encounter many problems. I hope that young people will not follow the crowd and join in the trend, but should bravely express themselves and change the status quo.

No era is fixed. If it is generally believed that society is fixed, it means that this society has begun to decline. If we are content with the status quo and do not want to change, we may face greater difficulties in the future.

But don’t worry too much and keep a normal attitude. I think I will always watch the changes of this era. I just hope that everyone doesn’t see me. " Zhao Yi said.

When the host heard his last words, he felt very strange and asked: "Why do you hope that people don't see you?"

"Since I plan to retire, I will naturally not show my face easily. If I appear in the public eye, it will probably be the time when disaster strikes." Zhao Yi said.

"Then when do you think there will be a big disaster?" the host then asked.

"I'm not a prophet. I don't know when a disaster will happen. It may be tomorrow, it may be the day after tomorrow. Who can say for sure!" Zhao Yi said.

This program is specially broadcast live by CCTV. The previous program was recorded and broadcast. The reason why it is broadcast live is that we hope to answer everyone's concerns as soon as possible.

After recording the show, he returned home. Lin Hexia and Zhou Jinyu also watched the live broadcast of the show and were quite concerned about some of the questions he answered.

"Are you really planning to retire?" Lin Hexia asked.

"This can still deceive people, I am retreating from the rapids, and no one will see that I am in the way!" Zhao Yi said.

"Then there is no need to donate all the shares of these companies, otherwise your strength will be greatly weakened and may cause other problems." Lin Hexia said.

"What's the problem? Since I dare to do this, I must have made complete preparations, and leaving so much wealth in my own hands is only a burden and cannot bring me happiness." Zhao Yi said.

"What about Hong Kong Umbrella Holdings?" Lin Hexia asked.

"If you want to continue to manage, then do it. If you don't want to, just hand it over to the executive vice president. You can even resign directly as president and let the executive vice president serve as president." Zhao Yi said.

"Then I will also resign from several foundation positions. If you are worried, you can arrange for someone to take over. I will follow you to the end of the world with my sword from now on!" Lin Hexia asked.

Seeing them nakedly showing affection in front of her, Zhou Jinyu felt uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't say anything, after all, they were a couple.

"How about I also resign as a university teacher and engage in music with peace of mind from now on?" Zhou Jinyu asked.

"If you find it troublesome to be a teacher, just quit. Anyway, colleges and universities are no longer short of teachers now as before." Zhao Yi said.

Originally, he felt that there was no need to resign, but after thinking about it, it was better to just resign. However, this matter was Zhou Jinyu's own business after all, and he was only suggesting it.

Since he planned to donate his shares, he had nothing to hesitate. The next day he held a plenary meeting to discuss the matter.

The main purpose was to discuss the organization method of this non-profit fund and try to design the structure as perfect as possible. Although he knew that there was no perfect system and structure in the world, he still had to try to make it as perfect as possible.

According to the discussion, the name of this non-profit fund was set as "China Foundation", and it was originally intended to use several qualifiers to indicate the business scope of the foundation.

However, after much discussion, I felt that a few qualifiers could not represent the meaning of the foundation, so I simply removed it.

Because the China Foundation covers almost all aspects of the domestic economy and people's livelihood, and is also responsible for the development of science and technology, it cannot be defined by a few simple qualifiers.

As for the organizational structure, it is not that complicated. There are only three departments. One is the Supervision Department, which mainly supervises the operation of the foundation and supervises long-pending issues to avoid delaying issues in the future.

The most common way to paralyze an organization is to prevent the organization from making effective decisions. Over time, the organization will be unable to function, which is a de facto state of paralysis.

The members of the Supervision Department are all artificial intelligence and robots, and they do not intend to let real people take the lead, because as long as people have selfish motives, it is difficult to guarantee that they will always act out of public motives.

Moreover, his companies are very confident in the artificial intelligence and robotics technology he has mastered. It is also based on this consideration that they agreed to do this, otherwise no one would be assured.

In addition to the Supervision Department, the most important thing is the Executive Committee, which will be served by the current president of a first-level enterprise in the foundation to avoid direct separation between execution and reality, causing problems during the execution process.

In addition to the presidents of these companies, officials from the central bank and the Ministry of Finance will also be invited to serve as independent committee members to participate in the management of the foundation and have a certain degree of influence.

The main purpose is to avoid conflicts between the interests of the foundation and the country. With these two independent committee members, we will try our best to strike a balance between the two.

In addition, there is also a decision-making research department, which mainly conducts research on some major issues and problems that may be faced in the future, and provides them to the executive committee as a reference and decision-making basis.

The members of this research department are relatively complex. There will be retired former executive committee members, as well as important experts and scholars. This department only has the right to make suggestions.

As for Zhao Yi himself, he has no plans to arrange a position for himself. With the Supervision Department here, at least he still has the ability to influence the operation of the foundation.

Moreover, these current members of the executive committee are almost all his direct subordinates. At least during their term of office, his influence can be guaranteed.

The term of the executive committee has no number of years. As long as you are not the current president, you will automatically lose the qualifications of the executive committee. This is a dynamic term.

As for how to decide on the appointment and removal of the president, we mainly consider it from two aspects. The first is that the Supervision Department finds serious problems through assessment and inspection, which may be used as a basis for removal.

The second is that members of the Executive Committee will discuss removal and appointment issues based on the proposal of the Supervision Department. The Executive Committee itself is not qualified to nominate candidates or propose removal proposals.

Of course, the above is just a simple overview. In fact, there are too many details that need to be discussed. It is not something that can be completed in a day or two. It would be good to be able to complete this work this year.

As for Xuantian Technology Company, there will not be much change. He plans to just let the existing employees go through the resignation procedures and let robots take over all the work.

Since he planned to retire, he naturally did not need to stay in the capital for a long time, so he also began to prepare for his retirement life, mainly planning to choose a place with beautiful scenery to "retire".

However, the location selection cannot be decided in a short while. It needs to provide enough choices and Lin Hexia's consent. After all, this is not his business alone.

Just as Zhao Yi was preparing, the old man called and asked him to go to his place and wanted to discuss some issues. Zhao Yi agreed.

The government also called and wanted to talk to him in person. Even the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering wanted to talk to him in person.

On the government side, he agreed. After all, his decision was not a trivial matter and required good communication on some issues. However, on the two houses of parliament, he refused.

Because he was only there in name, and there was no overlap in actual work, so there was nothing to talk about, and purely polite words meant nothing to him.

In addition, he is also concerned about the detained vice president of the Shangtong Trading Company. He is mainly concerned about the status of the investigation of the Freemasonry. As for litigation, he is not afraid of it. (End of chapter)